Rescuing Trobror: Stage Two
Directing the group to lower themselves onto a nearby rooftop, you land next to the Glory Girl. With a virulent red glow that makes the others flinch, you absorb some of Cattleya's magicka and say, "Glory Girl and I will sneak in while the rest of you keep watch."

"We should stay together, this is Hookwolf's territory." Carol disagrees, giving her daughter an uneasy look. "I don't want you getting caught alone in there."

Rather than wait for the girl to argue, you simply cast Invisibility on the both of you. "We will be unnoticeable. This is the safest way to ensure that we free any hostages before the situation becomes more dangerous. Once Trobror is free, I will signal you to begin the attack."

Pulling Vicky along by her hand to prevent separation, you fly into a top floor window that one of the lookouts is using to vent tobacco smoke. Immediately noticing your movement through the smoke, the criminal stands to alert the others and you are forced to choke him into unconsciousness, lifting him into the air to make it harder for him to struggle.

"Jeeze, that's creepy to watch." Vicky whispers as you set the man down in a broom closet and melt the inner handle.

Taking her arm once more, you exit the room. "If you say so, now keep an eye out for any opportune moments to remove enemies from the coming confrontation."

The two of you make your way through the halls and down onto the second floor, skirting the ceiling unless a conveniently solitary gang member is spotted as you check each room for Trobror. As it turns out, the teen is quite capable when it comes to stealth eliminations, needing only minimal provocation before she is almost gleefully strangling men twice her size. Soon enough she is even going so far as to carefully create holes in the ceiling of disused rooms in which she can hide her motionless victims. If you didn't know any better, her methods might make you think it was the spider version that was with you.

After the twelfth target is stuffed into the space between floors, perhaps a bit forcefully after having soiled himself in her grasp, you whisper, "Easy child, if we remove too many, they will grow suspicious."

"What?! But I... yeah, okay." She says dejectedly, her breath heaving despite the lack of real exertion. Taking note of her peculiar fondness for violence that her counterpart doesn't seem to posses, you make your way to the ground floor.

The entire floor appears to have been modified into a singular large room with only around twenty pillars doing anything to support the rest of the building. Much of the space is filled with men and women who are participating in full contact sparing, maintaining weapons, or dividing large crates of unusually colored bricks into smaller boxes. One exception seems to have been made for a small corner office where a large Nordic man is lounging, but even that is largely bare if you ignore the stack of steel lockboxes and Trobror's equipment that is visible through the window. Beside the office is an open staircase with a pair of blonde women standing guard.

You suppose they could be considered armored... if a metal corset can be considered armor. Hopefully it is meant for aesthetics over protection, because it only covers about the same amount of their vitals as a Golden Saint's or Dark Seducer's armor, the breast swells on their armor actually serving to guide an arrow into the heart or lungs. If appearances are anything to go by, you feel it safe to assume these two are Fenja and Menja, the twins that can turn into giants.

Thanks to the need for stealth, you have been forced to refrain from using Clairvoyance whilst inside the building, but the presence of two parahuman guards obviously means that your objective is just beyond them.

As you drag Vicky closer, an inconvenient buzz sounds from inside her pocket and she curses. Still, neither woman notices the two of you approach, though the one with the missing eye gives an annoyed glance to the nearest group of underlings at the sound.

Once beyond them, you enter the basement and see hundreds of crates and piles of objects that you do not recognize. Without such obstacles, the room would be like the one above, but is instead almost a maze of junk. Other than a few injured people being tended to by an apparent Daedric cultist, the basement is absent of people. On the far end is an old cargo elevator, the doors replaced by a outward swinging gate of solid steel and an obscenely large crossbar.

Status: Healthy, invisible for another minute.
Magicka: (300/650)

Choose 1:

[] Signal for the attack and then focus on the cultist while Vicky opens the cell.

[] Muffle the cell door so the cultist doesn't notice the sound and sneak out with Trobror.

[] Steal Trobror's gear from the office while Vicky deals with the cultist.

[] Write in.
[X] Muffle the cell door so the cultist doesn't notice the sound and sneak out with Trobror.

Yeah, this might work. Since we dont know how to use Torbor's gear. Taking out Othala might be good, but risks getting trapped in here with Fenja and Menja
As it turns out, the teen is quite capable when it comes to stealth eliminations, needing only minimal provocation before she is almost gleefully strangling men twice her size. Soon enough she is even going so far as to carefully create holes in the ceiling of disused rooms in which she can hide her motionless victims. If you didn't know any better, her methods might make you think it was the spider version that was with you.

After the twelfth target is stuffed into the space between floors, perhaps a bit forcefully after having soiled himself in her grasp, you whisper, "Easy child, if we remove too many, they will grow suspicious."

"What?! But I... yeah, okay." She says dejectedly
Wow... I'm not sure how to think about a Vicky that could fit better with Cynric than the one we already have. Heh.

[X] Steal Trobror's gear from the office while Vicky deals with the cultist.
While we don't know how the gear works, we don't need to know that to take it with us, or else it might be left behind if Trobror gets discovered while escaping and everyone needs to get out ASAP.
"What?! But I... yeah, okay." She says dejectedly, her breath heaving despite the lack of real exertion. Taking note of her peculiar fondness for violence that her counterpart doesn't seem to posses, you make your way to the ground floor.

Say, if we open a portal to their symbiote, can we keep them (and their powers) when we leave Worm? 'cause I wanna keep them. :oops:

[X] Muffle the cell door so the cultist doesn't notice the sound and sneak out with Trobror.
[X] Muffle the cell door so the cultist doesn't notice the sound and sneak out with Trobror.

Say, if we open a portal to their symbiote, can we keep them (and their powers) when we leave Worm? 'cause I wanna keep them. :oops:
Like making an Oblivion Gate to each world containing the shard of the desired parahumans? Because that will work only until Zion destroys all of the Worm Earths... And the only weapon you could get in a reasonable timespan capable of killing him is in Zelda. Given how wonky time is between worlds that aren't Earth(discounting places like DBZ, which share the name despite being nothing alike), it would be wiser to work on an alternative way of keeping the shards around.
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Rescuing Trobror: Stage Three
Quietly ordering Vicky to keep an eye on the cultist, you step up to cell door and cast Muffle on the entire thing. While ordinarily not used for an object, the sound removing spell actually functions much better when used as such due to the limited range of sounds that that inanimate objects can produce compared to a living being. Case in point; the large door is easily enveloped in the effect when you would need to put much more power into silencing an equally large amount of living matter such as a giant.

Even then, the giants' sometimes employing the Thu'um like those ancient Greybeards on High Hrothgar would make the effect useless if they refused to cooperate.

Shaking off the distraction, you focus on opening the now silenced barrier, but the crossbar doesn't budge. It's just too heavy for you alone and though the Empire probably needed it to contain Trobror, requiring several men to open the cell must have been irritating. Luckily for you the problem is solved by a simple swap with Glory Girl and the door is soon gliding open as though weightless.

Less fortunate is the fact that the fleshy sound of a mechanical blade tearing into meat immediately echoes out into the rest of the basement. Realizing the danger immediately, Vicky drops all attempts at stealth and speeds back the way you came to subdue the robed cultist and the others, leaving you with the gore covered blonde man that had just noticed the shift in lighting.

Turning off his tool, the man turns. "What is it n- Shit!"

Immediately, the man draws a pistol and fires at you while simultaneously diving behind the solid steel block that Trobror is chained down on. Three bullets lodge themselves into your body armor, knocking you down from the shock of it as you hear a crack and your breath leaves you from the impact. Awkwardly rolling backward with your fall, you manage to find cover behind the cell's doorframe before your enemy can get another shot off.

"What are you doing here?" Trobror calmly asks from within as you catch your breath.

Rather than do something foolhardy like rush back in or attempt to duel the man with your own pistol, you're not Louise after all, you simply summon a scamp on top of the man and wait for the screaming to stop.

Answering the Lizard man, you simply tell him, "You were taking too long in returning, so I came to collect you."

"Well... I was going to escape on my own, but a rescue works too." The Krogan says by way of thanks, though he sounds more disappointed in your arrival than actually thankful. "You seen my gear anywhere out there?"

Looking back to Vicky, you see she has not only defeated the cultist and her wounded minions with ease, but is now engaging with the swollen forms of the twin parahumans from upstairs. Knowing that she can handle them with the room restricting their size, you throw an orb of pulsing light through the ceiling and into the air above the building before beginning to unclasp the Krogan's bindings.

You gesture with your head toward the exit while fighting with the heavy metal clasps around his limbs, neck, and torso. "There is an office on the floor above us, I believe all of your equipment can be found within... your armor at the very least."

Despite missing a hand and having several holes drilled into his joints, the old reptile hardly makes a sound of discomfort as he climbs up off of the makeshift table and rolls his shoulders. A cacophony of crashing sounds, shouting, gunshots, dull thuds, and the sound of hundreds of scrapping blades come from up the stairs as the two of you exit the cell. You make it out just in time to see Fenja or Menja drop to the floor unconscious from Glory Girl's assault and the other makes a hasty retreat.

"Hey old dude and uh... naked alien dude?" The blonde heroine says unsurely as she roughly drags the quickly bruising and shrinking pseudo-giantess over to you. "I think my fam... okay, why do I smell burnt pork and vomit?"

The reason would be that humans are very similar to pigs in taste, therefore putting off a similarly bad scent... the vomit would just be due to scamps being notoriously foul smelling for no apparent reason. Rather than tell her that, you set the scamp to start devouring it's victim. It wouldn't do to risk New Wave reacting poorly to the man's death, since you don't know enough to gauge their reaction to such things.

Status: Healthy.
Magicka: (80/650)


[] Have Trobror and Vicky clear a path to link up with the others.
-[] Order Cattleya to transform, she and the Victorias deal with the biggest threats while the rest of you support them.
-[] Let New Wave take charge, the family of parahumans have more intel and experience fighting this faction.​

[] Send the scamp as a distraction while the three of you rush for Trobror's gear, avoiding the conflict if possible.

[] Your objective is complete, you should just focus on escaping while you can.

[] Write in.

A/N: Summon Scamp added to Cynric's spell list... though the little beasts aren't all that useful. Cynric's body armor is also heavily damaged and won't stand up to more than another two small caliber rounds to the chest.
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[X] Have Trobror and Vicky clear a path to link up with the others.
-[x] Let New Wave take charge, the family of parahumans have more intel and experience fighting this faction.

We brought them. Might as well use them.
[X] Send the scamp as a distraction while the three of you rush for Trobror's gear, avoiding the conflict if possible.
Damnit, I thought I fixed that.

I'm going to assume you meant "a pair of scamps", since summoning one on two sides would be weird. You only mention one in later parts of the chapter though.
You reread the chapter and realized that you had simply misread it the first time. Yes, the lizard man is an alien, but you see no reason to be alarmed or concerned in any way over his presence. We're done here.
[X] Have Trobror and Vicky clear a path to link up with the others.
-[X] Let New Wave take charge, the family of parahumans have more intel and experience fighting this faction.
[X] Send the scamp as a distraction while the three of you rush for Trobror's gear, avoiding the conflict if possible.

Linking up with others can be done after getting the gear. There is absolutely no reason good enough to leave the irreplaceable high tech gear behind.
[X] Send the scamp as a distraction while the three of you rush for Trobror's gear, avoiding the conflict if possible.
[X] Send the scamp as a distraction while the three of you rush for Trobror's gear, avoiding the conflict if possible.
Rescuing Trobror: Mission Success?
"Never mind the smell, do something to restrain that parahuman before she awakens." You tell the girl, causing her to do so quickly and with wrinkled nose.

Trobror and yourself hurry to throw the unconscious cultist and her followers into the cell while Vicky does as instructed. The blonde's solution to the giantess' growth abilities is to rip some metal pipes from the walls of the building and wrap them around the woman's limbs. Either through malice or ignorance, she also encircles the woman's neck with a jagged piece of metal that will easily pierce the her throat before the size increase can mitigate the damage.

You don't bother to question it, since you would do similar if not simply killing the woman outright.

Just before the door to the cell closes, you order the scamp to exit, eliciting a startled sound from Glory Girl. "What the fuck is that thing?!"

"A scamp." You answer simply, though she doesn't look satisfied, so you explain, "It is a minor daedra, an immortal denizen of Oblivion with low power and moderate intelligence."

"O-Oblivion? The place Louise said was basically hell? Did... Did you really just summon a fucking demon?!" The heroine asks incredulously through pinched nose and covered mouth. The smell put off by scamps really is quite horrid, so you can't blame her for that. However...

"Demon? Really?" The derisive scoff that escapes your lips might not be entirely warranted since she couldn't have learned better, but the word just sounds ridiculous to one of your learning. "While the term is somewhat accurate, such outdated thoughts have long been replaced with commonly accepted elven nomenclature by all but the most staunch of monastic groups."

Stepping forward and distracting the blonde from her rebuttal, Trobror impatiently states, "Enough jabbering, the fight isn't over yet!"

"Right, so lets go knock some heads together big guy." Vicky says with a grin, which turns to a blushing grimace as he turns fully to face her. "Maybe cover up first?"

Looking down to his bare... anatomy, the Krogan shrugs and steps past her without a care for his nudity. The blonde turns to give you a helpless look, but you ignore it and follow the reptilian alien. "Ugh, now there's gonna be alien junk in my nightmares."

"Go burn anything wearing red and black, then lure them in the opposite direction from the office." You command the simian daedroth. While not necessary to verbalize your orders, it makes your goal clear to the others without a long explanation.

As the scamp lopes up the stairs, the sound of battle peters to a halt for a moment when one of the fighters point's it out to the rest. Just as soon as the confusion at the little monkey-like creature's sudden appearance sets in, it lets loose a screech and several people start screaming. Rushing up the stairs, you're greeted to the sight of a panicking Empire woman struggling to pull the daedroth from it's perch on her shoulders as it uses her wild spinning to fling it's fire-spewing hands all around.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Manpower throws an orb of light with ridiculous force and it crashes into the remaining giantess' gut hard enough to send her rolling backward. Upon stopping, the orb shows no sign of shifting shape before it is instantly changed into Brandish, her light blades pinning the wheezing giantess to the floor lest her head be removed by the weapons. When several nearby gang members recover from the repeated shocks of the scamp and their superior's state, their responding gunfire toward Carol is rendered useless against Lady Photon's barriers. At first glance it would appear that New wave is winning the confrontation with no problems, the three adult members playing to each other's strengths and covering weaknesses with expert skill.

That is until you notice Hookwolf taking advantage of Sarah's distraction to escape from the barrier prison she had seemingly caught him in during the scamp's arrival. Of course, that is their problem, as your group makes a break for the corner office. By the time you make it inside, the battle has turned once more in the gang's favor, with their greater numbers forcing Carol to retreat behind her sister to avoid the hail of gunfire while Manpower ignores them all in favor of wrestling with the whirling mass of blades that is no longer bothering with maintaining a canine form.

You can hear Trobror opening his armor and instructing a frantic Glory Girl on how to assist him in donning it while you search the office for his shotgun. After almost a minute of searching unsuccessfully, you give it up as a lost cause in favor of returning your attention to the battle in time to see Victoria change the tide of battle again by charging her super-heated bulk through the back wall of the building. Bricks scatter and injure a dozen gang members who were unfortunate enough to stand close by, bringing their remaining numbers down to roughly twenty.

A much more manageable number than the nearly seventy that had been present when you entered the basement.

Rapidly picking her way through the masses of moaning bodies on the floor, careful to avoid impaling anyone on her spear-like feet, the arachnid teen vomits a torrent of lava onto Hookwolf's shifting form. While not too effective at damaging the parahuman, it does distract him from the fight with Neil, giving the man an opening to separate a clump of blades from the rest with his magnetic power. Beneath the parted portion of metal is a flesh toned sphere that just as quickly grows a new skin of razors as the older ones collapse uselessly to the ground.

A familiar blast of the weapon you were looking for resonates through the building, followed immediately by Victoria's right arm practically disintegrating at the shoulder... The gang member responsible getting killed by the recoil collapsing his chest cavity. Despite the wound already being to scab over with cooling obsidian, her agonized scream distracts the three adult heroes and gives Hookwolf time to drag himself away from Manpower.

Hookwolf proves in that moment that he is more than capable of reading the obvious conclusion to the fight, since after seeing your group and Victoria's quick recovery, he pounces on the still recovering spider-girl and uses his multitude of blades to sever the majority of her legs while using her as a springboard to propel himself out of the hole she made.

Seeing their leader abandon them, the remaining Empire soldiers that aren't wrestling with your scamp begin to flee. As the fighting dies down for good, you hear three things that stand out above the chaos. Trobror's armor locking into place and powering on, the lack of any sort of siren to signify the local guardsmen or PRT closing in on the scene as you would expect, and a high pitched scream from outside.

Status: Healthy.
Magicka: (80/650)


[] He's probably encountered Amy and Cattleya. Pursue Hookwolf and take him down.
-[] You lack enough magicka to do much to him, but you have enough for a single casting of corrode that should allow Trobror to put the parahuman down.
-[] Attempt to reproduce Louise's explosion spell. You've seen her do it plenty of times and know it is cheap enough to cast several times even with your current level of magicka.
-[] Use Equilibrium to restore your magicka and then paralyze him.​

[] Leave it to the others while you secure Fenja, Menja, and the cultist for transport back to the outpost.
-[] Check on Victoria while you're at it.
-[] Rummage around the basement for anything useful.

[] POV switch: Cattleya.

[] Write in.

A/N: I'm surprised nobody mentioned Trobror's ability to still speak english without his gear, but I will explain anyway for those who might have and not mentioned it. His translator is in his omni-tool, which is military grade and therefor primarily an implant in his forearm that pings with additional tech in his suit for better performance.
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[X] He's probably encountered Amy and Cattleya. Pursue Hookwolf and take him down.
-[X] Use Equilibrium to restore your magicka and then paralyse him.

No point damage racing someone who can regenerate from endbringer damage.
[X] He's probably encountered Amy and Cattleya. Pursue Hookwolf and take him down.
-[X] You lack enough magicka to do much to him, but you have enough for a single casting of corrode that should allow Trobror to put the parahuman down.

Since Trobror should have his gun back from the guy who died trying to use it, it's time to end this threat and claim the bounty. Everything else can come after ensuring he finally dies.

Edit: Also, risking Cynric's health through Equilibrium should be a last option when it's absolutely required, not something to be done at will when in dangerous territory like this city filled with more Parahumans.
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Sheesh. This is the FUBAR situation that Worm-verse usually only encounters on s9 or equivalent encounters. Well done.