"Calm down, it's not as bad as you're thinking. Trust me, it would be more concerning if they didn't place an honor guard on the room of a foreign noble to whom they're indebted." Came Louise's blithe response as she tried, unsuccessfully, to bat aside Hinata's hand.
Thankfully the Hyuga was too busy worrying over the potential danger to maintain her constant pressure and was soon nervously searching through her hidden pouches, leaving the pinkette free to finally sit up as her words were all but ignored. Unfortunately, she was still worrying over the potential danger and was liable to knock herself out from excessive breathing. It seemed it was once again up to the elder girl to play the role of steward for the child.
Sighing, she reached over and grabbed the panicking girl by the hand. "Look Hinata, I know you are from a very different place and aren't used to this sort of thing, but I am. These people aren't like the ones at your homeland... they're like a softer, more naive version of my own. To them, we're children, not 'ninjas' or 'wizards' or soldiers or anything else, just talented children who need to be taken care of. As much as it irritates me, they would sooner try to force us into an orphanage 'for our own good' than imprison or assassinate us. I know this is strange to you considering what little you've said of your homeland so... If you can't handle this, you can go back, I won't make you stay with me."
"No... I-I won't abandon a friend." Hinata said, her dark hair whipping about as she shook her head forcefully. "I'm not comfortable with this... these people... none of this makes any sense. What's wrong with you?" She paused for a moment and blushed, looking shocked at what she had just asked. "N-n-not like t-that. I didn't... Ano... I... I like you, b-but... but you aren't normally this c-considerate about 'commoners'."
Covering her mouth as she laughed, Louise moved to stand and said comfortingly, "Please, I couldn't care less if the rabble all leapt from their overly large buildings. Just because I'm not actively deriding them, doesn't mean they're important, I simply don't wish to drive away our allies."
Oddly enough, the younger girl didn't seem entirely reassured by that declaration, her expression torn between relief and worry. Probably the same naivety that caused her to let the commoners on the other world push her around. Honestly, the child was moments away from stabbing the guards and 'rescuing' her, yet gets concerned over such trivial statements. Hinata really was a strange girl.
Shaking her head, Louise looked over to the armoire on the other side of the room. If her dress was anywhere nearby, that would be the place to check. Rummaging through the drawers, she found several copies of her current coverings folded neatly, a pair of slippers, and a polished metal bowl with oddly shaped sides. Throwing open the doors above the drawers, she found no sign of her dress, but the datapad she'd acquired on her first night was sitting inside.
Grabbing the device, she made her way back to the bed and sat down to search the... World-wide Web? Shuddering at the thought of what spider could make such a web, she tried her best to put that out of mind. It wouldn't do to be distracted by such horrors. "What's happened while I was asleep? Has the city exploded?" She asked jokingly.
Only to choke on saliva when Hinata replied, "Yes."
"W-what?! Why didn't you say anything sooner?!" Practically flying to the window, she looked out to see large swathes of city decimated by spellfire. Pale yellow spheres filled with motionless people littered the streets, entire buildings were toppled by spontaneously formed glaciers, glowing green slime slowly oozed up the Medhall building and crystallized as it reached the apex, and debris floated high above as if on windstones.
"I-I'm sorry!" She squeaked. "It was over before you passed out, I thought you knew."
"Of course I didn't know, didn't you see I was a bit distracted?!" The pinkette cried, staring at the unnaturally black orb that was pulsating above the center of the city. She could barely make out the dozens of dots that must have been people, those unfortunate souls flailing helplessly as they were caught in the rhythmic pushing and pulling along with a lot of rubble.
"T-they didn't let me stay in the room." Hinata said quietly.
Sighing, Louise forced herself away from the window and sat back down. It was no use complaining about something that happened days ago, she would just need to find out what exactly happened. "Okay, here's what we are going to do. Since these people conveniently put all of their information on these things-" She held up the phone-comepewter. "-I'm going to see what I can find out. While I'm doing that, I need you to do two things for me."
Smirking at the girl's suddenly rigid postured, Louise held up two fingers and counted off, "One, I need you to sneak around the building and see if you can find out anything useful. People talking about recent events, rumors of who or why this happened, basically anything that might be important. Two... could you please bring me some actual food? I would get it myself, but someone doesn't want me to leave."
Stuttering a guilty apology, the Hyuga formed a strange hand sign before erupting in a cloud of smoke. Once the smoke cleared, she fled the room without a word, leaving a perfect copy leaning against the bed. Curious about what just happened, Louise reached out to the doppelganger and tilted her head in confusion as it not only didn't react in the slightest, but her hand went straight through it.
What's the point in a copy that doesn't do anything? That must be the most pathetic wind-clone I've ever heard of. I didn't even know Hinata was a wind mage! I may be useless at those kinds of spells, but maybe Cattleya can help her. M-Karin was a wind mage after all, surely she passed her knowledge onto the daughters she actually liked.
Trying not to acknowledge the sudden upsurge of resentment those thoughts caused, Louise started tapping away at the device in her hands... but where would she find the most reliable information?
Choose 1:
[] Parahumans Online
[] the Brockton Daily Post
[] Channel 3 ne- Is that a cat? Why is it on that guy's head? Silly cat.
After Hinata returns:
[] Stay at the hospital and use the terrifying spider's web to work on The List.
[] Your dress is missing and the hospital owes you money, retrieve them!
[] Turn invisible and go to the antique shop lair.
[] Study magic
[] Be proactive! Hunt down these 'Undersiders' before they can hunt you.
[] Write in.
A/N: Choose as many options for the second vote as you want so long as they don't conflict with each other.