Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Well, in HQ, not only does it cost resources, they also need to be trained to survive stuff like day 49. In a branch, you can just tell anyone "youre an agent now" and get a new agent :V
oh, don't forget that you lose gear too if an agent dies, and do you really want to work with that annoying abno like 20 more times for another copy of that suit?
Apologies for the significant delay, my power was cut off and I have been unable to write as a result. The usual schedule will resume when I get everything sorted.
2.2.6 - Il Direttore E Il Dottore
Chapter 102 - Il Direttore E Il Dottore

You consider the man standing before you. On one hand, all accounts you've received paint Argalia as a monster. He might sound affable, friendly, even kind, but terrible people very often do. He is a delusional madman who shares a goal with the least sane, most dangerous of Ayin's selves and would no doubt dedicate everything he had to convincing you to tear off your shell if he knew what would happen if you did. He's your mother's most devoted follower since Ayin chose to side against her, supporting her insane goal of transforming all of humanity into uncontrolled monsters.

On the other hand, you are in desperate need of help. You can't face another Aleph-Class Abnormality, especially not without suffering heavy losses. Mami and Sayaka are too vulnerable, Kyoko and Homura aren't emotionally stable enough, and you already know you can't match up to proper Abnormalities of that level. Argalia might be a crazy mass-murderer, but he's a very competent crazy mass murderer who is presently maintaining at least a guise of cooperativeness. You don't exactly have the luxury of dismissing him out of hand.

"Alright, first things first," you start, lowering your weapons. They scatter into ethereal embers of light, leaving the swirling clouds to drift around you, ready to be called on at a moment's notice. "We're not having this conversation out here where we can get easily spotted. Into the house."

Without hesitation, the Distorted fixer turns and leaps back down to the street level. He lands with a theatrical flourish, tapping a nearby door with the tip of his scythe and letting it slowly open. You're torn between commenting on the excessive showiness of it and keeping your silence to avoid potentially setting off a dangerous lunatic.

In the end, you hold your tongue and hop down after Argalia, weapons still poised to appear. The Distortion gives you no reason to attack, however, as you and Kyoko slip into the house behind him. The dwelling is just as unnervingly unoccupied as the last, complete with its own overly-pretentious art collection. Your focus is more occupied with Argalia, sitting casually on one of the tables. Leonie has left his hand for the first time since you encountered the pair, lying beside him on the glass tabletop. You note the faint click of the door as Kyoko enters behind you, taking a few careful steps before coming to stop at your side.

"So." you begin, fixing the Blue Reverberation with an accusatory scowl. "I thought you were supposed to be dead. You look pretty good for a dead guy. Then again, I hear you already did this song and dance once."

Argalia lets out a melodious chuckle. The simple sound sends the silvery clouds that make up his hair spreading and curling outwards, like the edges of a forming storm. "It does certainly seem that way, doesn't it? I'll admit that it came as quite a shock to find myself returned to the world of the living a second time. Much less an entirely different world!" With that exclamation, his jubilant subsides and the cloudy plumes floating around him settle back into a more solid shape. "I truly had thought it was over when my dear brother in law had slain me, but it seems as though my part has not ended just yet."

You nobly resist the urge to scream at Argalia to just get to the point. Him just being here is setting you on edge, and if he keeps talking in such a roundabout manner you're going to have some very unpleasant flashbacks and then severely tank the local property value.

Well, you probably won't go that far. But it won't be pleasant.

Fortunately, the local housing industry is spared your theoretical wrath.

"It was an Abnormality calling herself the Wizard of Oz that called me back this time. I had been hoping to express my gratitude for the opportunity she granted me, but alas she and I suffered some irreconcilable creative differences. It was sheer fortune that I managed to rescue Leonie here after your little performance last week. We have done our best to stay ahead of the Wizard in the past week, but that last encounter was a little closer than I would prefer, I must admit." Then, as if suddenly remembering who else is is the room, he adds "Though that's no fault of yours, Leonie dear. It was bound to happen eventually, and it's all worked out for the better in the end, hasn't it?" The objectified Distortion doesn't respond, which Argalia seems to take as agreement. Your mind is still partly occupied by a particularly important detail that the former Fixer briefly mentioned during his little spiel.

"Hold on, you're saying that she brought you back from the dead? And not only was that more than a week ago, but you've been actively avoiding her that whole time?" you say. Reviving the dead outright is practically impossible. Angela's EGO cheats, and you could undo deaths easily enough back in the Facility, but this sort of outright, independent resurrection is something that only one Abnormality is capable of. You knew the Adult had something of the sort from Angela's information on it, but this goes far past anything you expected. Kyoko, who had been standing warily beside you since she entered, flinches at your inquiry. Argalia notices too, judging by the tiny flicker of the light within his head, but doesn't comment.

"If you're hoping to learn about that old crone, you're better off asking Leonie. The poor girl ended up forced into service under her for some time before I stumbled upon her." At Argalia's prompting, Leonie's mechanical voice fills the air once again.

"Oz doesn't do it alone. She can bring people back without help, but they don't last very long. She wouldn't have been able to revive sir Argalia properly if not for the fact that she found two other Magical Girls with special forms of Magic. One of them could create creatures, and another could convert Grief into energy. Some time before I met her, she turned the two of them into a special tool." You hadn't quite noticed it before, but Leonie's voice is rather flat. Even when acting apologetic, there's barely a few faint embers of emotion in her. But at mention of this tool that the Adult made, a slight tremor enters the young Distortion's voice. "With it, she can make the people she brings back last a lot longer. Like giving them a battery, she said. Sir Argalia was made early, so he has more independence than the other things she makes."

"Thank you, that was very informative." you say in a less than subtle dig at Argalia's flowery language. "While I'd like to hear more about your time working under the Abnormality, I have a more pressing question for your friend here." You fix your gaze to Argalia, who straightens ever so slightly at your sudden inscrution. "Specifically, about the fact that you were looking for me. Well, here I am. So what now?"

The Reverb Ensemble's Conductor freezes for a moment, then breaks into the same humming laughter you heard before. "Do forgive me, it seems I've given off the wrong impression. I was seeking you out, yes, but causing you any sort of suffering was the furthest thing from my mind. No, I'd simply like for you to allow Leonie and I to help with your next performance."

"My next performance." you repeat in a deadpan tone.

"Why, yes! That Light you gave us not so long ago. Ah, it had been so long since I heard such a wonderful melody. It's thanks to you that Leonie and I had our meeting, and I see you've already found an enlightened soul as well." Argalia turns his full attention towards Kyoko for the first time since meeting her, silvery smoke curling happily around him all the while. When Kyoko doesn't return the positive attention and instead glares at the man, he turns back to you without a signal sign of dissatisfaction.

You're going to have to contact Angela after this, you think to yourself. She and Roland deserve to know that Argalia is still alive and still planning his same scheme. In the more immediate, you have a choice to make. You still need the help, and it seems like the Distorted Fixer would actually be happy to lend it. But any alliances made with him would be built on sand; all under the premise that you actually want to spread the Light across this world and give rise to more Distortions. You will have to cross blades with Argalia sooner or later. But which one will it be?


Cooperate with Argalia against the Adult Who Tells Lies?
[] Yes
[] No
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

My power is back at last! Now nothing can stop me except for my own lack of self-confidence! Hooray!

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As I said before.

We might not want to have Argalia working outside of our field of vision. Even if X disagrees with his insanity (good), he's far more problematic working independently.

Do remember that we have the knowledge that Carmen is lurking around somewhere scheming as she does.

Letting Argalia leaves X's Orbit is risky with that in mind. Plus, if we do decide to off the man later on, having him nearby instead of hidden who knows where is much more convenient.

Distorted Argalia is not weak. He might not be strong enough to fight against the Adult or even X's shell (maybe. Big maybe) but He's still a Color Distortion.

ALSO! We can use this opportunity to do a trade of what I tried to bring up before!
[X] Yes
-[X] Ask him to let you use Lobotomy on him
why not?
We love crazy people in this house.
[X] Yes
-[X] The orchestra cannot play without the instruments, so unless we found them the performance that signals a new age will not start.

A bit of Adam energy I know
Besides, two of our kids are distortions.

Having 2 more added wouldn't be too strange. It would just be us taking after Mom and collecting Distortions while our sister collects E.G.Os.
So we didn't fight a doppelganger
We fought a lobotmized zombie...... that's........
I feel sorry for the reverb ensemble
I already felt bad for what happened but this
I want to feed the adult to walpurgis
I am hating that bad
Which is very, very impressive bravo lep, bravo
Excellent writing
[X] Yes
-[X] The orchestra cannot play without the instruments, so unless we found them the performance that signals a new age will not start.

I know he's insane, but hear me out. Color Fixer. And also what everyone else is saying.
I'm also saying that we should totally Lobotomy him ya know?

I'm not expecting much but this is an opportunity to cut up his head and see what he ticks!

Also, Naron, don't go stealing our sibling's man! Angela is already the bullied one in the family!
I'm not comfortable about Roland and Angela having a relationship that's not friends only, not when both of them still have a bit of those old baggage on them.
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Yeah. That's true.

But I ain't seeing them being with anyone other than themselves either.

Since Angela kinda despises Ayin so there are no real lost feelings on that part. She got better post-Keter-Realization, but it's definitely not by that much.

Roland is ... well he decided to move on already with Angelica based on his conversation with Argalia, but it will probably be some time before the man starts looking for that kind of relationship.
So it's mainly on Roland's part rather than Angela's.

You can't be a sibling and not tease your sibling about their relationship.
[X] Yes

Sure, sounds like we'll need the firepower.

And yikes, the speaker of the untrue turned two the trio into The Mill. Somehow. That's pretty bad, but I'm a lot more worried about what happened to the third one. If I remember how her wish worked, and what it was supposed to do, there's basically a country (at least) killing Grief bomb just sitting in the city.
It's been something we've been all waiting for a while now!

Though then again, thinking about it seriously, Roland and Angela probably won't react that funnily unless we suddenly drop dear Argalia on them instead of just telling them normally.

Which isn't something X would do...

Sure, sounds like we'll need the firepower.

And yikes, the speaker of the untrue turned two the trio into The Mill. Somehow. That's pretty bad, but I'm a lot more worried about what happened to the third one. If I remember how her wish worked, and what it was supposed to do, there's basically a country (at least) killing Grief bomb just sitting in the city.
Oh yeah, you reminded me of it.

Do you guys have any idea of who or what Leonie was referring to in this-
She wouldn't have been able to revive sir Argalia properly if not for the fact that she found two other Magical Girls with special forms of Magic. One of them could create creatures, and another could convert Grief into energy. Some time before I met her, she turned the two of them into a special tool.

Who are- were those two? What were their power?
He's your mother's most devoted follower since Ayin chose to side against her,

Kyoko and Homura aren't emotionally stable enough,

Particularly against the Adult who tells lies, that's like, a woodman trying to fight a fire in cqc.

and if he keeps talking in such a roundabout manner you're going to have some very unpleasant flashbacks

There is a faint laugh sound in the distance, it sounds like Binah's.

Oz doesn't do it alone. She can bring people back without help, but they don't last very long.

Just long enough for hope to soar, I'd say, for what better way to induce pure despair than a betrayed hope?

Some time before I met her, she turned the two of them into a special tool.

Thank you for reminding me of the horror that is the mill… NOT. 🤢

It's thanks to you that Leonie and I had our meeting

Ah, of course, she distorted during our fight with NT, when we removed our shell, then her being like that probably is what allowed Argalia to act in some way when combined with The Adult's very probable distraction.

Cooperate with Argalia against the Adult Who Tells Lies?

To be absolutely frank, I am way more interested in Leonie than in Argalia now that he confirmed he hasn't changed much.

With that in mind, reeling him in so that we can begin helping Leonie get away from him is good.

I still would have preferred the last birb, hope he's going to come help us during the fight.

[X] Yes
-[X] The orchestra cannot play without the instruments, so unless we found them the performance that signals a new age will not start.
But any alliances made with him would be built on sand; all under the premise that you actually want to spread the Light across this world and give rise to more Distortions. You will have to cross blades with Argalia sooner or later.
X sure is making a lot of assumptions here, but for now I'll assume this is true.

I really, really don't think trying to deceive the guy who's maxed out in Charisma, and whose special power is literally "vibes and everything to do with them", is a good idea.

It'll definitely end up as a "who's gonna betray the other first" situation, and guess what, X's side has, like, a billion vulnerable points that can be exploited. Not to mention trying to build an alliance on such shaky grounds against the Adult, of all things, seems like a colossally bad idea.

Oh, and also, X seems really on edge these last ~15 chapters, and isn't a great liar in general.

With that in mind, I think being upfront with Argalia is best here. Hopefully we can escape if he decides to attack.

[X] No
-[X] Explain to him that you aren't planning to give another "performance", and that you think spreading the Light here is a bad idea as long as Carmen's around.
Shouldn't we try to use it on either Argalia or Leonie if we have a chance then?

There's something special X can apparently do to Distortions, and we haven't gotten a chance to test that out yet.