Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Continue scouting the perimeter
Might as well continue getting a feel for how patrols and such operate. since this can probably be broken off at any time in case it's time for school to end, unlike actually breaching into the area.
Yep. I'm 90% sure one of the requirements is something like "reveal dangerous information", and Kyoko explicitly told us witchbombing is a bad idea - so we probably aren't getting CENSORED anytime soon.
Counterpoint, If revealing dangerous info was a requirement then X would have had it fulfilled by giving madoka the notebook or doing insight work on herself.

And if we need it to be more dangerous...we could look at [CENSORED] ...and then use Big Eyes/Lamp to Look harder at [CENSORED]

Mind, I don't think this is a good idea, but it is a alternative to the witchbomb if such an act is required
We don't even know if CENSORED has more than one requirement or not.

It's probably for the best we don't try to achieve the CENSORED power though. For one thing, the ability of CENSORED is basically useless to us.

We already have Darkness of Lamb. Which is less prone to absurd friendly fire than CENSORED is.

Imagine us using CENSORED and one of the girls accidentally saw us.

Anyway, I do want to use the lamb on the CENSORED sapling tho, for science, if nothing else.

CENSORED will come out more like a weapon anyway right? I don't think the weapon itself (after being processed by L Corp) did too much to affect the other employees when wielded. So it might be a moot issue. Better to have it and let X decide whether to use it than not have it I think.
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It is a pity that the weapon is basically only useful to work with CENSORED and nothing else.

Like, outside of being dangerous to humans, CENSORED is kinda garbage against other Abnormalities.
We don't even know if CENSORED has more than one requirement or not.

It's probably for the best we don't try to achieve the CENSORED power though. For one thing, the ability of CENSORED is basically useless to us.

We already have Darkness of Lamb. Which is less prone to absurd friendly fire than CENSORED is.

Imagine us using CENSORED and one of the girls accidentally saw us.
The girls might need safer that'll you think. After all, the clerks are ficking useless, but even they didn't panic when one of my Agents used CENSORED while in the same room. I am fairly sure that the coghitohazardous properties are extremely suppressed when CENSORED is in EGO form. Mind you, we should still be cautious of using it near the girls after we fully synchronize, but it should be relatively safe before that given that I know for a fact that the girls have higher Insight than the Clerks

Edit: Ninja'd
Well...Yeah true...I was about to say that maybe the average Clerk isn't as bad as they are in game but Limbus Company has gotten rid of any and all notions of that.
Wait...Censored requirements are Censored themselves, just like censored's many 'names' and their form, which, if I recall correctly, is essentially a multiple choice truth based on whatever secret truth would break you... Meaning, We'll probably 'fulfill' the requirements when it would be most traumatic for those requirements to be fulfilled... At least, that's a hypothesis
We'll probably 'fulfill' the requirements when it would be most traumatic for those requirements to be fulfilled... At least, that's a hypothesis
As it said itself, CENSORED is a purer embodiment of its archetype than most abnormalities. Perhaps what its EGO would want from us is to also embrace our inner concept and not hide behind a shell, as per CENSORED's advice. This is definitely an idea X would be hesitant about and would normally reject if the situation isn't dire, in line with the idea of forbidden truths. And we also know that unveiling the shell can have a considerable effect on observers, similar to CENSORED.
Well, this is an engaging story ad hope it lasts a decent amount longer. Keep up the amazing job. Do you have a endpoint planned or you just like writing this? Just Curious.
Well, this is an engaging story ad hope it lasts a decent amount longer. Keep up the amazing job. Do you have a endpoint planned or you just like writing this? Just Curious.
While there is only so much planning that can go into a Quest, I do have certain story beats and arcs planned out in advance up to and including the end of the story. That being said, I primarily write because I enjoy it.
Meanwhile at The Library;

Magical Girl #27: "Can you read us a story?"
Angela: "....No"
Chorus of Voices: """"Pleeeeease?""""
Actually, should we check on the Meguca in the Library next turn?
Meanwhile at The Library;

Magical Girl #27: "Can you read us a story?"
Angela: "....No"
Chorus of Voices: """"Pleeeeease?""""

Angela: *Proceeds to talk about Mountain of smiling bodies story*

Actually, should we check on the Meguca in the Library next turn?

We still have a talk to do with Madoka, the more time she spend feeling useless, the higher the chances of her wishing (a bad end due to her witch), or distorting (with all the mental problems that would prompt that).

A good talk about her insecurities, discussing how Hitomi is doing and how we should explain what happened to her, using said talk to begin planting the idea of talking with her parents, Sayaka's, and Hitomi's. (In fact, we totally should have a talk about magic with Yuma's and Mami's parent, prove to Madoka that adult totally can accept the idea :V)

We have a lot of work to do on her front, let Chesed work his charms as the most appreciated Sephiroth of the facility on our future adopted daughters employees.
2.2.5 - Is It Just Something To Do With Italy?
Chapter 101 - Is It Just Something To Do With Italy?

It's too much of a risk, you decide. Yes, you likely could enter the Adult's territory without being detected, but it might not work more than once. You'd rather not tip your hand just yet and risk revealing that you can come and go as you please. And even if it really was that easy for you, there still isn't much you can do once you reach the other side. You remember very vividly your previous encounter with an Aleph-class Abnormality. Unless you find something you can use, confrontation would practically be suicide.

The biggest worry for you is the children. Madoka is completely defenseless save for the Blessing you placed on her when she first arrived, and that won't be enough to keep her safe. Mami is strong, you won't deny her that, but not strong enough for what's coming. With Sayaka, those worries are even worse. She lacks the experience of your eldest daughter and unlike Madoka is fully dedicated to fighting despite the supportive angle her Magic has taken. You are less worried about Homura and Kyoko's survival given their current states, but their health is another matter entirely. Not to mention the potential that the Adult will attack them psychologically in some way.

Your efforts to mass-produce EGO, or even replicate it outside of yourself at all, have stalled in the past week, and aside from experience and skill it doesn't seem like Magical Girls have the ability to increase the strength of their powers. Benching the kids isn't an option either, not one that they would ever accept. You need a new advantage if you are to continue.

Finding one of the other Oz Abnormalities would be helpful. Their powers were enough to overcome the Liar's once, they might be again. While in terms of strength you wouldn't count on any of them to take an Aleph, even one like Mountain or Melting Love that take time to reach their full strength, but Abnormalities are strange. They're bound to the rules that define them, whether beneficial or not. Unfortunately, such an event seems unlikely. You don't know if they've left the Library, and even if they did the chances of you happening to stumble across them are minuscule.

Of course, it's that exact moment when you feel a gentle tugging just around the border's edge.

"Found something?" Kyoko asks, having noticed you break from the previous route and down towards an alleyway.

"Maybe." you answer back as you ready your weapons. "There's an Abnormality down there. Not the one we're scouting for, but still an Abnormality. Be on guard."

You leap silently through the midday light and land at the edge of a nearby roof, just barely out of sight from the source of the disturbance. Kyoko arrives moments after, spear at the ready and shrouded in a veil of sizzling heat.

Slowly, carefully, you peer over the edge. Abnormalities are just as vulnerable to surprise attacks as anything else. Besides, spotting your new target before it can spot you will give you time to plan and coordinate with Kyoko. You miss being able to give orders easily in real time, the sense of flawless coordination that came with your resources as Manager.

Casting your gaze to the streets beneath you, you immediately notice the figure standing in the alley. Almost instinctively, your hand closes around the hilt of your modified Mimicry. Your other arm extends to guard Kyoko from the building's edge, keeping her out of sight from the man below.

The figure's silhouette is wispy and unfocused, like you're staring at him out of the corner of your eye. His head is a glassy blue orb containing a thrumming mote of bright azure light, plumes of silvery smoke curling off of it and down his back into a thick, curly cloud that gives the impression of hair. The collar of his multi-layered cobalt-colored cloak rise up halfway to where eyes would be on a normally person. At the back end, the cloak terminates in two upturned coattails. Beneath the garment is what looks at a glance like a second, darker-colored suit that covers his entire body. On closer inspection, the second suit may actually be a part of the man's body. A round cerulean gem is set into the center of the man's chest, rimmed with decorative filigree. In a clawed right hand, the man carries a scythe nearly larger than he is. The enormous blade is a deep, heavy cyan and seems to cut through the air itself with every slight adjustment to the figure's posture. You can hear it humming, a persistent vibration that resonates with every atom around it.

You've never met him, but you would need to be blind not to recognize the man who gave your sister so much grief.

The Blue Reverberation. Color Fixer, madman, and executor of your mother's insanity. Argalia.

In the man's other hand, he holds out a compass. It's a small, octagonal item the color of rusted copper engraved with golden wave-like patterns. The needle spins wildly, clicking as it strikes tiny indentations along the tool's inside. For some reason, you can hear words just behind the mechanical noise.

"I'm sorry, Argalia. I couldn't do it fast enough. Are you alright?"

The Distorted Fixer shakes his head. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Leonie. You did exactly what you needed to. Besides, I can always make time to see what you've dreamt up next." His voice is musical, there really isn't another word to describe it. Every syllable a note, every sentence a measure. The harmonious cadence and gentle words are almost enough to disguise the manic energy pulsing in each word that passes through the former Color's nonexistent lips.

"Don't move. Not an inch." you order telepathically, not trusting your stealth or Kyoko's against a man whose entire specialty is sound-based. She freezes, looking mildly confused and worried at the sudden seriousness in your voice but still following orders.

"Besides, look around! You've taken us exactly where we wanted to go. That irritating Wizard's spells won't be able to restrict our movement any longer. And even better, you've landed us near something special." Argalia says. With those last few words, he turns up towards your hiding place.

"I'm afraid I don't understand, Argalia. What is it?" the other voice asks.

"Ah, that's my fault for not being clear. Perhaps it would be better to say that you've found someone special." Argalia responds as his body flexes slightly.

You barely have time to react as the Distortion vanishes from his spot and appears a few meters in front of you, kneeling on the roof in an apparent recovery from his leap. The compass remains held in his left hand, kept perfectly even throughout the motion. Your soldiers burst into place around you, rifles fixed on their target. They'll be distractions at best in this fight, but any edge you can take will be worth it. In your own hands, you draw out both Mimicry and the Knight's Sword. Argalia's weapon is rather large, so you might be able to catch it with one blade and open up a strike with the other.

Your preparations are interrupted by the man in question, who raises his head and stands up. "It is a pleasure to finally greet you, dear composer. It seems you already know who I am," he says with a light chuck even as he shifts his blade in one hand, "but it would only be polite to introduce myself regardless. Argalia, the Blue Reverberation, at your service." The man gives an exaggerated bow, remaining silent for a moment before tapping the compass with a single clawed finger.

"Ah! Yes, my name is Leonie. Please make use of me however you would like."

Despite his lack of any facial features whatsoever, you get the impression Argalia is frowning as he returns to standing position and turns his head to address the now-named Leonie. "There's no need to act so subservient. I'm sure our composer here won't be all that demanding of you."


What… is going on here?


The Blue Reverberation…
[] Talk
[] Fight
[] Escape
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

Celebration chapter is still coming, though I was having trouble with this chapter and wanted to just get it out there. Mostly because the words "in question" just refused to allow themselves yet o be typed without something going wrong.

And so at last, the Big Bad of LoR has arrived! Well, technically that would be Carmen, but he's doing most of the legwork.
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So from my reading of this Argalia is an Abnormalty now? Or is it Leonie?

As for talking points, things like "Why were you looking for me?" and "What can you tell us about the wizard?" are top priority.