Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.

Yeah, trying to outright lie here isn't likely to end well. Let's keep our goals a bit low and just try to convince Argalia that it's really not the time to start distorting people willy-nilly. As long as he thinks it's a possibility X will agree at some point, he'll likely play along to a degree. Drama is the man's lifeblood, or whatever he has now, and all.
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You nobly resist the urge to scream at Argalia to just get to the point. Him just being here is setting you on edge, and if he keeps talking in such a roundabout manner you're going to have some very unpleasant flashbacks and then severely tank the local property value.

Well, you probably won't go that far. But it won't be pleasant.
Flowery language literally gives X Binah flashbacks. Hopefully she never meets any theatre kids.

Right. Argalia's a social expert and trying to trick him would not go well. Neither is asking to use Lobotomy on the first meeting. And giving Leonie a human form won't work cause that's not X's doing, it's the Library using Pluto's page.

The Library, where Angela and Roland are.

Yeah, that's not happening.

[X] Yes
Best to keep things simple.
[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.

Yeah lets maybe NOT get a color fixer on our bad side, even if it is Argalia. Best to just cooperate with him for now.
It would be entertaining to have a friendly Argalia, even if only for a little while. Though our last performance was not all that well-planned either. NT made sure of that.

[X] Yes
*Look at the chapter, and more specifically what happened with Touka and Nemu* Oh well, I guess I'm not going to sleep today.

Adult, I swear if you do something to Iroha or Jun I'm going to break the fourth wall and finish this arc right now.

Speaking of other topics, the previous conversation makes me question if Eternal Sakura could distort.
Because that confirms to Argalia that we have access to the Library and can take other people with us, The Library containing Roland. And he wouldn't need to do much to say...not let Leonie go there unless he comes with and convince Leonie that such an arrangement is for the best, given her condition.
: Why not indeed...
: You should not worry yourself with such needless distractions my dear composer. I am not tied down by those dull sentiments. Such is more my brother-in-law's area of expertise.
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To be fair, I haven't actually played Library of Ruina yet, So I don't entirely know Argalia's deal, it's just what people say about him that leads me to believe him getting to the library=bad time
Most of his problems with the Library stem from them having the Seed of Light.

Now that the Library no longer has it, and Argalia is literally standing next to the gently glowing moth girl, he will likely not freak out about Roland and Angela.

He will probably even try to get a chance to go and meet them just to fuck around with them about how he's not dead yet. But it's unlikely for the man to seek out discourse that doesn't help him or X.
If it really is somehow a concern, which it sounds like it isn't, just make it a Leonie exclusive offer. Like so.

[X] Yes
-[X] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
-[X] However, offering help those that need it will always be worthwhile. Offer Leonie a trip to the library to acquire a human disguise. Just Leonie. Some offense meant, but Roland and Angela probably don't want to see Argalia again.
Maybe let's wait on it a bit more.

We haven't really even gotten introduced to Leonie yet. X knows about Argalia but has basically 0 knowledge of Leonie beyond what she already told X.
I don't see any good reason to not take initiative. Even without the side stories it's obvious the kid needs help, and we're already trying to figure out some way to help like fifty others, what's one more? And it would get her away from Arlong, which might be useful if we want the perspective of someone who has spent some time with this version of him.
I meant mainly because we probably shouldn't offer it while we are hiding from the Adult patrols.

Let's wait till X finishes her talk with Argalia, and return home before 'offering' Leonie that kind of thing.

Argalia and X will have to push her to do it anyway. Since she's so much of a weirdo that even Argalia is like "okay, that's not good at all young lady" and he is supposed to be the maniac in the room here.
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You know, all this makes me wonder how many people have already been distorted.

It will be perhaps that we meet some well-known character who already fell into the words of Carmen?
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: More friends are always fun no? A performance needs its instruments after all. And you've already collected quite a following dear Composer.
There's a lot of potentials here. And if X has to shed her shell another time during the battle against the Adult, we'll probably see a lot more Distortions.
I feel that a very likely person to distort would be Mifuyu, she is a veteran, but she is weak in spirit and for sure Carmen would easily make her fall for her words.

Also, depending on what the adult is doing, then basically anyone in Kamihama is a candidate for distortion.

In fact, we already have the first one and at the moment we don't know if there are more.
Based on what the other people said, the girls working directly under the Adult are likely candidates for Distorting too.

The Adult is probably betting on that actually. We have quite a lot of enemies it seems.

Maybe we should ask Argalia for some pointers on recruiting enemy Distortions.
[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.

At this momen we all just try to choose the most safe way to scrue up. We probably will forsed ro be our abnormalitie self, in another stupid situation, so... why not use it?