Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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True, if we are forced to fight something like Apocalypse Bird, then we may just unintentionally curry favor with Argalia for a while longer. Though incubators could still end up ruining the charade.
To be honest, we could try to convert Argalia to our side.

I mean, we just met the man, no need to write him off as a lost cause already.

It depends on how he would receive our decision to be different than what he wants.

But still, we should give him the offer of diplomacy before writing him to be dead entirely. Same as how we let X gave NT all the chances before going to battle with her.
But still, we should give him the offer of diplomacy before writing him to be dead entirely. Same as how we let X gave NT all the chances before going to battle with her.
That's fair. Hell, we could consider him another subject for project Un-Distortion, another person to see if undistorting someone is possible. He probably won't care to 'undistort' but every distortion we can observe gives more data on what is needed to achieve such. He'll probably serve as an example of what not to do/encourage. And if X, hope beyond hope, manages to convert him to our side and undistort him, we may just get to watch an awkward conversation between him and the Library gang.

Also, you know, he probably is really familiar with Distortion in general so if we got him on board he would be a big help in undistorting people.

Just need to convince him, How hard could that be? :V
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The main problem with Argalia is that there's not a lot of materials to show us what he's like when he isn't busy being bonkers.

Sure there's Roland's words, but he's biased, and given how Angelica called Roland from before a bit anti-social, I'm not surprised that Argalia would've hated him.

And Angela hates Argalia guts on archnemesis principles.

So X don't really have much to work with beyond their own biased words. Or limited knowledge of the few snippets we get of Argalia whenever the Library has a chance to see him in the invitations.

It's rather hard to begin to know where to work with isn't there?

But that's why we should try to learn more of him. Especially since it seems like we will be working with him against the Adult for quite some time.

Plus, he and X shares the same objective of getting Leonie to not be depressed and appreciate herself more for now, outside of murdering the Adult, and overthrowing the Incubator's system's grip of Earth of course.
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[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
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To be fair, I haven't actually played Library of Ruina yet, So I don't entirely know Argalia's deal, it's just what people say about him that leads me to believe him getting to the library=bad time

Well, nobody answered this directly that I can see so, detailed explanation of Argalia incoming:

Ok, first point to help establish what kind of person he was: He is (was, he got fired at the end of LoR) , as we made quite clear, a color fixer, more precisely, *The blue reverberation*, his specialty was in social linking from what we can gather. He is also, and that's quite important, both the brother of Roland's wife, Angelica, and a bit of a siscon. He never fully accepted her decision to be with Roland and saw him as a brute.

Second point and the fulcrum of his current character: he is an indirect victim of The Pianist, basically, he arrived to help Angelica when the Pianist's song happened but instead of finding her and doing whatever he wanted to, he found her and her unborn baby dead and made into a part of the instrument.

This broke him, bad, he was unable to cope with her death and somehow the music made him arrive to the conclusion that Angelica was still alive in everything in some ways. That's when he distorted (or at the very least began hearing Carmen) with part of his goal becoming to make everyone see what he saw and free themselves in the same way he believes Angelica has been freed.

Third point, how it wraps up to the library: Argalia is in close contact with Carmen, she is giving him instructions all throughout the game with the goal of making the library stronger to allow Angela to recover the seed of light. He got an entourage of distortions for that, the Ensemble, that he convinced with his super charisma that the seed of light could allow them to create their ideal world, all while making it so that they don't see how their individual visions contradict each others (seriously, we have a guy who wants to cut all the strings controlling people working right next to a girl who wants everyone to be cogs in a great machine....).

His own goal with the seed of light is basically the same as Adam from LobCorp, he wants to make everyone into a distortion to *free their true selves* and in doing so everyone could see what the revelation saw when Angelica was spread as an instrument in front of him. To do so, he assaulted the library with his Ensemble once Angela had almost finished the seed of light with the express goal of stealing it, he got defeated, then, when Angela released the seed of light as well as all the people who *died* (she actually never killed anyone, they all were in stasis with a false body doing the dying) in the library, he came back for round two, empowered by the light... and got dunked on by Roland, again.
and got dunked on by Roland, again.
Which by the way is the biggest miss opportunity in the game. Because Roland was unusable during that reception.

Imagine if we could've played as Phase 1 Boss Roland with the full power Keter-Floor to fight the ensemble as one last send-off before the end of the game. It would've AMAZING!

I tried it out with mods (1 for freeing up Keter and 1 for Boss Roland), but it just doesn't feel the same the second time around.
It should also be noted that Roland fought Argalia over the course of an entire week. As in, almost the entire time it took for the SoL to distribute itself.

And he still had enough in him afterwards to not only pull Angela out of the Light, but stall out the Head itself. Granted, he had help for that one, and it was only a single Claw and Arbiter (only he says...) but still.
Lolan is average (by color standards) except for his endurance which is EX+7 level. He is as close to unstoppable as it gets
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Mar 26, 2023 at 1:34 AM, finished with 82 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Yes
    -[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
    [X] Yes
    -[X] The orchestra cannot play without the instruments, so unless we found them the performance that signals a new age will not start.
    [X] Yes
    [X] Yes
    -[X] Ask him to let you use Lobotomy on him
    [X] No
    -[X] Explain to him that you aren't planning to give another "performance", and that you think spreading the Light here is a bad idea as long as Carmen's around.
    [X] Yes
    -[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
    -[X] However, offering help those that need it will always be worthwhile. Offer Leonie a trip to the library to acquire a human disguise. Just Leonie. Some offense meant, but Roland and Angela probably don't want to see Argalia again.

It's interesting, vote preference actually shifted about halfway through this one.
Lolan is average (by color standards) except for his endurance which is EX+7 level. He is as close to unstoppable as it gets

Not entirely sure, I'd say his greatest attribute is *not being seen as important*, or even seen at all, look at his third phase, more precisely, look at how he's just behind Angelica on all his cards but you don't see any trace of him in hers, and his entire gimmick is giving his dice to her.

He's so good at not being seen when with her that he could be slicing your throat and you wouldn't see him and think she's the one killing you, that's some high level synchronization/stealthiness right there.

That's why there are people who says that The Black Silence was actually two color level fixers working together, and maybe why while he never got the title officially, the hanah association never really corrected anyone on the black silence being dead and the one on a rampage not being her.
Note that his Endurance ain't bad still. But the another thing is how smooth his fighting style is.

As this is reflected excellently in his deck of cards, where even without the help of his E.G.O pages or Abnormality pages, Roland still has excellent sustainability with his various cards combining really nicely together, and how they flow.

The sheer versatility of his various pages, really showcases how strong he is once he gets going but struggles during his initial dance. He differs from Iori's abrupt style which changes constantly but can struggle when dealing with sheer brute force, and Gebura's brute force which struggles to recover when she's stopped (see Binah vs Kali reception).

It's interesting how similar he is in relation to Argalia whose style is very familiar to Roland's flow. But both are different.

Whereas Roland controls the flow of himself, Argalia controls the flow of his opponents and his allies. This is also why Roland fighting Argalia usually results in Argalia losing.
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I was thinking about how X kept describing her relationship with the sephirot and Angela as complicated. So I wondered who has the least complicated relationship with her.

Would you believe me if I said that person was Binah?

Unlike the others-excluding Hokma-she knew X wasn't Ayin. The sephirot meltdowns were about helping them come to terms with their issues, some of which were caused by Ayin. Except for, once again, Binah. She was testing X's strength/conviction/determination. The end of her meltdown has them come to an understanding. One that is built on mutual respect for the other's ability, even if they dislike each other.

Now that the other sephirot know X isn't Ayin their feelings about her have most likely changed (as tends to happen when you realize the person you were lashing out at/held responsible for everything going wrong was someone else). Binah on the other hand likely still respects X.

Now all this thinking has made me wonder another question: How have Netzach's feelings regarding X changed?
2.2.7 - Information Extraction
Chapter 103 - Information Extraction

"If we're to be completely honest with one another here, then I should admit that my 'performance', as you put it, was completely unintentional. I don't know exactly how it happened, and I doubt I could do it again right now." you say. For his part, Argalia seems completely unperturbed by your news.

"That is entirely to be expected, my friend. I wouldn't ask you to perform such an immense act right out of the gate, no. Besides, there are certain actors that I believe it would be best to have removed from the stage before anything of the sort is done." Argalia replies.

"Oh? And who would those be?"

"No need to take such a suspicious tone." Argalia says calmly. "I'm only referring to the Abnormality that conjured me and the creature enslaving children. It's doing the rest of this world a favor, really, getting rid of such abominable filth. Why, even if they weren't likely to get in the way of our plans, I'd still feel better without such sickening things around, don't you agree?"

Your face remains flat and unemotional even as new feelings well up inside of you. "You're talking about Kyubey. You want to get rid of the Incubators."

"Hold on, is that even possible?" Kyoko exclaims, breaking the uneasy silence she'd been keeping since Argalia appeared. "You can't just stab him. He's got extra bodies, and I don't think he's gonna run out any time soon. Plus, there are Magical Girls all over the world. Even if we all worked together, there's no way we can be everywhere. He can just work around us even if we kill him whenever he shows up."

"Ridding the world of the Incubators is a long-term plan," you interject, "and one best saved for later. While I don't take any more kindly to preying on children than the average person, breaking their grip on Earth won't be easily done. I would prefer we focus on more immediate threats right now."

"Oh? While I'd love to hear more about your plans for that verminous pest," Argalia says with the same placidly cheerful tone he always takes, "you'd be right to focus on what's right in front of us."

"Regarding the Adult Who Tells Lies, I believe you said Leonie was under her employ for a time? If it's alright with her, I'd like to know as much as possible about her defenses and what she's been building." you say, your voice becoming softer and less inquisitorial as your attention turns from the mad Fixer to the Distorted girl.

Without delay, Leonie raises her mechanical voice. "I only ever saw a few parts of Oz's territory. Each of the Magical Girls she employs are kept separated and their movements are restricted to a few designated areas."

"You make it sound like she's keeping them as prisoners, not employees." you say.

"You could say that." Leonie halfheartedly agrees. "We weren't allowed to leave. Oz told us that it was too dangerous outside of her territory, with the Incubators and you around. She always said it was safest for us to stay where she put us, so we could do our best work."

"Hold on," you interrupt, "She's been using my presence as a threat to keep people in line? How?" You doubt that what the Adult has told their followers will be an accurate reflection of her perception of you. Only an idiot would trust an Abnormality whose name literally calls them a liar to give honest information. Still, it should give you some idea of how much she knows. More worrying is that it'll very likely have completely screwed over any negotiations you try with the kids.

"We were all told that you are an Abnormality of incredible power that even Oz wouldn't want to have to fight. She wasn't very specific about what you can do, but referenced control and manipulation a lot. She said that you were taking control of any Magical Girls you met so you could turn them into monsters."

"Bullshit!" Kyoko exclaims, the temperature in the room flaring. "X isn't some kind of monster! She saved my life, it was my fault that I-"

"Kyoko." You rest a hand on her shoulder, ignoring the searing heat. "It's alright. Nobody has to be at fault." Even as you devote your attention to calming your not-yet adopted daughter, a part of your mind remains focused on Argalia. More specifically, the way he completely lit up at Kyoko's outburst. And not just figuratively, either. An azure light pulses across the madman's skin, tracing out notes to a song nobody but the man himself will ever hear. Without much pause, you press onward in the questioning. "We'll continue. Anything at all you can tell us about the other Magical Girls will be helpful."

"Taylor might be willing to listen to you. She was in charge of maintaining security, so she saw more of Oz's work than most of the other Magical Girls. The other three were all working on special projects that I never heard about. We barely interacted, so I can't tell you anything more about them. Sorry." Leonie reports.

"What about names? Kyubey still needs my help, I'm pretty sure I can run things through his records." you reply. Leonie pauses for a bit, and you can almost see the gears turning within her mechanical body before she speaks.

"Aside from me, there was Ashley Taylor, Hanna Sarasa, Mikoto Sena, and Sana Futaba. Oz probably has recruited more, though, after I left."

At least four Magical Girls working alongside an already-troublesome Abnormality. You're thankful Mami has such strong nonlethal options for combat, otherwise this would be a far more daunting prospect, but even with that option this is a complicating factor.


Next Topic…
[] Argalia and the Adult's Interactions
[] Leonie's Distortion
[] Planning for the future
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

Sincerest apologies for the delay in this chapter's publication, my sleep schedule is damaged enough as is and needed some time to recover. That, and so much dialogue from a bunch of different characters is pretty much my exact weak spot for writing.
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Even as you devote your attention to calming your not-yet adopted daughter, a part of your mind remains focused on Argalia. More specifically, the way he completely lit up at Kyoko's outburst.
He's quite happy at seeing another fan, isn't he? Or is he impressed by the fact that X is already recruiting loyal followers?

As for the vote...
Maybe this is for the better right now.
[X] Argalia and Leonie's experience with the Adult, ask them about what her goal could be, and what they could've gleaned from interacting with her.

While Leonie's distortion is something to note, we should get a better feel of how the Adult acts for now. Leonie should be spoken to when X is back home.
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