Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
Oh yeah, you reminded me of it.

Do you guys have any idea of who or what Leonie was referring to in this-


Who are- were those two? What were their power?
I'm going to have to look it up, but from what I'm remembering their plan might still be on track.

I could be wrong, but what I remember of their plan was really wacko.

But before all that, I remembered that I really don't care about hard to spell name, but I do care about Leonie. So I'm going to change my vote and skip to the end.

[X] Yes
-[X] Offer Leonie a human disguise. If she's had to deal with both the Adult and Argalia, she needs whatever help she can get.
I feel like there aren't many good options to take here

I don't like lying on principle but we also have reason to believe that Argalia is good enough at lying CHARISMA to spot X lying, which, if he does, I feel like a fight might break out? Maybe? Argalia seems like he might do that or pretend he fell for the lie and plot to enact a situation that would force X out of her Shell.

Asking to use Lobotomy on him...I don't see him agreeing on the face of it, Like, at least not without some additions to the vote to understand how we are presenting the 'offer'. ( EDIT: Also, assuming he does agree to Lobotomy...what are we hoping to do from there? or are we just having a look around? Are we looking for signs of the 'Adults' magic? it's not like there are a lot of moral uses of it)

And then there is Leonie...How will the Logistics of offering Leonie a human guise work out? Because I'm afraid Argalia is going to ask to come with to the Library and I don't believe that's a good idea to just suddenly drop on Angela's and Roland's Lap
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Like I'm 100% up to it if we can give Argalia an employee card.

Perhaps not right now. But we should offer the option to Lobotomy him later on.

Like how we did to most of our kids and will soon do to Leonie...

I'm changing my vote a bit.
[X] Yes
Asking to lobotomy him right now might be jumping the gun a bit.
Okay, to start I'm going to say that Magia Record is not a masterpiece of writing. And I'm not going to put this in spoilers because you can't play the game this stuff is from in English anymore.

The two girls that are part of The Mill are Nemu Hiiragi and Touka Satomi. They, along with a girl named Ui Tamaki made three wishes that would let them replace the Incubators. Touka is the grief to energy converter, and Hiiragi is the creature creator. Ui made a wished to essentially absorb all grief. I don't understand how this adds up to replacing Kyubey. But that last wish is obviously a bad idea and she sucked up greif much faster then Touka could turn it into energy. Then a fourth girl, Aline, put Ui in a pocket dimension to stop the absorbtion. As far as I understand this was too little to late, and Ui was turning into a witch. So somehow, because I didn't find an explanation for this, they put Ui's memories in a sorta dead Kyubey body. Because somehow this would stop her from turning. But somehow, doing this made everyone forget about Ui, including themselves.

That somehow lead them to become brainwashing Magical Girl Supremacists. Also Aline was bug nuts crazy.

But forget that, because they probably didn't have time to really get the brainwashing and supremacist stuff going before the Adult got them. And this is specifically bad, because Ui's body is still turning into a very, very powerful witch, one that can easily body Walpurgisnacht. And whether the Adult knows that or not it's very bad either way.
Oh...That's kinda horrible.

Actually that's very horrible. So the Adult basically has a nuke she can throw at X huh? Alongside a variety of other magical girls based on the earlier side story we got of her.

Alongside a bunch of Ensemble copy cats or maybe more.

Which is another reason to get Argalia on our side.

More importantly than that, I wanted to confirm something all the way back when we first saw Argalia.

Confirm whether he's a clone or is he actually the genuine article. This isn't X's first rodeo with a clone who thought they were the original.

It would be interesting to learn more about how the Mill work by looking at Argalia so we can learn some kind of weaknesses from it.
The Mill is pretty straight forward I think. Nemu specifically makes things called "Rumors". Think of them as stories come to life. She can't make them from nothing. First, the rumor she's trying to bring to life has to be spread to some amount of people. Anyone can repeat the story, but she has to start it. Then she has to sacrifice some of her lifeforce to make them real. Not magic, her lifeforce.

I'd guess the set up of the Mill has Nemu bringing stories from the City to life. The witch goop is providing both the lifeforce Nemu needs, and Touka is amping up these Rumors with the grief. Then the Adult comes in and takes control.

So odds are this is not Argalia, just a rumor. Whether he cares is a different question.
The problem comes with the Witch's strange colored cubes.

What are they? Crystalization of Angela's books? Regardless, checking it out would still be good.

We never know if we manage to find something interesting. Maybe an off switch or something else if we are lucky.

We have a distortion infront of us. Two.

We should definitely prod then to see how they are.
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[X] Yes
-[X] The orchestra cannot play without the instruments, so unless we found them the performance that signals a new age will not start.
Can Rumors distort?

Argalia was revived as a human blue reverberation first, and base on what he said, he only turned into the blue electric sheep after X shed her shell in the fight with NT.
We know magical girls can distort apparently.

So maybe? Which is why I wanted to Lobotomy Argalia just to make sure.

Can a Rumor distort? Based on what you guys are saying, a Rumor has more similarity with an Abnormality than a normal person. So we would have to test to make sure.

Given our position as the DoSaM, maybe we has an even stronger influence over Argalia than I thought, if he is both a Rumor and a Distortion all at once.
My guess is that rumors can't because theyre not real people, familiars cant because theyre not real, and witches can't because they're already distortions / abnornalities
[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
You know what.

Yeah, that sounds fine.

X sucks at lying anyway. So might as well come out 100% honest.

We have Gebura's unga bunga body. If Argalia acts up, we'll just smash him flat against the floor.
[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.
[x] Yes
-[x] Admit that this performance isn't as well planned out as the last. You weren't exactly expecting to wake up in a new world, either. One that's already got a conductor directing things in a way you don't agree with. Add to that, you've been informed of a terrible darkness approaching in the coming weeks. So, you've mostly been playing things by ear, as it were.

Friends get : D
[X] Yes
As crazy as he is, Argalia could probably help Kyoko and Homura acclimate to their new situation. And we'll need all the help we can get with the Wicked Bitch.