So, got a bit... eh carried away with the idea of gifting kids (gotta cheer up the thread!) plentiful toys for the festival (which they can keep after it of course), so I took the chance to lay out what exactly that entailed. The goal here is for the kid to have fun with the figures (no instructions needed, give em the toys and kids shall kids) while at the same time reinforcing the unity of the Deep. As Lya can Fabricate these sets faster than a Chinese sweatshop, they shouldn't take any 'days' per se, and could even count as a fun side project. Didn't do any PC's because that might be a bit controversial with the Thread at large and maybe require a vote.
@DragonParadox What do you think? Can this pass muster for the coming Festival? Pretty please?

With the coming of the Festival, Lya decided to spice up the event with a line of figurines Fabricated from Wood, stone, or other such material appropriate for it, so that the children of SD can enjoy themselves as much as the adults. Viserys was quick to catch an interest in the informal project, intrigued by the prospect of further cementing SD's unity and status... some annoyance at the rumors of his reputation and that of the Deep might have also played a role in this, some say.
Sets (to be fabricated in mass, each individual figure standing atop a small platform so they can be moved independently of its set. Think plastic toy soldiers):
Minotaur Firefighters: This set of seven figures depicts the Minotaurs of SD defending the city from the terrible wildfire that sought to destroy it by the will of the Deep Ones. Two figures are dashing forwards, one holds a sledgehammer, while the other just puts its head forward as if to ram a wall. One figure is carrying a small child in his back, the small child hugging the minotaur's neck tightly and with his eyes closed. One figure holds a piece of wall against its back, bracing it. One figure seems slightly burned and steadies a human even as the human steadies him, both walking side by side. One figure holds a great bucket or tub, which can actually be filled with water. The last figure holds a shovel in one hand as his other hand is held up, as if trying to peer beyond the great illumination of a close by fire. A Little Valyrian stands by its shoulder, pointing at something and whispering in the minotaur's ear.
Tritons: This set of three figures depicts the Tritons of SD. One is a 'Protector', holding a trident with both hands and staring vigilantly forward, as if ready to attack. Another is a 'Merchant', depicting a Triton in the traditional garb of his trade, with sea conch necklaces and semi precious stone bracelets, gesturing to an invisible ware of doubtlessly great value. The third is a 'priest', depicting a wise looking Triton in the garb of their profession, stone tablet in one hand while the other is held up as if gesturing at an audience.
Little Valyrians: A set of eight adorable Little Valyrians in distinct poses, from laughter to serious contemplation. Some hold the tools of civilization, while others seem tailor made to leave hanging from a small branch our the edge of a table perhaps.
Calpinas: Two figures, one flying quickly and excitedly, the other dozing lazily.
Watchmen of the Deep: Six figures, all stylish and vaguely roguish without seeming overbearing or exaggerated, holding the tools and weapons of their trade in distinct poses, from patrolling to attacking. One sports a slightly irritated expression as it looks down, as if trying to catch a little prankster.
Queen Rhaella: The Ship itself in all its splendor, its deck big enough to hold other figurines itself!
Hunter's Moon: The famous ship of dashing Captain Moonsong. Moonsong not included.
Adepts of the Deep: Six figures in arcane robes, holding distinct poses from ritual, hostile spellwork, defensive spellwork, and studying.
Minotaur Shock Troops: Six figures, all in their plate armor and in distinct battle positions. Two of them have Little Valyrian shoulder gunners with crossbows or slings.
Yss' Adepts: Four figures of the followers of the Snake God. Two seem serene and the third is laughing benignly at something, the fourth one is casting a healing spell.
Raider Galley: A raider ship of the Deep, perfect for putting figures atop it!
Merchant Ship: A merchant cog from the Deep, perfect for putting figures atop it!
Raiders from the Deep: Eight figures in various roguish and badass positions, attacking with cutlass and hatchet or merrymaking with loot or wine.
Marines from the Deep: Four figures, the raider's more serious counterpart. They all look more heroic and uniform, holding distinct weapons from the raiders.
Sailors from the Deep: Ten figures, depicting all manner of sea men at their jobs.
Ser Gerold: The Captain Himself in a heroic pose.
Legionnaire Section (Soon): Nine legionnaires and their officer, all holding their weapons in various positions, perfect for great imaginary battles against the enemies of SD.
And because all action figures need an enemy... I present The Rouges Gallery!
The Damphair: An evil, important looking, deformed sorcerer holding its hands up, perhaps casting some sinister magic ritual... or maybe just gloating.
The Damphair's Henchmen: Eight figures, all holding improvised weapons or hatchets, extremely deformed beyond any current citizen of SD who still holds Deep One taint.
Deep One Sorcerers: Three ominous figures completely covered by robes in different casting positions.
Slaver Scum: Ten figures. Crew from a despicable slaver galley, armed and in various positions of attack or defense. Infinitely worse looking than the rather dashing Raiders from the Deep.
Gloating Magister: Exactly what it says on the tin. Very Evil Looking. Also Fat.
Evil Slaver Ship: Wicked looking ship which can hold its own figures.
Shambling Zombies: Six distinct forms of shambling. Generic bad guys ready to be inserted into any adventure.
Evil Monsters: Lya knows best. Ten figures.
Evil Robed Chancellor: Fat, robed, bold, leering courtier with both hands under the other's sleeve. All similarities to Varys are accidental. We swear.
The battles those kids shall have... oh, one other thing. When I said no PC's... I lied. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Maellor and Glyra: The pair themselves in their adventuring garb, the positions they are in are such that creatively interpreted could range from fighting to exploring or merely guarding something. Glyra is smirking benignly while Maellor has an expression of resigned but good natured long sufferance. This set is a bit more scarce than the rest. One bonus, single issue set has Maellor tearing out his hair in frustration while Glyra laughs wholeheartedly.
So, what do you think @everyone,
@DragonParadox ?