Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.

[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.

*sees crowd looking to get stuck in with villains*
Well, I suppose if we want Taylor to betray her initial intent of punishing villains, this is the kind of low point where that'd happen.
Who needs to help Dragon, the privateers, or the Adepts? Clearly that's someone else's problem./s
You are correct that it's going against the intent we (Taylor) originally had. On the other hand, it is a valid adherence to "divide and conquer" strategy. The gangs are divided - we can strike them down one by one, starting with MS-13. And once they're done with? Well, according to Silently, the other gangs were in disarray last time this happened. And were easy pickings.

Also, note that even among our closest, it's not a uniform response.
"What about the other gangs? They're just as much involved in this gang war as MS-13 is," you point out.

"True, but whatever their reasoning, right now their actions are to the benefit of the people of Philadelphia. We won't ignore crimes being committed in front of our faces, but they are small fry by comparison. We need to focus on MS-13."

The screen goes blank and disappears, and Kurt looks at the two of you with hard eyes. "I hope I'm wrong, but it sounds like they won't even try to stop the gangs during all this. This would be the perfect time to arrest them all, when they're too tired from fighting each other. Miss Militia was talking like they're going to be fighting alongside them, for heaven's sake!"

"Maybe that's for the best," Samantha says, unmuting the TV. "We still need to live in what's left of the city after this gang war is over. If keeping everything intact means picking the gangs off one by one rather than trying to eat an elephant in a single bite, that is the better choice, isn't it?"

"Except that just makes it look like the heroes are okay with the gangs as long as they don't cause too much trouble! If the Protectorate is actually going to side with villains rather than stopping them, how can anyone believe that they will ever try to clean up the city for good?!"

Lacey lays a hand on Kurt's shoulder, but he shrugs it off as he stands up and storms out of the room. The front door slams shut not a minute later.
Kurt (Privateers) is all for indiscriminate justice dispensal, but it's a high risk option. Samantha is in favor of the "pick the gangs off one by one" approach.

Onto other things.
You sure? Warlocks sounded like a different group.
It is a different group.
"—is sure why the Mara Salvatrucha gang has chosen now to make such a move, but it is not without precedent," an older black man is saying to the local news anchor. "Only a few years ago, they set off a similar gang war in Corpus Christi in Texas, and just like here in Philly, in doing so they set themselves up against all the gangs and independent parahumans who lived in the area. It is, however, the first time they have moved so blatantly during an Endbringer fight. Attacking the Winter Hill gang would be a large enough move, but to do that and kill both of the Warlock's capes? That is unusually aggressive even for them."
From the Emigration arc, Philadelphia Gangs:

"Yeah. Several gangs make a nice chunk of money off drugs here. The Winter Hill gang is the big name since they have an actual drug Tinker, but they also have a bunch of capes to call on. Not as many as the Empire could, but still enough to rival the Protectorate and Wards. The Warlocks are smaller dealers, but they're also more violent. MS-13 is the big name in cocaine, and Cadejo makes sure they keep that title." He shrugs. "And then there's the Fairyland gang, who should be the easiest to deal with."

You take a moment to remember that name. "Isn't that the Disney princess gang?"

"Yes," he agrees with a sigh, "it's the Disney princess gang."
I note that the cartels were noted for merely attacking the Winter Hill gang. And killing the Warlocks specifically. Winter Hill casualties, if any, were left unmentioned.
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.

Makes sense; Run away and they will come back, Eliminate them all and we have a lesser chance of winning. We can deal with the rest later.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
Also, I want more interactions between Taylor and an ice girl from school, so social is the only option.
Except IIRC, ice girl may be part of Winter Hill, so I don't think she's going to be available for socializing.
@Silently Watches, can we get Cape social if we choose to work with the villains?
You CAN choose to social capes, but it will only be those you have some means to contact and that are willing to spend time with you. If you want to interact with Cailleach, you'd be out of luck.
You CAN choose to social capes, but it will only be those you have some means to contact and that are willing to spend time with you. If you want to interact with Cailleach, you'd be out of luck.
I think he meant something along the lines of using Wide Area Search to find Cailleach and offer to help fight the MS-13 along side her, combining the "Fight alongside the villains" with a social situation.
We probably could use somebody to give us tips on actual applications for Frost Beam.

On another train of thought, when people were talking about "we lost our Fate", I was thinking that Cailleach was our Fate, not Purity. We've managed to team up with her twice, and never actually fought against her. If anybody qualifies for our Fate, it would be her.
Of course, finding out if that is the case was probably the reason behind the request in the first place.

I'm still torn on this or dealing with Dragon, so I haven't contributed a vote yet. I know, I need to make up my mind. I may not vote at all as long as it looks like either option is going to be the winner, but if it looks like "Destroy all the gangs" is going to win, I'll cast a vote for whichever other option has the best chance of winning.
Adhoc vote count started by SlickRCBD on Aug 29, 2017 at 3:03 AM, finished with 68 posts and 41 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SlickRCBD on Aug 29, 2017 at 11:56 PM, finished with 69 posts and 41 votes.
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I think he meant something along the lines of using Wide Area Search to find Cailleach and offer to help fight the MS-13 along side her, combining the "Fight alongside the villains" with a social situation.
We probably could use somebody to give us tips on actual applications for Frost Beam.
This works!
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.

After all it gives us time for the Adepts, Dragon and other stuff. :p
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.

I seem to remember more than one "fight everyone" vote. Let me run through the thread manually and I'll get back to you with the official decision.

EDIT: Nope, my mistake. Tally is official. Taylor will somewhat reluctantly side with the other gangs.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Aug 29, 2017 at 3:10 PM, finished with 68 posts and 41 votes.
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[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
-[X] No Uriah Gambits, that's just a dick move.

It would be OOC for Taylor to sit this out, given her motivation when she picked up Perfect Storm was to destroy the villains. On the other hand, she doesn't want to be labeled a villain herself, nor does she want to potentially bite off more than she can chew, so that's why I think she wouldn't attack all the gangs at once. Also, seeing her go Ragnarok against MS13 could, like another poster mentioned, scare the other gangs straight, and there's the chance that some of the other villain capes can still be redeemed, like Purity was.

Plus, if MS13 wins the gang war on their own, there's a chance they might end up stronger than before, meaning it would be even harder to take them out.

Socializing with Dragon and the Adepts can be done later, unless they come to help for some reason. I hope. This is more important right now, much as it pains me to leave sidequests undone.

That's what I get for leaving SV untouched for so long while I'm on the other forum. :p

*rubs hands together*
Oh, don't worry. I think I've rustled up another one. Maybe even better, all things considered. I know one character certainly will think so (provided you make the right choice to earn the bonus interlude).

I'm kinda hoping for Cailleach. ;) That's another reason not to attack them all.
Good, I was worried what might happen if we sat things out. We were the one who with Miss Militia scouted out the sewers to get the Truce started before the Endbringer fight.
Oh yeah, I had meant to add something about needing the help of other gangs with the Beasts, another reason not to go after them wholesale yet. :p
Civil War 8.2
[] Fight alongside the gangs

Civil War 8.2

You turn away from Samantha and frown at nothing. This is a bad situation all around, one with no good answers.

You don't want to help the gangs. They're villains, the same kind of people you vowed to destroy. The Adepts were one thing; you might be able to sway them to the side of the heroes in exchange for magic lessons. Working alongside villains to fight the Endbringers is also something different. On those days the fight is not between good and evil but between man and monster, and the alternative to allying together is mutual destruction. But this is not an Endbringer fight. It would mean fighting together because it is simply more convenient.

On the other hand, trying to fight all the gangs at once? That isn't possible, not in the long term. All it would take is one villain saying something, and you know they would, and next time you would not have the element of surprise. The gangs might even start hunting you down in addition to MS-13, and as the Maras proved, you're tough. You're not invincible.

Your frown becomes a grimace as another fact comes to mind. It is all well and good to make plans about how to stop villains when they are just faceless masks, but that's not what all of them are anymore. Cailleach helped you fight off the Beasts at the ill-fated party. Jotunn stood with Chevalier and Solaire with Miss Militia during the battle over the transport. Cailleach immediately made sure you were okay after you ate an RPG, only leaving you alone when Samantha threatened her. The rest of the city's villains you don't know, but for them to put themselves at risk by trusting the Protectorate makes it harder to think of them as irredeemable. They aren't complete monsters. There is some glint of goodness within them, thought how deep it is buried is another question entirely.

So fighting everybody at once is out of the question. The idea of just… sitting this one out is tempting, but it isn't you. You stayed away from the Behemoth fight because you ran the risk of being an aid to the Endbringer and a danger to your allies, not to mention because it was the best chance you would ever get to nab Saint, but you do not have that excuse here.

"God, Kurt's going to hate us."

"I don't think he will hate us," argued Samantha. "Be disappointed, likely, but we will can correct that misconception when it becomes an issue."

You shake your head. "From the way he was talking, it won't be that easy. Not with him, not with the other Privateers. This is all but spitting in their faces."

Hands wrap gently around your shoulders. "Then why do it?"

"We're studying the pre–Civil War era in Mrs. Mitchell's class, and a line from one of Lincoln's speeches is going around and around in my head. 'A house divided against itself cannot stand'. The threat is right there in front of us: MS-13. We can fight among ourselves once we aren't in danger anymore, but right now either we stop the Maras together or we all die together." You wave your hand at the television, which has now moved from covering the gang war to the stock market. "Because it's clear that's what they're aiming for now."

Thankful for your Guardian Beast's silent support, you tap one finger against the jewel hanging at your chest. "Storm, prepare an audio message to send to Miss Militia as a voice mail. Start.

"Miss Militia, I don't like it, but I understand why you're working with the gangs. If there's anything I can do to help, you know how to reach me. We lost Brockton Bay. We can't lose our new home too."


Wednesday, May 18

«You know,» you comment to Samantha, telepathy necessary if you wish to be heard over the whistling winds, «when I told Miss Militia to call me if she needed me, I kind of expected it to take more than twenty-four hours.»

«Technically it did. She called during the evening news. It's 9 o'clock. That's twenty-seven hours.»

You shoot the raccoon-woman a venomous glare and fly a little faster. MS-13 had been busy, and their roster is much larger than you previously assumed. From the way Miss Militia had described the course of events, a squad of twenty men were spotted causing trouble, and the PRT moved out to deal with them. Then another group popped out, and Sere and most of the remaining troopers went after that one. Fairyland moved against a third. Hellbeast, a Brute and self-proclaimed antihero, teamed up with Circus of all people to fight a fourth; you didn't even know the Brockton Bay villain had moved to Philadelphia! Chevalier and Mishmash went after team number five, and by that point things were getting ridiculous. How in the world were there over a hundred Maras in town? Worse, you knew there had to be more. These were just the unpowered members, and no one had yet seen Cadejo. You were proven right when a sixth team had Miss Militia and Pounce rolling out.

Now you and Samantha are headed after lucky number seven.

Automatic gunfire rings out in the night, and you take a sharp turn towards your opponents. When you look down, you laugh morbidly. Either Lady Luck is smiling down on you, or somebody took a wrong turn somewhere.

Winter Hill has already engaged the Maras.

Not all that's left of the Irish mobsters, unfortunately. That would just be far too convenient. It's just Jotunn, Solaire, and a half-dozen of their little gun-wielding friends. The frost giant is some seven feet tall already and slowly pushing an ice-covered car sideways down the street, and behind the barrier follows the rest of the group. Whenever the Brute stops to catch his breath and let the car thaw somewhat, the gangsters move around the edges to fire at the Mexicans. Solaire meanwhile throws her oddly shaped arming sword like a short javelin, and only after it tears through a cartel member and sets him on fire does she flick her wrist to conjure a flame that grows into a replacement blade. One of these days you're going to figure out why she wears that heavy mace on her back when she can create all the weapons she could ever want.

Depending on how things go, that might even be today.

The Maras are also under cover, mostly inside a nearby building but several outside behind cars or dumpsters. The thought of hitting the building with Solar Wrath is tempting, but you shake it away. As the fight with the Dragonslayers showed, that spell can have negative consequences, and you don't know if there's anyone else in the building. Even on nonlethal the chance of collapsing the building is too high to leave to chance.

Instead a Flare Shooter hits a gang member carrying a handheld grenade launcher. His partner swings his rifle to aim at you, but that leaves them both open to the bullets from the Winter Hill soldiers that splatter the contents of their heads onto the road.

Nausea wells up in you, but you force it down. It's disgusting and visceral, but it still isn't as bad as disintegrating people in nuclear fire the way you did in Durham.

Element of surprise gone, you and Samantha drop from the sky to land behind Jotunn's car. "Hey there," you tell him with a tight smile. "You looked like you could use a hand."

Choose your battle plan. As always, lethal force requires votes to that effect.

[ ] Front Line – Get in their faces and hit them till they stop moving. You're going to get shot, but that's what your upgraded Barrier Jacket is there for.
[ ] Centerfielder – Stay high in the sky and pick the gang off one by one by one. A shield will be needed unless you want to worry about RPGs again.
[ ] Wing Back – You learned your lesson last time: don't get hit. Dodge and shield, keep the heat off your allies, and get a few hits in if possible.

Just like last arc, I do have some default plans should there not be a consensus on tactics, but good plans will earn a bonus on the outcome rolls. (Yep, dem rolls again, though they're different from previous fight rolls.) Bad plans, on the other hand, will suffer a penalty.
Eh, front line. Even without my finaggeling flare blade should still be a nasty hit, blitz action will let us dodge and up our hit chance and advanced barrier jacket will catch what we can't dodge. In order to be hit by an RPG the enemy has to be willing to use friendly fire and be able to aim the fairly unwieldy rocket at us. That takes a bit normally, forget a superspeed target.
. Solaire meanwhile throws her oddly shaped arming sword like a short javelin, and only after it tears through a cartel member and sets him on fire does she flick her wrist to conjure a flame that grows into a replacement blade. One of these days you're going to figure out why she wears that heavy mace on her back when she can create all the weapons she could ever want.
I am unsure if I should be Praising the Sun or not here...Hm. :p

Choose your battle plan. As always, lethal force requires votes to that effect.

[ ] Front Line – Get in their faces and hit them till they stop moving. You're going to get shot, but that's what your upgraded Barrier Jacket is there for.
[ ] Centerfielder – Stay high in the sky and pick the gang off one by one by one. A shield will be needed unless you want to worry about RPGs again.
[ ] Wing Back – You learned your lesson last time: don't get hit. Dodge and shield, keep the heat off your allies, and get a few hits in if possible.
I'm leaning towards Centerfielder or Front Line. The latter is rather risky, but we could possibly use Flare Blade to end things quickly.
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On the other hand, trying to fight all the gangs at once? That isn't possible, not in the long term. All it would take is one villain saying something, and you know they would, and next time you would not have the element of surprise.
That's not exactly something tied to taking on all comers. Our 'allies' could leak info to try and get us offed. Because the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.
The gangs might even start hunting you down in addition to MS-13, and as the Maras proved, you're tough. You're not invincible.
But as the Worm cape dynamic's shown, it's rarely about durability: It's about the 'glass' cannon being able to inflict damage the opposition can't match or land.
The rest of the city's villains you don't know, but for them to put themselves at risk by trusting the Protectorate makes it harder to think of them as irredeemable. They aren't complete monsters. There is some glint of goodness within them, thought how deep it is buried is another question entirely.
Goodness? That's a bit of a leap for Taylor. Not even a consideration of 'self-interest' or 'self-preservation'?
"God, Kurt's going to hate us."

"I don't think he will hate us," argued Samantha. "Be disappointed, likely, but we will can correct that misconception when it becomes an issue."

You shake your head. "From the way he was talking, it won't be that easy. Not with him, not with the other Privateers. This is all but spitting in their faces."
Oh yeah. So much for getting the privateers with us. Which means we might've also just cost us our one and only Tinker.

GG folks. G-fuckin-G. Hope the handful of spell points are worth all the desperately needed infrastructure we threw away.
Hellbeast, a Brute and self-proclaimed antihero, teamed up with Circus of all people to fight a fourth; you didn't even know the Brockton Bay villain had moved to Philadelphia!
Well fuck, as if we didn't have enough problems.
A 'Simurgh-bombed' cape last seen with the Undersiders is now in Philly. Looks like this little war just went Syrian.