Honestly I'm not concerned about using the using the seal and losing surprise I'm just not sure its necessary. Temari's a bad match for Tenten but we're just as bad for her.
I don't think anyone has unspent XP but just in case, and for future reference, here are the XP requirements to the various level ups:
Canon Knowledge: 20xp to B-Rank
Taijutsu: 25xp to B-Rank
Strength: 25xp to B-Rank
Uchiha Clan Style: 25xp to B-Rank (+25xp for B-rank Taijutsu)
Konoha Military Combatives: 25xp to B-Rank (+25xp for B-rank Taijutsu)

Explosive Seals: 30xp to B-Rank
Basic Genjutsu: 33xp to B-Rank

Fuinjutsu: 60xp to A-Rank
Chakra Capacity: 60xp to A-Rank
Chakra Control: 60xp to A-Rank
Storage Seals: 60xp to A-Rank (+60xp for A-rank Fuinjutsu)
Ninjutsu: 64xp to A-Rank
Kenjutsu: 65xp to A-Rank

Iryojutsu: 70xp to A-Rank
Basic Ninjutsu: 70xp to A-Rank (+64xp for A-rank Ninjutsu)
Iaido: 70xp to A-Rank (+65xp for A-rank Kenjutsu)
Intelligence: 75xp to A-Rank
Leaf Style: 75xp to A-Rank (+65xp for A-rank Kenjutsu)
Genjutsu: 78xp to A-Rank

Sharingan Genjutsu: 80xp to A-Rank (+78xp for A-rank Genjutsu)
Schooling: 80xp to A-Rank (+75xp for A-rank Inteligence)

Speed: 130xp to S-Rank

Unrelated to the above; I think this most recent update showed the gulf between a level fighter Special Jonin (B-Rank like Hisana and presumably Hayate) and a proper Jonin (A-Rank like Baki and Kabuto). Baki crushed Hayate once he got serious and was inches away from killing him and similarly Kabuto came out of nowhere and also got within inches of killing Hayate. The only reason Hisana achieved anything was her Lighting Blood Seal, Blocking Baki's strike and throwing out a Flame Dragon Bullet super fast, and her Transmigrant's Sensitivity, detecting Kabuto in time to block his sneak attack. Her Lighting Blood Seal may have also been the only reason they escaped; it's equally possible that Baki's wound is what stayed their hand rather then Hisana's speed.
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[x] Yes, you need to win it quickly to conserve chakra!
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[x] Yes, you need to win it quickly to conserve chakra!

Fuck the surprise, we'll have an invasion plus and insane Gaara to deal with. And even if we use it, only the guys on the stadium will know, since there won't be time for them to tell the guys waiting outside the walls.
Once again, this was an update worth waiting for.

too bad i can't do banners, else i'd be on that shit immediately. Instead, i'll probably do some normal fan-art, since my knowledge on clothes and anatomy has increased sufficiently.

As far as the vote goes... I'll need some time to think on it tbh.
I think you mean 130 to S rank for speed, since it's already A-ranked.
Huh, I remember writing S-Rank so I wonder how that happened. Fixed.

[x] No, you need the surprise!

I'm not sure there is really any surprise seeing as Baki and Kabuto probably noticed Hisana using it when she rescued Hayate. Still I don't think there is anything impressive about curbstomping our opponent again. Hisana dominated Yoroi in the prelims and has already demonstrated her raw martial ability to the judges in a variety of ways so far. Showing some tactics and saving the Lightning Blood Seal for later will probably be more impressive then another curbstomp.,
I don't think anyone has unspent XP but just in case, and for future reference, here are the XP requirements to the various level ups:
I guess Hisana should focus on taijutsu, raw strength and genjutsu to the "easy" rank up.

Question: Basic Genjutsu: 33xp to B-Rank & Basic Ninjutsu: 70xp to A-Rank
Seems to me that B and C rank isn't really what should be qualified as "basic". Will those eventually rank up to "intermediary" or "advanced"?

[x] No, you need the surprise!
Also: fighting without it on a non-lifethreatening situation should be good training for Hisana's other skills.

I'm not sure there is really any surprise seeing as Baki and Kabuto probably noticed Hisana using it when she rescued Hayate.
It's not like Baki and Kabuto are going to tell everyone about it.
Worse case, Temari knows Hisana can use a high rank fire jutsu. If Hisana doesn't use it, then whatever plan she prepares is useless. It's even an avantage since Temari will have to use some attention towards an attack that will never come.
Or it can be used as a taunt/feint: start a showy fire jutsu, and switch to something else when Temari reacts.

I'm more interested on the result of Baki attacking Hayate with outside masked help. Diplomatic immunity only goes so far, you DON'T attack your host...
Heck, the whole Suna group could be disqualified and kicked out of Konoha.
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I think surprising Gaara and his siblings is the only relevant goal, and i doubt Baki will have a chance to inform them. Therefore, if we keep it hidden for the actual tournament, we have a very real chance of blindsiding them when we actually do combat.
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[x] No, you need the surprise!

A Chuunin needs more than just power and skill. They need a tactical mindset, intelligence, and the wisdom to not show off their most precious cards the moment they can. Especially not in front of visitors from all nations, and certainly not in front of the people they'll have to fight(in the tournament or otherwise). We've already shown the Hokage that we have the power and skill, not just in the previous stages of the exam, but also by fighting and crippling a Jounin that Hayate had no chance against, and keeping the guy alive against ANOTHER Jounin-level opponent, at the same time. Time to prove that we have the other qualities.

Sure, Kabuto and Baki saw us use the seal, but do they even know what it did? They already know we can use a 'Badass Mode' seal, and that we're very fast in general. Neither of those things is very secret. For all they know, we may have simply improved that pre-existing seal, or simply trained so hard that the speed they saw was actually natural. Or we may have done what any ninja does, and simply held back until now.

It'd be absurd for them to learn everything about our seal and our skillset within one, very brief encounter that we were almost completely dominating. Especially when one of the parties involved, Baki, had his arm disintegrated the moment we showed up. That kind of pain PROBABLY distracted him.

That's why we should avoid showing it in the matches. Especially since Kabuto, if not Baki, will definitely be watching them. He's the one who's supposed to cast that sleeping genjutsu, after all. No longer pressured, he'll have all the time he wants to observe and analyze our actions, skills and seals.
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Hmm. I'm gonna break from the general trend, here.

Temari is not an opponent to be underestimated, achieving full jonin rank ahead of just about everybody except Neji, if I recall correctly. She explicitly spent hours hitting Shikamaru with wind attacks and can achieve full flight, which are both things we ourselves can't manage, implying superior Ninjutsu, Chakra Control, and/or effective Chakra Capacity to us - and we're no slouch in those areas.

She did admittedly get tricked by Shikamaru, but he both has a higher Intelligence rank then us and was using a more esoteric technique than "throw Fire jutsu at it". If you think Temari came to the Chunin Exams in the Land of Fire for an invasion without having a strategy worked out for Fire jutsu, I have a bridge to sell you.

We need to be clever here, or she'll force us to reveal our trump cards and drain our resources for the coming attack. She's not on our level, but we weren't exactly on Kabuto and Baki's level ourselves. I repeat: don't underestimate her.

I won't say that we have to use the Lightning Blood seal, but if a good strategy making use of our various skills in concert doesn't end up emerging, putting Temari down as fast as possible with it is probably the best fallback plan.

For starters, use of genjutsu to distract her and get openings should be a must, as should pressing her in melee and not giving her the space for windups that her fan needs. Probably use some probing fire jutsu as feints early on to see how she reacts to them and adjust based on that. I'm sure there's more, but that's off the top of my head.
Hmm. I'm gonna break from the general trend, here.

Temari is not an opponent to be underestimated, achieving full jonin rank ahead of just about everybody except Neji, if I recall correctly. She explicitly spent hours hitting Shikamaru with wind attacks and can achieve full flight, which are both things we ourselves can't manage, implying superior Ninjutsu, Chakra Control, and/or effective Chakra Capacity to us - and we're no slouch in those areas.

She did admittedly get tricked by Shikamaru, but he both has a higher Intelligence rank then us and was using a more esoteric technique than "throw Fire jutsu at it". If you think Temari came to the Chunin Exams in the Land of Fire for an invasion without having a strategy worked out for Fire jutsu, I have a bridge to sell you.

We need to be clever here, or she'll force us to reveal our trump cards and drain our resources for the coming attack. She's not on our level, but we weren't exactly on Kabuto and Baki's level ourselves. I repeat: don't underestimate her.

I won't say that we have to use the Lightning Blood seal, but if a good strategy making use of our various skills in concert doesn't end up emerging, putting Temari down as fast as possible with it is probably the best fallback plan.

For starters, use of genjutsu to distract her and get openings should be a must, as should pressing her in melee and not giving her the space for windups that her fan needs. Probably use some probing fire jutsu as feints early on to see how she reacts to them and adjust based on that. I'm sure theht's nore's more, but that's off the top of my head.

We don't want to underestimate her. Well, I don't. After all, she managed to cut a fucking forest with a single technique in the first part of Naruto. I just don't think using the Lightning Seal in particular is a good idea, when all it'd prove is that we're really fast(something that is already well-known), and cost us Kabuto and likely a bunch of spies from various factions seeing our trump cards, and having all the time they want to figure them out.
I'm pretty sure the surprise is already gone, but I do want hisana to get Chunnin rank. Which means not using the Seal in the first round.

[x] No, you need the surprise!
[x] Yes, you need to win it quickly to conserve chakra!

What surprise enemy ninja I've already seen the technique more specifically her teacher
I'm not very good at art, and i made it in the wrong program first so it isnt exactly good. But here is my go at something.
[x] No, you need the surprise!

We shouldn't need extra oomph for Temari match, we have plenty of regular oomph to go by.
I'm not very good at art, and i made it in the wrong program first so it isnt exactly good. But here is my go at something.
I've been working on my own, currently trying to spice it up a bit since it's kinda plain, but something worth noting:
Advertising & Commercial Use Policy said:
We will reject any advertisement that contains fonts, images, or other items which you cannot demonstrate you have the legal rights to use.
You can find the full policy here. Most fonts are restricted for use in commercial purposes, which this is considered, and that Sharingan there looks like you got it off google image*.

*Thought if you did make it yourself; well job it's better then my attempt.

Edit: Oh I almost forgot, banners have to be 650 pixels wide and 70 pixels high.
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