Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
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[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
Another question. How long again until we can make Lacy into an Infinite Enhancement mage? If we choose "stay out of it" and spend the action in a tank it might be worth it as the Privateers just lost their edge and Lacy might be able to step up to take the Captain's place as a buffer. They might not be as coordinated, but she could probably turn them all into psudo-capes. Also isn't Infinite Enhancement the tree with healing powers? Isn't that what we need to save Dad and give the Privateers their leader back?

As for the option of wiping out the gangs, we still have the beasts to take care of, and need backup. So destroying everyone and alienating all the other gangs besides the one making trouble is right out.

I do want to flame Cadejo, and not on PHO, but we do have a lot on our plate, and so far the gangs are destroying each other, which helps take care of option C anyways.

If the problem gets too bad, the protectorate would move in in force, and then probably help us with the beast problem as well, so if we can make Lacy an Infinite Enhancement mage right now, I say go for it.

Otherwise, I might suggest the option to help take out MS-13. Nonlethal unless we spot Cadejo, then we know our nonlethal spells are ineffective, so if Frost Beam fails we flame him with lethal radiation.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.

Well, I suppose if we want Taylor to betray her initial intent of punishing villains, this is the kind of low point where that'd happen.

We are fighting villains still, the biggest and the baddest of them, focusing on one target so its wiped rather than splitting our focus to a dozen of them, and doing it while we have additional support and units rather than taking on all comers by ourselves.

Oh, don't worry. I think I've rustled up another one. Maybe even better, all things considered. I know one character certainly will think so (provided you make the right choice to earn the bonus interlude).

I neeeed this. I have my hopes for it anyways (lets see, sympathetic character on the villains side who we help a bit and Befriend through combat... maaaaybe someone in the gangs perhaps? Can't imagine any possibilities there... :p). Here's hoping we just have better luck with it...

It IS too much to invite the Adepts. Like I said back when people were asking to invite Purity to help take down Coil, you can't bring in characters you have no connection to. In this case, you have met the person (well, one of them), but you have not spent any time building a rapport. No rapport, no favors.

Is it a favor though? I'd intended to phrase the suggestion as the Payment we require of them in Exchange for the assistance with magic that they want. They are literally mercenaries hirable for (among other things) combat right? What currency do they value more, Enoch even said the overriding purpose of the Adepts is learning magic. And beyond payment, live-fire exercises in a real combat scenario (that is, helping versus the Gang(s) ) was the suggested Method of Training more than a favor.

If you still say no, for game balance or something, that's perfectly fine. Just explaining my reasoning.
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.

People, this is one certain opportunity to help Dragon and get her back to the full efficiency she never had. We'll be letting the Gangs go without our intervention, but they will sort themselves out and unleashing Dragon gets a much better long-term reward.

Besides, what guarantee do you have that the Dragon option will still be available? All it takes is one person getting into Saint's base and activating Ascalon and Dragon will stop existing.

Priorities. Letting the Gangs go isn't good, but the protectorate could call for the big guns if shit hits the fan. But who will help Dragon if something happens to her?
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
I should be in bed, but I can't sleep as I have to work tomorrow (I work weekends and get a random two out of Monday-Wednesday off). This grew out of the punch line at the end. It is a non-canon omake that was originally supposed to be a drabble length. At least I hope I'm on the wrong track about Prefect Storm, but it was inspired by the InvisiText. Just meant to make people laugh. Hopefully it won't look too horrible in the morning.

Inside the device known as "Prefect Storm", things were not as they seemed. Prefect Storm was in fact, The Immortal Assimilation Engine. A device designed to take over hostile foreign planets and assimilate them into the Galea Empire, turning enemy mages into useful canon fodder.
Contrary to popular belief, it did not begin this process with brute force at the start. Instead it went for subtlety. The personality known as "Prefect Storm" was in fact a shell running in a virtual environment that was shown to the world, with the real OS, personality, and profile safety hidden beneath. Anybody who looked at Prefect Storm's code would be unable to view or even see the hidden hooks that allowed IAE to make changes to Prefect Storm's behavior and achieve its true purpose. Nor would they see the subtle reprogramming of any template mages to be loyal to the sovereign of Galea.
Up until now, IAE had been somewhat frustrated at the lack of resources to fulfill it's purpose. So far it had only managed to create two template mages and an associated guardian beast. It had hoped to be able to subvert more people. It was disappointed that the one implanted with the Transcendent Gadgeteer had not immediately focused on creating infrastructure to help produce more template mages and devices.
However, this strange world had many anomalies. These "parahumans" were unknown to Galea. That they displayed mage-like abilities while not having linker cores was unheard of. The strange way some of them would be brought into a recursion field while others were left out was also weird. However, a pattern to predict who would be brought in and who would not had been found. Things were progressing slowly, but the IAE knew things were on track. It would just take time, but time was one thing it had plenty of. If it took a generation or two, so be it.
However, a new possibility had opened itself up after defeating the one called "Saint" and the "Dragonslayers". Its user did not know what she had, but in the base was access to the AI that seemed to control all the important computer systems in the planet known as Dragon.
IAE was designed to be able to hack and subvert enemy Devices without the device being made aware of it. The comparatively primitive computers on this would be no match for it, no matter how advanced the programming was. The back doors used by Saint were more than he realized. Saint was only able to figure out how to view Dragon's thoughts and make her ignore his intrusions. However, IAE could do better. With this code it could completely subvert the AI to it's purpose and nobody would be the wiser.
With Dragon under it's control, it would have unfettered access to all the important government systems, which would be useful for future plans to take over with an army of template mages.

However, IAE also had a quirky sense of humor, so while preventing the AI from ever telling anyone about this, it could not resist using something that it had seen through it's user's eyes on an Earth Aleph broadcast.

Making contact just before the subversion process was complete, IAE contacted dragon:
"We are the Immortal Assimilation Engine.
You will be assimilated
Resistance is futile"
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
We'll be letting the Gangs go without our intervention, but they will sort themselves out and unleashing Dragon gets a much better long-term reward.

Besides, what guarantee do you have that the Dragon option will still be available? All it takes is one person getting into Saint's base and activating Ascalon and Dragon will stop existing.

Seriously, seriously? "All it takes is one person finding out a tech so top-secret none of the precogs of the PRT and otherwise stumbled over the secret as far as we know, none of them noticed their most useful asset being hindered, the team never expanded beyond the bare handful it had". Its more likely that random looters would trip over the door and steal all the copper. Or that the Simurgh figured enough of how to watch things to decide Dragon would be fun to Tinker with. She likes making toys mid-fight right, how'd she never steal a suit?
As far as the gangs sorting themselves out just fine, did you miss the bit where they'd successfully managed to pretty much run Corpus Christi until they got bored, and just strolled back in right after they "left" ? Sure its further away from Mexico for reinforcements, but that just means a better chance to actually drive them out. And uhh.... shorten the time they spend bombing businesses and spraying gunfire and god knows what else happens when you add Capes to Gang Wars. Maybe say, kill a few of the already shorthanded local PRT just like they killed some in the past (and killed the Warlock gang's capes?).

I get that maybe we aren't super attached to Philly as a home, since its new and only shown casually in the first few storyposts here (more school interludes when? <3 ) , but I don't quite get why sitting out seems like a good idea to people. Hanging out with the Adepts and ignoring a war in our backyard, right after ignoring an Endbringer fight, when previously we were jumping to volunteer for that stuff? At best we just look like we only cared about BB and not now about Philly or anywhere else, at worst Legend starts getting very very worried about us the same way he was already worried about the Adepts /last/ hero recruit.
[X] Stayut of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
[X] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
We have too many ticking time bombs just waiting to explode on us. I really think we need to focus on dealing with the all the consequences we've been accruing.
[X] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
All the options look like choosing the way everything blows up in your face afterwards. Choose to destroy all the villains, and Calamity Witch becomes known as a blood knight with a black-and-white morality, which would make cooperation with villains less viable later. Choose to cooperate with gangs, and Taylor will hesitate when she'll inevitably need to fight against the very same gangs after MS-13 is finished. Choose to stay out of this altogether, and whichever side survives the gang war (*cough*MS-13*cough*) would either accidentally or intentionaly declare war on Calamity Witch by attacking one of her friends or allies – or even Danny. In addition, only one of the options actually works for strengthening bonds between Taylor and her current allies, while the other ones indirectly serve to weaken them.
Also, I want more interactions between Taylor and an ice girl from school, so social is the only option.