Speaking of chakra, shadow clones, seals, and exploits. When a clone is dispelled, chakra returns to the user. Clones can use techniques and make seals. strength of One seal can be charged by outside sources. So, why not make a clone, chqrge its seal, then have it release said seal, dispeal it, and get the benefits? Baaically, the trick Naruto used for sage mode, but generally for chakra.

I must be missing something here. Because it sounds to me like you're saying that creating a Shadow Clone and having it charge the seal and then dispelling it would somehow save on chakra, which is... just not how it works. It's your own chakra, divided evenly among the clones. The Sage Mode thing works because Nature Chakra is absorbed from, you know, nature, i.e. an outside source.
Because the seal is charged off our, or in this case the clone's, chakra. You can't just create more chakra out of nowhere. The safe mode trick works because he's gathering chakra from nature. That isn't the case here.
It was explicitely confirmed that the seal can be charged by outside sources, specifically by Naruto.

I must be missing something here. Because it sounds to me like you're saying that creating a Shadow Clone and having it charge the seal and then dispelling it would somehow save on chakra, which is... just not how it works. It's your own chakra, divided evenly among the clones. The Sage Mode thing works because Nature Chakra is absorbed from, you know, nature, i.e. an outside source.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. Create en a clone, have Naruto charge its seal, dispel the clone = net positive chakra
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It was explicitely confirmed that the seal can be charged by outside sources, specifically by Naruto.
Hm. If we have Naruto charge it such a process would generate Chakra, but not much.

Final Hurricane Seal stores 50CP and Hisana's Chakra Capacity is 50CP.
Shadow Clones cost 20CP
If Hisana created one she'd have 30CP left over which is then split between her and her clone; leaving each with 15CP.
Hisana!Clone charges up and releases her Final Hurricane Seal. This gives her a total of 65CP
Hisana!Clone dispels returning (assuming 100% efficency) 65CP to Hisana.
Hisana's reserves are now at 80CP for a net gain of 30CP.

This is dependent upon at least the following being true:
  1. A return efficiency of 62.5% or higher.
  2. Having someone available, not in combat and with sufficient capacity, to charge FHS.
  3. Hisana being capable of overfilling her reserves*.
  4. Charging FHS being fast enough to be practical.
*It makes sense otherwise FHS has serious issues but it could be that part of the seal mitigates the problems of having over 100% Chakra which wouldn't be the case in this clone transfer trick.
Hm. If we have Naruto charge it such a process would generate Chakra, but not much.

Final Hurricane Seal stores 50CP and Hisana's Chakra Capacity is 50CP.
Shadow Clones cost 20CP
If Hisana created one she'd have 30CP left over which is then split between her and her clone; leaving each with 15CP.
Hisana!Clone charges up and releases her Final Hurricane Seal. This gives her a total of 65CP
Hisana!Clone dispels returning (assuming 100% efficency) 65CP to Hisana.
Hisana's reserves are now at 80CP for a net gain of 30CP.

This is dependent upon at least the following being true:
  1. A return efficiency of 62.5% or higher.
  2. Having someone available, not in combat and with sufficient capacity, to charge FHS.
  3. Hisana being capable of overfilling her reserves*.
  4. Charging FHS being fast enough to be practical.
*It makes sense otherwise FHS has serious issues but it could be that part of the seal mitigates the problems of having over 100% Chakra which wouldn't be the case in this clone transfer trick.
Sounds like an impressive bonus trick that turns extra disposable soldiers into chakra pills when they die on the enemy's sword.

Of course there's also the non-combat version where Hisana can just have Naruto charge her up with chakra refills as she casts shadow clones for extra training time and extra training chakra.

Having a Tailed Beast in a bottle on the team is such a fantastic cheat. I wonder if Minato did the same thing, it would help explain how he became such an utter combat beast.
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Far easier would just make one shadow clone for 40 chakra, dropping the characters chakra pool down to 10. Activate the seal, and make another clone dropping pool to 20. This ends up with two shadow clones to use.

Then have Naruto fill the seal up with his chakra again, activate it, and make another clone leaving chakra pool 30.

Then keep going and repeat as necessary, and you can create a great deal of Hisana Uchiha clones that can do elemental exercises/chakra control exercises/mental tasks/d-ranks.

Edit - Forgot about chakra control stat, which drops costs by 50%. Makes it considerably easier.
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Far easier would just make one shadow clone for 40 chakra, dropping the characters chakra pool down to 10. Activate the seal, and make another clone dropping pool to 20. This ends up with two shadow clones to use.

Then have Naruto fill the seal up with his chakra again, activate it, and make another clone leaving chakra pool 30.

Then keep going and repeat as necessary, and you can create a great deal of Hisana Uchiha clones that can do elemental exercises/chakra control exercises/mental tasks/d-ranks.

Edit - Forgot about chakra control stat, which drops costs by 50%. Makes it considerably easier.
The real power of UberJKK's trick is that it allows for Hisana to have an effectively higher chakra capacity in combat as long she brings along shadow clones (along with the basic utility of actually having shadow clones). The obvious cost of course being you need to know to have them created pre-mission and have a way to get bonus chakra from an outside source.

This is important because the Final Hurricane Seal has two distinct and very impressive functions that we know about.

1. To convert chakra from others into a usable source for Hisana. This is just pure awesome, for most ninja it would probably be pretty meh since they don't have access to that many usable outside chakra sources. Hisana of course has access to an Uzumaki Jinchuriki which makes it basically the greatest thing ever.

2. Bonus chakra capacity and physical stats. Definitely very useful since it shores up important weaknesses. However with UberJKK's shadow clone trick this suddenly becomes much less interesting since Hisana can store extra chakra in shadow clones instead. This potentially makes working on increasing the seal capacity much less appealing than it was previously since we have an alternative form of chakra storage.
Is there a maximum duration or some form of upkeep on Shadow Clones? I assume there was a reason that Naruto didn't just flood the world with Shadow Clones - especially since with Sage Mode, his clone could technically support themselves.
All this panic over another SI being involved is going to be hilarious if it turns out to be a red herring.

Hisana already confirmed the existence of Arabic Numerals in the Elemental Nations and suspected that the English language may exist somewhere out there.

Apparently the Land of Snow movie is at least partial canon for this Quest, meaning the Gelel movie probably is too. Meaning pseudo-Europe is out there, across the ocean.

All this speculation because a guy said two words in english before he died. Good chance he was just a foreigner that ended up working for Orochimaru.

I mean, if Orochimaru had the kind of meta-knowledge a SI could provide ... I think the world would be a different place right now. He's the kind of person that would ruthlessly exploit that kind of advantage before butterflies could render most of it moot, so the fact that we haven't seen that makes me think it's not an issue.
All this speculation because a guy said two words in english before he died.
No, it's because he called Hisana an "aberration" and spoke of Mizuki getting Naruto to steal the scroll of forbidden jutsu as getting events "back on track":
"Seems like you succeed at drawing out the nine-tails brat a little too well, eh?" The mystery ninja said, but Mizuki merely growled. She could see his curse mark with her Sharingan, active as soon as they'd closed, and the tigerlike ripples were already spreading across his flesh. "I'll take the aberration and deal with it once and for all, you take the brat and get this back on track." The trenchcoat ninja said. He wore no headband, and beneath the coat she could see heavy metal armour.
Note that from this quote it can be inferred that attracting Naruto's attention was the goal of the operation, rather than stealing the scroll, and that Hisana is being referred to as "aberration" in a way that the hostile shinobi believes Mizuki will understand without further explanations. Meaning that, in all likelihood, MIzuki at least was told about canon.
Hisana is being referred to as "aberration" in a way that the hostile shinobi believes Mizuki will understand without further explanations. Meaning that, in all likelihood, MIzuki at least was told about canon.
You think Mizuki would sacrifice himself to get canon back on track? He'd accept his role as a nobody the protagonist stepped on, to either die or spend the next weeks/months in T&I?

No, the far more likely explanation is that Hisana being referred to as "aberration" in a way that the hostile shinobi believes Mizuki will understand without further explanations, is referring to something completely unrelated to her SI status.

The comment about 'getting things back on track' seems like a perfectly normal thing to say when referring to getting the mission back on track.

I mean, it's not impossible he was a fellow SI. But if so, I'd think he was one that got inserted into his current body relatively recently, and never mentioned anything to Orochimaru (or anyone else), because we can all guess how that would have turned out, probably with him on an operation table.
Acquisition 2.7
Acquisition 2.7

Hisana woke with a start, wiping sweat from her brow. Just a dream, it seemed. Not that the memories it drew on weren't all too real, but they were unrelated. As terrible as the graduation battle had been, Hisana had been a scared child at the time of the Uchiha massacre, not participating in it. She saw the memories again, her eyes burning the memories into her brain until she died, and she tried to calm herself. She had known this was coming, wasn't she? There were no magazine editors or censors to protect children's innocence here, and it's not as if the characters in the manga were particularly clean of bloodshed.

But knowing it was coming didn't make it any better when it did. And she'd found that she wasn't quite as fearless as she might want to believe. She'd been so willing to go running off into battle, but seeing that spear coming for her; knowing that she could never have gotten out of the way - that had scared her. It was silly when she thought about it. She was living proof that there was life after death, even if she hadn't believed the manga itself. The truth was, to quote a tale from her homeland, that she didn't want go.

She'd forged connections here, she had people she cared about. People she was responsible for, no matter how absurd that seemed. She'd derailed destinity, torn up the rails of fate - and that meant it was up to her to stick it through.

She managed to practice her sword drills that morning. She hadn't trained at all the two days following graduation, her hand shaking when she touched her sword. She knew that post traumatic stress disorder had to be hellishly common amongst ninja, she knew that she was genetically predisposed to a whole host of mental problems. And yet she'd thought it'd never happen to her.

It hadn't, not really, of course. She'd never have made such progress in two days, otherwise. But she'd been worried that she was... broken. That she'd failed before she'd really began.

Naruto came round that day, and Hisana braced herself for a conversation that needed to happen and needed to go right. The blond ninja looked atypically subdued as he made his way towards the residence of the last Uchiha.

"Can I, uh, talk to the two of you. If you want me to leave after, I will." Naruto said as she opened the door for him, and as Sasuke came downstairs to greet him.

"You've always been welcome here, and you always will be. Now sit your ass down and say what you want to say." Hisana said, going into Big Sister mode for a bit. The three of them sat around a raised table, as Naruto fidgeted in his seat.

"That weird seal the old man said not worry about? I know what's in it now. It's the Kyuubi." He said, looking down. "That's why I said I'd leave after."

"I thought so, after grad... after graduation day." Hisana said, not sounding quite so confident as she had once imagined sounding. Of all the experiences she'd had that day, feeling Kurama's chakra had been the worst. She'd been more terrified of that than her own oncoming death. But she couldn't say that to Naruto now, so the comforting lie it was.

"You did?" Asked Sasuke. He hadn't felt Kurama's chakra, not really.

"What else has such powerful chakra and would need a seal like that to contain it? Add to that the timing of Naruto's birth and it's not that hard to piece together. But there's no way you're leaving this house in this state, Naruto. You are gonna stay here and you're gonna enjoy it until I say otherwise!" Hisana said, her twelve year old voice not particuarly imposing.

Naruto cracked a smile, and in a way that was that. He still stayed with Sasuke and Hisana, and she wondered why she hadn't done this ages ago. Seriously, what was the Hokage thinking letting a small child live by himself? Even if he was a ninja now, she felt just as responsible for him as for Sasuke. Though she suspected the reason he stuck around was the promise of her cooking every day.

When she turned up at Iaido practice again, Inaho said nothing. She'd missed a session, but word of the kidnapping, rescue and battle had spread. He could put two and two together.

Inaho had never been trained in what a ninja would call chakra flow, but he was trained in the samurai equivalent. Drills for the two of them were much the same, at least at a more basic level. She practiced the snap activation of her chakra flow, forming the two opposing 'edges' of wind chakra faster and faster.

Hisana had tried to figure out what on earth the whole graduation day battle had been about, but she was rebuffed by official sources and told to wait by the Hokage, and resolved to look into it further when she could.

It was raining the day of the team assignments, and the three of them rushed towards the academy, huddled under their standard issue waterproof cloaks. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, the three ninja managed to make it to the Academy early, glad of the shelter from the rain. There were a lot of cream-coloured cloaks to hang up, but almost everyone was looking happy. Most of them had only heard that there had been an incident on graduation day, nothing further.

Sakura looked quiet. Hisana had talked to her over the week, asking for advice about the Mystical Palm. The girl really was very talented in her area of expertise, and all she'd needed was a push. She'd been happy to talk about that, but that didn't necessarily mean everything was okay. With a nod, Hisana directed Sasuke and Naruto to follow her. They all slid into seats surrounding Sakura, and she smiled. They chatted about inconsequential things for a while, until Iruka arrived and everyone went quiet.

"I can't say how proud I am of you all. Each and every one of you have put all your efforts towards becoming ninja, and succeeded. Not only that, but on the day of the final exam you showed yourselves as calm in a crisis and as people who looked out for their comrades over themselves. You are, without a doubt, the finest class of student's I've had the pleasure to teach. Now I have to hand you off to your jonin senseis, please get up and go with them when your names are called out. The rankings board with your exam scores is up here." Iruka said, revealing a blackboard beneath the previously raised one. It listed the final scores of each student in each subject, then added them together to form a final ranking.

Right there at number one was Hisana's name. She hadn't actually won any category but throwing weapons, but she'd won that one but such a huge amount that it was faintly ridiculous. As in, more than every other category combined ridiculous. Cheaters do prosper, Hisana thought with a slight chuckle.

No one she remembered as important was assigned to a team before Iruka announced the members of what may have been the most important genin team in shinobi history. As team seven approached Hisana found herself getting more than a little nervous - she'd need to adjust her strategy seriously if this didn't go well.

"Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Hisana Uchiha will form Team Seven under Hatake Kakashi." Iruka said, and despite knowing it was futile Hisana stood. It seemed at least one thing was going right for her this week. There was an awkward thirty seconds, until Naruto yelled.

"Hey, what's the big idea Iruka-sensei!? I don't see no jonin here for us!" Naruto yelled in irritation, though Hisana wasn't too annoyed. That was probably because she'd taken to carrying around a novel or two sealed in her storage seals, since smartphones didn't exist here yet.

"I'm sure he'll be here in just a moment. Why don't you sit down and wait for now." Iruka suggested to his favourite pupil, and went on with the team assignments. Sakura had bumped Kiba out of Team 8, somehow, and of course the Ino-Shika-Cho trio were intact. Kiba was assigned to a team full of people she didn't recognise and she felt a brief pang of guilt at taking him away from a team that had worked so well for him; and even more so at Sakura. At least Sakura seemed to be able to realise some of her potential on her own.

Minutes turned into hours, until both Sasuke and Naruto had cracked and started setting up some kind of fiendishly complex version of the eraser trap Naruto had set in the series. Hisana would probably have told them not too, but to be honest she could hardly care if Kakashi's hair got a little greyer. He did eventually turn up, impossible hair and all. All of the erasers hit him, which he decided not to react too and just continue on.

"I was going to ask you to meet me up on the rooftop, but I don't want to get wet so let's just talk here." He said, giving no indication he knew he had been pranked, or that he was hours late.

"We were waiting here for hours! Where were you!?" Naruto shouted, Sasuke voicing his agreement. It was nice to see the differences between him and his canon self here, Hisana thought.

"I got lost on the road of life. Meet me at training ground six with your mission equipment tomorrow, six AM." He said, and then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

What do you do with the rest of the day?

[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.
[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto
Adhoc vote count started by Tekomandor on Mar 14, 2017 at 2:09 PM, finished with 1238 posts and 120 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Tekomandor on Mar 14, 2017 at 2:09 PM, finished with 1238 posts and 120 votes.

  • [x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto
    [x] - Kenjutsu
    [x] - Work on your Iaido some more, and perfect your integration of it and your chakra flow.
    [x] - Fuinjutsu:
    [x] - Try to improve your basic chakra storage seal.
    [x] - You have enough chakra to go all out until reinforcements arrive. Use offensive ninjutsu to thin the horde and create a safe area.
    [x] - Suggest joint control
    [x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.
    [X] Plan "always ready"
    [x] - Use a physical disguise to do so.
    [x] Plan Quadratic Sword Wizard
    [X] Plan Takeoff 1.0
    [x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
    [x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up
    [x][Receptors] - Do use the receptor tagged shuriken. Spelling your name in shuriken after bouncing them off random objects after throwing them backwards is gonna be so cool.
    [x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Shadow Clone
    [x][Mizuki] - Keep an eye on Mizuki all day. You don't trust him as far as you could throw him.
    [x][Receptors] - Don't use them. The few extra points and a cool factor aren't worth it.
    [x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Drilling Air Bullets
    [x][Mizuki] - Don't get involved. You're sure whatever he tries to pull the village will stop. Probably.
    [x][Receptors] - Don't use them. The few extra points and a cool factor aren't worth it.
    [x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Shadow Clone
    [x][Mizuki] - Don't get involved. You're sure whatever he tries to pull the village will stop. Probably.
    [x] - Fuinjutsu:
    -[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.
    [x] - Kenjutsu
    -[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
    [x] - Iryojutsu
    -[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.
    [x] - Genjutsu
    -[x] - Get the basics of Genjutsu down.
    [X] Ninjutsu
    -[x] Work on finding and training Hisana's elemental affinity.
    [X] Genjutsu
    -[x] Get the basics of Genjutsu down.
    [X] Kenjutsu
    -[x] Learn to integrate basic ninjutsu into your kenjutsu.
    [X] Iryojutsu
    -[x] Begin to learn the Mystical Palm Jutsu
    [x] Plan Phantom Blade
    [x] Learn the hard way.
    [x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
    [x] - Fuinjutsu:
    [x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken
    [x] - Ninjutsu
    [x] - Work on finding and training Hisana's elemental affinity
    [x] - Learn to do an efficient Shushin
    [X] Plan Cat Person
    [x] - Fuinjutsu:
    -[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
    [x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
    -[x] - Cat
    [x] - Ninjutsu
    -[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
    [x] - Iryojutsu
    -[x] - Investigate dojutsu specific techniques.
    [x] - Kenjutsu
    -[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
    [x] - Genjutsu
    -[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
    [X] Fuinjutsu:
    -[x]Reverse-engineering the wrist storage seals
    -[x]Learn to do an efficient Shushin
    -[x]Attend the basic medical theory classes the hospital holds for Academy students.
    [x] - Fuinjutsu:
    -[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.
    [x] - Ninjutsu
    -[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
    -[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
    --[x] - Crow
    [x] - Genjutsu
    -[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
    [x] - Kenjutsu
    -[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
    -[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
    [x] - Fuinjutsu:
    -[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.
    [x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
    -[x] - Raven
    [x] - Genjutsu
    -[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu
    [x] - Kenjutsu
    -[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
    -[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
    [x] - Iryojutsu
    -[x] - Learn the Chakra Scalpel
    [X] Take the week off and relax. It might be the last chance you'll have for a while, and you deserve it.
    [x] - Use the transformation jutsu to disguise yourself once inside the stadium.
    [X] Subtly push to remain in control of the clan.
    [X] Plan Stab the Squishy Parts
    [X] Plan Be a Wizard, which means "be prepared"
    [x] - Fuinjutsu:
    [x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken
    [x] - Fuinjutsu. Seals do all sorts of weird and wonderful shit. You want in.
    [x] - Attempt to improve your Mystical Palm jutsu.
    [x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.
    [x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto
    [x] Use both.
    [X] Plan Hammerspace
    [X] Try to do what you can to improve your chakra control from your hospital bed. It's the only training you can do right now, but the exercises your mother taught you combined with your awakened Sharingan should prove useful enough.
[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.

We could use the home turf advantage.
[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.
[x] - Set traps at the indicated training ground and prepare for a fight. It might not be the bell test, but he's probably going to do something similar.
Sakura looked quiet. Hisana had talked to her over the week, asking for advice about the Mystical Palm. The girl really was very talented in her area of expertise, and all she'd needed was a push. She'd been happy to talk about that, but that didn't necessarily mean everything was okay. With a nod, Hisana directed Sasuke and Naruto to follow her. They all slid into seats surrounding Sakura, and she smiled.

Neat. Does that mean "Hellfire" is canon?

In any case, I'm going to go with:

[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto

We all know each other, but IC, we "officially" know nothing about Kakashi. If this jerk shows up hours late, says two words, and leaves, you'd better believe that Sasuke and Naruto will want answers.

What we do after he showed up is probably also part of his assessment of us, and if since we don't "know" what his test is, trapping the forest instead of looking for answers seems like a less mature response.
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[x] - "Investigate" Kakashi with Sasuke and Naruto
He never said anything about a test, so why should we set traps.