Edited "Hellfire" a bit, to make it less sparse.

Honestly, there may be a 50/50 chance he's going to try anyway even without us telling him about it unless Saratobi tells him about it and tells him not to try and use it or something.

There's essentially no chance of Sarutobi not talking to Naruto about his status, since Mizuki spilled the beans.
Breach of Rule 4.
Except it does matter who commits crimes, and Danzo gets leeway no one else does.
Citation please? And, again, Orochimaru didn't get away with doing his research.
Once we admit to Hokage we are a SI Danzo will know of the conversation. Assuming otherwise is folly.
Explain why.
What Danzo might or might not know from other SI doesn't matter until we confirm it's true. Until then it's lies and malicious slander from a suspiciously well-informed enemy of the village who's trying to sow disinformation for his nefarious needs
So, you are saying Danzo will care about our well-being enough to not check (by kidnapping and mind walking us, if nothing else)?
And Orochimaru-affiliated SI reporting to Danzo before today is a big if.
It is at least as likely as Danzo learning of what we tell Hokage. And that's assuming there's only one SI besides us.
Honestly, there may be a 50/50 chance he's going to try anyway even without us telling him about it unless Saratobi tells him about it and tells him not to try and use it or something.
For one thing, I'm going to bet you that Mizuki told him he was the Kyuubi container while they were fighting.
And I am going to point out that until Jiraiya pushed and trained him to attempt to draw on that power in canon, he never did so intentionally.

Naruto is rash, but he isn't actually stupid, and he recalls the stories of the Kyuubi.
He isn't going to take unnecessary risk.
And Sarutobi will talk to him anyway.
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For one thing, I'm going to bet you that Mizuki told him he was the Kyuubi container while they were fighting.
And I am going to point out that until Jiraiya pushed and trained him to attempt to draw on that power in canon, he never did so intentionally.

Naruto is rash, but he isn't actually stupid, and he recalls the stories of the Kyuubi.
He isn't going to take unnecessary risk.
And Sarutobi will talk to him anyway.

Yeah, that's true. In my haze of worrying I forgot Naruto is actually cautious despite some of the things he does.
[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Work on your Iaido some more, and perfect your integration of it and your chakra flow.
Citation please? And, again, Orochimaru didn't get away with doing his research.

Explain why.

So, you are saying Danzo will care about our well-being enough to not check (by kidnapping and mind walking us, if nothing else)?

It is at least as likely as Danzo learning of what we tell Hokage. And that's assuming there's only one SI besides us.

Hey yog, I don't think your post should count as the whole spaghetti thing people were worked up about, especially since it's short and not taking up a lot of space, but you should probably read this.

Citation please? And, again, Orochimaru didn't get away with doing his research.
ROOT was supposed to be disbanded, yet still exists. That means that either Sarutobi gives Danzo leeway or Danzo can avoid being noticed by the Hokage, either of which means that Danzo will learn almost anything of importance we can tell Hiruzen without taking such precautions as to make things extremely suspicious.
[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Work on your Iaido some more, and perfect your integration of it and your chakra flow.

Chakra storage seals are cool and all, but chakra isn't everything. Basics first, then expand the fun stuff.

Just having more chakra doesn't mean crap if you can't put it to good use. Besides, we're still slower and weaker then Sasuke right now anyway. Now that he's got his Sharingan opened up, Hisana will be the one playing catch-up :)

Fun stuff later , important stuff now. (As a side note, I'd be voting for medical skills if I thought they'd win right now >_>)
A lot of argument over something that hasn't been offered in any of the carefully curated vote options. You know why you can't vote to go to the Hokage and spill all? Because there's no vote option to go to the Hokage and spill all, because apparently it's something the QM has decided that Hisana won't do.

I was honestly surprised that after we got the big twist of the whole quest, there was no option to "investigate what the hell just happened" in the week before team assignments. Instead it's just another training vote.
ROOT was supposed to be disbanded, yet still exists. That means that either Sarutobi gives Danzo leeway or Danzo can avoid being noticed by the Hokage, either of which means that Danzo will learn almost anything of importance we can tell Hiruzen without taking such precautions as to make things extremely suspicious.

Two successive Kages did not have the power or knowledge to shut down ROOT, despite official orders to that effect.
Sarutobi couldn't do it in the five years that passed after the Uchiha Massacre.
Tsunade couldn't despite Jiraiya's support. Consider exactly how much power and influence it takes to keep that going.

Danzo leads a rogue organization that has repeatedly subverted the Hokage's orders in canon.
From when he launched his own foreign policy in Ame, to the murder of the Uchiha, to covert dealings with an S-class criminal that invaded Konoha, to attempting a covert assassination of Sasuke against orders, to witholding village forces during Pain's Invasion and murdering a Toad messenger to subvert the then-Kage's orders.

Dude is connected, and we cannot maneuver against him.
We lack the knowledge, the power and the connections.
Note that without the Chakra Seal boosting Hisana, she wouldn't have been able to even use her kenjutsu.
This choice focuses on offence, instead of the all-round boost that improving the Final Hurricane seal gives.
I was honestly surprised that after we got the big twist of the whole quest, there was no option to "investigate what the hell just happened" in the week before team assignments.
It's either something Hisana would do anyway, or something that's beyond her ability to do at the moment, I imagine. Probably the second one. What exactly is a pre-genin going to do to investigate that wouldn't happen so normally it wouldn't require a vote?
Note that without the Chakra Seal boosting Hisana, she wouldn't have been able to even use her kenjutsu.
This focuses on offence, instead of the all-round boost that improving the Final Hurricane seal gives.
Being able to improve our use of chakra while using our primary fighting style isn't just an offensive boost, it's an all-around improvement. We would've gotten further without using the seal if we'd been better at using our sword and chakra simultaneously.
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Note that without the Chakra Seal boosting Hisana, she wouldn't have been able to even use her kenjutsu.
This choice focuses on offence, instead of the all-round boost that improving the Final Hurricane seal gives.

We used Kenjutsu just fine without the seal and it's why we are still alive. What ate up our Chakra was the Giant Great Fireball we shot off as an opening move.

Kenjutsu also increases chakra control and it's efficiency and integration in our fighting style. Something we do need to do.

Improving the chakra seal can always wait until later when we have better basics.


It also improves our wind shaping too. Kenjutsu that is.
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To those who claim Danzo doesn't get special leeway...

...Remember that time Danzo tried to assassinate Hiruzen, only to be caught and let off with a warning? And allowed to keep his power?

And with so little oversight afterwards that he managed to hide the entirety of his ROOT in the tunnels beneath Konoha without anyone noticing?

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Probably because it is the most boring village with almost nothing revealed about it. I consider myself to be deeply into naruto lore, and I can still only name like 4 Iwa-nin.

Edit: Ninja'd! I really shouldn't be so surprised.

Not counting the anime-only characters we have: Onoki, Akatsuchi, Kurotsuchi, Deidara (went missing-nin), Roshi, and Han, to my recollection. We also know the village looks f*cking baller:

As for information on the village, we know that it and Suna don't like each other because of long battles with each other (rather than the Konoha-Iwa enmity that fanon describes), that the Second Tsuchikage and Second Mizukage killed each other, that it fought Konoha and Suna in Ame during the Second Shinobi War, and in the Third War they fought Konoha in Kusa; they were winning until Minato destroyed Kanabi Bridge and cut off their supply line. We know that Onoki frequently acted against the other villages even during times of peace, trying to weaken them by hiring missing-nin to do its dirty work.

Also, Iwa's nindo is the "Will of Stone," the guiding principle they live by similar to the Will of Fire (i.e. "the village is your family, and you give your all to protect it"). Mu never really elaborates on it in his flashback with Onoki, but he does say that it demands that Iwa ninja be strong-willed.
We used Kenjutsu just fine without the seal and it's why we are still alive.
Let me quote the update:
She couldn't breathe. People were moving past her, ragged shapes screaming in fear. She struggled to stand, barely managing to support herself on her sword. Each breath came easier than the last, and she could hold her sword out in front of her. Her body moved where her mind could not, standing ready to fight. The sounds of battle raged, and out the smoke and dust came a man with a spear and only half a face. He charged forward slowly, and her body did likewise. She felt like she was walking through honey.

Her sword still found it's mark, cutting the man cleanly in two. She was too slow, she needed to be stronger, she needed to throw this lethargy off. Mustering what seemed like all her remaining strength, she sent a pulse of chakra towards the seal on her forehead. The world suddenly felt right again, as red markings descended down her face. Men, wearing a similar uniform to the one she'd killed, streamed out of the smoke. The first, she killed with another Iaido strike. There was a sound like the crack of whip from the sheer speed of her blow.
So no, you're wrong about this.
What ate up our Chakra was the Giant Great Fireball we shot off as an opening move.
Also wrong about this.
Let me quote:
As the enemy ninja emerged from the smoke, Hisana's hands became a blur of motion; and fire welled up within her. Her mouth opened, and she roared fire like the fiercest of dragons. Men screamed as the world slowed down; and when wind followed it appeared as if Hisana had sundered the very earth itself. Wind chakra met Fire; and each fed the other.
Hisana started that fight with 46 Chakra.
She dropped a Fire and then boosted it with Wind to kill a dozen people.

Her most powerful Fire tech is Grand Fireball, a C-rank jutsu at 2.5 chakra per use.
Her most powerful Wind tech is Drilling Air Bullets, a B-rank tech at 10 Chakra/use.
That initial bombardment did not cost more than 15 chakra, or about 33% of her beginning tank, which would have left her with ~30 Chakra.

What froze her was the Kyuubi fear aura.
A hundred orange clad blondes screamed as Mizuki charged, and at his words. Orange chakra burst from them, and Hisana felt like she was going to die. There was a physical weight bearing down upon her; and it seemed for the moment as if the battle had simply stopped. Hisana managed to drag her head around to look at what had caused it, and saw the Tailed Beast's chakra swirl around each and every clone. She saw nine wisps of it solid enough to be visible to the naked eye.
Only when she mainlined extra chakra from the Hurricane Seal did she feel normal.

Kenjutsu also increases chakra control
No it doesn't.
Chakra control is no part of the stat calcs for Kenjutsu; all you get there is Speed and Strength.
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It's either something Hisana would do anyway, or something that's beyond her ability to do at the moment, I imagine. Probably the second one. What exactly is a pre-genin going to do to investigate that wouldn't happen so normally it wouldn't require a vote?

Let me put that a different way, then.

Perhaps it wouldn't require a vote exactly, but I would have expected that after Hisana woke up she would be asking the relevant people in charge, "Hey, who were those guys? What did they want? What was that all about? What village were they from? What haaaaaaappened!?"

Now maybe the answer would be "it's classified" and maybe it wouldn't. It was a pretty public incident, and I expected there would have been some kind of public statement even if the details were classified. Surely someone would want to interview Hisana and ask what she saw. Would be nice for someone to talk to her about having to kill people when she literally just graduated as well.

But instead the story seems to be skipping straight ahead a week to team assignments. Like, what skills will Hisana be working on in the next week? I give far less of a shit about that than I do a debriefing on what just went down.
Let me put that a different way, then.
IC, this is stuff that she'll do in the background.
Especially since the village is going to spend weeks or months investigating this; at the moment, they know even less than Hisana does, and most of the key personnel(Trenchcoat, maybe Mizuki) are dead.
Hisana has no skill at investigation, and is not senior enough anyway; there is no reason she should be involved even if it wasn't classified.

OOC, bureaucratic work isn't what most players in a Naruto quest come for.
There is no reason for the GM to go through scenes of watching Hisana get stonewalled for versimilitude.
At best it will get a paragraph or two in the next update, or be addressed by her jounin-sensei.
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Chakra control is no part of the stat calcs for Kenjutsu; all you get there is Speed and Strength.

Dude, look at the wording on the kenjutsu vote.

"improves chakra flow"

What do you think that means?

Also in those quotes kenjutsu didn't make us run out of chakra so you are still wrong about that. She was struggling under the weight of the kyuubi's killer intent.

There was a physical weight bearing down upon her; and it seemed for the moment as if the battle had simply stopped.

At no point did she assume or the update say it was her sword technique that did her in.
She even used it when she was under the wieght of the killer intent. It saved her from being gutted here.

The sounds of battle raged, and out the smoke and dust came a man with a spear and only half a face. He charged forward slowly, and her body did likewise. She felt like she was walking through honey.

Her sword still found it's mark, cutting the man cleanly in two.

So blame Naruto for unleashing the nintails and us being sensitive to it rather than kenjutsu being the cause.
[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Work on your Iaido some more, and perfect your integration of it and your chakra flow.

If there are indeed multiple SIs, I'm ok with this quest becoming a series of SI Versus Debates, plus framing plot. The other SIs will take turns staging attacks on Hisana, one by one. ^_^