[x][Receptors] - Do use the receptor tagged shuriken. Spelling your name in shuriken after bouncing them off random objects after throwing them backwards is gonna be so cool.
[x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Shadow Clone
[x][Mizuki] - Keep an eye on Mizuki all day. You don't trust him as far as you could throw him.
Track Mizuki via Shadow Clone or summon. It's good practice.
The village has no reason to suspect him; you do.
Besides, the dude has access to your school records; he has the potential to do you or your friends significant damage.
Not paying sufficient attention to the rest of the village got the Uchiha Clan killed; let's not repeat their experience

Problem is, it's only meta knowledge that Hisana knows something is up with Mizuki. Other than that he's just a slightly disgruntled teacher for brats and hasn't done anything suspicious to warrant getting stalked by the Uchiha co-clan head.

You guys are voting for Hisana to be suspicious to everyone else for stalking a teacher like a love struck fangirl. Also the edit button does exist uju. >.<

I rather Hisana celebrate graduating with her friends than stalk Mizuki. So what if he has school records too. It's not like those wont grow completely obsolete in the information they provide. Now if Mizuki approaches Naruto and offers him a secret mission, which he probably will not do as Naruto would likely have graduated and been hanging out with us and Sasuke, we'd would know something is up and then report him to the hokage or another teacher who would then report to the hokage.

Besides, do us and our friends great damage? With the school records? Yeah, no. That is a complete exaggeration. There are other teachers with our school records! Lets go stalk them as well! >.>


We do not need to get involved.
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Chakra Storage seal + Shadow Clone + Uzumaki recharger = one incredible combo. Use Naruto to charge up the seal, use it to make a shadow clone, have clone work on better seal and repeat until we have our own tailed beast mode and shadow clone hordes.

Also cutting a boulder in half is pretty damn awesome. Chakra Flow swords + Sealing Art: Unending Barrage looks to be a pretty damn badass combo especially if it's combined with sharingan genjutu. I was initially dubious about learning sword skills but I'm now fully convinced that swords are awesome.

[x][Receptors] - Don't use them. The few extra points and a cool factor aren't worth it.
[x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Drilling Air Bullets
[x][Mizuki] - Keep an eye on Mizuki all day. You don't trust him as far as you could throw him.
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Our character wont be able to accelerate that without some very pointed questions. Like how we know he has the fox in him in the first place. Especially since Naruto likely isn't even going to know he has the fox in him as we derailed canon pretty badly regarding that. So we will have to tell him that he has a demon fox in his belly and tell the hokage how we know he has the demon fox in his belly.

We don't have the excuse of being high up on the Uchiha latter either, being a bastard and all.
Nothing so direct. But we could encourage Naruto to pick up meditating, along with having him learn about tailed beasts (and dropping a few hints about not judging based on appearances). Knowing his personality, he would like to know all about giant monsters capable of firing purple fuck-you beams. We could also get him interested with the angle of "don't you want to know what your parents died fighting against?" but that would have him start off his relation with Kurama on the wrong foot, kind of defeating the whole purpose.

Granted, it might not work. But him picking up meditation so early might help with both his chakra control and speeding up his learning of Sage Mode much later on, since it relies on gathering natural chakra through meditation.
Tsunade might certainly be amused by Hisana's aping of the yin seal, even in a desperately incomplete state.
[x][Receptors] - Do use the receptor tagged shuriken. Spelling your name in shuriken after bouncing them off random objects after throwing them backwards is gonna be so cool.

[x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Drilling Air Bullets

[x][Mizuki] - Keep an eye on Mizuki all day. You don't trust him as far as you could throw him.
[x][Receptors] - Don't use them. The few extra points and a cool factor aren't worth it.
[x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Drilling Air Bullets
[x][Mizuki] - Don't get involved. You're sure whatever he tries to pull the village will stop. Probably.
Problem is, it's only meta knowledge that Hisana knows something is up with Mizuki. Other than that he's just a slightly disgruntled teacher for brats and hasn't done anything suspicious to warrant getting stalked by the Uchiha co-clan head.
One of Hisana's traits is Mind From Beyond.
There is no point to having some element of canon knowledge IC and failing to take advantage of it.

We live in this village; shit that happens here affects all of us.
Going "None of my business" is a perfect way to get blindsided.
You guys are voting for Hisana to be suspicious to everyone else for stalking a teacher like a love struck fangirl. Also the edit button does exist uju. >.<
1) Hisana: I was testing my skill by checking whether I was good enough to track a chuunin-level shinobi without being detected, and the only chuunin I know are my teachers. I picked Mizuki-sensei because he had the skill to detect the first time I activated my Sharingan in class. How was I to know he had something shady going on?

2) Wall of text in the previous post already.
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[x][Receptors] - Do use the receptor tagged shuriken. Spelling your name in shuriken after bouncing them off random objects after throwing them backwards is gonna be so cool.
[x][Credit] - Show the examiner your Shadow Clone
[x][Mizuki] - Keep an eye on Mizuki all day. You don't trust him as far as you could throw him.
One of Hisana's traits is Mind From Beyond.
There is no point to having some element of canon knowledge IC and failing to take advantage of it.

We live in this village; shit that happens here affects all of us.
Going "None of my business" is a perfect way to get blindsided.

Eh, still against it. Going after every little thing is a good way to get Hisana killed and harvested for her eyes and her bodies secrets. I'm not saying we shouldn't use her meta knowledge, just saying that we should be smart about this.

Mizuki isn't really part of the above since he's kinda a non factor and if worse comes to worse, I think we could take him. But I advise caution against using meta knowledge that may not even be relevant anymore due to the butterflies our presence is causing. Though there is the potential of Mizuki detecting us, leading us in a trap, knocking us out and dragging us to Orochimaru for his greed if we fuck up.

Off guard ambushes probably were the death of many ninja.
Should we start training rasengan? We do know the training steps after all. And it's an excellent technique as well as a chakra control exercise.
Should we start training rasengan? We do know the training steps after all. And it's an excellent technique as well as a chakra control exercise.
...In private, that was one of the siginture techniques of the Fourth Hokage, if we start even trying to work it out...well, I wouldn't put it past somebody important but not kind to give a shot at capturing us...Then turning us into a breeding factory for the uchiha for the rest of our days until we could maybe escape.
...In private, that was one of the siginture techniques of the Fourth Hokage, if we start even trying to work it out...well, I wouldn't put it past somebody important but not kind to give a shot at capturing us...Then turning us into a breeding factory for the uchiha for the rest of our days until we could maybe escape.
I don't think that having or not having rasengan would change the desire of people to capture us. We should keep it as a trump card, of course, but I think training it is a good idea. We could say we reverse-engineered it.
Also wait until naruto has it and starts throwing it around like candy at everything and say we reverse engineered it because we saw it so many god damn times.


Though I hope Naruto learns how to do it one handed, using clones to start it up defeats the fucking purpose of the technique.
Then turning us into a breeding factory for the uchiha for the rest of our days until we could maybe escape.
Wut. No. They'd try to do that to Sasuke, if they were going to do it to any nine year old Uchiha. 1 per year vs [Lots] per year.
Off what?!Hisana ,not mary has never SEEN IT!
It's literally just a spinny chakra ball. It requires ludicrous amounts of effort, but it's not exactly complicated.
Wut. No. They'd try to do that to Sasuke, if they were going to do it to any nine year old Uchiha. 1 per year vs [Lots] per year.

It's literally just a spinny chakra ball. It requires ludicrous amounts of effort, but it's not exactly complicated.
An absurdly powerful spinny chakra ball!

Also there was just ONE uchiha, too many might ask questions if the last uchiha were to vanish...But you have a point, Sasuke would be the better choice.
It's literally just a spinny chakra ball. It requires ludicrous amounts of effort, but it's not exactly complicated.

And yet in canon, despite how deadly it is, only three people were ever able to do it right. Minato, Jairaya, and Naruto. No one else used that super cool spinney death ball, I bet there is a reason for that.

Kakashi failed and made the chidori instead.

Why is it a bad idea, and why does it become a better idea to learn it when we are a jounin?

Because it's an A-class technique and very iconic and likely to give us enemies if people see us using it.

Also makes us incredibly suspicious as Jairiya is the only one alive that knows the correct steps to make it at this point in time.
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Eh, still against it. Going after every little thing is a good way to get Hisana killed and harvested for her eyes and her bodies secrets. I'm not saying we shouldn't use her meta knowledge, just saying that we should be smart about this.
We ARE being smart about it.
We are investigating someone who tried to kill a jinchuuriki and another Academy instructor in canon.
Those are both relevant to our interests, especially since Iruka was one of Naruto's only two adult authority figures.

If you are terrified of investigating a chuunin instructor inside Konoha, within easy reach of backup, and with a certain degree of foreknowledge?
How do you expect to take missions? This is not a safe job.
Mizuki isn't really part of the above
Yeah, I don't agree.
If he's as inconsequential as you claim, then fouling his play is a quick and easy source of brownie points.
If he's an actual threat, dealing with him becomes even more pressing before he fucks everyone over.

We're talking about someone who had the knowledge and ambition to go after the Forbidden Scroll in canon.
With the ruthlessness to set up a child and kill their coworker.
Whether he's working for Orochimaru or some other faction in this AU, or is an independent contractor, we cannot afford to leave him behind us if he's hostile.

Or do you think canon Mizuki would not cut a deal during the Invasion if/when it comes up?
Or assuming he can't get at Naruto, isn't going to try this with another of our classmates?
Off guard ambushes probably were the death of many ninja.
The Uchiha specifically ended up in shit because during the Kyuubi attack, most of them didn't turn up.
That was the original sin that allowed them to be marginalized, and gave Danzo his opening.
The village can handle it is never a good excuse when you yourself are free.
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