A couple hours or days or even weeks of chakra control exercises aren't going to matter much in the years of time it takes to go through the academy.

Some planning right now, however, means coming to terms with this whole reincarnation business, and with all our family being dead, and all that other junk. It means thinking this odd situation through, and I think that's more valuable at this point in time.

[x] Try and come up with a long term plan without leaving anything for your definitely there ANBU guard/watcher. Without the ability to take notes - and you'd imagine english is a pretty decent code in this universe - you'd be hampered; but you could start sooner.
but plan with WHAT knowledge? we know nothing outside of the dead uchiha events, we don't know what is FACT right now. for all we know orochimaru is a loyal ninja while tsunade is the traitor and Jiraiya is some kind of worship diety of porn or something.
[x] Try to do what you can to improve your chakra control from your hospital bed. It's the only training you can do right now, but the exercises your mother taught you combined with your awakened Sharingan should prove useful enough.
Character Sheet

Name: Hisana Uchiha

Gender: Female

Age: 13 [14]


Hisana is the result of some unknown phenomena smashing an ordinary teenage girl from a world very much like our own into the mind of a girl who somehow survived the Uchiha massacre. Born to an Uchiha mother and disreputable father, her Uchiha blood was thin enough that she was born as simply 'Hisana'. only after the massacre was she known by the surname Uchiha.

Her hair is a deep black, comes down to her shoulders, and is usually braided. She wears an Uchiha-style battle dress over shorts, and on a mission usually has her sword in it's scabbard at her side. Apart from that, she keeps her weapons and supplies in seals on her body. Her chakra storage seal is located on her forehead, similar to those of Tsunade Senju and Mito Uzumaki.

Canon Fanart:

Bloodline: Sharingan [Three Tomoe in both eyes]


Ninjutsu: 160 [A-Rank]
  • Basic Ninjutsu: 70 [B-Rank][MAX]
  • Advanced Ninjutsu: 85 [B-Rank]
  • Nintaijutsu: 20 [D-Rank]
Taijutsu: 100 [B-Rank]
  • Uchiha Clan Style: 70 [B-Rank] [TAI + UCS + 0.75*STR + 1.25*SPD]
  • Konoha Military Combatives: 70 [B-Rank] [TAI + KMC + 0.75*STR + 0.75*SPD]
  • Strong Fist Style: 50 [C-Rank] [TAI+SFS+1.5*STR+1*SPD]
Genjutsu: 78 [B-Rank]
  • Basic Genjutsu: 50 [C-Rank]
  • Sharingan Genjutsu: 70 [B-Rank]
Kenjutsu: 190 [A-Rank]
  • Leaf Style: 120 [B-Rank] [KEN + LS + 1.25*STR +1.25* SPD]
  • Iaido: 125 [B-Rank] [KEN + IA + 0.75*STR + 2*SPD]
  • Ninkenjutsu: 20 [D-Rank]
Fuinjutsu: 190 [A-Rank]
  • Storage Seals: 160 [A-Rank]
  • Explosive Seals: 70 [B-Rank][MAX]
  • Touch Seals: 65 [C-Rank]
  • Camo Cloak Style Sealing: 25 [D-Rank]
Iryojutsu: 135 [B-Rank]
  • Surgical Jutsu: 15 [D-Rank]
Intelligence: 120 [B-Rank]
  • Canon Knowledge: 50 [C-Rank]
  • Schooling: 70 [B-Rank]
  • Medical Theory: 70 [B-Rank]
Strength: 95 [B-Rank]
  • Effective strength with Chakra Burst equals CONTROL + STR
Speed: 230 [A-Rank]
Chakra Capacity: 125 [B-Rank]
  • Points above 150 give double chakra per point
  • Points above 310 give five times chakra per point
Chakra Control: 215 [A-Rank]
  • 90% Technique Cost Reduction. Not applied on sheet.
Notoriety: 151 [A-Rank]

  • Konoha Special Jounin: Hisana has been elevated to the rank of Chunin, and then to the rank of Special Jounin. This rank is below a full jounin, but above a chunin and is usually used to give a rare specialist authority - or give a qualified but inexperienced shinobi some command experience.
  • Uchiha Clan Bastard: Hisana was born to a mother from a weak line of the Uchiha, who had Hisana with someone her family disapproved of enough to strip Hisana of the Uchiha name. She only legally became a member of the clan after the massacre.
  • Three Tomoe Sharingan: Hisana's sharingan has evolved to its peak without the mangekyou, granting her improved powers of vision, genjutsu, prediction, and jutsu copying.
  • Mind from Beyond: Hisana is the melding of two souls, one from an Earth very much like our own. She remembers the events of the Naruto manga, and retains her more advanced mental development.
  • Final Hurricane Seal IV [500/500]: Hisana's greatest sealwork, this chakra storage seal is placed upon her forehead. The seal stores chakra in units of fifty.
  • Raven Summoner II: Hisana has learnt how to achieve some limited control over which Raven she summons.
  • Team Seven Member: Hisana is a member of the to-be-legendary Team Seven, alongside Naruto and Sasuke; serving under the tutelage of Hatake Kakashi.
  • Lightning Blood Seal II: This jutsu formula, inscribed upon the skin above the user's spine, allows the user far greater control over the Shushin, making it a viable move in combat. Specifically, straight lines are no longer a limiting factor. This version of the seal may be used for longer periods of time.
  • Sealing Art: Reactive Chakra Armour. This technique uses a network of small seals that are able to emit hardened chakra. A seal, or a number of seals, may be activated to block an incoming blow. Chakra costs prevent constant usage, as do current sealing methodologies.
  • Sealing Art: Blazing Chakra Flow. This jutsu formula, applied to your blade, allows you to add fire-natured chakra to your chakra flow at the moment of impact. Future development could allow the true combination of various types of chakra flow.
  • Sealing Art: Touch Explosive. This jutsu allows the user to set an explosive seal with a momentary touch. Though more costly than the normal method of setting explosive seals, it allows even a touch to be deadly. Unlocks the 'Touch Seals' skill.
  • Wind Release: Chakra Shroud. This A-ranked ninjutsu allows the user to cover themselves in wind-natured chakra to massively reduce wind resistance when moving at high speeds. This is merely the first use of such types of jutsu - others may be developed.
  • Crimson Sealmistress. Hisana is known for her seal work. Improves Hisana's ability with seals.
  • Qualified Field Medic. Hisana's skill with medical jutsu is sufficient to act as a Field Medic.
  • Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength.

E Rank
  • Henge. This extremely basic ninjutsu allows the user to transform themselves into another object, whilst retaining their senses and mind. Costs vary with size differential and complexity of the change.
  • Replacement. This extremely basic ninjutsu allows the user to replace themselves with a temporary, created object. Costs 0.1 Chakra.
  • Bunshin. This extremely basic ninjutsu allows the user to create an illusionary clone. Its chakra cost is negligible.
  • Fire Release: Flint. This extremely basic fire jutsu allows the user to create a tiny spark of flame and maintain it. Costs a negligible amount of chakra.
D Rank
  • Leaf Style: Steel Within Water. This kenjutsu technique uses previously created water clones in a coordinated attack that overwhelms the opponent with a wave of swords.
  • Wind Release: Decapitating Blade. This wind release technique uses the swing of a sword to send a single blade of wind at the opponent. The wind blade is about as effective as a real blade. Costs 2 Chakra per ten blades.
  • Water Release: Cleanse. This simple jutsu allows the user to remove contaminants from any given source of water, making it safe to drink. Costs 1 Chakra per litre.
  • Sealing Art: Storage Seal. This technique allows the user to create a general-purpose storage scroll usable by any ninja.
  • Sealing Art: Explosive Seal. This technique allows the user to create a general-purpose paper bomb useable by any ninja.
  • Body Flicker. This technique allows the user to move at vastly greater than normal speeds in a straight line. Costs 1 Chakra per use.
  • Demonic Illusion: Hell-Viewing Technique. This genjutsu brings forth an image of the target's greatest fear. Costs a little chakra.
  • Fire Release: Sterilize. This medical ninjutsu allows the user to sterilize a tool, instrument, or wound with heat. Not recommended for use on humans outside of an emergency. Chakra cost varies with area.
  • Water Release: Water Breathing. This basic jutsu allows the user to breathe water. Costs 1 chakra per minute.
C Rank
  • Fire Release: Grand Fireball Jutsu. This jutsu projects a vast volume of fire from the user's mouth. Size and intensity of the fire vary with ability. Costs 5 Chakra per use.
  • Shuriken Puppetry Jutsu. This technique allows the user, in conjunction with a receptor seal, to control a shuriken like a ninja puppet. Costs 1 Chakra per 10 strings.
  • Hiding in Mist Jutsu. This technique creates an area of mist that acts as an effective smokescreen against all visual and chakra-based sensor techniques save the Byakugan. Costs 5 Chakra per use.
  • Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation. This technique allows the user to submerse themselves below ground and yank an opponent into the earth up to their neck as a method of incapacitation or distraction. Costs 3 Chakra per use.
  • Water Release: Water Clone Technique. The user creates a clone of themselves from water that possesses one-tenth of their power. Requires a nearby water source. Costs 4 chakra per use.
  • Water Release: Gunshot. This technique allows the user to fire off a deadly blast of water at an opponent. Costs 3 chakra per use.
  • Wind Release: Great Breakthrough. This jutsu sends powerful winds at a wide area, sufficient to cause damage to enemy ninja but enhanced by thrown weaponry. Costs 5 Chakra per use.
  • Sealing Art: Unending Barrage. The user may use these seals to store objects within their own body. Hisana currently has one of either palm. Objects may be retrieved with a minute application of chakra. Each seal is technically many different storage seals in an array, with one containing all kunai, the other shurkien etc.
  • Momentary Blindness Justu. This jutsu allows the user to render their opponent temporarily blind. Can be sent via the Sharingan. Costs little chakra.
  • Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire. This fire technique allows the user to spit a number of smaller fireballs from their mouth. Costs 4 Chakra per use.
  • Eye Plucking Jutsu. This specific variation on the Mystical Palm jutsu allows the user to remove and transport eyes in a matter of minutes. Each removal or insertion costs 10 chakra.
  • Vertigo Inducing Technique. This jutsu allows the user to induce a major feeling of vertigo in an opponent. Can be delivered via Sharingan. Costs little chakra.
  • Flashbang Technique. This genjutsu allows the user to simulate a loud noise a bright light in an opponent. Can be delivered via Sharingan. Costs little chakra.
  • Sharingan: Sleep Inducing Technique. This sharingan genjutsu allows the user to knock an opponent out with only eye contact. Only those much weaker than the user can be defeated in this manner, however. Costs little chakra.
  • Sharingan: Deceptive Blade. This sharingan genjutsu created by Hisana allows the user to mislead an opponent as to the length of the user's sword. Costs little chakra.
  • Wind Release: Gunshot. This technique allows the user to fire off a thin beam of powerful wind from their finger. Costs 3 chakra per use.
  • Wind Release: Sickle Weasel Technique. This wind jutsu sends a massive gust of wind at the opponent, which envelopes them and begins to cut at them with invisible blades. Costs 10 chakra per use.
  • Wind Release: Verdant Mountain Gale. By infusing them with Wind Chakra, the user can manipulate weapons at a distance. Costs 1 chakra pr second at five metres, increasing at further ranges.
B Rank
  • Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullets. The user fires several large bullets of air from their mouth, each of which is capable of causing great devastation. Costs 20 Chakra per use.
  • Chakra Flow: Wind. The user is able to use wind-natured chakra to enhance their weapons with this technique. Weapons made of chakra conductive material greatly reduce the cost of doing so. With a normal weapon, 1 chakra is expended per second. With a chakra conducting weapon, 1 point of chakra is expended per minute. Due to extensive training, this is now fully integrated with Hisana's Iaido.
  • Chakra Flow: Shape Manipulation. The user is able to use unnatured chakra to enhance their weapons with this technique, otherwise known as the Samurai Sabre jutsu. Weapons made of chakra conductive material greatly reduce the cost of doing so. With a normal weapon, 1 chakra is expended per second. With a chakra conducting weapon, 1 point of chakra is expended per minute. Due to extensive training, this is now fully integrated with Hisana's Iaido. It can be used on a blunted weapon during training safely.
  • Shadow Clone Jutsu. The user creates a solid, intelligent duplicate that is dispelled upon taking significant damage. Memories of the clone are returned to the owner upon death. Costs 40 chakra per use.
  • Sensing Technique: Transmigrant's Sensitivity. This technique is a simple evolution of the standard ninja ability to sense extremely close, extremely intense amounts of chakra. It is caused by the merger of two souls in one container.
  • Wind Release: Raven's Wings. This technique allows the user to create a massive, lifting wind to allow themselves to execute massive jumps. It requires only a single, one handed seal and can be used, theoretically, from any direction based on the orientation of the fingers in the hand seal. Costs 4 Chakra per use.
  • Wind Release: Wind Dragon. This technique allows the user to summon a dragon of razor wind to destroy her opponents. It is capable of doing massive damage to anything caught in it's path. Costs 30 Chakra per use.
  • Wind Release: Chakra String. This technique allows the user to create and direct a chakra string of elemental chakra, wind natured in this case. This string is capable of cutting, and being anchored to a seal (applied with a touch). Costs 4 chakra per string
  • Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death. This jutsu has been passed down the generations since shortly after the founding of Konoha. The user seems to disappear into mist, whilst an illusionary tree binds the opponent. Traditionally, the user then finishes their opponent off. Costs 3 chakra per use.
  • Sealing Art: Uchiha Flame Formation. This seal can be used in two ways, though it is the substance produced. The first method creates a vast, cylindrical barrier of chakra that protects whatever is contained within it and burns anything that comes into contact with it. This version of the technique costs 200 chakra. In conjunction with a specifically designed anchor jutsu formula, it can be used to create a short-lived 'shield' of chakra, identical to the barrier formed by the larger application. This version costs 4 chakra per use.
  • Sealing Art: Prepared Explosive. This seal is a large-scale explosive device, needing only chakra to prepare. However, it is rather unstable when moved and so must be assembled at the target site. Given the time it takes to charge up, this renders it an impractical combat technique at best. It is however an excellent method of destroying large, nonmoving targets like fortifications or infrastructure. Chakra costs vary, depending on size of the target. A large stone wall, used as a fortification, might take 30 chakra to breach.
  • Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet. This advanced technique requires great control, restricting its use to skilled shinobi. It can be used in two ways. The first method creates a number of dragon out of fire, an effective area or indirect attack. 30 chakra is used per dragon. It may also be used to create a hotter, more focused, stream of fire from the user's mouth. This is a precision attack and must be well-targeted to be effective. This method costs 50 chakra per use.
  • Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change. This technique, unique to users of the Sharingan, allows the user to decrypt a genjutsu that has been cast on them, and then turn it back on its creator. There are some limitations to this technique, but it is a powerful counter to genjutsu. Costs 10 chakra per use.
  • Sealing Art: Chakra Conduits. This seal, which must be carefully inscribed in ink on a weapon, allows the user to activate their chakra flow techniques much faster, allowing the use of the Flickering Lightning strike.
  • Sealing Art: Ejecting Seal. This seal is a variation of the standard sealing scroll which stores its contents, then releases them at high speed. Speed varies with chakra input, with significant speeds requiring large expenditures of chakra. Hisana has used this with kunai, shuriken, large amounts of rock, and water. She has also added seals of this nature to her hand arrays.
  • Yoroi's Chakra Draining Jutsu. This jutsu allows the user to drain the chakra of an opponent. They must be 'filter' the chakra with a little of their own before they can use it.
  • Demonic Illusion: Descending Flames. This genjutsu allows the user to simulate a slowly lowering curtain of flame above an opponent, including simulation of heat. Costs 1 chakra per second.
  • Water Release: Gunshot Barrage. This technique creates dozens of target-seeking jets of water, each a deadly projectile. It can also be easily adapted to Wind or Fire releases. Costs 50 chakra per use.
  • Front Lotus. This forbidden taijutsu technique involves kicking the opponent into the air, restraining them, kicking them down, and ensuring they land head first. Generally requires opening at least one Inner Gate for all but Strong Fist style masters.
  • Gate of Opening: Release. This forbidden technique allows one to remove all mental inhibitions on the body's strength. Whilst powerful, this technique causes fatigue at best and injury at worst.
  • Delicate Illness Extraction Technique. This complex medical jutsu is intended for the treatment of poison in an emergency situation - it is both painful and somewhat damaging to the subject, but can often be the difference between life and death.
A Rank
  • Mystical Palm. This jutsu allows the user to heal others, utilizing a specially healed chakra directed according to the medical knowledge of the user. At this level of mastery, it is sufficient to attain medical certification as a member of the general forces. Costs 1 chakra per second.
  • Chakra Scalpel: This jutsu allows the user to make small cuts to the inside of a person. Without extreme knowledge of human anatomy, a modified jutsu, or a dojutsu such as the Byakugan or Sharingan, it is impossible to use offensively. Hisana has also learnt Sakura's modified version of the technique, which might more accurately be termed a 'chakra machete'. Her skill with the medical version is such that she could serve as a Field Medic, but not enough to be qualified for surgical incisions at the hospital. The original version costs 1 chakra per second, Sakura's modification costs 10 chakra per cut.
  • Chakra Flow: Razor Wind. The user is able to use wind-natured chakra and advanced shape manipulation to massively enhance their weapons. This enhancement can extend the length of the blade, and can also be used as a deadly ranged attack. With a normal weapon, 10 chakra is expended per second. With a chakra conducting weapon, 10 point of chakra is expended per minute. If performed without a blade at all, there is a cost of 20 chakra per second. Due to extensive training, this is now fully integrated with Hisana's Iaido.
  • Final Hurricane Seal. This seal allows the user to store up to five hundred points of chakra for later use in a seal on their forehead. The chakra is stored in parallel seals of fifty chakra each. As many component seals can be activated as the user wishes. Releasing the seal greatly empowers the user's physical abilities and allows them to use far more ninjutsu than they ordinarily would. At this level, it has far surpassed soldier pills and lacks their side effects.
  • Lightning Blood Seal: This jutsu formula accelerates the reaction speeds of the user via precisely calculated bursts of chakra, utilising a method similar to genjutsu. This is the method by which Shisui of the Shunshin was able to achieve such proficiency, though the seal is not currently up to his level and is ultimately less efficient than his technique. This means that the user is not able to enhance their reactions for as long at once as Shisui was able to, but it does work for long enough that they can achieve vastly improved control over their shunshin.
  • Iaido: Dance of the Flickering Lightning: This jutsu involves the use of Chakra Flow: Razor Wind combined with a lightning blood seal aided shunshin and the chakra conduits seal. At the extremely high speed of the shunshin, the user performs an iconic Iaido strike and activates the razor wind as she does so. This is a nearly unblockable attack, owing to its sheer speed.
  • Wind Release: Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade: The user makes a number of pseudo handseals with a sword or talon, then swings it in the desired direction. A massive blade of wind is released, able to slice through buildings and ninja with ease and great speed. Costs 80 chakra to use.
  • Wind Release: Raven's Flight: An improvement on Wind Release: Raven's Wings, this jutsu allows the user to fly at great speed. Significant pain or a lack of chakra will end the technique, and it is not suited towards long use. Costs 10 chakra per second.
  • Sealing Art: Blazing Chakra Flow. This jutsu formula, applied to your blade, allows you to add fire-natured chakra to your chakra flow at the moment of impact. Future development could allow the true combination of various types of chakra flow. Each strike costs 10 chakra.
  • Sealing Art: Thousand Bird Hurricane Strike. This jutsu formula, based on the Chidori, allows the user to channel the technique into a sword whilst using wind natured chakra flow. This gives the blade vastly increased penetrative capabilities, whilst retaining its impossibly sharp edge. Costs 150 chakra per use.
  • Sealing Art: Reactive Chakra Armour. This technique uses a network of small seals that are able to emit hardened chakra. A seal, or a number of seals, may be activated to block an incoming blow. Chakra costs prevent constant usage, as do current sealing methodologies. Chakra cost varies with the strength of blows blocked.
  • Wind Release: Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon. This A-Rank technique is a desperate improvisation of Hisana's, a compression of the Wind Release: Beast-Slaying Vacuum Blade technique into the size of a standard blade. Though less destructive overall, and costing truly incredible amounts of chakra, this technique has cutting power beyond any other Hisana is aware of. After extensive training and experience of using it in the field, Hisana has managed to refine it. When using the Sword of Spring, Hisana may use the jutsu for 150 chakra. With all other blades, Hisana may use it for 300 chakra - though this will certainly cause their destruction.
  • Sealing Art: Touch Explosive. This jutsu allows the user to set an explosive seal with a momentary touch. Though more costly than the normal method of setting explosive seals, it allows even a touch to be deadly.
  • Earth Release: Sand Spear Barrage. This technique, used by Shukaku, creates a number of sand spears that are able to seek out an enemy on their own. They impact with tremendous force. Costs 200 chakra per use.
  • Wind Release: Arrow-Defying Hurricane. This technique, used by Shukaku, creates a whirlwind around the user. It is able to deflect almost any ranged attack and can be directed to damage enemy ninja. Costs 20 chakra per second.
  • Chidori. This famous jutsu, the sole original creation of the Copy-Nin Kakashi, is an incredibly powerful finishing move. Costs 100 chakra per use.
  • Wind Release: Chakra Shroud. This jutsu allows the user to surround themselves with a shroud of chakra-controlled wind, massively reducing the effect of wind resistance. Further development may open up new options. Currently costs 10 chakra per second to negate wind resistance. With the Anchor formulae, the cost is reduced to 2 chakra per second and the shroud may be used as a 'first layer' of defence, softening or redirecting blows for 10 chakra per second.
  • Sealing Art: Wind Shroud Anchor. This adds jutsu formula to her reactive chakra armour arrays, allowing them to interface and enhance her chakra shroud and any further developments along the path of nintaijutsu.
  • Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. The current scaling is CONTROL + STR, though this can be improved.
  • Sharingan III: At this rank, the user can see the flow of chakra and gains impressive reflexes, predictive capability, and eyesight. Copying of jutsu is limited only by the skill of the user. The hypnotic abilites of the Sharingan are fully developed at this stage. Costs 0.5 Chakra per minute to use.

  • Kyujutsu: Chakra Flow. This Samurai technique allows one to coat a ranged weapon - intended to be an arrow - in chakra flow and have it persist for a small amount of time after leaving the user's hands.
  • Gentle Fist Strikes & Form. Whilst you can't use this to strike chakra points, it is possible to attack internal organs.
  • Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm. This Gentle Fist technique allows the user to strike a precise point with compressed air. Notably not a wind release technique - and the air is not affected by anti-jutsu defences.
  • Rasengan. This jutsu is the Fourth Hokage's attempt to reverse engineer the Tailed Beast Bomb. Though less powerful and incomplete, it is still one of the most dangerous offensive ninjutsu wielded by humans. Requiring unparalleled mastery of shape manipulation, none have yet succeded at adding an elemental nature to it.
  • Sage Art: Ultra Big Ball Rasengan. This sage technique creates a Rasengan said to be powerful enough to punch through a mountain. Estimated chakra cost: 2000 chakra.
  • Yang Release: Corpse Puppet Animation. This kinjutsu uses Yang Release to create life in a prepared corpse puppet and to give the spark to its chakra.
  • Uchiha Clan Accounts (Useable for clan business, living expenses, etc)
  • Uchiha Clan Ninja Stipend (5,000 Ryo a Week)
  • Clothes
  • Basic ninja tools
  • Practice Sword
  • Sword of Spring - the ancestral blade of the Kazahana family, this katana is formed from incredibly pure chakra metal and can reform after being broken with the infusion of chakra. Halves the cost of all chakra-flow and ninkenutsu techniques
  • Extensive numbers of exploding tags
  • Small number of larger, high yield explosive tags
  • Final Hurricane Seal
  • Uchiha Flame Formation Anchor Seal
  • Lightning Blood Seal
  • Ejecting Sealing Scrolls filled with: water, large cylindrical chunks of rock, kunai, shuriken, kunai fitted with explosive tags.
  • Ejecting Seals in her hand arrays, filled with rock spikes (3, left hand) and explosive note laden kunai (100, right hand).
  • 50 Cows
  • Chakra Armour, in workshop. Does not fit Hisana.
  • Camo Cloak Staff, in workshop.
  • Samurai armour, okay fit, borrowed from Jiraiya.
XP is gained either through training or post rewards. These are rewards for omakes, fanart, excellent argumentation etc. They typically give around five XP at minimum, but they will likely give more (especially fanart or good omakes). Stats are generally rolled as a skill such as ninjustu plus any applicable attributes (such as chakra capacity and control). The amount various stats contribute can vary based of traits, such as taijutsu styles. Stats may have substats, such as elemental ninjutsu or a particular style of taijutsu. The main stat acts as a limiter for substats, as they can't be raised beyond it, and is added to rolls using them.

Stat Scale:

E-Rank: 0-10
D-Rank: 10-30
C-Rank: 30-70
B-Rank: 70-150
A-Rank: 150-310
S-Rank: 310+
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Seems simple enough. At least if you're familiar with White Wolf systems in any fashion.

Looks like we're a pretty standard academy student outside of our Taijutsu style and everything under our Intelligence stat.
Seems simple enough. At least if you're familiar with White Wolf systems in any fashion.

Looks like we're a pretty standard academy student outside of our Taijutsu style and everything under our Intelligence stat.
You didn't even get to go to the academy. You got a little bit of homeschooling from your mother, but she was busy providing for you.
You mean one of the least sensible languages on the planet currently with a completely different sentence structure from Japanese (which they likely share at least the sentence structure with in Naruto-verse)?

Also, I don't think they use phonetic alphabets at all? Correct me if I'm wrong though, I'm just taking a stab in the dark with that one.
Cloud uses the English letters of the alphabet for codenames. The letters themselves could hint at a connection to Kumogakure.
but plan with WHAT knowledge? we know nothing outside of the dead uchiha events, we don't know what is FACT right now. for all we know orochimaru is a loyal ninja while tsunade is the traitor and Jiraiya is some kind of worship diety of porn or something.
Character knowledge is blending with the reincarnated knowledge. That's how she knows what chakra exercises to do.

First thing on the agenda is exactly as you say, figure out what the facts are. Browse new memories and old, figure out what's what, and what our role in things is. Or what we want it to be.

More importantly, we confront our extra-dimensional nature by being forced to think about things through both sets of memories.
Character knowledge is blending with the reincarnated knowledge. That's how she knows what chakra exercises to do.

First thing on the agenda is exactly as you say, figure out what the facts are. Browse new memories and old, figure out what's what, and what our role in things is. Or what we want it to be.

More importantly, we confront our extra-dimensional nature by being forced to think about things through both sets of memories.
but would planning actually account for us doing that?
You didn't even get to go to the academy. You got a little bit of homeschooling from your mother, but she was busy providing for you.
Well if you assume B, C, and D ranks are basic Jounin, Chunnin, and Genin respectively (A and up being the big names), then E would be academy?

And we don't know the scaling you're using for the numbered stats either. Although Intelligence let's us eyeball it at least. 0-15 or 0-20 for E-ranks I would guess, depending on if each letter rank is supposed to be harder to surpass than the previous or not. Says to me that 5 points is actually pretty decent currently.

Also, doesn't the academy start at 8 or was that another thing that was retconned? Cause I know Naruto was supposed to have started early (originally) and he started at 6 (originally). Then there was like five different retcons or something and I lost track.
but would planning actually account for us doing that?
Well planning is all about thinking things through, so that's what I'm counting on. In order to make plans, we need information. In order to get that information... well, most of what we need is already in our head isn't it? So we dive in. Metaphorically, we ain't no Yamanaka.
[x] Try and come up with a long term plan without leaving anything for your definitely there ANBU guard/watcher. Without the ability to take notes - and you'd imagine english is a pretty decent code in this universe - you'd be hampered; but you could start sooner.
Cloud uses the English letters of the alphabet for codenames. The letters themselves could hint at a connection to Kumogakure.
+5XP for you to assign for seeing underneath the underneath. Hisana will be able to remember this fact and avoid such implications now.

Another bit of game mechanics: this is a quest about ninjas. Element slinging battle wizards they may be, but deception is still important.

Remember that your protagonist is fallible and mortal.
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[X] Try to do what you can to improve your chakra control from your hospital bed. It's the only training you can do right now, but the exercises your mother taught you combined with your awakened Sharingan should prove useful enough.

Even if English is indecipherable, an 8 year old coming up with one unsolvable cipher without any experience with cryptography and not being able to replicate it or otherwise show significant abilities in the area would be suspicious, too
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[x] Try and come up with a long term plan without leaving anything for your definitely there ANBU guard/watcher. Without the ability to take notes - and you'd imagine english is a pretty decent code in this universe - you'd be hampered; but you could start sooner.

Best prioritize survival first, only if we become overpowered enough i will start making ambition in this world.
[X] Try to do what you can to improve your chakra control from your hospital bed. It's the only training you can do right now, but the exercises your mother taught you combined with your awakened Sharingan should prove useful enough.
Right now, our greatest asset is our intelligence. Neither life was all that experienced, overall- Just children, after all- but we should still be mature enough to begin planning out what we want to do in the future and start planning for that eventuality. Jumping out of the hospital and working ourselves to death with training is, in comparison, probably not the optimal course of action...

... Is what I would say, if it wasn't for the fact that the world of Naruto is one where jumping out of the hospital and working yourself to death with training is something that people do, with good results. As it stands, 'Jump into training to make up for your weaknesses' is probably a perfectly legitimate route to take.

That said, our intelligence really is our number one asset, being easily chunin level already, and odds are good that the first training plan we came up with isn't the best possible training plan.

Of course, we don't know what the best possible training plan is. Our character is smart, but brains don't help when you don't know the first thing about what you're doing.

Which brings me around to my second point... we're a cadet, yes? That means we have access to the academy, and the teachers/libraries/etc that go along with that. Further, we just almost died. Why? Because we were too weak to fight back- Which gives us the perfect explanation for why we're suddenly motivated to become as strong as possible. We just came face to face with our mortality, and that shit is scary yo. We feed our teachers that explanation, and ask for their help becoming stronger, and they'll probably be able and willing to help us develop plans.

Of course, that does risk throwing up Orochimaru flags, but let's be honest, we've got the spinny eyes, and that's all we ever needed to throw up all the Orochimaru flags from here to the end of the series.

... Also, wasn't Ebisu some sort of master tutor or something? We're technically clan head, until Sasuke wakes up at least, but we're not in a position that we'd be expected to know all that much. We could probably swing picking up an elite trainer or two as a necessary expense, and have them help set up our training. That relies on us having enough resources to keep a few Jounin on retainer, but we just inherited the assets of an entire clan, so that should be covered.

The trick is, if we want to use the resources of the Uchiha clan for anything, we'll have to get things set up before Sasuke wakes up, because once he does, I'm pretty sure he is in charge. If we have all of our ducks in a row at that point, and we present it all in such a way that Sasuke benefits from it, he'll probably go along with it... I think. But if we wait until after he's recovered, we'll need to persuade him to help us get the ball rolling, instead of just sort of pulling him along in our wake.

[x] Try and come up with a long term plan without leaving anything for your definitely there ANBU guard/watcher. Without the ability to take notes - and you'd imagine english is a pretty decent code in this universe - you'd be hampered; but you could start sooner.
[X] Try to do what you can to improve your chakra control from your hospital bed. It's the only training you can do right now, but the exercises your mother taught you combined with your awakened Sharingan should prove useful enough.
[x] Try and come up with a long term plan without leaving anything for your definitely there ANBU guard/watcher. Without the ability to take notes - and you'd imagine english is a pretty decent code in this universe - you'd be hampered; but you could start sooner.
Votes Locked.

As I count it, it's a tie between planning and chakra. Due to better argumentation, I'll break the tie in favour of planning.
+5XP for you to assign for seeing underneath the underneath. Hisana will be able to remember this fact and avoid such implications now.

Another bit of game mechanics: this is a quest about ninjas. Element slinging battle wizards they may be, but deception is still important.

Remember that your protagonist is fallible and mortal.
English letters are also used to grade missions, techniques, and missing nins.

Side note, our in-verse backstory shares some broad strokes with Uchiha Izumi. Namely, the whole 'not really considered an Uchiha because of outmarriage' thing, though she at least carried the Uchiha name.
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Question is: why not tell people? Hokage at least. Controlled release of information is better than either complete secrecy or accidental reveal of said information.

[x] Try and come up with a long term plan without leaving anything for your definitely there ANBU guard/watcher. Without the ability to take notes - and you'd imagine english is a pretty decent code in this universe - you'd be hampered; but you could start sooner.
-[X] Include how when and what to reveal to whom. You could definitely use help, after all.
Merger 1.3
Merger 1.3

Hisana was released from hospital two days later, and shown to her temporary apartment. It wasn't dingy or rundown, but it was small. She'd been thinking for two days straight, and had the beginning of a plan concocted. Fundamentally, despite it's now very real nature, the world of Naruto was a story about the boy of the same name; and to a lesser extent his close friends and teammates. In some ways, you could even call it 'the story of team seven'. Which meant if you wanted to affect it with the least difficulty possibile, you had to be able to change events only Team Seven were around for.

Thus, she came to the utterly terrifying conclusion that she had to get herself onto Team Seven. Those guys fought high ranking missing nin, Akatsuki and who knows what else. If she had just been born a random orphan in this world, instead of merging with an Uchiha in all but name, then she'd have been running away from them as fast as she could. After all, it had basically turned out well in the end - but at an extreme cost. She was too late to prevent the real lynchpin of the steadily unfolding tragedy that was this village, Kannabi Bridge, but she was early enough to affect the story itself.

She was early enough to prevent Sasuke's defection, blunt Orochimaru's invasion and prevent the Fourth Ninja War from happening.

That she could any of that seemed like a naive dream, but she was involved whether she liked it or not; and she may as well give it her all if she was forced to participate.

So Hisana broke down her plan for the relatively recent future into a few obstacles and ways to overcome them. Firstly: She needed to be a strong ninja to pull off changes to the timeline and to survive. The obvious solution to this was to train, but plenty of ninjas trained a whole hell of a lot. So she needed to train smarter, not just harder. She had only the vaguest idea as to how ninjas trained beyond the very basics; but she now had the resources of the Uchiha clan at her disposal. So she'd hire a tutor, and she knew just the man.

Secondly, she needed to keep Sasuke and Naruto alive just in case they were needed to do their whole "transmigration brothers" thing on Kaguya or another space-flea from nowhere. Hisana hadn't read the Boruto manga, but she'd seen the movie and knew that there were more of whatever Kaguya was out there. Only then did it hit her she was part alien now. Like just straight up her eyes were the way they were because of alien DNA.

Putting her astounded mind back on topic, she had decided that she could extend her solution to her first problem to this one, too. The other part of it would of course be Operation: High Intensity Befriending to get the two of them on her side as soon as possible. She figured they were all a lock for Team Kakashi - two Uchiha and the son of his dead teacher - and thus any attempt to rig Academy results was pointless.

Thirdly, she needed to get on top of the whole Orochimaru problem. She didn't have any solutions for this one other than to somehow bypass the second round of the Chunin exams, if they still happened. Orochimaru getting his curse mark on Sasuke was the beginning of the end for Team Seven. Fundamentally, though, she didn't believe for a second she'd be able to fight off Orochimaru at the age of twelve. Or probably ever.

Her final problem was recording her foreknowledge somehow, and not getting discovered doing it. She initially thought English might have been a useful code, but the use of latin characters throughout the manga had dissuaded her from that. Her only other idea was to somehow copy the effect of the stone tablet containing the instructions for the Moon's Eye Plan. Text readable only by those with a Sharingan and then encoded into english (transcribed as katakana) sounded about as secure as she could make it without being overly suspicious.

So her plan wasn't exactly foolproof yet. She still had plenty of time to come up with something for Orochimaru; and she had a few ideas about that floating around in her head. She got settled into her apartment, picked up some takeaway and went to sleep for her first real night in the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

She did not sleep peacefully that night, red-tinged dreams of fire and death playing out again and again in her mind. She woke to the sunlight, bleary eyed but ready to set about her grand plan to save the world.

What a thought that was.

The Hokage did actually see her almost right away, and she thought that her ANBU minder and the Hokage's guards might be catching up or something, because they were awfully close to one another wherever they were hiding. In situations like this, ANBU were letting Hisana or any other sensor ninja know they were there. It presented a more relaxed atmosphere to civilians, but told ninja to be on their best behaviour or else.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Hisana?" Sarutobi asked you, sitting in a relaxed posture behind his desk.

"I've heard about, um, tutors that clans hire for their kids to teach them the basics whilst they're at the Academy. Since I don't have anyone left to teach me..." Hisana trailed off.

"It's a good idea, and one I probably should have thought of before now. I know just the man - he's a Special Jonin I've employed for my grandson, actually. He'll be well within your price range - I'll write the mission up now. Thank you for coming to me with this, Hisana. You've been through something I can only imagine at such a young age, but you seem determined to lead your clan into the future. There is also something less happy I have to talk to you about, however. The funeral for the victims of the massacre will be in a weeks time, and it would be traditional for the head of the clean to speak; but if you're not up to it-" Sarutobi said, writing on some kind of scroll, before he was interrupted by Hisana.

"I'll... I'll speak at the funeral, Lord Hokage." She said, her voice low but strong. He only nodded in response at that, but he seemed to approve.

Her first day at the academy occurred four days later. Ebisu had managed to get her up to speed on what the other students would know, though they'd only started earlier this year. This was where her plan would begin, assuming her 'cousin' ever woke up. If he didn't - well, then things were going to get a little difficult. She had two choices to make today, she reckoned.

First, should she use her Sharingan's basic copying ability to shoot ahead on ninjutsu classes without alerting teachers or students to that fact, or refrain. Secondly, whether she would initiate Operation: High Intensity Befriending before Sasuke woke up.

[x] Use your Sharingan judiciously in ninjutsu classes without letting others know.
[x] Learn the hard way.

[x] Try to get closer to Naruto before Sasuke wakes up
[x] Don't try, but don't rebuff, before Sasuke wakes up​