Hmm..."So, we've gone through Yuki and my animal ears, let's talk about yours, Kohaku!" You grin, "Let's see..."
Red Panda?
Hmm..."So, we've gone through Yuki and my animal ears, let's talk about yours, Kohaku!" You grin, "Let's see..."
Rabbit or Fox imo."So, we've gone through Yuki and my animal ears, let's talk about yours, Kohaku!" You grin, "Let's see..."
Aaaand now I'm imagining if instead of Kohaku we got Eunie from Xenoblade 3 in all her british cursing glory
*watches video* Are we sure she isn't Scottish?Aaaand now I'm imagining if instead of Kohaku we got Eunie from Xenoblade 3 in all her british cursing glory
Biblically Accurate Kohaku incoming.
Damn, that was definitely early considering we woke up early ourselves due to the Yuki encounter.Amaterasu and Ame-No-Uzume left early in the morning before you woke up. They went back to the Fairy Village.
[jk] Why is there steam pouring out of her ears? And who left the tea kettle on?Kohaku herself is staring at the ground for some reason. What's got her so nervous all of a sudden?
Drinking hot chocolate
Kinda wanna see Azazel, aka mister "the human I was afraid of got his ass kicked by a young woman that by all accounts should have been weaker than him."2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?
I've really enjoyed all our sparing matches. And basically any time Yumi proves why she's a "Spellblade" and not just a "Pure Caster."3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest? Any favorite Apocryphas?
Eris, specifically because of how much shit she keeps having to deal with. Her suffering amuses me.
Honestly, just anything that adds more stuff to do. Haven't had much chance to play modded since my old laptop was kinda shit.
Do you have any characters you haven't introduced that you are excited for?Oh, and feel free to ask any questions of your own, of course! We wouldn't have gotten to this point without all of you!
Aside from doing my job, I've got games to play.
Yumi unintentionally flirting with Kohaku over the years in Akami Springs?2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?
Toss-up between Yumi freaking out when Kyoko teased her about possibly having a crush on Kazuya and anytime Kohaku turned into a blushing mess because of Yumi unintentionally flirting with her.
That I didn't write? Toss-up between It's a Mystery, No Sell and Crater.
I don't play Minecraft.
Well, we have the Akami Spings trio's P4A mischaracterizations, so how about the rest of the cast? Besides Kyoko being a cannibal, of course.Oh, and feel free to ask any questions of your own, of course!
1. How are you spending PMMT's Third Anniversary?
2. Are there any EX Chapters that you'd like to see? Characters, demons, plot points?
3. Any favorite moments throughout the quest? Any favorite Apocryphas?
4. Do you have a favorite antagonist? If so, who and why?
5. CURVEBALL QUESTION: What's your favorite Minecraft Mod?