Well. Nice to see space marines being portrayed as scary as they should be. By which I mean that they are
fucking terrifying when they are going after you. We are the ones with terminator robots, yet they keep getting shredded. Though having something like grav-weapons would have likely changed this scenario much more in our favor.
Anyway, good update! Still considering my own vote. Meanwhile:
[X] Aetherion
I don't want bingo to come with us when we leave the system. Destructive analysis or burned in the sun, but if it's got the ability to talk to our enemies without us really noticing then it's got to go.
Demonology is looking more and more like late game tech, not useful for a dozen turns. Research penalty is less than the turns of actions we have and will spend cleaning up after the caged demon.
What we need is the cultist sensors, and that's down a different path.
(EDIT: Sorry if the following part is somewhat told-you-so. Should've been more constructive when writing it.)
That is a bold claim, saying that demonology is a late-game tech and will be useless for a long time, without knowing exactly what is inside. It could turn out to be useful for things like, oh I don't know. Disrupting daemon summoning rituals, banishing daemons back to the warp, better warding against the powers of Chaos... Which are now a much more feasible problems on Denva.
Also, you know what would have almost certainly actually prevented Bongo from talking? As KyleDaScourge said,
Psychic Encryption. Which was in my plan for the last turn. Along with military tech development. But as people wanted to just keep researching uplift techs... Well, it is a choice I can respect if you have different priorities. But as we've just seen, it has its own dangers, even if we fortunately avoided a worst-case scenario on this turn.
Anyway, just saying that our only options are destructive analysis or just destroying Bongo's prison in the Materium is blind distate for daemonology research from my perspective. You say that there are risks involved why we shouldn't keep Bongo around for long enough to research him. And yeah, those dangers do exist. But they would be so much less so, if people would be actually willing to also research proper precautions at some point to keep the containment and future research into the subject as risk-free as feasible.
And as most of precautions are things we should research regardless for other reasons, it doesn't even have the excuse of wasting our RP on just keeping Bongo contained. Like just anti-divination from Psychic Encryption would be so damn useful to have, as we've just witnessed. Even if Bongo wasn't involved, because it is the kind of thing that will let our enemies target us where it hurts.
Anyway, just because you don't want to deal with having to handle daemons doesn't mean that we can completely avoid them. Like with a bad roll from Cia, not even a Nat 1, causing almost a daemonic manifestation if not for our psy lab eating the consequences. This is the safest we can research this subject, but people keep pushing back on first researching the steps required to do so safely.