[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
[X] [Dream] Bring Dorne into the Fold.
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
@Teen Spirit , I do think Breadnaugt has a point here. Now, it's absolutely understandable that right there in the moment, while Rhaenyra is freaking out about the sister thing, she absolutely would see it as something she can't tell anyone about because it's so goddamn freaky to realize you've had a true prophetic dream. So I'm not in any way criticizing the character reaction you wrote, which made sense. But in the longer run, I feel like our Rhaenyra maybe could talk to her dad about it, if the right circumstances ever arose, in principle.

Am I missing something here?
I mean, we had a vote and all about how to deal with the dream back then. The vote was to only tell Syrax. It makes sense to me that iur votes will determine our personality, and what we assume about the world. And apparently, by vote, we don't feel comfirtable telling our father about it.
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
I mean, we had a vote and all about how to deal with the dream back then. The vote was to only tell Syrax. It makes sense to me that iur votes will determine our personality, and what we assume about the world. And apparently, by vote, we don't feel comfirtable telling our father about it.
There's a difference between "this vague prophecy of some kind of doom would only worry him unnecessarily" and "oh shit oh fuck it's about my half-sister"
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill

[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)
[X] [Dream] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
[X] [Dream] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
[] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Tarly] You've achieved enough, cut back to just what you need. (Locks out Prowess Training, Prowess Will Not Decrease unless Rhaenyra is rendered infirm for months)

might switch to master a skill. v close second rn
Why is it that people want rhaenyra to train more in weapons proficiency? She is already in the 1% of skill with a sword (or others?), why push for more. I see it as a waste as we are rarely going to see actual combat unless it's bandits or something and until the dance. if someone can explain their reasoning?
if i'm remembering right, we now have:
•2 conversation/social ap
•2 'action' ap (not sure what else you could call it)
• 2 free actions to use how we see fit, but makes stress relief actions in the same turn less effective

have i missed anything?

with Diligent also making stress relief less effective overall, it's something to keep in mind when planning for any big-sister attempts.
i'm still going for it, but we might need to double up on relax actions in the same turn or take long breaks in between attempts, i'm not sure
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
It's already making Rhaenyra spiral. It's not like Rhaegar and his obsession with being the one to make the prophecy of 3 dragons and ice and fire come to pass. Rhaenyra's phrophecy is going to be part of her life for years. Sticking her head in the sand and being slapped in the face with it every time she sees her sister and feels abject terror accomplishes nothing.

It's not sticking your head in the sand to prepare yourself in measurable, concrete ways rather than to dive into sorcery. It's just being genre savvy.
Funnily enough improving Prowess is a legit legal skill in Westeros. After all, Trial by Combat is a form of litigation :V

That said I do think that we're good where we are on that front, and Tarly seems to think so to.
Why is it that people want rhaenyra to train more in weapons proficiency? She is already in the 1% of skill with a sword (or others?), why push for more. I see it as a waste as we are rarely going to see actual combat unless it's bandits or something and until the dance. if someone can explain their reasoning?

I don't want to lock out improving her Prowess for years at a time, or forever, just out of our worry about action crunch. That feels very lame.

If the option was, like, "I'd like to spend a year or two focusing on other things until the winter ends and then I'll start increasing my training again" then I'd be like, "Great, makes sense, let's go with that."

But this is just outright locking her Prowess gains down.
I don't want to lock out improving her Prowess for years at a time, or forever, just out of our worry about action crunch. That feels very lame.

If the option was, like, "I'd like to spend a year or two focusing on other things until the winter ends and then I'll start increasing my training again" then I'd be like, "Great, makes sense, let's go with that."

But this is just outright locking her Prowess gains down.
At a sufficient and more than sufficient level. And as opposed to obligating ourselves to raise that level even more or gain stress.
[] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Dream] Become an Exemplar of Knighthood.
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
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[X] [Dream] [Diligent] Master a Skill
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)
Now that I'm fully awake I have to advise against studying the Higher Mysteries. A recurring theme of ASOIAF is that magic is decidedly unsafe and always has a price. Also, it would make our reputation worse.
I voted for it so have rhanerya has understanding of her vision/dreams it would calm her mind and maybe she even becomes closer with her half siblings, i dont particularly want her to continue magical studies after that.
At a sufficient and more than sufficient level. And as opposed to obligating ourselves to raise that level even more or gain stress.
People voted for being diligent and this is the consequence for that. That doesn't mean I'll switch my opinion that locking off increasing prowess forever is something I don't want.
[X] [Dream] To Explore the Higher Mysteries
[X] [Dream] To Understand and Come to Terms with the Strange Dream You had at Harrenhall
[X] [Tarly] There is more you can achieve (Rhaenyra will gain Stress if she does not semi-regularly take Prowess Training)

Just to include my second favorite option in the vote.