Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Hey @ThunderOwl a few questions
1. Can we have Karark make custom weapons like combi-fists with volkite weapons instead of bolters or or make something like hunger and slack the weapons the Tyberos the Red Wake uses.
2. What's the likelihood of us running into decimus or Talos.
3. How far away are we from ultramar
4. What's the likelihood of a fleet based chapter like the Caracardons passing through our sector in the near future.
5. I know this may not happen anytime soon but if it does what are the requirements for us getting a successor chapter.
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I've never heard of volkite combo-fists I already knew about the power halbeards
Well I know that imperial fist captain Evander Garrius had a power fist called the tyrants fist and in his other hand Volkite weapon (just can't remember what it was) so the combo is not unheard of just putting them together as one haven't seen it yet
1. Can we have Karark make custom weapons like combi-fists with volkite weapons instead of bolters or or make something like hunger and slack the weapons the Tyberos the Red Wake uses.
I will have to think about it next campaign.
2. What's the likelihood of us running into decimus or Talos.
Low and very low respectively.
3. How far away are we from ultramar
Reasonably far. Also Ultramarines won't appear in quest apart from canon appearances.
4. What's the likelihood of a fleet based chapter like the Caracardons passing through our sector in the near future.
In the near future, low.
5. I know this may not happen anytime soon but if it does what are the requirements for us getting a successor chapter.
Survive as a loyal Chapter until the next Founding is the main one, and another that will remain a secret.
Question, how large of a population can I make a planet?

I was fiddling with the Imperial Regiment Creator again and I rolled a regiment from an urban hive world, I'm imagining a Hive World which is grossly overpopulated even by Hive World standards but also an absolute hellhole of poverty and violence by Hive Worlds same standards. I want to know how large of a population is acceptable.
Question, how large of a population can I make a planet?

I was fiddling with the Imperial Regiment Creator again and I rolled a regiment from an urban hive world, I'm imagining a Hive World which is grossly overpopulated even by Hive World standards but also an absolute hellhole of poverty and violence by Hive Worlds same standards. I want to know how large of a population is acceptable.
You could make it so the entire planet is a city like Lezo is
Born of Betrayal (Potential Foes)
Borns of Betrayal

"They are a nest of hyenas, where ambition thrives, watered with the blood of the faithful and heretics alike."

Lord Inquisitor Priam of Zareff, about the Borns of Betrayal.​

Predecessor: Unknown

Master of the Chapter: Jarush´ka the Denied

Homeworld: fleet based

Monastery fortress: The Exile

Loyalty: none

Specialty: approaches and close combat

War cry: ¡ Blood or Iron!

The Borns of Betrayal are a warband of Chaos Space Marines, originally a Battle Company of some unknown loyalist Chapter. Accomplished pirates and raiders, since their conversion to Renegades they have acted as mercenaries, smugglers and relic hunters, selling their services to the highest bidder or supporting rebel uprisings across Imperial space, always lured into war by the promise of loot.


Despite the hordes of tireless adepts and scribes who have devoted themselves generation after generation to collecting, analyzing and preserving all possible records, gaps in imperial history abound even amongst the most blessed of the Emperor's servants: the Space Marines.

As millennia of wars and catastrophes have followed one another uninterruptedly since the very genesis of the Empire, facts as basic as the founding of a Chapter, its genetic lineage or the reason for its creation remain beyond the reach of Imperial scholars whether through bureaucracy, intentional censorship or the simple destruction of files and documents.

Since even among loyal Chapters such data is mostly vague or mysterious, it is not surprising that nothing is known of the early history of a Renegade Warband, even more difficult to place in time due to its own clandestine nature, the violent but clinical Inquisition purges, and the stain they represent on the rest of the Marines.

In the case of the Borns of Betrayal, which could lead an entire Company to repudiate their vows to their Chapter and the Emperor remains hidden, as well as the name of the Chapter from which they split and when they did so.

The most recent study, and the one that also seems to have come closest to the truth, was conducted by the then retired Lord Inquisitor Priam of Zareff, who in his old age dedicated himself to studying the scattered data on the Partida for its distribution among different imperial organizations.

Priam's work, called Liber Perfidia Natus, consists of several well-differentiated parts and more or less plausible about various elements of the warband ranging from a description of his flagship, a notorious Strike Cruiser known as the Exile, hypothesized to be its breakaway from the Empire.

According to these hypotheses, the Borns of Betrayal were once a Battle Company presumably with reinforcements from the Reserve Companies and a substantial number of Scouts, who left service to the Empire in the mid-forty-first millennium, it may, however, be an party that dates back to the Macharius Heresy, having participated in the Crusade prior to the orders of Lord Solar as loyalists, and falling into disgrace like so many others considered heroes until then during that fatal episode.

Although its name may suggest otherwise, based on what was stated by the Lord Inquisitor it seems that the Borns of Betrayal would consider that they were the ones betrayed by their mysterious Chapter and by the "false morality" of the Empire and not the other way around, although what kind of tragedy or delirium has provoked this opinion is unknown.

The truth, even if someone knows it, will probably never come to light, although ultimately for those who have suffered the devastating pillaging raids of the Borns of Betrayal its origin is of no importance. Since the company reneged, its members, now sadistic parodies of what they once were, they seem to have found their place in the Galaxy among those discarded by the Empire, like predators who have made the void between stars their hunting ground or pirates who have learned to survive by harvesting the spoils of their massacres.

Organization and war disposition

Approximate estimates of the first encounters with the renegades estimate the initial number of Astartes in a Company and a half between Battle Brothers, Scouts, and specialists from the Arsenal, the Librarium and the Chaplaincy, but according to more recent accounts it seems that the party has suffered numerous losses over the centuries, leaving just over half of the Marines alive.

This seems to be due to the inability of the Borns of Betrayal to create more Space Marines and replenish their losses, receiving only new members in the form of other renegades who join their ranks, drawn by the freedom that the spoils of the war band can buy.

It seems that high-ranking members allow other Renegade Astartes to be accepted into their ranks under pseudonyms or false names who bear some kind of rejection or taint in the eyes of the rest of the traitors, seeking to integrate into the party those Astartes who intend to escape or hide their past. While this method is nowhere near as efficient at making up for losses as the ability to manufacture more Marines, has turned out to be a partial success, because in the society of renegades in which only power matters, where personal vendettas can wait for millennia and where intransigence about failure is the law, hiding among the Borns of Betrayal offers a unique opportunity not only to survive, but even to thrive.

With all loyalty or common cause having been removed, cohesion within the party is governed by a sort of miniature feudal system, forming groups of approximately the size of squads, although generally smaller, under the command of one of the Despoiler, a rank similar to that of Sergeant.

As the only real measure of status the Renegades know is strength, most of these affiliations are governed by the war creed of each Despoiler, gathering around him other members of the party with similar combative inclinations, but also spiritual or for any other reason subject to the whim of its twisted code. To show the particular loyalties of each member, Each Despoiler has adopted a distinctive color that he and his followers wear painted on their right greave.

These Despoilers answer directly to the authority of the Warlord Jarush'ka the Denied, former Captain of the Company, and of a council formed by the most influential or reputable members, among them is the Librarian A'mun or the Apostle Proto'ka. In addition to providing the warband with great tactical flexibility, This political framework allows the Denied to obtain, from the loyalty of a few, that of all the rest.

  • Acolytes of the Denied: Although all the Borns of Betrayal follow him, those Astartes who serve directly under Jarush'ka are known as Acolytes. Totally devoted to the intrigues and machinations of their leader, they fanatically carry the red blood of the Denied on their greave, being both his personal guard and his advisors as well as a political tool inside and outside the band.

  • Reapers: Prosus "the one with a Thousand Tongues", demands the loyalty of all those Astartes that fight configured as traditional Assault Squads equipped with jump packs. The Reapers paint their greaves bone white.

  • Ash Summoners: Identifiable by the grey of their greave, this ancient Devastator Squad has developed an insane obsession with the ritual use of promethium. They are led into battle by a Despoiler identified only as "the Scummaker".

  • Whisperers: Thanks to the arcane and esoteric supplies that the party has been claiming with each raid, the Whisperers were born. Armed with strange artifacts of xeno origin and said to be covered in tanned demon skin, the five Astartes that make up the Whisperers are the closest thing to a Scout Squad that the party has available, adding to his skill at assassination and infiltration the use of advanced cloaking devices. They paint their right greave green to show their loyalty to the Despoiler Jizzar'ka the Whisperer, from whom they take their name.

  • The Blacks: Those Astartes who have not yet gained the patronage of a Despoiler or that for some capricious reason have decided to remain alone, join the ranks of the Blacks by joining the party. Not holding allegiance to any particular Despoiler, they leave their right greave unpainted until they become part of a squad or are themselves elevated in rank.

The Iron Cannibals, the Desecrators of the Omnissiah or the Broken Ravens, these are just more examples of these small groups of influence and variable size, ranging from just three Astartes to almost two dozen in the case of the largest.

Vacuum Jackals

As battle losses reduced the Astartes' numbers and casualties threatened to wipe out the warband, it became necessary to resort to alternative methods to both reduce losses and preserve the Borns Betrayal's fighting ability.

To serve this purpose, the Void Jackals were formed, elite human troops trained under the brutal method of the Marines. Figures ranging from a few hundred to several tens of thousands depending on the source, they are recruited from renegade humans or through mass kidnapping of infants, far from being the chaotic mob of cultists that usually accompany the rest of the traitors into battle, being extremely disciplined and capable soldiers specialized in boarding actions and shock tactics.

Exceptionally equipped, they receive the best loot second only to their Astartes masters, and many of them carry looted material that once belonged to elite Imperial organisations such as the Adeptus Arbites, Stormtroopers or even Sisters of Battle. To their remarkable team and blind fanaticism towards their masters, we must add the Combat Servers that they use in battle, which, despite being crude orcoid pieces compared to those used by the Mechanicus of Mars, are fearsome opponents in the limited corridors and holds of the ships, capable of cutting through bulkheads and doors or striking down men with ruthless ease. Their ever-bloodied commander is Brunh'ilda "the Maiden."


The Scimittars were born out of the Denied's need to replenish their ranks with Space Marines.

Seeing that his attempts to obtain the technology necessary for the incubation of Astartes ended time and again in failure, in the attempts of their "benefactors" to take advantage of their desperation or to directly appropriate from the genetic seed stored by the Borns of Betrayal, Jarush'Ka attempted to develop the means to breed marines on his own.

In theory, the process was intended to achieve something at least similar to the False Astartes that once formed the ranks of the ancient Legions.

Many methods were used to achieve this goal: Bioalchemy designed to physically enhance subjects and infuse them with a mental state close to that of the Marines, the replacement of body parts with bionic implants, the insertion of miniaturized cogitators directly into the cortex to increase its cognitive capabilities, psychoindoctrination and neurostimulation processes, the surgical implantation of synthetic organs (and even xenos, according to rumors) or directly genetic manipulation.

Luckily without the proper guidance of trained personnel and the lack of the arcane devices involved in the traditional creation of Marines, most of these attempts also ended in aberrant failures. However, trial and error eventually yielded some results, resulting in a low, existing success rate. The subjects who managed to survive the terrible and experimental process were living prototypes, far from even resembling the refined genetic architecture that gave rise to the False Astartes, but presenting qualities far superior to those of the average human.

Those who did not end up with a collapsed body shortly after due to excessive manipulation, they gained a position of prestige among the mortal members of the party, becoming known globally as the Scimittars. However, unlike most titles in the organization of the party, belonging to the Scimittars does not imply hierarchical rank or any position within the Borns of Betrayal, being simply a label by which those who have been elevated physically and mentally by the Astartes masters are known.

This is why Scimittars have been seen playing many and varied roles within the warband, such as commanding the Void Jackals or serving as their champions, as chieftains of some tributary fief or ambassadors in distant clandestine Space Ports which sometimes give shelter to the Borns, or as captains of one of the Exile's numerous auxiliary ships.


Those who have gained "freedom" in service to the Borns of Betrayal are known as Freedmen. They form the heterogeneous horde of servants and followers that encompasses the human crew, renegade cults and Imperial outcasts who have found their place in the Galaxy serving in the shadow of the Borns.

Their origin and function within the game varies greatly between groups and individuals, ranging from ragged tribes of cultists lurking in the lower levels of the Exile, slaves captured during raids and pardoned because they possessed some interesting quality, or even technoheretics who offer their knowledge in exchange for privacy and protection from the party.

Some notable members who could be included within the Freedmen are the mercenaries from the Abhuman Clans of Chelonia, or the members of the Death Cult of the Emissaries of Pain.


Thanks to the extensive network of contacts, extortions and debts woven by the insightful and manipulative political mind of Jarush'Ka the Denied, the Borns of Betrayal can call upon a wide spectrum of mercenary troops and hired warriors. These irregular troops are a clear reflection of the degree of degeneration to which the Borns have been evoked, and a clear testimony of the thousands of horrors and perversions that the Galaxy is capable of engendering.

From pirates and renegades eager for loot, slave-soldiers sold by weight by the Dark Mechanicum, to Chaos Space Marines in search of war and blood, the devious mind of the Denied always knows how to find the right price for each of them.


Although initially there must have been something resembling a unified belief system based on ancient loyalties and a common sense of rejection, as the original members of the party fell in combat and renegades of extremely varied origins joined their ranks, this common ideology ended up being replaced in favor of the only global truth that all Borns of Betrayal have learned at some point in their lives, by first being discarded by the Empire and in many cases also by its Traitor Legion or its warband: "There is only one thing worth fighting for; freedom."

Having learned that blind servitude is a subtle form of slavery, for the Borns of Betrayal, the false morality of the Empire represents only the hypocrisy of a fragile and dying ideology, and concepts like the Long War or the Great Game are directly lies and empty words, that turn to ashes in the hands of their followers at the whim of the dark patrons to whom they consecrate their existence.

It is for this reason that the party rejects the worship of chaos, seeing it as an unworthy ideal to serve as that of the Empire already was.

Even so, there are notable exceptions within the group, such as Elizaas the Ideal or the Apostle Proto'Ka, since freedom partly implies the free choice of creed, the rest tolerate this inclination to chaos on the part of some members more out of respect for their comrades than to really accept their religious desires.

However, this lack of interest in chaos does not imply rejection of other corrupt factions or those devoted to the Dark Gods, as also happens with regard to the Xenos. For a mercenary party like the Born of Betrayal without a defined side and dedicated to the freedom that their plunder and superhuman bodies can buy, a party of Chaos Space Marines, Xenos species or the Empire itself, if the right circumstances arise, they can be perfect clients, allies or prey, without any moral restriction or cover.

In any case, this persecution of freedom does not mean anarchy, there is a certain unwritten moral code among the Borns of Betrayal, although it is more typical of bandits and privateers than of Space Marines. Honor, loyalty or martial skill are still highly respected by the party, although these have acquired a twisted aspect and are now understood, for example, such as the quantity and quality of loot, the hierarchical position obtained through bloodshed, or not breaking a contract by changing sides, among others.

Combat doctrine

The Borns of Betrayal are, above all, a group of opportunists and looters given to plunder who will try to minimize their losses by any means and emerge victorious and then reap the spoils of the massacre.

To do this, they use any means possible without any censorship, showing great dynamism when designing the appropriate strategy for each prey. Surreptitious murder, fueling political dissent or cultist activity, diplomatic deception or extortion, or other clandestine means are used to the same extent as open war in order to comply with their interests and objectives, which, together with the extensive use of mercenary troops and the disparate origin of its Astartes members, makes them a highly unpredictable and flexible army.

For Imperial commanders, facing the Borns represents a challenge, because unlike the majority of chaotic forces, they do not have pretensions of conquest nor do they indulge in unjustified killings, seeking only to increase the amount of loot to loot, which makes their strategic decisions a real headache for anyone trying to organize a coherent defense against their unpredictable incursions.

For the same reason, they only resort to the devastation of an Exterminatus or the most destructive methods of war as retaliation for some offense or vengeful reckoning, since a Dead World does not generate wealth that can be looted in the future.

Although thanks to their extensive fleet they generally act like wandering pirates in search of suitable prey, in the same way, the Borns of Betrayal have been seen at the service of many and varied factions, performing all kinds of services for them as mercenaries, especially by renting out its naval power to the highest bidder.

These contracts, or Iron Pacts as the war band calls them, have no defined form, ranging from war support to large war parties or punishment campaigns between Champions of Chaos, to the capture of specific ships and relics, the training of armies of cultists, or slave attacks on a planetary scale, among many others.

At a tactical level, the members of the party stand out for their ability in space combat and boarding, having a very proven reputation as specialists in close combat and the close-range shootings so common in this type of actions. When not acting as a joint block capable of decisively hitting any enemy, the different Despoilers operate according to their own warlike inclinations supported by the efficient Void Jackals, upon which the party has become dependent following the continued and irreplaceable losses of Space Marines.

As for his team, although originally they were perfectly equipped with all the resources of a Company in campaign, currently elements such as vehicles, Terminator Armor or Dreadnoughts are scarce if not completely non-existent, having concentrated its efforts on acquiring numerous more flexible attack and transport ships on which to base its tactical deployments, having a large number of these under its control.

Likewise, they do not use Demonic Devices or any other unit typical of chaotic armies due to their rejection of chaos. The lack of this heavy equipment contrasts however with the quality of the material used at the individual level, taken mostly as trophies from the best loot obtained after years of looting, payments and tributes.

Likewise due to the sheer weight of experience and necessity, after centuries of plundering, some of its members have developed a certain trained affinity with technology, no matter how advanced or exotic it may be, being able to deploy in battle artifacts that are as lethal as they are disconcerting.

However, as the number of Marines was reduced and a strong feeling of independence in command was generated among the different Despoilers, currently the Astartes form little more than the ruling and tyrannical core of the party's countless human auxiliaries and its extensive fleet.

Known members

-Jarush'Ka the Denied: Also known as "the Snatcher" or "AlHazred" -He who has read everything- by the primitive clans of Chelonia, he has held the leadership of the Company since its split from the Empire. It has been theorized that at one point he was a loyal Captain, candidate for Chapter Master, earning his nickname "the Denied One." when his theoretically legitimate promotion was rejected, a fact that probably helped fuel the chain of events that pushed the Company into exile and censorship, although if this is true or just another of the many rumors created to add more perfidy to his figure, it is unknown.

With a strong personality and keen intellect, he is said to fluently speak the language of the Greenskin and the Eldar as well as various lost High Gothic dialects, among many other semi-extinct or directly dead languages, both human and xenos. Considered a warrior-scholar and a pirate leader in his own right, he was not chosen by his brothers as their Lord nor has he maintained his hegemony for so many centuries due to his martial skill or his tactical ingenuity, but for his qualities as an inspiring leader and for his enviable political acumen and diplomatic expertise.

Understanding his lordship in the game as the aristocrats and courtiers of old Terra would, the ever-scheming mind of Jarush'Ka enjoys palace intrigues and clandestine power bids always backed by the war power of the party, closely to those who hold power among the vilest of the Eldar or those affiliated with the One Who Changes Things. Evident proof of his skill in this type of government is the fact that he converted a band of mostly Astartes of disparate origins and antagonistic beliefs, in a more than effective combat force, maintaining order and cohesion between Space Marines who under other circumstances would fight to the death, through subtle tricks and overt actions, even managing to instigate a certain degree of sincere loyalty between them.

However, with each death of his original brothers, in the depths of his soul the Denied has been developing a feeling of desperation that borders on obsession, seeing how the memory of the betrayal that saw them born fades with each member fallen in combat, and how the hard-wrought ideal of freedom threatens to become extinct along with the dying party due to the impossibility of manufacturing replacements that perpetuate their beliefs and exploits.

Despite his keen intellect and all his efforts, to the eyes of a true leader trained in such matters everything seems to indicate that if he does not triumph in his personal crusade, in a few centuries the Borns of Betrayal will be extinct or absorbed by some more powerful party, since to date the vast majority of measures taken by Jarush'Ka have ended up turning into ashes in his hands, achieving only half victories and resounding defeats.

Among these measures, the result of desperation although evident organizational mastery, highlights allowing the integration into the Borns of Betrayal of Astartes with false names regardless of their past, the creation of the Void Jackals, the alteration of deployment patterns and combat tactics or obtaining advanced bionic implants to be able to mend those brothers wounded beyond all healing.

-Karadox the Hyena: Called by Jarush'Ka "My dagger in shadow", He occupies a position similar to that of the Deneid's Equerry. Being one of the few Borns of Betrayal to have transcended comrade status, he is considered by Jarush'Ka to be a true friend and confidant worthy of mutual appreciation.

Extremely loyal and disciplined, shows an adherence to old protocols and formalities somewhat decontextualized in a band of renegade pirates, to the point of sometimes irritating the Denied due to his unnecessarily formal behavior, something that Jarush'Ka has never reproached him for, respecting that for his old friend such formalities are still important.

Whether in battle or in the relative sanctuary offered by the Exile, Karadox watches the back of the Denied with both veiled words and actions, as well as through the always convincing argument of its artisanal combi-plasma.

-A'mun, the Guardian of Souls: This former Librarian is one of the most important members of the party, respected by all the Borns of Betrayal and whose advice is actively sought by both Jarush'Ka and the rest of the Despoilers.

With a distant gaze, he shows the absent behavior typical of those who spend more time immersed in the currents of the immaterium than in their physical consciousness. Considered a great Telepath, A'mun's mastery over the Warp appears to focus on the innermost use of psychic powers, being a skilled practitioner of divination and the art of penetrating the minds of other beings, although somewhat weak as a Battle Psychic.

Since the Company renounced, he has willingly followed the Denied as a worthy leader to the Borns of Betrayal and as a esteemed friend, support that without a doubt has greatly legitimized Jarush'Ka as Lord of the Borns of Betrayal. His ability to read what is and what could be in the currents of the ether has guided the warband's actions on countless occasions, and his ability to delve into the psyche of other beings has warned the party of possible betrayals even more times.

-Proto'Ka, Apostle of Silence: A former member of the Reclusiam, Chaplain Proto'Ka has proven to be a strong authority figure since the split of the Empire, mainly due to having adopted the role of spokesperson and visible head of those members most dedicated to Chaos.

Demon worshiper whose impious sermons are heard by more and more Borns of Betrayal, he gained some prominence by being the first to openly declare his faith in the Dark Gods as well as being the first member of the party to kill another loyal Astartes (who is believed to have been his own mentor within the Chaplaincy).

The ultimate goal of the Apostle of Silence is the sincere conversion of his brothers to the ruinous faith, seeking that this is not simply the fruit of forced surrender through curses, deception or blood pacts, but a true voluntary enlightenment towards the virtues of chaos and the grace of the Pantheon.

He still retains his original Crozius Arcanum, which after years of impious devotion and sadistic dedication has ended up mutating into its chaotic parody, whose former Imperial Aquila now represents a withered, plucked bird of skull-like appearance.

-Prosus of a Thousand Tongues: "The Cursed in a Thousand Tongues", claims the loyalty of those Borns of Betrayal who choose to fight as traditional Assault Squads equipped with Jump Packs, being by far the Despoiler with the most members under his command with a total of eighteen Marines, known as the Reapers.

Devoted to brutality and excess in battle, the two axe-saws of Thousand Tongues were already famous among their brothers even when they still considered themselves loyal, and their lethality with them has been evident through the trail of betrayal they have committed since they stopped being one.

Jizzard'Ka the Whisperer: An enigma even to his own brothers, Jizzard'Ka Despoiler represents the archetype of the silent assassin, capable of bringing death to the enemies of the party without them even being aware of being in danger.

The clandestine nature of his actions has also ended up in his personality, always appearing cold and distant in the company of his brothers, without saying two words if he can only say one, always oblivious to what is happening around him.

Among the many artifacts he uses in his infiltration and assassination actions, the flayed skin of Mandragora that he wears over his modified Power Armor stands out.

-The Scummaker: It is unknown if Scummaker is the name adopted by a member of the party, a title granted to the Despoiler who leads the seven Astartes that make up the Ash Summoners, or a ritual rank typical of the priest who guides the cult of promethium that this ancient Squad of Devastators is known to profess.

-Elizaas the Ideal: Although in loyal Chapters and even in most chaotic bands the status of Champion is held in high esteem as it is practically a sacred rank, the Master duelist Elizaas is despised by almost all of the Borns of Betrayal (although there are few who dare to openly declare their censorship of the Ideal) corrupt, wicked and degenerate beyond forgiveness, Elizaas is a sworn devotee of Slaanesh, a champion dedicated to the cause of himself and the unfathomable sensations only understandable by the most successful among the followers of the Prince of Pleasure.

Of all the obsessions that nest in such a corrupt soul, it is the feverish pursuit of martial skill and the sensations obtained through dueling that is the practice that most condemns Elizaas, enjoying each cut, both one's own and that of others, each new fencing to fight against or each victory in combat, with the degree of ecstasy befitting a true devotee of Slaanesh.

But although even his degree of corruption could be tolerated by some of his brothers, what no Borns of Betrayal tolerates and the greatest reason to have earned the contempt of the majority, It is his erratic attitude and behavior lacking any camaraderie or appreciation for anyone or anything other than himself.

Being a victim of his own vain, selfish and childish personality, he has rejected requests for help on numerous occasions, refusing to participate in combat for acts as trivial as not deeming any rival present worthy of his sword, being busy polishing your power armor with bone, or too focused listening to the bloody dripping of some tortured corpse.

Although he has no other Astartes under his direct command, wears his greave painted pinkish purple in a mocking parody of the Despoilers' practice. In battle he uses a two-handed duelist saber which he calls Devotion of the Thirsty, and it is her skill in handling such an elegant and deadly energy weapon that has only allowed Elizaas to shake the treacherous dagger of her own companions from her back.

-Arazoth: Veteran of the Horus Heresy, this former member of the Black Legion fallen into disgrace in the eyes of his lord due to failure in battle, it was one of Abaddon's Broken Oaths before his accession to the Borns of Betrayal.

Enjoying an amount of power and respect impossible to achieve in his original Legion due to his taint, he is one of the greatest defenders of the ideals of freedom and rejection of chaos within the warband, having been for millennia little more than an expendable pawn of the Despoiler's machinations as well as a direct witness to the pernicious result of unconditional surrender to Chaos.

Due to displays of loyalty and camaraderie practically forgotten in his once proud Legionnaire mentality, he shows unquestionable loyalty to the Denied, which obtains all its millenary experience about the life of the renegade and the different Lords of Chaos with whom he is forced to deal, being a close advisor and invaluable resource to Jarush'Ka on how to navigate the dark circles that make up the chaos elite.

-Decius Atramar: Formerly a Champion belonging to the Sons of Dorn Chapter he holds the position of First Sword of the Denied among his Acolytes, serving as his personal Champion and custodian despite being surpassed in martial skill by the unstable Elizaas.

-Kryplyank: Former Raven Guard who enjoys an unusual degree of independence within the party, being both the Despoiler in command of the three members that make up the Broken Crows, as the Captain of the Frigate Scythe.

-Ouyanka Vull: This Iron Warrior is the closest thing to a Techmarine in the Borns of Betrayal, also holding the rank of Despoiler in command of the Defilers of the Omnissiah, a group of six Astartes that stands out for the number of servants and technoslaves by whom they are accompanied in battle, as well as by the degree of blasphemy to which they are capable of reaching during the formal looting to which the warband is delivered after the combat.

It is believed that Mechanicus himself has made several assassination attempts against him, all unsuccessful so far. Because the Servo Harness attached to his back also carries a Narthecium-like tool, Everything seems to indicate that he acts as both the Tecnomarine and the Apothecary of the party.

-Szoliun'Ra: Considered tyrannical and brutal even by the most bloodthirsty members of the party, he occupies a privileged position among the Acolytes of the Denied, being in charge of recruiting, instruct and supervise the Void Jackals.

Although he is regarded with fear by all human members, his code being as uncompromising and brutal as expected of a veteran instructor, is also an almost paternalistic figure for the Void Jackals whom, despite all the harshness of his regime, he considers to be his own offspring, calling them "My Cubs" and taking pride in their victories as much as regretting their deaths.

He has killed at least three of his Astartes brothers in ritual combat for what he would consider unnecessary and unacceptable casualties of his kits, gaining even more appreciation and respect among the Void Jackals.

-Tarox Grim Reaper: Left to die from his previous departure in the radioactive wasteland of Ultras Mundi, he was found on the brink of death among the planet's deadly deserts by the Borns of Betrayal.

With a dark heart, cold sadism and calculated malice, he still bears both on himself and on his power armor the marks and scars of the radioactive devastation of Ultras Mundi, showing throughout his body the characteristic evidence of those who regularly manipulate alchemical substances or who have been exposed to radiation for a prolonged period, among which is his characteristic puddled cough.

In addition to being a warrior more than proven in combat, he is also the master torturer of the warband, role accepted with the degree of dedication typical of a murderer for whom killing in combat is not enough to satisfy all his cruelty. Its previous origin is unknown.

-Ecarion the Necrisian: Identified on numerous occasions fighting alongside the Born, it is believed that this former Exemplary Marine only acts as a mercenary for the party without having joined its ranks, mainly due to having maintained the original colors of its Chapter (but having sullied the loyalist iconography) something strictly prohibited for the Borns of Betrayal.

-Mero Vingius: After leading a failed anti-imperial revolution attempt on the planet Kappuas V, he was captured by the Inquisition and burned alive on charges of heresy, piracy and treason in a gigantic pyre on the Day of the Emperor's Ascension.

Initially considered dead, later reports seem to indicate that he managed to survive his execution through unknown methods, directing to date an unknown number of actions similar to those of Kappuas V with varying success.

Greetings battle brothers, here I bring my most ambitious project. I was thinking of writing more but in order not to make it too long here is the text, if @ThunderOwl gets to do it canon I will upload the second part and I will also give permission to anyone who wants to get ideas from here to make other omakes.
I hope you like it.
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It is a very detailed warband and I do like how their brotherhood is actually formed by their Leader screaming. However I do have a question. The two chapters you mention (Sons of Dorn and Exemplary marines), are canon or of your own creation?
The Sons of Dorn are canon: Sons of Dorn
the Marines Exemplar are also canon though I'm not sure if that's who he is referring to

Marines Exemplar

The Marines Exemplar is a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding and origin that is listed in the Mythos Angelica Mortis, a tome of ancient knowledge stating that 20 Space Marine Chapters, collectively called the Astartes Praeses, had been created to watch over the Eye of Terror...
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Like, only thing that I don't like is "Despoiler" as "Sargeant equivalent" title

That's because I feel that it's easy way to offend Abbadon The Despoiler and get wiped out by Black Legion
Cleansing of Yerma 2
Yerma System, Ditú Subsector, Aetelian Sector 796 M41

Imperial Pride 1d100 (DC 10)= 55
Wrath of the Lion 1d100 (DC 10)= 22
Lezoan Fury 1d100 (DC 10)= 34
Naval Honor 1d100 (DC 10)= 30
Green Spear 1d100 (DC 10)= 44
Manifest Destiny 1d100 (DC 10)= 92
Bird of Prey 1d100 (DC 10)= 4
Night Terror 1d100 (DC 10)= 46
Cleansing Fire 1d100 (DC 10)= 77
Sinner's Annihilation 1d100 (DC 10)= 25
Unyielding Faith 1d100 (DC 10)= 60
Steel Haze 1d100 (DC 10)= 18
Mind Killer 1d100 (DC 10)= 99
Zealotry 1d100 (DC 10)= 31
Intolerance 1d100 (DC 10)= 42

Translation Failure Consequences
100: Nothing
99-85: Late Translation, Ship will appear with second wave
84-70: Translation on Enemy formation
69-54: Crash against Enemy ship
53-39: Damage on Arrival
38-24: Crash Against Ally ship
23-9: Crashland on planet
8-2: Gellar field Failure
1: Instant Destruction

Bird of Prey Translation Failure 1d100= 21
Planet it crashes 1d3=3
Does it impact the Orbital platform on it's fall? 1d00 (DC 70)= 67

Eyes of the Mutator readiness 1d100 (DC 50-10(Warned beforehand)+5(Unaware of Exact Date)= DC 45)= 39

There is a tremor in the Night Terror's bridge as the Strike Cruiser breaks out of Warp translation, and Secutor lets out a deep breath when he feels reality asserting himself. Despite the thinness of the Mandeville Point in the Yerma System, the first wave of the invasion arrives in formation, with the exception of one of the vessels. While the Bird of Prey is a mere dot in the void when seen through the observation panels of the bridge, the tactical displays allow everyone on the bridge to witness the Strike Cruiser as it drifts out of formation, an unnatural momentum pushing towards Yerma Tertius it as it turns on its own axis. The enemy vessels, seemingly caught off-guard by the appearance of the fleet, do not rush to engage the out of control ship, choosing instead to move into their own formation.

Secutor gaze remains fixed on the Bird of Prey as it approaches the planet's orbit. The fall is apparently slow enough for the purple, gossamer-like barrier that engulfs Tertius to let it pass, finally fading from view. The crew is silent, stunned by the sudden demise of the ship, before a click of the tongue from the Captain of the 10th grabs their attention.

"Keep our current trajectory." He orders, his demeanor completely at ease, as if losing a Strike Cruiser, a Captain and half a Company were completely routinary and inconsequential affairs. "Prepare targeting solutions and ready the Bombardment Cannon." In truth, Secutor is disquieted by this sudden and grave reversal, but showing anything but complete calm and control would be a detriment for the upcoming battle. As the crew obeys his command, Secutor opens communications with the rest of the Imperial fleet. "You've seen what has happened to the Bird of Prey." He starts without further preamble. "With Captain Gallienus missing in action, I am assuming command of the Mist Shrikes contingent until the arrival of Chapter Master Severus."

"Disgraceful that they have perished without engaging the foe." Comments De Lusignan, prompting Secutor to throw a cool glare at his hololithic projection. Personally he thinks that his brothers of the 3rd might have survived the crash, although their situation if they still live, stranded in the middle of enemy territory, is dire. "Anyhow, do we have a headcount of the heretic's force?"

"We do, Milord." Replies Admiral Cervera with a look of satisfaction on his face as he strokes his moustache. The Lezoan Admiral had been in a good mood ever since he had been given command over two of the cruisers under his rival's command. "All the expected fleet assets of the Eyes of the Mutator are present, alongside a Battle-Barge and four Infidel-Class Raiders, whose owners we have yet to identify."

"It's the Icon of Wrath." Palatine Caoimhe O`Sheridan snarls the name, her face twisted in anger. Secutor recognizes the name from the records of the Chapter, the flagship of the World Eater warband that had besieged the Order of the Thorned Spear homeworld until his brothers put them to flight. "Heretical filth tends to group together, it seems."

"Unfortunately for us. They have a slight advantage on numbers, an equal number of battleships, and the support of the Orbital Station over Tertius." Cervera summarizes, his previously pleased expression replaced by one of focus. "It will be a struggle to clear out the enemy, one that might not be resolved in our favour."

"To fight the servants of the Archenemy is both a blessing and an obligation, no matter the cost nor the end." The Palatine is more composed now, but the rebuke to the Navy Admiral is still sharp. "Besides, the overall tonnage of our ships is greater than theirs."

"Furthermore, we don't need to win." They shift their attention back to Secutor after his words. "We are only the first wave. Once the second arrives, they will lack either the numbers or the firepower to contest us."

"True." Concedes Cervera. "Then we are all in agreement to still follow our previously agreed upon order of battle?" Everyone nods in response. "Excellent. Cervera out." Everyone disconnects from the channel after that, and so the hololith projects both of the fleets as they close the distance between them. Secutor first examines their own formation, with the Imperial Navy at the center of it, the Mist Shrikes on the left flank, the Angels Crusader on the right flank and the Sororitas bringing up the rear. He contrasts it then with that of the Chaos Marine, noticing how the World Eaters are, somewhat predictably, acting as a speartip while the enemy brings up the flanks.

Battlefield Conditions: None

Mist Shrikes Fleet:

Space Commander: 10th Company Captain Secutor (Vicious: If your attack roll is superior to three fourths of the possible damage, you roll a second attack at half the damage made.)

-Strike Cruiser Night Terror:
–Speed: 50
–Hull points: 200/200 HP
–Shields: 200/200 SP
–Shield regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+30+5

Sword-Class Frigate Steel Haze:
–Speed: 75
–Hull points: 100/100 HP
–Shields: 100/100 SP
–Shields: 1d20 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+20+5

Sword-Class Frigate Mind Killer:
–Speed: 75
–Hull points: 100/100 HP
–Shields: 100/100 SP
–Shields: 1d20 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+20+5

Angels Crusader Fleet:

Space Commander: Master of the Deathwatch Gerard De Lusignan (Proud: Roll a 1d6 at the start of your phase, if you roll a 6 your ship receives -10 damage from all attacks that phase)


Battle Barge Wrath of the Lion:
–Speed: 30
–Hull Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Regen: 1d100 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50+5

-Gladius-class Escort Zealotry
Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 100/100 HP
–Shield Points: 50/50 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d12 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+10+5

-Gladius-class Escort Intolerance
Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 100/100 HP
–Shield Points: 50/50 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d12 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+10+5

Imperial Navy:

-Space Commander: Admiral Ernesto Cervera (Defiant: When flagship hullpoints are lowered below 50%, attack dice are rolled twice and the highest result is applied.)


-Retribution-Class Battleship Imperial Pride:
–Speed: 20
–Hull points: 600/600 HP
–Shields: 300/300 SP
–Shield regen: 1d100 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+50

-Lunar-Class Cruiser Manifest Destiny
–Speed: 30
–Hull Points: 200/200 HP
–Shield Points: 100/100 SP
-Shield Regen: 1d20 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+40

-Lunar-Class Cruiser Green Spear
–Speed: 30
–Hull Points: 200/200 HP
–Shield Points: 100/100 SP
-Shield Regen: 1d20 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+40

-Gothic-Class Cruiser Lezoan Honour
–Speed: 25
–Hull Points: 175/175 HP
–Shield Points: 125/125 SP
-Shield Regen: 1d25 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+45

-Gothic-Class Cruiser Naval Fury
–Speed: 25
–Hull Points: 175/175 HP
–Shield Points: 125/125 SP
-Shield Regen: 1d25 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+45


-100 Fury-Class Interceptor: 50d5

Order of the Thorned Spear:

-Space Commander: Palatine Caoimhe O`Sheridan (Martyr: When a ship is destroyed, roll a 1d10. On a 9 or a 10, the ship makes a ramming attempt towards the vessel that has struck the killing blow.)


-Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser Cleansing Pyre
–Speed: 40
–Hull Points: 150/150HP
–Shield Points: 75/75SP
–Shield Regen: 1d15 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+20

-Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser Sinners Annihilation
–Speed: 40
–Hull Points: 150/150HP
–Shield Points: 75/75SP
–Shield Regen: 1d15 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+20

-Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser Unyielding Faith
–Speed: 40
–Hull Points: 150/150HP
–Shield Points: 75/75SP
–Shield Regen: 1d15 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+20


Eyes of the Mutator Fleet:

Space Commander: Fleetmaster Gan Boqian (Tzeenchian Sorcery: At the start of each phase, roll a 1d100. On a 100-99, nullifies all damage that your ships receive in that phase.)


-Orbital Defense Station
–Speed: 0
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 200/200 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50

-Battle Barge Gaze of Tzeentch
–Speed: 30
–Hull Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Regen: 1d100 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50+5

-Strike Cruiser Lament of Gashuudal:
–Speed: 50
–Hull points: 200/200 HP
–Shields: 200/200 SP
–Shield regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+30+5

-Strike Cruiser Twisted Will:
–Speed: 50
–Hull points: 200/200 HP
–Shields: 200/200 SP
–Shield regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+30+5

-Monitor-Defense Ship 1:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 2:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 3:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 4:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 5:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 6:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 7:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 8:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 9:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35

-Monitor-Defense Ship 10:
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 75/75 HP
–Shields: 25/25SP
–Shield Regen: 1d10 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d35


20 Thunderhawks: 20d10
20 Storm Ravens: 20d7

Bloody Shards Warband:

Space Commander: Haemorr Bloodfist (Butcher's Nails: At the start of each Phase, make a Willpower roll. If it Succeeds, all your ships gain +8 to their attack. If it fails, give all attacks to your ships a +8)


-Battle Barge Icon of Wrath:
–Speed: 40
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Regen: 1d125 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50+5

-Infidel Raider Escort 1
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 80/80HP
–Shield Points: 20/20SP
–Shield Regen: 1d5 per phase
–Attack 1d50+20

-Infidel Raider Escort 2
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 80/80HP
–Shield Points: 20/20SP
–Shield Regen: 1d5 per phase
–Attack 1d50+20

-Infidel Raider Escort 3
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 80/80HP
–Shield Points: 20/20SP
–Shield Regen: 1d5 per phase
–Attack 1d50+20

-Infidel Raider Escort 4
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 80/80HP
–Shield Points: 20/20SP
–Shield Regen: 1d5 per phase
–Attack 1d50+20

Strike Craft:
50 Swiftdeath Interceptor: 25d5

Initiative: Infidel Raider Escort 1-Infidel Raider Escort 2-Infidel Raider Escort 3-Infidel Raider Escort 4-Steel Haze-Mind Killer-Zealotry-Intolerance-Night Terror-Twisted Will-Lament of Gashuudal-Monitor-Defense Ship 1-Monitor-Defense Ship 2-Monitor-Defense Ship 3-Monitor-Defense Ship 4-Monitor-Defense Ship 5-Monitor-Defense Ship 6-Monitor-Defense Ship 7-Monitor-Defense Ship 8-Monitor-Defense Ship 9-Monitor-Defense Ship 10-Cleansing Pyre-Sinner's Annihilation-Unyielding Faith-Icon of Wrath-Gaze of Tzeentch-Wrath of the Lion-Manifest Destiny-Green Spear-Lezoan Honour-Naval Fury-Imperial Pride-Orbital Defense Station.

Haemor Bloodfist Intelligence roll 4d10 (SC 2)= 8, 10, 7, 1= 3 Successes
Haemor Bloodfist Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 3, 1, 7, 2, 1, 2= 0 Successes, Critical Failure.
-8 Malus becomes -16 this turn.

Infidel Raider 1 Attacks Imperial Pride
Imperial Pride Shields reduced to 230/300 SP

Infidel Raider 2 Attacks Imperial Pride
Imperial Pride Shields reduced to 188/300 SP

Infidel Raider 3 Attacks Imperial Pride
Imperial Pride Shields reduced to 160/300 SP

Infidel Raider 4 Attacks Imperial Pride
Imperial Pride Shields reduced to 138/300 SP

Secutor Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 2)= 9, 4, 2, 2, 7= 2 Successes

Steel Haze attacks Infidel Raider 1
1d50+20+5=33+20+5+16=74 Vicious Triggers. 1d32+74=22+74=86
Infidel Raider 1 destroyed.

Mind Killer attacks Infidel Raider 2
1d50+20+5=41+20+5+16=82 Vicious Triggers. 1d41+82=4+82=86
Infidel Raider 2 Shields disabled. Infidel Raider 2 Hull reduced to 14/80
1d4=1 Structural Damage. Ship takes 1d15 Hull damage at the start of its turn.

Gerard De Lusignan Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 2)= 10, 3, 2, 3, 9= 3 Successes
Proud roll 1d6=5

Zealotry attacks Infidel Raider 3
1d50+10+5=6+10+5+16= 37
Infidel Raider 3 Shields disabled. Infidel Raider 3 Hull reduced to 63/80

Intolerance attacks Infidel Raider 3
1d50+10+5=34+10+5+16= 65
Infidel Raider 3 Hull reduced to 14/80
1d4=4 Engines Crippled. Speed reduced by half.

Night Terror attacks Infidel Raider 4
1d50+30+5=40+30+5+16=91 Vicious Triggers 1d46+91=32+91=123
Infidel Raider 4 Destroyed.

Gan Boqian Intelligence roll 6d10 (SC 2)= 5, 8, 9, 3, 2, 5= 2 Successes
Tzenchian Sorcery roll 1d100=78

Twisted Will attacks Imperial Pride
Imperial Pride Shields reduced to 86/300SP

Lament of Gashuudal attacks Imperial Pride
Imperial Pride Shields reduced to 2/300SP

Monitor-Defense ship 1 attacks Imperial Pride
Imperial Pride Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 581/600 HP

Monitor-Defense ship 2 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields reduced to 85/100 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 3 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields reduced to 75/100 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 4 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields reduced to 47/100 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 5 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields reduced to 26/100 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 6 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields reduced to 26/100 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 7 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields reduced to 21/100 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 8 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields reduced to 7/100 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 9 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Shields Disabled. Hull reduced to 183/200 HP

Monitor-Defense ship 10 attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Hull reduced to 168/200 HP

Caoimhe O`Sheridan Intelligence roll 4d10 (SC 2)= 1, 8, 8, 2= 1 Success

Cleansing Pyre attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 1
Monitor-Defense Ship 1 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 54/75 HP

Sinner's Annihilation attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 2
Monitor-Defense Ship 2 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 70/75 HP

Unrelenting Faith attacks Infidel Raider 3
Infidel Raider 3 Destroyed.

Icon of Wrath Launches Boarding Pods towards Imperial Pride.
16d100 (SC 10/30)= 47, 95, 7, 14, 37, 3, 93, 96, 33, 26, 43, 52, 80, 62, 42, 83

Gaze of Tzeentch attacks Green Spear.
1d50+50+5=21+50+5= 76
Green Spear Hull reduced to 92/200 HP
1d4=3. Shield Generator destroyed.

Wrath of the Lion attacks Defense-System Monitor 3
1d50+50+5=6+50+5= 61
Defense-System Monitor 3 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 39/75 HP

Ernesto Cervera Intelligence roll 3d10 (SC 2)= 4, 1, 7= 0 Successes.

Manifest Destiny attacks Twisted Will
1d50+40=37+40= 77
Twisted Will Shields reduced to 123/200 SP

Green Spear attacks Defense-Monitor Ship 3
1d50+40= 9+40= 49
Defense-Monitor Ship 3 Shields Disabled. Hull reduced to 46/75 HP

Lezoan Honour attacks Lament of Gashuudal
1d50+45=39+45= 84
Lament of Gashuudal Shields reduced to 116/200 SP

Naval Fury attacks Gaze of Tzeentch.
1d50+45=26+45= 71
Gaze of Tzeentch Shields reduced to 329/400 SP

Imperial Pride attacks Icon of Wrath
1d50+50+16=5+50+16= 71
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 429/500 SP

Orbital Defense Station attacks Green Spear
Green Spear Destroyed.

Dog Fight:

Imperial Navy:

100 Fury Interceptors


Eyes of the Mutator

20 Thunderhawks
20 Storm Ravens

Bloody Shards Warband

50 Swiftdeath Interceptors.

Successes needed for Imperial Navy Victory: 50
Successes needed for Chaos Victory: 22

Fury Interceptors 1 roll 2d10= 2, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Successes needed increased by 1
Fury Interceptors 2 roll 2d10= 8, 5= 1 Success
Fury Interceptors 3 roll 2d10= 3, 5= 0 Successes
Fury Interceptors 4 roll 2d10= 2, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Successes needed increased by 1

Thunderhawks roll 4d10= 4, 2, 3, 7= 1 Success
Storm Ravens roll 4d10= 5, 6, 1, 4= 0 Successes

Swiftdeath Interceptors 1 roll 2d10= 10, 2= 2 Successes
Swiftdeath Interceptors 2 roll 2d10= 5, 3= 0 Successes

Imperial Navy= 1/52
Chaos= 3/22

The Navy vessels barely have enough time to deploy their fighters before the enemy is upon them, the World Eaters rushing ahead of their own formation to fire upon them. Its escorts, instead of attacking the cruisers as Secutor would have done, unleash their batteries on the Imperial Pride, its shields weathering the barrage of torpedoes that are thrown at them. The Gladius-class frigates of the Angels Crusader move to flank the over-extended ships, Secutor ordering his own vessels to do the same, catching the heretic's escorts in crossfire. The captain of the 10th watches as a volley from the Steel Haze destroys one of them in a single volley, its weapon batteries overwhelming its shields and piercing its hull until it detonates with flash. Fire from the Mind Killer cripples a second, fires blazing for a mere second across its battered surface before being extinguished by the sterile void, and a third drifts sluggishly after receiving coordinated fire from the Angels Crusader escorts.

"Fire the Bombardment Cannon, target the last Infidel Raider." He commands. Half a minute later, it fires, the magma bomb hitting its target on the dorsal armor. It melts through the shields and hull with the same ease plasma does on human flesh, and after a bright flash there are two drifting halves where one ship used to be.

The rest of the traitor fleet comes into contact soon after, following the same targets as the rest of them. Their Strike Cruisers keep on hammering the Imperial Pride until its shields fall, while their Defense-Monitors swarm one of the Lunar-Class Cruisers, the Green Spear if he's not mistaken. The Monitors are individually weak, probably a pattern destined from System Defence Forces, but working in concert they soon overwhelm the cruisers shields, the sight reminding Secutor of the times in his youth in which him and other juves killed adults by jumping them in groups, the lack of strength of their blows compensated by the sheer number of them. The light Cruisers of the Sororitas take advantage of their fixation on the Navy Cruiser to strike at the monitors, doing some damage but unable to bring down any of them, and finishing off the Infidel Raider with the crippled engine, while the reaction of the Imperial Navy is an uncoordinated response, their various ships firing against one of the monitors and the various heavy assets of the Chaos Space Marine, whose retaliation is far more effective. The Battle-Barge of the World Eaters launches Boarding Pods at the Imperial Navy flagship, and while some of them miss their target or are shot down by the point defenses of the Retribution-Class Battleship, but most of them impact, unleashing their payload of mad cultist and raging Astartes. Then the Green Spear explodes, unable to endure fire from the Gaze of Tzeench and the Orbital Station simultaneously.

Initiative: Infidel Raider Escort 2-Steel Haze-Mind Killer-Zealotry-Intolerance-Night Terror-Twisted Will-Lament of Gashuudal-Monitor-Defense Ship 1-Monitor-Defense Ship 2-Monitor-Defense Ship 3-Monitor-Defense Ship 4-Monitor-Defense Ship 5-Monitor-Defense Ship 6-Monitor-Defense Ship 7-Monitor-Defense Ship 8-Monitor-Defense Ship 9-Monitor-Defense Ship 10-Cleansing Pyre-Sinner's Annihilation-Unyielding Faith-Icon of Wrath-Gaze of Tzeentch-Wrath of the Lion-Manifest Destiny-Lezoan Honour-Naval Fury-Imperial Pride-Orbital Defense Station.

Haemor Bloodfist Intelligence roll 4d10 (SC 3)= 1, 2, 2, 3= 0 Successes, Critical Failure.
1d4=2 Your Flagship has -10 Attack this phase.
Haemor Bloodfist Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 4, 1, 8, 5, 3, 7= 2 Successes.
-8 Malus.

1d15=4 Hull reduced to 10/80
1d5=3 Infidel Raider 2 Shields at 3/20
Infidel Raider 2 Attacks Night Terror
Night Terror Shields reduced to 122/200 SP

Secutor Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 3)= 1, 6, 3, 6, 7= 2 Successes

Steel Haze attacks Infidel Raider 2
Infidel Raider 2 destroyed.

Mind Killer attacks Twisted Will
Twisted Will Shields reduced to 54/200 SP

Gerard De Lusignan Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 3)= 5, 4, 3, 10, 6= 3 Successes
Proud roll 1d6=1

Zealotry attacks Icon of Wrath
1d50+10+5+8=27+10+5+8= 50
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 379/500 SP

Intolerance attacks Icon of Wrath
1d50+10+5+8=6+10+5+8= 29
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 350/500 SP

1d50=28 Night Terror Shields at 150/200 SP
Night Terror attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 4
1d50+30+5=47+30+5=82 Vicious Triggers 1d41+82=33+82=115
Monitor-Defense Ship 4 destroyed

Gan Boqian Intelligence roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 3, 3, 8, 5, 7, 9= 3 Successes
Tzenchian Sorcery roll 1d100=48

1d50=32 Twisted Will Shields at 86/200 SP
Twisted Will attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Shields reduced to 26/100SP

1d50=44 Lament of Gashuudal Shields at 160/200 SP
Lament of Gashuudal attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Shields disabled, Hull reduced to 183/200HP

1d10=7. Monitor–Defense ship 1 Shields at 7/20 SP
Monitor-Defense ship 1 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Hull reduced to 169/200 HP

1d10=10. Monitor–Defense ship 2 Shields at 10/20 SP
Monitor-Defense ship 2 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Hull reduced to 144/200 HP

1d10=10. Monitor–Defense ship 3 Shields at 10/20 SP
Monitor-Defense ship 3 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Hull reduced to 117/200 HP

Monitor-Defense ship 5 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Hull reduced to 98/200 HP
1d2=2 Gunnery decks damaged. Attack reduced by half.

Monitor-Defense ship 6 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Hull reduced to 74/200 HP

Monitor-Defense ship 7 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Hull reduced to 46/200 HP

Monitor-Defense ship 8 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Hull reduced to 21/200 HP

Monitor-Defense ship 9 attacks Manifest Destiny
Naval Fury Shields reduced to 4/200 HP

Monitor-Defense ship 10 attacks Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny Destroyed.

Caoimhe O`Sheridan Intelligence roll 4d10 (SC 4)= 10, 4, 7, 7= 4 Successes

Cleansing Pyre attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 1
Monitor-Defense Ship 1 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 25/75 HP
1d4=4 Engines Crippled, Speed reduced by half.

Sinner's Annihilation attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 1
Monitor-Defense Ship 1 Destroyed

Unrelenting Faith attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 2
IMonitor-Defense Ship 2 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 55/75 HP

1d125=42 Icon of Wrath Shields at 316/500SP
Icon of Wrath attacks Naval Fury
Naval Fury Shields reduced to 70/125 SP

1d100=95 Gaze of Tzeench Shields at 424/500SP
Gaze of Tzeentch attacks Naval Fury.
1d50+50+5=3+50+5= 58
Naval Fury Shields reduced to 12/125 SP

Wrath of the Lion attacks Icon of Wrath
1d50+50+5+8=21+50+5+8= 82
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 232/500SP

Ernesto Cervera Intelligence roll 3d10 (SC 3)= 8, 3, 9= 2 Successes.

Lezoan Honour attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 2
1d50+45=40+45= 85
Monitor-Defense Ship 2 Destroyed

1d25=2 Naval Fury Shields at 14/125 SP
Naval Fury attacks Twisted Will
1d50+45=24+45= 69
Twisted Will Shields at 17/200 SP

Imperial Pride attacks Icon of Wrath
1d50+50+8=44+50+8= 103
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 129/500SP

Orbital Defense Station attacks Naval Fury
Naval Fury Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 93/175

Dog Fight:

Fury Interceptors 1 roll 2d10= 1, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Successes needed increased by 2
Fury Interceptors 2 roll 2d10= 9, 2= 1 Success
Fury Interceptors 3 roll 2d10= 9, 6= 2 Successes
Fury Interceptors 4 roll 2d10= 6, 9= 2 Successes,

Thunderhawks roll 4d10= 8, 10, 4, 7= 4 Successes
Storm Ravens roll 4d10= 2, 9, 2, 9= 2 Successes

Swiftdeath Interceptors 1 roll 2d10= 1, 2= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Successes needed increased by 1
Swiftdeath Interceptors 2 roll 2d10= 6, 2= 1 Successes

Imperial Navy= 1+5=6/54
Chaos= 3+7=10/23

Imperial Navy.

-Admiral Ernesto Cervera (Carapace Armor, Plasma Pistol, Power Sword)
-Ogryn Bodyguard (Flak Armor, Slab Shield, Maul)
-Platoon of Navy Armsmen Breachers (Carapace Armor, Boarding Shields, Shotguns, Melta guns)
-Regiment of Navy Armsmen (Flak Armor, Lasguns, Shotguns)
-Navy Crewmen (Uniforms, Laspistols)


Broken Shards Warband

-Khornate Champion Fiaur (MK.IV "Maximus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Meteor Hammer)
-3 Squads of Khornate Berzerkers (MK.V "Heresy" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chain Axes.)
-1 Helbrute (Castaferrum-Pattern, Assault Cannon, Power-Claw)
-3 Mobs of Khornate Cultists (Clothing, Autopistols, Various Melee Weapons)
-Horde of Khornate Mutants (Clothing, Melee Weapons, Mutations)

Successes needed for Imperial Navy Victory= ???
Successes needed for Broken Shards Warband Victory= ???


Imperial Navy= ???/???
Broken Shards Warband= ???/???

The bridge shakes once more as the last of the Infidel Raiders fires against the Night Terror, the void shields absorbing the last death throes of the Khornate escort before the Steel Haze puts down the barely functional wreck. The Mind Killer then attacks the Twisted Will, further depleting the Eyes of the Mutator's Strike Cruiser shielding. Secutor then beholds with some confusion as the Zealotry and the Intolerance attack the Icon of Wrath, the two escorts unable to pierce through the Battle-Barge shielding. He opens a comm-link to the Wrath of the Lion, which quickly shows the scowling features of Gerard de Lusignan.

"What do you want, 10th Captain?!" He barks at him, pronouncing his rank as if it were an insult. In the background, the bridge crew cries a brief cheer as the Bombardment Cannon fires again, heralding the destruction of one of the enemy Monitors. "I know that you lack experience, but you should know well enough that battle is no time for idle talk."

The son of the Lion words do not stir Secutor anger, and he responds evenly. "Why have you shifted fire to the Icon of Wrath? There are softer targets that we should dispatch first."

"I don't need to explain myself to you." Replies De Lusignan with a sneer. "But now that they have boarded the Imperial Pride the heretic's Battle Barge has a smaller amount of Traitor Marines inside. Once we bring down its shield it will be simple for me and my brothers to board it and seize it."

"I see. Shouldn't you send some of your brothers to assist the Imperial Pride crew, seeing as it is their peril that has brought you this opportunity?"

The Master of the Dreadwing waves off Secutor's question. "Why should I? They are fulfilling their purpose in soaking up casualties for the God-Emperor's Angels, as they should. Relieve them yourself if you wish, I will save my forces for the truly important targets." He cuts communications after that, and Secutor turns his attention back towards the wider battle.

The Eyes of the Mutator's fleet has struck against the Manifest Destiny, the other Lunar-Class Cruiser, bringing it down through focused firepower. The Navy and the Sisters manage to destroy two of those monitors in retaliation, and almost overwhelm the shielding of the Twisted Will, judging by the readings of the Night Terror's auspex. The Gaze of Tzeentch, the Icon of Wrath and the Orbital Defense Station are firing upon the Naval Fury, the Gothic-Class Cruiser showing the damage as it is unable to resist the concentration of macrocannons and lance batteries. He considers the situation for a second before coming onto a decision.

"Iosephus, you have command." He calls out to his Lieutenant, who has just entered the bridge. "I will go into the Imperial Pride to assist Admiral Cervera and his crew."

His subordinate frowns. "With all due respect Captain, it is unnecessary for you to get involved personally. I can command the relief force while you remain in command of the ship."

"Your objection is noted." Secutor responds as he leaves the bridge. While he understands why Iosephus objects against his decision, there are two reasons for it. The first is that, for all his other talents, Iosephus is an average combatant, and Secutor will fare better in the close confines of the ship against the World Eaters and the champion that is surely leading them. The second is the power struggle in Battlefleet Aetelian. While some would argue that the demise of one of the two candidates would solve the matter, the Captain of the 10th finds that to be an unacceptable solution. Much depends on the future performance of the Sector´s Navy, and as such it should be led by the best possible officers, or failing that by the one who would work better alongside his Chapter. He puts on his helmet, which was mag-locked to his hip before, and hails two of his squads as the members of his own command squad, save Ostia who as a Techmarine is busy in the Strike Cruiser enginarium, falls in line behind him. "10-6 and 10-7, prepare for boarding."

Initiative: Steel Haze-Mind Killer-Zealotry-Intolerance-Night Terror-Twisted Will-Lament of Gashuudal-Monitor-Defense Ship 3-Monitor-Defense Ship 5-Monitor-Defense Ship 6-Monitor-Defense Ship 7-Monitor-Defense Ship 8-Monitor-Defense Ship 9-Monitor-Defense Ship 10-Cleansing Pyre-Sinner's Annihilation-Unyielding Faith-Icon of Wrath-Gaze of Tzeentch-Wrath of the Lion-Lezoan Honour-Naval Fury-Imperial Pride-Orbital Defense Station.

Secutor Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 4)= 5, 2, 3, 9, 8= 2 Successes

Steel Haze attacks Icon of Wrath
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 91/500SP

Mind Killer attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 8
Monitor-Defense Ship 8 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 73/80 HP

Gerard De Lusignan Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 4)= 8, 2, 8, 1, 10= 3 Successes
Proud roll 1d6=1

Zealotry attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 5
1d50+10+5+8=17+10+5= 32
Monitor-Defense Ship 5 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 68/80 HP

Intolerance attacks Twisted Will
1d50+10+5+8=43+10+5= 58 Vicious Triggers. 1d29+58=20+58=78
Twisted Will Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 139/200 HP

1d50=1 Night Terror Shields at 151/200 SP
Night Terror launches boarding pods at Imperial Pride
3d100(SC 10/30)= Autosuccess due to Friendly Ship

Gan Boqian Intelligence roll 6d10 (SC 4)= 10, 7, 3, 9, 5, 9= 4 Successes
Tzenchian Sorcery roll 1d100=30

1d50=2 Twisted Will Shields at 2/200 SP
Twisted Will attacks Naval Fury
Naval Fury Hull reduced to 30/175 HP
1d4=3 Engines Crippled. Speed reduced by half

1d50=27 Lament of Gashuudal Shields at 187/200 SP
Lament of Gashuudal attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Shields reduced to 73/125 SP

1d10=2. Monitor–Defense ship 3 Shields at 12/20 SP
Monitor-Defense ship 3 attacks Naval Fury
Naval Fury destroyed

1d10=1. Monitor–Defense ship 5 Shields at 1/20 SP
Monitor-Defense ship 5 attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Shields reduced to 57/125 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 6 attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Shields reduced to 51/125 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 7 attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Shields reduced to 45/125 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 8 attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Shields reduced to 28/125 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 9 attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Shields reduced to 11/125 SP

Monitor-Defense ship 10 attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 160/175 HP

Caoimhe O`Sheridan Intelligence roll 4d10 (SC 4)= 7, 10, 7, 9= 5 Successes, Critical Successes
1d4=1 Flagship gains +10 Attack.

Cleansing Pyre attacks Twisted Will
Twisted Will Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 69/200 HP
1d4=2 Gunnery Decks Crippled, Attack reduced by half.

Sinner's Annihilation attacks Twisted Will
Twisted Will Hull reduced to 43/200 HP

Unrelenting Faith attacks Twisted Will
Eyes of the Mutator Agility roll 4d10 (SC 3)=5, 4, 4, 4= 0 Successes
Twisted Will Destroyed. All Astartes aboard slain.

Haemor Bloodfist Intelligence roll 4d10 (SC 4)= 9, 8, 6, 1= 2 Successes
Haemor Bloodfist Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 1, 1, 7, 7, 8, 5= 1 Success.
-8 Malus.

1d125=109 Icon of Wrath Shields at 200/500SP
Icon of Wrath attacks Steel Haze
Steel Haze Shields reduced to 44/100 SP

1d100=44 Gaze of Tzeench Shields at 468/500SP
Gaze of Tzeentch attacks Lezoan Honour.
1d50+50+5=47+50+5= 102
Lezoan Honour Hull reduced to 58/175 HP
1d4=3 Engines Crippled, Speed reduced by half

Wrath of the Lion attacks Icon of Wrath
1d50+50+5+8=6+50+5+8= 69
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 131/500SP

Ernesto Cervera Intelligence roll 3d10 (SC 4)= 5, 10, 4= 2 Successes.

1d25=3 Lezoan Honour Shields at 3/125 SP
Lezoan Honour attacks Monitor-Defense Ship 3
1d50+45=27+45= 72
Defense-Monitor Ship 3 Destroyed

Imperial Pride attacks Icon of Wrath
1d50+50+8=2+50+8= 60
Icon of Wrath Shields reduced to 71/500SP

Orbital Defense Station attacks Lezoan Honour
Lezoan Honour Destroyed

Dog Fight:

Fury Interceptors 1 roll 2d10= 2, 6= 1 Success
Fury Interceptors 2 roll 2d10= 2, 9= 1 Success
Fury Interceptors 3 roll 2d10= 6, 6= 2 Successes
Fury Interceptors 4 roll 2d10= 7, 4= 1 Success,

Thunderhawks roll 4d10= 3, 7, 5, 3= 1 Success
Storm Ravens roll 4d10= 2, 4, 1, 7= 0 Successes

Swiftdeath Interceptors 1 roll 2d10= 5, 2= 0 Successes
Swiftdeath Interceptors 2 roll 2d10= 3, 5= 0 Successes

Imperial Navy= 6+4=10/54
Chaos= 10+1=11/23

Mist Shrikes:

-10th Company Captain Secutor (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Iron Halo, Camelonine Cloak, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword)
-10th Company Command Squad (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Camelonine Cloaks, Combat Shields, Storm Bolter, Melta Gun, Plasma Gun, Flamer, Astartes Grenade Launchers, 5 Stalker Bolters, 2 Power Swords, 2 Power Axes, 1 Power Maul)
-Company Ancient Caligae (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shields, Camelonine Cloak, Company Banner, Power Fist)
-Company Champion Gnaeus (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Camelonine Cloak, Plasma Pistol, Chainglaive)
-Senior Apothecary Soran. (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Camelonine Cloak, Stalker Bolter, Chainsword)
-Senior Techmarine Ostia (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Camelonine Cloak, Stalker Bolter, Omnissiah Axe)
-Chaplain Osinki (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Camelonine Cloak, Combat Shield, Rosarius, Stalker Bolter, Crozius Arcanum)
-Squads 10-6 and 10-7 (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistols, Chainswords)

Imperial Navy.

Ogryn Bodyguard Toughness roll 4d10 (SC 4)= 5, 4, 9, 3= 1 Success

-Admiral Ernesto Cervera (Carapace Armor, Plasma Pistol, Power Sword)
-Platoon of Navy Armsmen Breachers (Carapace Armor, Boarding Shields, Shotguns, Melta guns)
-Regiment of Navy Armsmen (Flak Armor, Lasguns, Shotguns)
-Navy Crewmen (Uniforms, Laspistols)


Broken Shards Warband

Hellbrute Chassis Integrity roll 1d100 (DC 60)=79

-Khornate Champion Fiaur (MK.IV "Maximus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Meteor Hammer)
-3 Squads of Khornate Berzerkers (MK.V "Heresy" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chain Axes.)
-1 Helbrute (Castaferrum-Pattern, Assault Cannon, Power-Claw)
-3 Mobs of Khornate Cultists (Clothing, Autopistol, Various Melee Weapons)
-Horde of Khornate Mutants (Clothing, Melee Weapons, Mutations)

Successes needed for Imperial Victory= 30-3(Veteran Sergeants)=27
Successes needed for Broken Shards Warband= 30

10-6 Agility roll 7+1=8d10= 3, 5, 10, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3= 2 Successes
Fiaur Perception roll 4d10= 8, 6, 3, 1= 1 Success

10-6 Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 5, 4, 8, 9, 2, 9= 3 Successes
Fiaur Toughness roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 3, 8, 4, 8, 9, 9= 4 Successes

Secutor Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 4, 1, 9, 5, 10, 8= 3 Successes
10th Company Command Squad Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 6, 2, 1, 3, 7, 2= 1 Succcess
Gnaeus Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 1, 8, 8, 5, 4, 10= 3 Successes
Vanguard Scouts Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 6, 9, 6, 1, 4, 8= 3 Successes

Ernesto Cervera Weapon Skill roll 3d10= 10, 5, 10= 4 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Breachers Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 6, 6, 8= 3 Successes
Navy Armsmen 1 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 6, 5= 1 Success
Navy Armsmen 2 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 3, 6= 1 Success
Navy Armsmen 3 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 9, 2= 1 Success
Navy Armsmen 4 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 5, 6= 1 Success
Navy Crewmen 1 Ballistic Skill roll 1d10= 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1
Navy Crewmen 2 Ballistic Skill roll 1d10= 10= 2 Successes, Critical Success
Successes needed reduced by 1
Navy Crewmen 3 Ballistic Skill roll 1d10= 10= 2 Successes, Critical Success
Successes needed reduced by 1
Navy Crewmen 4 Ballistic Skill roll 1d10= 8= 1 Success

Fiarur Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 6, 2, 8, 9, 4, 7= 4 Successes
Hellbrute Weapon Skill roll 5d10= 6, 1, 3, 2, 10= 2 Successes
Khornate Berzerkers Weapon Skill roll 5d10= 2, 5, 10, 3, 10= 4 Successes
Khornate Cultists 1 Weapon Skill roll 2d10= 8, 9= 2 Successes
Khornate Cultists 2 Weapon Skill roll 2d10= 2, 2= 0 Successes
Khornate Cultists 3 Weapon Skill roll 2d10= 8, 4= 1 Success
Khornate Cultists 1 Strength roll 2d10= 2, 10= 2 Successes
Khornate Cultists 2 Strength roll 2d10= 4, 2= 0 Successes
Khornate Cultists 3 Strength roll 2d10= 5, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1
Khornate Cultists 4 Strength roll 2d10= 6, 4= 1 Success

Imperials= 11+26=37/25
Warband of the Broken Shards= 11+13=21/31

Imperial Victory

10th Company Toughness roll 6+1(Soran)=7d10= 10, 7, 9, 9, 10, 5, 2= 7 Successes

Fifteen minutes later the Boarding Pod he and his command squad are occupying opens inside the Imperial Pride, revealing a scene of carnage. Bodies in Navy uniforms and armsmen armor are mixed with others with mutations and in clothes covered in sigils of the Blood God, although to his satisfaction the latter outnumber the former. A quick examination of the positioning of the corpses and the holes and burns on the walls of the chamber they're in, alongside the echoes of roaring chain weapons, screams and gunfire informs him of the direction of the fighting and so they move towards it, weapons at the ready. As they walk the sergeants of his two squads of Vanguard Scouts report to him.

"10-6 here, we are engaged against enemy cultists on the lower decks."

"10-7 reporting, the enemy Champion is on the bridge! Moving in to safeguard the Admiral."

Secutor speeds up the pace. "10-7, we're moving towards the bridge. Ensure the safety of the Admiral at all cost."

Soon after they stumble upon the enemy, in a chokepoint that guards the lift that connects the Middle Decks with the Upper Decks. The chokepoint is manned by a combination of Armsmen and crewmen, bolstered by a squad of Breachers, who empty their magazines into a charging mass of cultists, mutants and a squad of Khornate Berzerkers. At the front of the charge is a Helbrute, which despite the melted and scorched plating of its armor rushes in as fast as its frame allows. Knowing that a melee exchange would place the defenders in a disadvantageous position, Secutor puts aside his training and better instincts aside.

"WE ARE NIGHTMARES MADE MANIFEST!!" He roars, catching the foes attention. The enemy charge loses part of its momentum as half of his members turn in place and charge again against the Mist Shrikes, including the World Eaters.

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!" The shout of the Helbrute, distorted by static, drowns out the frenzied screams of the mortals and Astartes, even if the corrupted parody of a Dreadnought remains focused on slaughtering the Navy crewmen. Secutor can see the foaming spit flying out of the mouths of the mortals and those Chaos Marines who lack a helmet and knowing better than to meet a charge such as this statically, they counter-charge.

"Death is upon you Traitors!" Shouts Osinski as a swing his crozius blasts away three mutants as the two sides meet. One of the Veterans of his command squad blocks a chainaxe with his combat shield, allowing another to use his power maul to cave in the chestplate and ribcage of its wielder. Secutor cleaves through a mutant with his power sword, decapitates a second, pierces through the heart of a third and removes the arms of a fourth in the span of three second, before batting aside a wild swing from a Berzerker and riposting with a disemboweling strike, finishing him off with a neck stab before he can fall to his knees.

The Helbrute roars again, though this time the rage is mixed with pain and outrage. Secutor risks a glance away from the cultist uselessly trying to pierce his chestplate with a spear and sees the Helbrute recoil, the front of his chassis scorched by a melta blast, with molten ceramite, amniotic fluid and blood dripping from it. The war-coffin fires its autocannon in retaliation, pulping the breacher that had fired the melta and the score of armsmen near him. It stops when an armswoman pulls all the pins from a grenade belt and throws herself at the damaged Hellbrute, immolating herself and felling the ancient son of Angron inside it. The chassis topples with a loud bang, and Secutor kills the cultist with the spear with an idle swing, before stabbing through the back a berzeker engaged with Gnaeus.

The confrontation continues on in their favor, despite the vicious resistance of the berzerkers, who injure two of Secutor's veterans so grievously that they fall into sus-a-membrane commas. The Captain leaves them under the care of Soran and addresses the Imperial Pride crew, who are busy checking on their own fallen and ensuring all enemies are truly dead "Who is in command here?"

The mortals look into one another before one of the Breachers steps forward. "I think I am Milord." He straightens and makes the sight of the Aquila, the cracked lens of his helmet showing a bloodshot eye. "Corporal Miguel Osuna, what are your orders?"

"Leave a rearguard and follow us, we are marching to reinforce Admiral Cervera." Secutor and his remaining command squad enter the lift, while in the meantime Corporal Osuna quickly organizes the surviving forces, leaving behind most of the crewmen and taking with them what remains of his squad and the surviving armsmen.

The travel from the lift to the bridge takes a couple of minutes, cut short by their hurried movement as the Space Marine hears the sounds of combat growing fainter instead of louder as they move closer. By the time they reach the bridge the fighting is almost done, with only seven people left standing. One of them is Admiral Cervera, clad in carapace armor and on his knees near the corpse of a Khornate Berzerker, struggling to rise to his feet and using his power sword as support. Another one is the World Eater champion, snarling as he spins his Meteor Hammer, surrounded by five Mist Shrikes who warily keep their distance. The son of Angron is facing their direction, and so he sees their arrival, the veins in his face and neck pulsing as he screams a challenge. "None of you cravens dares to face me on their own?! Are all the servants of the Corpse-Emperor worthless weaklings!? I am Fiaur, champion of Khorne, slayer of champions, vanquisher of armies, ruiner of worlds! Come fight me, if any of you can muster the courage!!"

Secutor looks the traitor in the face and smiles thinly behind his helmet. "Kill him."

Fiaur manages to take two steps before he is shot to pieces by five bolt pistols, a plasma pistol, a plasma gun, a storm bolter, five shotguns and thirty lasguns. Secutor holsters his gun and walks towards the Lezoan Admiral as the man lowers his plasma pistol. "Are you hale Admiral?

"If it wasn't for poor Paco over there, I wouldn't be." He replies while looking at a dead Ogryn without the lower half of his body, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "Still, I appreciate the rescue. You over there!" He calls out to a nearby soldier. "Check if the hololith still works." The soldier does so, the hololith coming to life with brief distortions, allowing both the Admiral and the Astartes to take in how the wider battle is progressing.

"Me cago en sus putos muertos." Curses Cervera in Lezoan under his breath, seeing the Naval Fury reduced to a scrapped carcass of metal and the Lezoan Honour helplessly pummeled by the enemy vessels. The last Cruiser present does manage to take out one of the Monitors that assail it before a cannonade from the Orbital Station impacts the ship on the prow and reduces the whole front of the ship to slag. One of the escorts of the Angels Crusader, the Intolerance launches a broadside against the Twisted Will, the void shields of the Traitor Strike Cruiser flickering briefly before failing. The Light Cruisers of the Order of the Thorned Spear take advantage of the opening and focus fire on the weakened vessel, the blackness of the void around it lighting up with the beams of lance batteries until the Strike Cruiser falls apart, the various pieces of debris floating in all directions.

Secutor looks at the chronometer on his armor. The second wave should have begun translating now, and while the Warp makes a mockery of all the laws of the Materium, he can't help the feeling that something is not proceeding according to plan. That feeling is vindicated when a runner bursts into the bridge, yelping as a las beam fired by a jumpy armsman passes a centimeter away from his head.

"A-a-admiral, w-we-we re-rec-received an astropathic transmission from the main force!" The runner, a boy barely older than the Chapter aspirants, stutters as he comes to term how close he has come to death as the armsman lowers his lasgun sheepishly. "They report an enemy force making a Warp Translation in the Ertesis System! Enemy fleet is composed of a Battle-Barge identified as the Unrelenting Zeal , two Strike Cruisers and eight Idolator-class raiders!"

"It is the arrival of the second wave delayed then?" Asks Secutor.

The runner is torn between awe and trepidation at being addressed by an Angel of Death, and it takes a stern glare from the Admiral before he composes himself. "According to the transmission…."

Mist Shrikes:
-Battle-Barge Fear of Judgement
-Sword-Class Frigate Necessary Discrepancy

Angels Crusader:
-Gladius-Class Escort Fanaticism
-Gladius-Class Escort Willfulness

Blazing Wardens:
-Strike Cruiser Bulwark of Fire

Imperial Navy:
-Retribution-Class Battleship Glory of Martydom
-Gothic-Class Cruiser Owed Retribution
-Lunar-Class Cruiser Treachery's Doom
-Lunar-Class Cruiser Hand of the Righteous
-Sword-Class Frigate Dauntless
-Sword-Class Frigate Undying
-Firestorm-Class Frigate Relentless Advance
-Firestorm-Class Frigate Cold Vengeance

Order of the Thorned Spear:
-Piety-Class Cruiser Saint Scathach's Grace
-Piety-Class Cruiser Purifying Penance
-Piety-Class Cruiser Fervent Devotion

Forge-world Smilnay:
Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser Blessing of the Cog

Ordo Hereticus:
-Inquisitorial Cruiser Eternal Vigil

Ordo Malleus:
-Inquisitorial Cruiser Gift of Annihilation

Vote which forces you will send to reinforce the first wave and which will deal with the incoming reinforcements:
-[] Write-in which ships will be sent in the second wave. The ones you don't write will stay in Ertesis to engage the enemy reinforcements. If you don't want to send anyone, write "Send none."

Gallienus Toughness roll 4+1(Sarjanovic)=5d10 (SC 2/3)= 9, 5, 9, 2, 6= 3 Successes
Command Squad Toughness roll 6+1=7d10 (SC 3)= 4, 5, 3, 6, 8, 6, 1= 2 Successes
2d9= 6, 5
Chaplain Djanko Toughness roll 5+1d10=6d10 (SC 3)= 8, 1, 10, 4, 3, 5= 1 Success
3rd Company Toughness roll 5+1=6+1(Omake)d10=7d10= 4, 8, 8, 4, 8, 7, 10= 6 Successes

Gallienus Fellowship roll 4+1=5d10 (SC 3)= 5, 5, 9, 9, 9= 3 Success
Terror of the Cults Triggers.
Armor of Contempt roll 1d6=4

The landscape before Captain Gallienus eyes is a seemingly endless expanse of hills and mounds of barren grey rock, a breezy wind sending dust into the joints of his armor. In contrast to most Dead Worlds, Yerma Tertius does possess a breathable atmosphere, which is good, seeing as most of the auxiliary forces that they have brought on this campaign need to breath, but it makes the 3rd Company Captain consider whether the world has always possess it or if it is the result of some manner of ritual from the Eyes of the Mutator, which would bode ill for their current if involuntary arrival on the world.

He looks back at the crashsite of the Bird of Prey and lets out a bitter chuckle. While the translation failure had made them skip directly to the second stage of the campaign, it had done so in the most inconvenient manner possible. While the Strike Cruiser is still whole after the impact with the planetary surface, the damage report that Capua had forwarded him did not paint an encouraging picture. Multiple decks and systems were damaged beyond use, with some of them being impossible to traverse, and an ammunition depot from the ship Bombardment Cannon had detonated, destroying the whole gunnery deck. Casualties among his battle-brothers had been thankfully lesser than expected, but hundreds of serfs were dead, and Djanko had perished when the platform in which he had been standing had been knocked loose on impact, making him fall two hundred meters and breaking his neck. An important loss in normal circumstances, but incredibly dangerous now, for the spiritual vigilance of a Chaplain is especially important now, in the den of corruption they are currently in.

He sits on a big rock and begins performing maintenance on his chainsword, giving his hands something to occupy themself with as he considers their options. The Eyes of the Mutator might be accursed heretics and followers of Chaos, but idiots they are not, so there is no chance that they missed the crash. Sooner or later they would mobilize against his forces, intent on killing them before the rest of the Imperial Forces made planetfall to avoid fighting on two fronts. Retreating to the Bird of Prey and turning into an improvised fortress is an option. After all, while the vessel could not perform his intended purpose, it was still a strong structure, would force any attacking force to abandon their vehicles and move onto a tighter space and it would be the only place where they would have a home advantage on this planet. However, it would mean conceding the initiative to the foe, which sits ill with him. Another defensive option, but one far more to his liking, would be to lay ambushes, soften any incoming assault ahead of time before retreating back onto the ship. The main issue with that idea is that the enemy naturally has better knowledge of the terrain, and if caught any skirmishers he sends could be easily cut done. Abandoning the ship would have the same issue, but avoiding a confrontation could preserve his forces for when the rest of his brothers arrived.

He pauses as he finishes changing the chain teeth of the weapon. He could go on the offensive. Assault one of the targets of the planet, catch the traitors by surprise and facilitate the incoming offensive. It would be extremely risky and requiere careful timing and great speed to secure any location before the enemy could rally, but it was an option. Gallienus hears the footsteps approach him and glances out of the corner of his eye. Furor walks towards him, surely to hear what his orders are, and so Gallienus comes to a decision as he closes the distance.

-Captain Gallienus (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Iron Halo, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-3rd Company Command Squad (4/5) (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shields, Storm Bolter, Melta Gun, Plasma Gun, Flamer, 3 Power Axes, 1 Headsman Axe.)
-Company Ancient Dragomir (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Company Banner, Plasma Pistol)
-Company Champion Scipio (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Bolt Pistol, 2 Power Swords)
-Apothecary Sarjanovic (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Senior Techmarine Capua (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Bolt Pistol, Omnissiah Axe)
-Lieutenant Furor (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Bolt Pistol, Headsman Axe)
-Squads 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolters, 1 Missile Launcher, 1 Melta gun, 1 Plasma gun)
-Squad 3-7 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Jump Packs, Bolt Pistols, Chainswords, 5 Combat Shotguns)
-Squad 3-9 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, 2 Lascannons)
-2 Rhinos.
-1 Whirlwind
-Regiment of Armed Serfs (Flak Armor, Lasguns, Shotguns, Grenade Launchers)
-Serf Crewmen (Robes, Las Pistols)
-Defensive Emplacements (Heavy Stubbers, Heavy Bolters)

Vote how the stranded 3rd Company will proceed:
-[] Hunker down:
Use the crashed Bird of Prey as a fortification against incoming assault (Vehicles are non-deployable)
-[] Hit-and-run Ambushes: Leave the serfs as a garrison in the Bird of Prey and stage ambushes against incoming enemy assaults to thin them out.
-[] Constant Movement: Abandon the crashed ship and attempt to evade enemy forces until the rest of the Imperial Forces make planetfall (Defensive Emplacements are non-deployable)
-[] Proactive Assault: Engage the enemy in one of their strongholds in Tertius, surprise may allow you to either open a breach for the rest of the Imperial forces:
–[] The Sorcerer's Tower: A great spire rising towards the sky, the Sorcerer's is the location in which the Eyes of the Mutators perform their rituals and instruct their Sorcerers. An assault might prevent the sorcerers from enacting their foul tricks against their forces in orbit.
–[] The Vault: An underground bunker in which the Chaos Marine hides plenty of accursed artifacts. An assault might prevent them from making free use of them elsewhere.
–[] The Spaceport: The greater settlement of the planet and the only one designed for the landing of vessels, it is the location of the greater amount of anti-air defenses, and assaulting them would facilitate the landing of further Imperial forces.
–[] The Prison: The lesser settlement of the planet, it holds the most unruly of the Eyes of the Mutator's slaves and is a source for ritual fodder and test subjects. The least important strategically, but also the least defended.

Q.M Notes: So, this chapter has been long overdue, but the problems with my laptop and Christmas got in the way. Anyhow, you will have a moratorium of eight hours to discuss and as always, feel free to point out any spelling mistakes you might see, have a nice day and hope you enjoy the start of the campaign.
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Well, we killed all of the small fry of the first wave, minus one or two exceptions with a monitor, and helped kill a strike cruiser and crippled a boarding company of World eaters. We also got our much needed reinforcements, but now we also have a word bearers strike force to deal with that nearly makes all of our previous work, completely useless now. Not good at all indeed.
So. Good news are that we are chewing through enemy escorts, we killed a Strike cruiser with all marines aboard, thats up to a full company, although I doubt we are that lucky, we killed that boarding party with few losses on our side and we even got boots on the ground.

Bad news are that the Navy is getting obliterated, our fighter screen is losing the fight, we have half a company stranded behind enemy lines and there is another enemy fleet coming at us.
The prison might be an interesting place to check into. It maybe just random prisoners used for ritual sacrifice, slavery and experiments or maybe there's someone that's of higher quality to rescue.