Hey, everyone.
I think I figured out why I had a complete mental breakdown (besides being tag teamed teamed by my worst enemies, depression, anxiety, and general burnout) when I put the quest on hiatus.
I originally thought I needed time away from PMMT, but it wasn't that. Even when I was supposed to be "on break", I couldn't physically keep myself from checking the thread every half hour. I even wrote a couple Apocryphas while I was supposed to be resting!
Then, I thought it was because I ran out of ideas for the quest, and didn't want to disappoint anyone. Then again, of course I could predict where the main plot is going,
I'm the one fucking writing it.
Finally, I hit the nail on the head. What had me so stressed, so vulnerable to these outbursts wasn't anything to do with PMMT
at all. In fact, this little break only served to make me more anxious about you guys!
As it turns out, your family (and some girl) suddenly bringing a newborn baby (not mine) right home (where I live) and pushing all the responsibilities onto other people (everyone else in the household) and having it cry at random intervals isn't good for mental fortitude. Who'da thunk it?
But, thankfully, they moved out again, and everything is quiet again.
...I have no idea if this comes off as heartless or not, but I couldn't really function with them around stressing everyone out. But you didn't come here for "Milk blogging about his problems". You're here for PMMT. So,
just this once, I'm going to write while the paper's... Hot? I don't think that analogy really works well with writing.
After tonight, I am going back to my regular schedule. But right now, as a one-time treat...
...On with the 2 AM Show!