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[X] Just sit with Yuma and relax. Check the time. Make small talk with the others. You're not in any rush.
You know you'd wake up if someone tried to move you, and you sure as heck wouldn't be able to sleep through a whole city being built around you, so that only leaves one option. This only has one possible recourse.

Blame Eggman.
Eggman: "Is everything my fault to you?"

Sonic: "When is anything ever not your fault?"

Sage: "The Black Arms, Erazor Djinn, Merlina, Wally West…"
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[X] Sit down close to Yuma, "Sorry about that Yuma. Yuki... He just came out of a really bad situation, so he's really high strung, and you know how everyone's different? One of the things about him makes it really hard for him to focus. Now, it's a perfectly normal problem to have, but people that have similar problems can get really stressed out about it. He wasn't angry at anyone, just really stressed."
Griffon, appearing on Yuki's shoulder: Hey. Don't ever shout at Yuma again.

Yuki: Are Kuzunohas just naturally adept at getting talking animals to follow them home or something?

Sirin, placing her hand on Yuki's other shoulder: Listen to my feathered friend, ruffian.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 28, 2024 at 9:55 PM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Just sit with Yuma and relax. Check the time. Make small talk with the others. You're not in any rush.
    [X] Sit down close to Yuma, "Sorry about that Yuma. Yuki... He just came out of a really bad situation, so he's really high strung, and you know how everyone's different? One of the things about him makes it really hard for him to focus. Now, it's a perfectly normal problem to have, but people that have similar problems can get really stressed out about it. He wasn't angry at anyone, just really stressed."
1044: "Live In The Moment For A Moment!"
[X] "Yeah, I've got time." ~ Mr. Incredible

Without so much as a second thought, you sit down right next to Yuma. From this spot, you can read the old clock that sits just above--

...Oh, right. There's a digital clock on the cable box.

It's only 9:32. You've got time to kill until lunch, right? You're not in any rush at all.

"...What're you guys standing around for?" You motion around you at the empty spaces for sitting, "Sit down! Decompress! Live in the moment for a moment!"

Shoji snickers at that, "Live in the moment for a moment, huh? That sounds like a slogan for something!"

"Wow, Yumi the Sales B-- Person." Kyoko hastily corrects as she flops down onto the recliner before Shoji can, "Salesperson."

"...Yuma doesn't like it when people shout." Yuma says, keeping her gaze on her knees, "It means Yuma's gonna get--?"

"No one is mad at you, Yuma!" Kohaku sits on the other side of Yuma, "It's just a high stress situation! You're okay!"

"...Are you sure?" Yuma meekly glances up at Kohaku, her eyes cautiously peeking out from green hair.

"Absolutely positive!" Kohaku reaches to pat Yuma on the head, but stops. "Oh, uh, is that a "Yumi only" thing, or--"

Yuma reaches above her head, grabs Kohaku's hand, and places it on her head.

[] ??????????????????????????????????????
[X] Why do we have hands? There are many reasons.
-[X] Headpat the Yuma
-[X] Hold the Yuma
-[X] Cherish the Yuma
-[X] Forfeit all mortal possessions to the Yuma
Yuki, taking a sip of coffee: Man, this is some strong stuff.


Yuki, not even looking back: That Dragon Ball crashed through the window, you know. You Z Fighters are gonna foot the bill, right?

Goku: Oh, yeah, totally! Just, uh, after we bring back Krillin and Yamcha!

Yuki: I better not get blamed for that again...
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 29, 2024 at 8:54 PM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X]Hug Yuma and relax
    -[X] Maybe see whats on tv.
    [X]Hug Yuma and relax
    [X] Why do we have hands? There are many reasons.
    -[X] Headpat the Yuma
    -[X] Hold the Yuma
    -[X] Cherish the Yuma
    -[X] Forfeit all mortal possessions to the Yuma
1045: TV Troubles
[X] Pat the Yuma.

You wrap your arm around Yuma, who smiles contently at all of the physical attention she's getting. The fact that she's already come this far in such a short amount of time is...

...She's finally beginning to get her childhood back. And the fact that she trusts Kohaku that much now fills your heart with a great warmth that seems to spread through your chest. You think you're finally beginning to see the real Yuma, and not the timid little girl you found in that dirty kitchen not even two weeks ago.

She's pretty tough, isn't she?

As you settle in to the couch (Kohaku scoots over so Shoji can sit, too), you grab the remote and turn on the TV. Let's see what's on the tube...

"...Real Housewives of Tokyo?" Shoji sneers, "Ugh, pass."

"Yeah, not really my kind of show, either." You flip the channel...

"...The heck's NEET Recovery?" Kyoko asks, kicking her feet up, "Also, what's a NEET?"

"They televise the recovery of some socially anxious person?!" Shoji asks loudly, "That's just...! Yumi, change the channel!"

"Aye aye, captain!" You hit the button one more time...

...Only to find some kind of Isekai Anime about a pervert being revived as a minotaur. Currently, he's laughing while standing over some elf mage--

You quickly decide that today is a bad day for TV, and shut it off.

"Good choice." Kohaku nods, "...Do you have a DVD player here? We could just put on a movie, or an anime series, or something that isn't... That."

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