"This world needs a hero. One strong enough to save it..."
The second Madoka made her Wish, you looped again. In an instant, you were right back to square one. The hospital room.
The beige colored walls offer no comfort or escape, just a reminder that, until your transfer to Mitakihara Middle School is completed, you are stuck here. You've spent most of your normal life surrounded by walls like this. Every time you look at them, you seem to seethe a little.
But that's irrelevant. You're long past that weak life...
...But right now, as far as anyone knows, you're just Homura Akemi, a fragile girl who only recently recovered from her life saving operation. Maybe you should play into that this loop. No, that wouldn't win Madoka's favor. You need to be strong. You need to be perfect.
...You need to wait.
"...From you."
You stop on your usual stroll through the park with Papa and Tatsuya. There's something in the grass, quietly glittering in the afternoon sun.
Seeing as your family has stopped to sit on a bench (and to let Tatsuya play), you have no reason not to investigate. Could someone have lost their phone? You grow closer, and...?
You gasp as you stoop down to pick up the object hidden in the blades of grass. Is it... A gemstone of some kind? It's kinda big, not like anything you'd find on any jewelry...
"Madoka?" Tatsuya pats you on the leg, apparently having followed you. He points at the gem in your hand and tilts his head.
"Are you asking me what I found, Tatsuya?" You ask, tilting your head in response.
He nods, "Looks pretty...!" He says.
"Yeah..." You take another look at the purple, diamond-shaped gem in your hand, "...If I didn't know any better, I'd think it was glowing...!"
"Magic?!" Tatsuya excitedly asks, staring at it even more intensely.
"No, Tatsuya! It's not magic, silly!" You smile as you pat his head, "...At least, I don't
think so... Oh! We should go show Papa!"
"Papa! Papa!" Tatsuya calls as he rushed over to Papa.
You smile as you follow him.
"That is my Wish, Kyubey!"
...Okay, this is
not where you fell asleep.
You specifically remember that you decided to take a nap under a palm tree near the beach, but close enough to where you'd still be laying in the grass.
know you'd wake up if someone tried to move you, and you sure as heck wouldn't be able to sleep through a
whole city being built around you, so that only leaves one option. This only has one possible recourse.
Blame Eggman.
Now that the "how" is rationalized, you decide to check out what kind of place this is. Who knows, the carnival could be in town!
Welp, time to go get a lay of the land! Watch out, unnamed city, here comes Sonic The Hedgehog!