Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

@Noroboro @Fenrir44 I just noticed that your plans didn't include Stalker Bolters anywhere. We have 26 free ones in the armory, so a good number can be thrown at Yerma while still leaving a few to be used at a different deployment. Or use them all at Yerma, that's cool too.
-[X] Finance a Tech-hunting expedition on Luctus

Should we not wait to do Tech-Hunting until we've dealt with the Heretic Regiments?

-[X] Production: x4 Vindicators (240 BP), x4 Predators (320 BP), x3 Power Swords (15BP), x2 Storm Shields (20 BP). (5 BP Remaining)

I think we should at least make one Castaferrum Dreadnought as we are likely to get at minimum one Marine whose in a dire state to be interred after this. Maybe two to be safe.

–[X] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 10 Boarding Shields (assign to 2-1), 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns ( 6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9) 8 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8) 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce (Assigned with Fate Deined), Master of Fleets Hostilsus, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Battle Barge Fear of Judgement Strike Cruisers Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts, 4 Thunderhawks, 10 Stormravens

I think we should have all of the 10th Company since they are the Elites and we need them in such a critical time. One of the Nowalijiki companies would also be good for such a critical battle. I also feel that we're going in understaffed with only 3 main-line ships, even with Navy support.

-[X] Pillagers and Renegades: A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
–[X] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Unavoidable Sentence, 4 Thunderhawks, 2 Stormbirds

Why is the Fear of Judgement being assigned when it's meant for Yerma.

---[X] Dreadnought Chassis ("Restored" Contemptor pattern): 80BP/Chassis (reserved for Pluvia ask him what weapons he wants on it)

Probably be good to only do just one Contemptor and use the BP for something else.

----[X] after Deployment try to aid in yerma

Do these mean you want the entire Chapter to be at Yerma?
Well, in light of both current plan posters not being online atm, I'll make a plan which has the fixes I'd like.

[X] Plan: Yerma Plus Stuff
-[X] Chapter Master Severus
--[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)

---[X] Governor Ulberto Costella (Acronix): Good
----[X] ask for a one time recruit influx and a permanent basis of shipments of their sound absorbing metal Suonoium
--[X] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
---[X] To the Lord Sector
--[X] Open diplomatic contact.
---[X] Sons of Antaeus
-[X] Master of the Keep

--[X] Choose a new Master of the Keep
-[X] Chief Librarian
--[X] Compile Lore about the Warp
-[X] Master of the Forge
--[X] Improve Contemptor Dreadnought Neural integrations

--[X] Investigate the Strange Device of Adapost
--[X] Production.
---[X] 5 Crozius Arcanum

---[X] Dreadnought Chassis ("Restored" Contemptor pattern): 80BP/Chassis (reserved for falce ask what weapons he want on it)
---[X] Dreadnought Chassis (Castaferrum pattern): 60BP/Chassis X2
---[X] Vindicator x3
---[X] Repair vehicles:
----[X] 4 Attack Bikes 10BP each
----[X] 1 Thunderhawk 25Bp
----[X] 1 Stormbird 50BP
-[X] Chief Apothecary
--[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
--[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
--[X] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna III (Paukvora).
-[X] Master of Recruits
--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] Toughness: 5 300/600
---[X] Fellowship: 4 360/500
-[X] Deployments:
--[X] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
–[X] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 10 Boarding Shields (assign to 2-1), 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns (6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9), 10 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8), Fate Denied (for Falce), 20 Stalker Bolters, 10 Missile Launchers, 8 Lascannons, 50 Prototype Corvus, 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce, Master of Fleets Hostilius, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Battle Barge Fear of Judgement Strike Cruisers Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts, 4 Thunderhawks, 10 Stormravens
--[X] House Cleaning:
The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
–[X] 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-10, Chief Apothocary Valzadai, Lieutenant Mircio, Unassigned Squad of Veteran Sergeants, Apothocaries in training Feher and Nicolescu, 10 Heavy Bolters
‐-[X] Pillagers and Renegades:
A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
–[X] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, 4 Plasma Guns, 4 Melta Guns, 15 Lascannons, 12 Prototype Corvus, Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Unavoidable Sentence, 4 Thunderhawks, 2 Stormbirds
----[X] try to board and take the valuable strike-cruiser for the Chapter
----[X] after the Deployment and delievering the Cruiser at luctus try to aid in yerma
--[X] Blood on the Ziggurat: A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
–[X] 6th Company (minus squads in other deployments) + Captain Catilina w/Command squad, 10-5, 6 Stalker Bolters
----[X] after Deployment try to aid in yerma
--[X] Call of Innsmouth: The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
–[X] 10-8, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 9-1, 9-2, 3-6, 2-6, Lieutenant Csatar, 3 Stormbirds
--[X] Vector of Taint:
After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
–[X] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade, 9th Company + Captain Mikhail w/ Command Squad, Techmarines Rozval and Orban, Apothocaries in training Istvan, Codicier Igor Blesk
----[X] after Deployment try to aid in yerma
Probably be good to only do just one Contemptor and use the BP for something else.
Good idea. I'll be making Crozius with that BP for now, unless you have other suggestions.
Do these mean you want the entire Chapter to be at Yerma?
I assume so, yeah. At least eventually, like how Myrok Kuthil came over to help fight those Genestealers at Lezo.
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Okay, I was an idiot and forgot to give that plan an actually original name. That has now been corrected, so @aaronleeking if you meant to vote for my thing instead of Fenrir44's, it is "Plan: Yerma Plus Stuff"
[X] Plan: Yerma Plus Stuff

changing my vote

Also @Nicholas Brooks im not sure if this counts toward the limit but the marrow eater research is suppose to autocomplete this turn so we can maybe take another research for the chief apotecary. also we should give the Fate denied to Falce this turn for the yerma campaign
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[X] Plan: Yerma Plus Stuff

changing my vote

Also @Nicholas Brooks im not sure if this counts toward the limit but the marrow eater research is suppose to autocomplete this turn so we can maybe take another research for the chief apotecary. also we should give the Fate denied to Falce this turn for the yerma campaign
It will autocomplete even if we don't put actions into it? Fair on Falce though, I'll swap that around.
@ThunderOwl Will the Marrow Eaters study complete itself even if we don't put an action on it? Or is it that we still need to spend an action, but it would be guaranteed to finish?
Adhoc vote count started by RedWake on Nov 29, 2024 at 5:11 AM, finished with 98 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Yerma Time
    --[X] Open diplomatic contact.
    ---[X] Dark Paladins
    --[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
    ---[X] The Planetary Governor of Orellana (Inquire about a one time recruitment of neophytes from Orellana)
    –[X] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
    —[X] To the Lord Sector
    -[X] Choose a new Master of the Keep
    -[X] Compile Lore about the Warp
    -[X] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
    –[X] Assign x3 Power Swords and x2 Storm Shields to Honor Guard. (Power Swords to Mezei, Lubomir and Pugio, Storm Shields to Lepidus and Mezei)
    -[X] Research Luctusian Refuges.
    -[X] Finance a Tech-hunting expedition on Luctus
    -[X] Production: x4 Vindicators (240 BP), x4 Predators (320 BP), x3 Power Swords (15BP), x2 Storm Shields (20 BP). (5 BP Remaining)
    -[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
    -[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
    -[X] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Marrow Eaters) (Autocompletes when taken)
    -[X] Train your Chapter
    --[X] Strength.
    --[X] Fellowship
    -[X] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
    –[X] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 10 Boarding Shields (assign to 2-1), 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns ( 6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9) 8 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8) 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce (Assigned with Fate Deined), Master of Fleets Hostilsus, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Battle Barge Fear of Judgement Strike Cruisers Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts, 4 Thunderhawks, 10 Stormravens
    -[X] House Cleaning: The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
    –[X] 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-10, Chief Apothocary Valzadai, Lieutenant Mircio, Unassigned Squad of Veteran Sergeants, Apothocaries in training Feher and Nicolescu
    -[X] Pillagers and Renegades: A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
    –[X] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Unavoidable Sentence, 4 Thunderhawks, 2 Stormbirds
    -[X] Blood on the Ziggurat: A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
    –[X] 6th Company (minus squads in other deployments) + Captain Catilina w/Command squad, 10-5,
    -[X] Call of Innsmouth: The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
    –[X] 10-8, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 9-1, 9-2, 3-6, 2-6, Lieutenant Csatar, 3 Stormbirds,
    -[X] Vector of Taint: After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
    –[X] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade, 9th Company + Captain Mikhail w/ Command Squad, Techmarines Rozval and Orban, Apothocaries in training Istvan, Codicier Igor Blesk
    [X] Plan: Yerma Plus Stuff
    -[X] Chapter Master Severus
    --[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
    ---[X] Governor Ulberto Costella (Acronix): Good
    ----[X] ask for a one time recruit influx and a permanent basis of shipments of their sound absorbing metal Suonoium
    --[X] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
    —[X] To the Lord Sector
    --[X] Open diplomatic contact.
    ---[X] Sons of Antaeus
    -[X] Master of the Keep
    --[X] Choose a new Master of the Keep
    -[X] Chief Librarian
    --[X] Compile Lore about the Warp
    -[X] Master of the Forge
    --[X] Improve Contemptor Dreadnought Neural integrations
    --[X] Investigate the Strange Device of Adapost
    --[X] Production.
    ---[X] 5 Crozius Arcanum
    ---[X] Dreadnought Chassis ("Restored" Contemptor pattern): 80BP/Chassis (reserved for falce ask what weapons he want on it)
    ---[X] Dreadnought Chassis (Castaferrum pattern): 60BP/Chassis X2
    ---[X] Vindicator x3
    ---[X] Repair vehicles:
    ----[X] 4 Attack Bikes 10BP each
    ----[X] 1 Thunderhawk 25Bp
    ----[X] 1 Stormbird 50BP
    -[X] Chief Apothecary
    --[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
    --[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
    --[X] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna III (Paukvora).
    -[X] Master of Recruits
    --[X] Train your Chapter
    ---[X] Toughness: 5 300/600
    ---[X] Fellowship: 4 360/500
    -[X] Deployments:
    --[X] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
    –[X] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 10 Boarding Shields (assign to 2-1), 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns (6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9), 10 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8), Fate Denied (for Falce), 20 Stalker Bolters, 10 Missile Launchers, 8 Lascannons, 50 Prototype Corvus, 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce, Master of Fleets Hostilius, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Battle Barge Fear of Judgement Strike Cruisers Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts, 4 Thunderhawks, 10 Stormravens
    --[X] House Cleaning: The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
    –[X] 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-10, Chief Apothocary Valzadai, Lieutenant Mircio, Unassigned Squad of Veteran Sergeants, Apothocaries in training Feher and Nicolescu, 10 Heavy Bolters
    ‐-[X] Pillagers and Renegades: A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
    –[X] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, 4 Plasma Guns, 4 Melta Guns, 15 Lascannons, 12 Prototype Corvus, Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Unavoidable Sentence, 4 Thunderhawks, 2 Stormbirds
    ----[X] try to board and take the valuable strike-cruiser for the Chapter
    ----[X] after the Deployment and delievering the Cruiser at luctus try to aid in yerma
    --[X] Blood on the Ziggurat: A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
    –[X] 6th Company (minus squads in other deployments) + Captain Catilina w/Command squad, 10-5, 6 Stalker Bolters
    ----[X] after Deployment try to aid in yerma
    --[X] Call of Innsmouth: The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
    –[X] 10-8, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 9-1, 9-2, 3-6, 2-6, Lieutenant Csatar, 3 Stormbirds,
    --[X] Vector of Taint: After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
    –[X] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade, 9th Company + Captain Mikhail w/ Command Squad, Techmarines Rozval and Orban, Apothocaries in training Istvan, Codicier Igor Blesk
    [X] plan: start of the Yerma war
    -[X] Chapter Master Severus
    --[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
    ---[X] Governor Ulberto Costella (Acronix): Good
    ----[X] ask for a one time 100 Recruits and a permanent basis of shipments of their sound absorbing metal suonoium
    --[X] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
    —[X] To the Lord Sector
    --[X] Open diplomatic contact.
    -[X] Master of the Keep
    --[X] Choose a new Master of the Keep
    -[X] Chief Librarian
    --[X] Compile Lore about the Warp
    -[X] Master of the Forge
    --[X] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
    ---[X] Relic Power sword Fate Denied to Captain Pluvia
    --[X] Investigate the Strange Device of Adapost
    --[X] Production.
    ---[X] Dreadnought Chassis ("Restored" Contemptor pattern): 80BP/Chassis (reserved for falce ask what weapons he want on it)
    ---[X] Dreadnought Chassis ("Restored" Contemptor pattern): 80BP/Chassis (reserved for Pluvia ask him what weapons he wants on it)
    ---[X] Dreadnought Chassis (Castaferrum pattern): 60BP/Chassis X2
    ---[X] Vindicator x3
    ---[X] Repair vehicles:
    ----[X] 4 Attack Bikes 10BP each
    ----[X] 1 Thunderhawk 25Bp
    ----[X] 1 Stormbird 50BP
    -[X] Chief Apothecary
    --[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
    --[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
    --[X] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Marrow Eaters).
    -[X] Master of Recruits
    --[X] Train your Chapter
    ---[X] Toughness: 5 300/600
    ---[X] Fellowship: 4 360/500
    -[X] Deployments:
    --[X] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
    –[X] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 10 Boarding Shields (assign to 2-1), 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns ( 6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9) 8 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8) 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce, Master of Fleets Hostilsus, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Battle Barge Fear of Judgement Strike Cruisers Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts, 4 Thunderhawks, 10 Stormravens
    --[X] House Cleaning: The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
    –[X] 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-10, Chief Apothocary Valzadai, Lieutenant Mircio, Unassigned Squad of Veteran Sergeants, Apothocaries in training Feher and Nicolescu
    ‐-[X] Pillagers and Renegades: A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
    –[X] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Unavoidable Sentence, 4 Thunderhawks, 2 Stormbirds
    ----[X] try to board and take the valuable strike-cruiser for the Chapter
    ----[X] after the Deployment and delievering the Cruiser at luctus try to aid in yerma
    --[X] Blood on the Ziggurat: A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
    –[X] 6th Company (minus squads in other deployments) + Captain Catilina w/Command squad, 10-5,
    ----[X] after Deployment try to aid in yerma
    --[X] Call of Innsmouth: The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
    –[X] 10-8, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 9-1, 9-2, 3-6, 2-6, Lieutenant Csatar, 3 Stormbirds,
    --[X] Vector of Taint: After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
    –[X] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade, 9th Company + Captain Mikhail w/ Command Squad, Techmarines Rozval and Orban, Apothocaries in training Istvan, Codicier Igor Blesk
I think that the recruit numbers are rolled, rather than being set to whatever amount is asked for.

Anyway, both current plans seem fine to me, so...
[X] Plan: Yerma Time
[X] plan: start of the Yerma war
If I remember thunderwords on it right whend asking other worlds for a one time tithe it will be a 100 limit

The roll would be how many actually become a astartes but if it is something different we will see