Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Neither of these things are true. We would not be able to hit anything with the spear and we didn't have the essence to spare to use it as a grenade which means we couldn't have used it during Hollow Man fight and the spear is literally incapable of doing enough damage to kill the denarian and it also wouldn't have been capable of hitting him.
Disagree. A different set of decisions would have gone differently.

We certainly had the juice to hit the Denarian with the AoE mode and Sandstrike Blast + Green Sun Nimbus Flare would have fucked him up; whether it would have killed him depends on what contingent defenses he was running.
Because he was running something.
We did threaten him. Our curse hurt him more then just one more ranged attack would have. And if the fight with the Lords of Outer Night had turned into a melee we would have been in melee. Not sure that sand strike blast would have helped with Namshiel the problem was that we wasted time transforming not our lack of attack options. He would have failed his teleport if we had been cursing him.
Fair point about threatening him. I dont think the other assertion is true, though.

The last time Molly had to fight a group of enemy fighters with lethal intent, we had them pinning us down while they tried to kill our party members; if not for a deus ex machina, Harry would have died in Vegas.
Even with Sophia as backup, we'd have been at serious risk of losing Team Morgan + Carlos if that had gone to a fight.

Especially since Reds all have poison spit as standard, and Molly had no healers on the scene.
We are roleplaying a specific character and her inclinations. Not playing a blank slate.
This argument has been proven wrong every time you've made it. We're not playing Tabula Rasa. But we are determining how Molly will develop. If the votes had gone differently, she could have left home. Or changed in other ways. As long as the option is presented by the GM, it's IC for Molly in the quest. Molly in the quest is no longer the same character as in canon. I dont care that canon Molly did/ Canon dead moment she got exaltation
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Well, I'd ask that people don't project their own experiences onto a character to the point where it causes them to make irrational votes that self admittedly would cost the thread a fiat based protection system to the place we sleep and require tons of resources and time to even try to supplement. There is nothing I can really say if someone is coming from an irrational place since appeals to logic and reason are pretty much worthless.

That is pretty frustrating but if it comes up later I will still try.
Well, I'd ask that people don't project their own experiences onto a character to the point where it causes them to make irrational votes that self admittedly would cost the thread a fiat based protection system to the place we sleep and require tons of resources and time to even try to supplement. There is nothing I can really say if someone is coming from an irrational place since appeals to logic and reason are pretty much worthless.

That is pretty frustrating but if it comes up later I will still try.
I don't like the Charity plots. To the point where I don't want to see her as a character in the quest anymore too much. Your arguments about Nicodemus spying didn't convince me, because as I said, we have dozens of other vulnerable places for them besides the house. Luckily the house is not vulnerable because of the protection. But everything else is vulnerable now. I might not vote leaving the house for this unless the situation with the family drama and Molly's powers gets worse or people finally vote for Charity to leave this alone and not for appeasement.
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I don't like the Charity plots. To the point where I don't want to see her as a character in the quest anymore too much. Your arguments about Nicodemus spying didn't convince me, because as I said, we have dozens of other vulnerable places for them besides the house. Luckily the house is not vulnerable because of the protection. But everything else is vulnerable now. I might not vote leaving the house for this unless the situation with the family drama and Molly's powers gets worse or people finally vote for Charity to leave, and not for appeasement.
You act as if Nicodemus is our only enemy or enemy faction to a Queen with forces more vast than Winter who makes enemies every time she leaves the City. The fact that there are vulnerable places we spend time in isn't a reason to give up the one not vulnerable place we have on Earth. The place you sleep is the place you sleep, having free fait protections for that place along with a Knight of the Cross wielding an Angel Sword which can nerf any character it's used against sleeping in that same house is invaluable.

What did Charity even do lately that actually restricted our ability to do anything? She seems fine. Is "drama" really the reasoning here? It's a good part of the Quest.
Molly can sleep in her kingdom, but considering that can only spend half time in total there that might start actually being a problem. Currently it isn't.
And who knows? Maybe she'll get better, and either way, we're getting huge arcs with massive gaps between her appearances, so it's not high-priority. Still, I've explained my reasoning (Charity is narratively a good limit, given Molly's character, but she makes the game less fun for me whenever she shows up, barring her more minor appearances), and my own problems. It's not something I'm pursuing at all cost, just… a want.

If a want that does affect my contribution to votes. I've always loved territory stuff - Infernal soul worlds, Lunar territory-claiming charms, WH40K Daemon Worlds, dnd strongholds, and especially Demesnes in Pact and their equivalents. The idea of moving out and making our own bases/fortifications - like Porter's territory and other outposts - is something I love. Being trapped with a parent who disapproves of who you are but is oh-so-graciously refraining from trying to get you 'fixed' and occasionally getting a little better? Not my cup of tea.

Still. Carpenter visible-from-space-threshold plus angels. So it's not normally a big deal, and I hope I haven't made it into one. But when we can, I'd like it if we stopped pretending Molly is mortal, with need for a mortal job (she can effectively print money). Maintaining her humanity is important, but kowtowing to a set of arbitrary and irrelevant rules isn't.
What did Charity even do lately that actually restricted our ability to do anything? She seems fine. Is "drama" really the reasoning here? It's a good part of the Quest.
I suggest we come back to this when the issue comes up again. No one is voting for it right now. And I won't demand anything until the situation reaches another solution to the Charity problem. Then we'll discuss it again. In the meantime, I think you've shown your arguments. I've shown mine. We disagree, and I'll take that into account in the future on this issue.

I also hate drama
Molly Carpenter loves her family; two of her Intimacies relate to her parents in mostly positive ways, and since her clashes with Charity have come to a sort of truce, she gets to spend time with them without guilt. And her clones allow her to do other things as well, without giving up family time.
The intimacyshe has for Charity is
Charity Carpenter Love/Resentment
It is perfectly in character both for Molly and for humans in general to desire separation from one's parents.
[X] Plan Sorcerous Might
Since this plan has the most votes and to be honest Im partial to it I'm going to attempt to extol the benefits for the people to see and hope they change their vote or vote for it.
--[X] Alchemy 5, 12 XP
I've elaborated on the possibilities and the benefits of this quite a bit already.
Since I'm proselytizing for Alchemy I just have to put forward examples and hope people find them compelling these are just the ones that have already been approved from me not ones that might get approved or made later when we get to vote on which three we get for free with Alchemy 5.

●●●●● Scalar Form Elixir
or Sizemorphic Medium: A concoction that allows a sorcerer to grow or shrink in size at will for a day. The sorcerer makes a reflexive willpower roll and the number of successes must match or exceed the level of growth or shrink rating or spend a willpower and grow or reduce to the desired size this can only be done once per turn. Successes are divided between the sizes that the sorcerer is capable of growing to and shrinking to as well as how long.

● one turn
●● three turns
●●● one scene

● Big: Slightly larger than a normal human the character with this gains one extra bruised level of health and one Soak.
●● Huge: A character with this modification is roughly twice the size of an average person, adding +1 to strength and 2 extra bruised levels and 1 Soak. Gain +1 to Dexterity for movement purposes only.
●●● Massive: A character with this modification is roughly four times the size of an average person and around 2.5 to 3 meters tall, gaining +2 Strength 3 Extra bruised levels and 2 Soak. The size of a massive character is both an advantage and a disadvantage - they gain +50% to lifting capacity and +2 to Dexterity for movement, but are much more obvious taking - 1 difficulty to be hit.
●●●● Humongous: A character with this modification is eight times the mass and around 4 to 5 meters tall, gaining +3 Strength, and 4 Extra bruised levels and 2 Soak, as well as +3 Dexterity for movement purposes. Furthermore, their size doubles their lifting capacity and taking - 2 difficulty to be hit.

● Small: Roughly the size of a prepubescent child. Increases the difficulty to hit the Drinker by one.
●● Dwarven: A character with this is about roughly half as tall/wide/thick as an average person, reducing Strength and Stamina by 1. Dexterity is also reduced by 1 for movement purposes only. Characters which are small are more vulnerable to damage but harder to hit, losing 1 bruised from their Health Level track but increasing the difficulty to hit them by 1 and lowering their stealth difficulties by 1.
●●● Tiny : A Tiny character is roughly 1/4th normal dimensions, reducing Strength and Stamina by 2. Characters which are tiny are more vulnerable to damage but harder to hit, losing 1 bruised and 1 hurt, and 1 Mauled Health Level from their track but increasing the difficulty to hit them by 2 and lower their stealth difficulties by 2. Finally, Tiny characters are slower, losing 3 dexterity to all movement.
●●●● Miniscule: A miniscule character is an 1/8th their normal dimensions, reducing Strength and Stamina by 3. Miniscule characters can suffer fatal injury from mere annoyances to normal humans, reducing their HL track by 1 Bruised, 1 Hurt , 1 injured, and 1 Wounded Health Level but they increase the difficulty to hit them by 3 and lower their stealth difficulties by 3. Miniscule characters lose 4 dexterity for the purposes of movement.

If you've ever wanted Molly to just be able to turn into a giant or turn into a literal pixie this is a potion that can do that and it gives her the power to do that at will for an entire day think of it the stealth and just frankly comedic value of being able to turn from a literal pixie into a giant at will it's pretty sick.

●●●●● Thunderclap and Flash
A potion that grants the user the speed and strength of a thunderbolt for a scene. They possess +3 Dice on dexterity actions and +2 dice on strength actions. The player taking the potion rolls Stamina + Occult at Difficulty 7 with each success granting two Charges which can be spent on Thunderous Might (Potence 2) and / or Lightning's Fall (Celerity 3) Functioning as the disciplines in parentheses. The character will have a hard time focusing and a deep well of energy. Any being with the ability to sense or see magic will feel the presence and if seeing the aura of lightning and barely contained violence.

Extra Actions per turn paid from a pool of Supernatural energy that isn't our Essence pool which directly governs our ability to actually fight and stay alive that is enhanced by our stamina enhancing martial arts previous potions we already have and our party member that we have and may also be benefited by Pentacle and scepter depending on Dragonparadox's ruling.

This by the way does Grant us essentially four actions per turn with no dice penalty we can also move in those extra actions without occurring another dice penalty. We could also get two guaranteed strength successes if we were still inclined.

●●●●● Soulstone
Similar to Matrices and Periapts is a way for an alchemist to contain and hold the energies of the world for later use. Unfortunately things are rarely ever so simple. Similar to a matrix SoulStone cannot be charged through passive means (Enchanted waters, Node placement) nor can it be melded with functioning biomass.

The energy in raw SoulStone can be accessed through a short ritual (1 to 2 minutes) at difficulty 6 rolled with willpower dice, In comparison to a Periapts 1 round of concentration and unlike a periapt there's no way to access the held energy from a distance. Soulstone once added to a construct becomes integrated and Inseparable from said construct.

Any energy contained in or added to said soulstone in the construct later will be devoted to the function of said construct; it cannot be used for any other sorcery or Magicks. Example: An Ash wand of Hellfire infused with Soulstone containing 10 mana cast lightning bolt -3 difficulty down to seven Mana. The sorcerer realizing they are in over their head tries to cast a conveyance spell using that wand and unfortunately quickly realizes the Mana committed to the Hellfire wand only works when it's used as the Hellfire wand.

Soulstone capacity is decided by the quality. Soulstone in creation holds a base of 3 plus the number of successes x 2 in Quintessence, Mana, Essence. In high quality soulstone (5+ successes) a fist sized Mass could hold up to 20 units. A mass of raw soulstone can be divided as seen below.
SizesHigh QualityRegular Quality
Pebble1 unit per0 unit per
Bead2 units per1 unit per
Palm Slab10 units per5 units per
Fist or Small Cube20 units per10 units per
Block30 units per15 units per

Generally objects have a size or amount of Soulstone that they can handle without penalty or fragility for objects that fit in hand such as wands, pens, swords and guns that size is Palm slabs and below. For objects of significantly wider surface area and coverage such as body armor or large Shields that size is small cube it is really only necessary for Block to be used on really large objects such as buildings or particularly large vehicles.

There is nothing stopping Molly from keeping a small cube of unjoined soulstone on her person to draw the contents in between fights. it can also serve as a tank for essence expensive Prodigies. These essentially can just be charged from us sitting in a bathtub with them channeling Essence into them and then holding on to them their batteries that we can just use.

They may not be usable in combat time but there's still extremely helpful this is before the fact they can be used in crafting to create prodigies that use fuel and justify using fuel by being powerful without needing to spend from our limited personal well.

Both Sizemorphic Medium and Thunderclap and Flash pair perfectly with our build. Our Excellency only cares how many turns pass not how many actions we take so if we essentially have four turns of four actions we can get 16 attacks before our Excellency Runs Out when paired with three extra strings and extra dexterity for movement hit significantly harder and from a significantly greater distance due to the multiplication of speed.

They also go great together we could literally become a flying thunder giant with four attacks per turn while having three extra strength on top of shintai two extra soak, even more health and be even faster while being a 5 m(15feet) tall literally an armored giant with super speed.

I'm hoping that just seeing my rationale and seeing a couple of examples of strong five-dot potions that we could get for free with Alchemy 5 will convince people.
--[X] Mana Manipulation, 7 XP
Mana manipulation this for seven XP grants three first level and three second level rituals. Now that may seem like it is not that much or a waste but unlike alchemy Mana Manipulation works by turn.
Sorcerer Revised PG.81 said:
Roll: Manipulation + Occult
Cost:1 Willpower
Modifiers: - 1 for areas of strong Mana (Nodes and the like)
Time: One turn per effect level
Duration: Varies
This means things like invocations that allow us to directly see Mana detecting things like Wards detecting things like spells detecting things that are just kind of lingering in an environment without needing to spend Essence for a scene that might have even greater effect depending on how many successes We Roll on the manipulation plus occult roll.

Level two is even better granting direct magical senses that are capable of seeing into creatures and beings as a whole not just environmental effects or spells but actually on the inside of people without needing to spend essence it also grants the ability to make
Sorcerer Revised PG.82 said:
Infusion (••)
The sorcerer takes an otherwise normal potion or other consumable object and places some of his own Mana into it for later use. The successes scored determine how much
Mana can go into the item. Energy usually "leaks" during this process; every two points of Mana spent by the sorcerer channel one point into the storage receptacle.
Literal Essence cookies that can be eaten in combat to give us more essence. If anyone is ever concerned about efficiency or about Essence economy this is the ritual we need we can make and carry refreshing Essence cookies. They're not Jade talismans but shoving something in your mouth to eat is literally a simple action that does not eat up your dice pool.

We could also do the power level sensing that level 2 allows
Sorcerer Revised PG.82 said:
The sorcerer can also make a rough estimate of the potential magical energy
held by an individual, though this does not guarantee separating a supernatural creature from an otherwise normal human.
Which would literally affect every single Supernatural opponent we could ever run up against. How much left does my opponent have in the tank. How much left does this Spirit have to push against me how much left does this fairy have to keep pushing how much left does X being have to keep fighting us.

All of this on top of allowing us to see potentially invisible curses or veils without needing to spend Essence.
Sorcerer Revised PG.82 said:
The sorcerer's perceptions let him determine if someone is using magic and allow him to see obstructed or occluded magical flows (like blocked chi energies or curses).
The effects and powers of Mana manipulation are not to be understated especially when it comes to Essence efficiency and economy not to mention just natural magic sensory and other effects in that range.

For the more infra-structurally minded this is also how the lord of the wicked city did his Geomancy this is also how we would manipulate lay lines.
Sorcerer Revised PG.81 said:
Most magicians learn to feel or describe the energies that course through them during the casting of spells. Some, however, learn to direct these power sources in order to
reshape the fundamental mystic energy about them. Geomancy, ley line channeling, feng shui — all of these sense and redirect the power of raw magic energy into new directions and shapes.
--[X] Gemstone Bone Ossification, 4 XP
--[X] Fortifying Ink, 3 XP
Okay the actual system text for these is in a spoiler below this but I'm going to say that the gemstone bones give us the ability to have a resting Supernatural strength of eight and a resting Supernatural dexterity of eight while also granting us two bruised Health levels and one extra base soak all while looking human.
: These decoctions strengthen the bones and subsequently the body's potential as a whole. As the bones both lighten and strengthen the amount of speed and power the body is capable of exerting increases. Though the drinker's appetite will triple as the potions kick in to support the heightened Biological needs. Similar to the Skeletal Enhancement (●) (Mage The Ascension: Pg. 659) These treated bones grant the drinker two extra Bruised health levels and +1 unarmoured Soak. As well as granting a heightened dexterity and strength cap as dictated by the quality in the decoction.

1 success grants both a dexterity and strength potential increase of one to a possible 6 in both attributes further success are divided between strength potential the durability of the bone and dexterity potential lightness of the bones to a maximum of eight in both stats. Further successes can be allocated to time between doses of decoction The initial interval between drinks is Weekly and is set by successfully crafting the decoction the second is a Monthly, the third interval is quarterly, the fourth interval is Biannual Doses, The fifth interval is Yearly drinks.

Failure to imbibe this potion is rather mild after a week one bruised heath level goes away after two the second level and soak dice goes. While the conversion of gembones back to bone is mild the muscles and ligaments that have grown to depend on the strengthened skeletal structure still remain anytime the imbiber of this makes a roll with greater than human attributes they must make a Soak roll at their base difficulty + how ever many attribute dots over the mortal 5 in that particular attribute for that same value of damage. Failure deals that level in lethal damage and botching deals double damage.
The fortifying Ink which can be used on any of our allies as well as ourselves can make it so we soak damage at difficulty 3 while also having two extra resting soak with no dexterity penalty that Stacks with armor. Or three resting soak but can't wear armor with it.
from the blessings of Acat to the Mayans and the Woad of the Gauls to the To Moko of Maori the world over there are legends of tattooed or painted warriors taking blows that would lay low a man in full plate and continuing to fight. This recipe is in keeping with that tradition.

Fortifying ink can be used in two ways: paint or tattoo. When used as body paint it lasts until the painted person sleeps, has fought a battle or it is washed away ( heavy rainfall, bathing, being thrown into a body of water) no clothing can be worn over it as they would rub it away. When used as a tattoo the effects last considerably longer but are not as powerful and can be detected with a difficulty 7 Awareness roll or automatically with sensory magics such as Auspex, Prime Sight or Mana detection though they can be reactivated without needing to redo them, both grant the bearer the ability to soak lethal and aggravated damage if they could not before with their stamina at difficulty 8 as well as 1 dice of soak on a successful mix.

As body paint success after the first are divided between difficulty to soak lethal, difficulty to soak aggravated and soak dice. Neither difficulty can be lower by more than three and soak dice can only go up 2 (3 total).

As a Tattoo successes past the first are divided between difficulty of lethal and Aggravated Soak neither of which can be lowered by more than 2 and Duration (1 = 3 days, 2 = 1 Week, 3 = 2 Weeks, 4 = 3 Weeks, 5 = 4 Weeks) how long it takes before the magic fades and soak dice which can only go up 1 (2 total).

They can be revitalized by either brewing another batch of fortifying ink and painting over the tattoo and leaving the ink for 3 day without it being rubbed or washed away or 5 Mana being infused into the tattoo Ala the mana background or a ritual of the Mana Manipulation Path or a form magical energy being splashed or infused into the tattoo (Quintessence, Vitae, Pathos, Essence, Gnosis, Faith,Qi) though the effects of those non-regulated infusions may have deleterious or strange effects on the bearer.
--[X] Sandstrike Blast, 8 XP
This is also in this plan.

In the end the flexibility and strength granted by sorcery is massive we just need to grasp it. We are mostly a small party or singular operator I understand what proxy servant protocol is supposed to do but that requires us to bring a bunch of people with us or for people to have significantly worse dice pools than we do when we don't have most combat abilities we only possess melee unless everyone is going to fight with a sword which proxy servant protocol cannot Grant normies the ability to Parry bullets like exalted then it's largely a flavor thing rather than something particularly useful.

Thunderclap and Flash potions that granted three extra actions per turn would definitively help Tiffany Olivia and Lydia in combat it would help us even more. The ability for Olivia and Lydia to take three extra attacks per turn without spending their limited pool of Supernatural resources cannot be understated the ability for Tiffany to be able to make multiple buffing actions within a turn cannot be understated.

All of this can be granted without needing to spend Essence which is the primary lifeblood of our combat our Excellency our charms they all require Essence why do we want to keep getting sources that we need to spend more and more Essence on. Having non Essence a supernatural Powers definitively increases our likelihood of survival and our overall strength cap.

So that's it I hope people can at least see where I'm coming from.
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Molly can sleep in her kingdom, but considering that can only spend half time in total there that might start actually being a problem. Currently it isn't.
Yes, I thought about that but for the exact reason you just stated that isn't viable. We use Sanctuary to ferry people to and from, get troops and the like. If we started sleeping there we'd be locking it out for hours on end.

Being trapped with a parent who disapproves of who you are but is oh-so-graciously refraining from trying to get you 'fixed' and occasionally getting a little better? Not my cup of tea.
That just depends on how you contextualize it and Molly certainly isn't trapped. Charity is a Catholic mother who cares about her children. Molly gets kidnapped by the Scarecrow, makes a deal with a demon, starts making friends with literal man eating monsters (Jade Dogs, vampires ect), births a world in her soul, becomes queen of it, starts doing politics with some of the heaviest shakers in the setting (Mab, Titania), starts going out on back to back missions like Micheal which may never see her come back alive ect ect.

It's only reasonable that there is going to be an acclimation period and as I pointed out she is doing so hence her going underground with Molly to feed ghouls just because she can, trusting that Molly will keep her safe.

Edit: Remember Charity is not the playerbase. She has no idea what happened to her daughter before Uriel showed up and even then she's still missing context like everybody else, including multiple Angels, hence her reaction to the clones.

I suggest we come back to this when the issue comes up again. No one is voting for it right now. And I won't demand anything until the situation reaches another solution to the Charity problem. Then we'll discuss it again. In the meantime, I think you've shown your arguments. I've shown mine. We disagree, and I'll take that into account in the future on this issue.

I also hate drama
I guess so. I'll just point out that "drama" happens a lot in Quest where the author is trying to write characters realistically and Charity is not really a problematic source of it. She's rarely even onscreen.

Edit: When I said "it's a good part of the Quest" I meant that it's present in multiple areas not just with Charity.
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Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Nov 20, 2024 at 1:15 AM, finished with 323 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] Plan Thousand Correct Violent Actions
    -[X] Molly, 48 XP spent 1 banked
    --[X] Awakened Eye of the Dragon, 10 XP
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[X] Proxy Servant Protocol, 8 XP
    --[X] By Rage Recast: Extra Limbs, 6 XP
    --[X] Violence is Worship, 9 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
    --[X] Politics 1 dot, 3 XP
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    -[X] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
    --[X] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 12 XP spent, 1 banked
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 4, 1 XP
    --[X] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Infusion, 0 XP
    --[X] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Shape Mana, 0 XP
    --[X] Clairvoyance 3, 6 XP
    --[X] Hellfire path 1, 4 XP
    [X]Plan taking over the red court
    -[X]Molly 49 XP
    --[X]False Hope Spring 9XP
    --[X]Endless Torment Emanation 12 Xp
    --[X] Verdant Emptiness Endowment, 20 XP
    --[X]Maggot Mana Plague (••) 8 Xp
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 4, 1 XP
    --[X] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Infusion, 0 XP
    --[X] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Shape Mana, 0 XP
    --[X] Clairvoyance 3, 6 XP
    --[X]fortune 1, 4 Xp
    [X] Plan Minion Protection
    -[X] Molly, 49 XP spent
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[X] Mana Maggot Plague 8 XP
    --[X] Cleansed Maggot Formula 4 XP
    --[X] Verdant Emptiness Endowment, 20 XP
    --[X] Finance 1, 3 XP
    --[X] Politics 2, 5 XP
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    -[X] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
    --[X] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 11 XP spent 1 banked
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Expression 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Vampire Counterspell, 3 XP
    --[X] Spirit Counterspell, 3 XP
    [X] Plan Sorcerous Might
    -[X] Molly, 48 XP spent 1 banked
    --[X] Alchemy 5, 12 XP
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[X] Mana Manipulation, 7 XP
    --[X] Wits 4, 1 XP
    --[X] Craft 5, 4 XP
    --[X] Gemstone Bone Ossification, 4 XP
    --[X] Fortifying Ink, 3 XP
    --[X] Sandstrike Blast, 8 XP
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    -[X] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
    --[X] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 11 XP spent 2 banked
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Expression 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Vampire Counterspell, 3 XP
    --[X] Spirit Counterspell, 3 XP
    [X] Plan Ancient Magic
    -[X] Molly, 49 XP spent
    --[X] Pentacle And Scepter 16 XP
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[X] Sandstrike Blast, 8 XP
    --[X] Invulnerable Skin of Bronze, 10 XP
    --[X] Wits 4, 1 XP
    --[X] Politics 2, 5 XP
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    -[X] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
    --[X] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 11 XP spent 1 banked
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Expression 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Vampire Counterspell, 3 XP
    --[X] Spirit Counterspell, 3 XP
    [X] Plan The Undying
    -[X] Molly, 49 XP spent
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[x] Ablation Of Brass and Fire, 12 XP
    --[x] Counter-Conceptual Interposition, 16 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    --[x] Mind Over Matter, 3 XP
    --[x] Heavy Coagulant, 1 XP
    --[x] Greater Asprin, 1 XP
    --[x] High Kevlar, 1 XP
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    -[X] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
    --[X] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 11 XP spent 1 banked
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Expression 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Vampire Counterspell, 3 XP
    --[X] Spirit Counterspell, 3 XP
    [X] Plan Thousand Correct Politically Evasive Actions
    -[X] Molly, 49 XP spent
    --[X] Awakened Eye of the Dragon, 10 XP
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[X] Treading the Golden Path, 4 XP
    --[X] Proxy Servant Protocol, 8 XP
    --[X] By Rage Recast: Extra Limbs, 6 XP
    --[X] Bloodless Murk Evasion, 6 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
    --[X] Politics 1 dot, 3 XP
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    -[X] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
    --[X] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Infusion, 2 XP
    --[X] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Shape Mana, 3 XP
    --[X] Clairvoyance, 6 XP
    [X] Plan Balanced Approach
    -[X] Molly, 49 XP spent
    --[X] Alchemy 5, 12 XP
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[x] Ablation Of Brass and Fire, 12 XP
    --[X] Wits 4, 1 XP
    --[X] Craft 5, 4 XP
    --[X] Sandstrike Blast, 8 XP
    --[X] Ox-Body, 3 XP
    --[X] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
    -[X] Lydia, 13 XP spent
    --[X] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
    --[X] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
    --[X] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
    -[X] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
    --[X] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
    --[X] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
    -[X] Olivia, 11 XP spent 1 banked
    --[X] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Intelligence 4 dots, 1 XP
    --[X] Expression 2 dots, 2 XP
    --[X] Vampire Counterspell, 3 XP
    --[X] Spirit Counterspell, 3 XP
    [X]Plan Shadow and Fire
    -[X]Molly 49 XP
    --[X] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
    --[X]3rd Ox-Body: 3xp
    --[X]By Rage Recast: Swift Stride: 3xp
    --[X] Sandstrike Blast, 8 XP
    --[X] Violence is Worship, 9 XP
    --[X]Fathomless Poison Haven: 8xp
    --[X]Counterspelling(Spirit): 3xp
    --[X][Alchemy: Nabu Mercury: 12 days]Wits to 4: 1xp
    --[X][Alchemy: Nabu Mercury: 16 days]Perception to 5: 1xp
    --[X][Alchemy: Astarte Venerium: 3 weeks]Appearance to 4: Free
    --[X][Lash]Physicals to 5
    --[X][Excess]4xp = Tiffany 1 + Lydia 3
    -[X]Tiffany: 13XP +1xp
    --[X]Lore of Storms 1: 7xp
    --[X]Merit: Bare Necessities 1: 3xp
    --[X]Counterspelling (Human): 3xp
    --[X][Alchemy: Nabu Mercury: 12 days]Perception to 4: 1xp
    -[X]Lydia: 13XP + 3xp(Molly)
    --[X]1x Ox-Body: 3xp
    --[X]Devil-Fighter 2: Dragon Speed: 4xp
    --[X][Arawn]Bone Path Necromancy 1+2: 3.5xp = 4xp
    --[X][Alchemy: Nabu Mercury: 20 days]Wits to 5: 1xp
    --[X][Alchemy: Nabu Mercury: 8 days]Perception to 3: 1xp
    -[X]Olivia: 13XP
    --[X]Path of Hellfire 1: 4xp
    --[X]Manipulation Ritual: Infusion: Free
    --[X]Manipulation Ritual: Shape Mana: Free
    --[X]Reduce Vengeful Flaw from 2 to 1: 3xp
    --[X][Alchemy: Astarte Venarium: 12 days]Manipulation to 3: 2xp
[X]Plan taking over the red court
[X] Plan Minion Protection
[X] Plan Sorcerous Might
Votes are reaching the final streach. If you want to vote or approval vote, now would be the time to do so.
Literal Essence cookies that can be eaten in combat to give us more essence
All of this can be granted without needing to spend Essence which is the primary lifeblood of our combat our Excellency our charms they all require Essence why do we want to keep getting sources that we need to spend more and more Essence on. Having non Essence a supernatural Powers definitively increases our likelihood of survival and our overall strength cap.
This is a good point. From a practical perspective we probably should prioritize some useful abilities that don't require essence expenditure allowing us to save more of it for combat purposes both physical and social.
I went for fortune just because I want to push just how many bonuses can be stacked on one sniper shot. Who knows maybe Olivia will assassinate the Red King.
Fortune is good, yeah. Hellfire has some synergy, because of this:
Not actually tied to the powers of darkness, the Path
of Hellfire draws instead from the purest, most primally
destructive of forces. Because it is so often mistaken for
a power that is actually evil, sorcerers who specialize in
Hellfire (at least, mystic ones) are often believed to be In-
fernalists. Scientific sorcerers have an easier time, because
most people assume that the power is in the weapon,

rather than coming straight from the depths of hell.
This Path doesn't always appear as fire, though that is
the most common manifestation. Any sort of destructive
energy can occur, including blasts of light, electricity,
death lasers, and even more general destructive forces
like earthquakes and decay can be called up with it. The
sorcerer using this Path should remember, however, that
nothing is more dangerous than a little bit of knowledge
and power, and if used injudiciously, it will eventually
give them problems of their own.
Cost: One Willpower
Roll: Dexterity + Ability
Modifiers: -1 to -3 for a nearby source of whatever
sort of energy is being used.
Time: One turn for spells
Duration: Instant
Cost of Failure: As the roll combines both targeting
and damage, failure either malfunctions or simply misses,
whereas a botch causes whatever damage the sorcerer
was attempting to accomplish to rebound back on them.
For each success allocated to damage, two dice of
Lethal damage are done. An additional two successes can
convert the damage to Aggravated, as can the expenditure
of a point of Mana.
X A single target
• Roughly 3 square feet
•• Roughly 10 square feet (which can be arranged
vertically to create a wall of fire)
••• Roughly 15 square feet
•••• Roughly 20 square feet
••••• Roughly 50 square feet
X Touch Only, the caster needs to also make a Dex-
terity + Brawl roll, which can do regular brawl damage
in addition to the damage from Hellfire
• Less than 10 feet
•• Less than 25 feet
••• Less than 50 feet
•••• Less than 150 feet
••••• Less than 500 feet
Olivia is an interesting case, since her power really would be coming from her weapons (see below), only being enhanced by hellfire.
High quality electro flux gun: Damage 9 Levels; Range 400; Ammo: 5 (Can be recharged with Mana if the user possesses it) Conceal T (Trenchcoat) Special: Aggravated Damage as if it were flame; +2 Accuracy Bonus from the bound machine spirit
Electro-laser pistol: Damage 6 Levels; Range 50; Ammo: 15 (Can be recharged with Mana if the user possesses it) Conceal J (Jaket) Special: Aggravated Damage as if it were fire; +2 Accuracy Bonus from the bound machine spirit
Actually... I am not sure how this would work exactly. @DragonParadox , how would Olivia using hellfire to enhance her shots work? Would it work at all?

I might switch to fortune too.
Proxy Servant Protocol ●●
The servants of the Empress and the extensions of her will. The Infernal makes this saying a reality.
System: The infernal spends 1 essence and rolls charisma+leadership. She then selects up to that number of willing allies within the scene to effect for the remainder of it. Whenever they make a roll, the Infernal may choose to act instead, substituting their appropriate dice pools for her own, and rolling at the same difficulty as they would have had. Multiple actions performed through this Charm suffer a climbing dice pool penalty similar to normal multiple actions rule.
The Infernal and her proxies get the ability to communicate telepathically, and the Infernal may roll Perception+Awareness at difficulty 8 to access the senses of her proxies.
For anyone voting for a thousand correct violent actions because of proxy server protocol we have 0 dots in Brawl 0 dots in firearms two dots in athletics and five melee unless everyone we ever bring with us is wielding a sword or a spear or something similar this is largely not helpful if not actively detrimental to their own dice pool.

All of our servants are mostly gun wielders because they can't Parry bullets because that's a thing exalted can do rather than something that's native to anyone. The ones that don't use guns use throwing Spears which is Athletics which we only have two dots in we don't have an Excellency for any of the others either.

Unless we only plan on bringing melee weapon fighters to a fight proxy servant protocol is an active detriment to any fighter we bring.

Lydia's whole fighting style is based around brawl and Athletics, Olivia's whole thing is firearms, Tiffany is brawl, medicine and science which we have no dots in any of those things. Our most common allies cannot benefit at all from proxy servant protocol, the order of the amethyst hand firearms, The Gurvel thrown spear Athletics and Path of civilization martial arts which uses their natural weapons their fire breathing and their claws which is Athletics again and brawl.
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Imagine using essence to nerf your teammates and screw their rolls up.
Though you're joking it's not exactly super far from the truth the amethyst hand our most commonly utilized guys we had them in Vegas we had them in Boston we're probably going to keep having them because they're the only ones that can really blend in with human populations as well and their stat block looks like well
Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3,
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Perception 4 (5), Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Academics 2, Alertness 3, Awareness 2, Athletics 3, Streetwise 3, Brawl 2, Computer 4, Drive 3, Firearms 4, Investigation 4, Occult 3, Law 3, Stealth 3, Technology 3
Willpower: 7
No dots in melee but a spread for brawl and firearms. So proxy servant protocol would be pretty rough for them.
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For anyone voting for a thousand correct violent actions because of proxy server protocol we have 0 dots in Brawl 0 dots in firearms two dots in athletics and five melee unless everyone we ever bring with us is wielding a sword or a spear or something similar this is largely not helpful if not actively detrimental to their own dice pool.

All of our servants are mostly gun wielders because they can't Parry bullets because that's a thing exalted can do rather than something that's native to anyone. The ones that don't use guns use throwing Spears which is Athletics which we only have two dots in we don't have an Excellency for any of the others either.

Unless we only plan on bringing melee weapon fighters to a fight proxy servant protocol is an active detriment to any fighter we bring.

Lydia's whole fighting style is based around brawl and Athletics, Olivia's whole thing is firearms, Tiffany is brawl, medicine and science which we have no dots in any of those things. Our most common allies cannot benefit at all from proxy servant protocol, the order of the amethyst hand firearms, The Gurvel thrown spear Athletics and Path of civilization martial arts which uses their natural weapons their fire breathing and their claws which is Athletics again and brawl.
Soak rolls. Molly has dice extenders that apply to soak rolls. And offensively magic via occult
Soak rolls. Molly has dice extenders that apply to soak rolls.
Okay that's interesting did you get that cleared because soaking damage is a automatic action that has a static difficulty no matter how much damage you take.

So it doesn't really make sense to be able to soak on behalf of other people when it literally cannot move in difficulty that is way more than a two-dot-charm that's a bunch of people can hide behind me without being harmed with while I only spend one Essence per scene to achieve that effect
offensively magic via occult
This one is just flat out fair enough but are we going to be using our occult Excellency just to facilitate that because we don't have any combat magic of Our Own so if we're in combat are we spending two essence both on our melee and occult excellencies to buff other people or we giving maybe one or two or at the high end ( Caster has middle of the road intelligence 3 and working occult 3 despite being cleared for Duty outside of hell with the specific role of being a caster) four dice bonus to their Caster stats for one Essence.