Shades of Hunger
23st of February 2007 A.D.
"I'm going to need a place to do these exorcisms," the sound of your voice echoes though the station, though not unheard by company.
"You mean like some kind of
temple?" Isabela teases as she seemingly appears beside the storeroom door, whips of shadow trailing from her fingers. You had seen her thankfully and so had Susan which is why she just
reaches for the holster on her belt instead of drawing.
"I get backtalk about that inside my head thank you." While you might not be able to scoff as well as Tiffany it's a decent showing.
"The fact that makes sense is wild, thanks for that, also shadow play, learned it from one of the baby wizards..."
"What do you mean you learned it?" There's no getting around the suspicion in those words. Vampires of the White Court can do some limited magic, Thomas for instance can do a bit of Thaumaturgy, but something that instinctive quick as
fleeting shadows on the wall isn't shaped with words and gestures but with spirit and the spirit of a vampire of the White Court is
"It was
entirely above board, they got a bit of a rush I learned how to play with shadows. I was trying to get the little light globes those make great ambiance, but I got shadow because I'm such a
dark and tortured soul." She lowers her voice and the light level at the same time to comical effect, at least you think it's comical. Susan looks like she finds it a a tad creepy.
Isabela gains Obtenebration ●
"I think it's because darkness, regular non-metaphorical darkness like this at least, is just the absence of light," you posit after a moment. "Like someone ate it."
"Wait and the Council is just OK with this, trainees getting..." Susan's voice is heavy with revulsion. Consensual vampirisim wouldn't really be in her radar would it?
As you open your mouth to defend your friend she beats you to it. "One of the things they came here to learn is how to protect themselves from people like me. The only way to learn how to fight it is to experience it. Better to find one's limits when you can call time out then when you're out there alone and the would be get-of-Liltih are on the prowl. If I can get more out of the deal in the process by getting them to show me magic from the inside well that's another lesson isn't it? Vampires are always seeking an edge, we always want more. How much to give, how much to take? How far one dares to walk knowing that? It's an important lesson to the learned for wizards and for other folk. I liked your column for the Arcane, it was humorous without appealing to common self-deprecation, took the work seriously when no one would have expected you to. "
"You're telling me people like you read the Arcane?" Despite herself perhaps the former reporter's clearly curious.
"Young ones sometime, it's not like our elders tell us much, trying to piece together what's really happening from headlines is all we're left with... still better than the Raiths."
The look of horror in Isabela's eyes is genuine, it is also like a sorcerer's pet demon, very deliberately invoked to remind the woman she's talking to of shared humanity.
Vampires are always looking for an edge.
In the end you do not need a especially set aside for exorcisms. Compared to wrestling with wrestling with Nemesis or even with the lesser creature that had been your first exorcism that parasite coiled around the soul of Susan Rodriguez is a pitiful larval thing like a tadpole made of barbed hooks dipped in blood. With one last mewling screech of hunger it melts into a puddle of ichor on the floor.
"That's... holy shit I didn't even remember what this felt like. Did it do something to me or did I do it to myself because it was too painful to remember?"
"Do you need a moment?" you ask gently.
"Nah, I think I need a few years of therapy, but I don't have the time or the money for that. What do you call a magic therapist anyway? A witch doctor?"
You laugh politely, but answer too. "Maybe for some but I hope I'm not assuming too much to say you're Catholic."
"Raised at least," she shrugs, though there's more pain there than she wants to admit. "Didn't feel right to go after... I felt unclean and then I just got out of the habit."
Well she got that backwards, you think sadly, careful not to let any of it show on your face, instead explaining: "Do you know Saint Mary's? Ask for Father Anthony Forthil..."
"And would that be open even after I get a little less human than I am now?" she asks bluntly.
"I am pretty sure he would love to talk with Tiffany if she showed up asking for an ear to speak to and some advice on life. I have it on good authority he gives good advice too."
She nods and leaves, still 'ungifted', enjoying the sunlight. It's only later when you talk to Martin that you get an inkling of what may have happened below the surface. The Fellowship he explains trains its members to sublimate their hunger into violence since violence is their calling. By removing the parasite, he speculates, you made that drive vanish in an instant.
"The First Change hits you hard, I guess the same is true in reverse," he muses as much to himself as to you. After a moment he asks a seeming idle question that's anything but. "Do you think Bianca would have been able to feel that if she was still alive? Her brood dying?"
"Only if she were looking for it. The 'death' itself was over very quikly and the parasite was very weak," you answer.
"If it were an ancient, one of
their elders?"
You shrug, the truth is you do not know enough about the Red Court, but what you do know tells you that the older they are the more they can break the rules.
"I'd rather stay as I am. It's good enough for me..."
The obvious question comes to mind, but should you ask it? It's clear he doesn't want to tell me and I hold a lot of power over him. What do you do?
[] Ask Martin what infected him
[] Do not ask
[] Write in
OOC: Susan just had her conflict drive yoinked out and the effects of DPE annuled. -2 is a lot in this system. Where she goes from here is up to her. I thought about having a vote on where to send her but Father Forthil seemed too obvious so I just rolled with it.