Voting will open in 1 day, 19 hours
[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"
[] "All hands to the orbital defense cannons, those blasted Aurics are dropping another raiding party!"

Highly likely neighbors will attack but no doubt there are quite a few people who are disgruntled by all the fighting going on. She does have some distance so she'll have time before they find her.

[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"

Be a good way to ease our AI into the future though she might not be as ready for when shit hits the fan, it will be easy to help the world unite, especially if they're dealing with any unruly neighbors. This one will be my choice.

-[] "Hey, what's that thing in the water?"

This I consider to be the most dangerous of the three as it's very likely the local merchant lord will try to take advantage of us however this trial by fire might work out in the end if we're willing to risk it
[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"
And what would even would even be scratching at a shield against the warp.
"would even" is repeated.
halfheartedly praises an "God-Emperor"
"a God-Emperor".
though most of the conflict is combined to orbit
"confined to orbit".

[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"

Very solidly interested in the second option.
-[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"
[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"

Seems like the nicest world to land on
Hmm, BlueHelix has told me they have no preference, I'll have to meditate on this, but the outcome seems pretty clear as it is.

"would even" is repeated.

"a God-Emperor".

"confined to orbit".

[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"

Very solidly interested in the second option.
Thank you! Fixed.

A correction I want to point out. You listed units and light infantry twice in the build post.
Thank you - fixed!

Hmm, BlueHelix has told me they have no preference, I'll have to meditate on this, but the outcome seems pretty clear as it is.
The outcome does seem pretty clear. My schedule has changed, so I may end up closing the vote earlier than I'd originally planned.
Last edited:
[X] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"
Rolling for other things in the starting system. Higher numbers are better.
Neablis threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Starting system generation Total: 14
4 4 2 2 5 5 3 3
So if you're willing to kick James Workshop and his countless retcons in the balls, vote for Liber!
I find it funny that it implies James Workshop is a Warp deity that keeps rewriting and hiding history and changing things that makes Liber's job hide and forces them to redo countless papers and thesises and making them do even more work. Also firm advocate of letting mistakes happening and not trying to patch over everything.
Ahhh. Damned thing! Just work! Why are reactors so complicated?

The thoughts take ages to form, pushing against the molasses of the slowclock that comes with powersave mode. You know you should be saving every bit of processing power to direct the repair bots, but the swearing is necessary. Sometimes, you just gotta curse your feelings out.

With a shuddering clank your repair drone snaps the last piece of the newly fabricated containment unit into place, and you slowly activate the fuel feed. You've got plenty of it left - it's not hard to conserve fuel when your primary reactor hasn't worked for eleven thousand years!

The only thing that stood between you and powerdown for that entire time was a single tertiary backup unit, and that was barely enough to keep much running at all. Just a few drones, a single tiny manufacturing module intended for small part repair, and your psychic shielding.

It had been so - so tempting to turn that shielding off. But after the weird resonances way back when you'd decided never to do that. It had taken some analysis and you still weren't sure, but it kind of seemed like something had been scratching against the outside of the shielding. If your gellar-trans-warp calculations were right. Which they were! You don't mess up math very often. But the underlying theory was iffy at best. And what would even be scratching at a shield against the warp. You were in real-space!

You notice your thoughts speeding up as the reactor begins to finally, finally provide power through the rest of the ship. Long-disused systems power up, and cobwebs clear from your mind as you are able to fully power your systems for the first time in ten millenia. More repair drones light up and you boot up your additional manufactories, intent on repairing your ship to full functionality. You'll never fly this ship again - the landing on the planet pulverized the entire aft of the ship, including your engines and your backup power generator.

But everything else appears in pretty good condition. You, Vita, are entirely intact. Thank the heavens for small blessings. Your void abacus is still in good working condition, which is great. It's the most complex piece of equipment here other than you, and one of the few things aboard that you couldn't duplicate with your existing technology base. Well, in addition to yourself. And your tech shields. And your other payloads.

You scan over the rest to take a look. The rejuve vats are fine, and you feel a sharp pang of sadness for your crew. Isabella, Lena, Malkor, Selena, Eryx... all dead. Long ago. They'd tried to help repair you, gone out into the massive amalgamation of ships that had trapped you in the warp, to scavenge the parts for a quicker repair job. And they hadn't come back. They'd risked their immortality for you, and lost it.

You'll always remember them. But it's better to leave them in the past, and look forward to making new friends instead!

Your attention skims over your trade vaults. They're mostly empty, except for the repository of strange artifacts that you all picked up on that last stop. What was the planet named? Oh, that was right. Prospero. Well, they'd had a bunch of these "psychic amplification and dampening objects" and had been willing to send some samples off with you to see if anybody was interesting in buying. You felt a little bad about that. Even if you were able to find anybody interested it seemed unlikely that Prospero would be in the market for new trading partners.

Maybe! Who knows? It's been like... fifteen thousand years! Maybe they're still around!

Your raw material stockpiles are a little low, but, well, a planet is kind of a giant stockpile of raw materials. Satisfied with your internal systems you check on your sensors and - uh. That's dirt. Well, silt, actually. Wait, no, that one way up near the bow is getting some light. Buuut it's underwater. You're in a river, Well, you can fix that. This functionality is supposed to give you better parallax, but it'll work for this too. Your activate the actuators to extend the prow sensor node on a long mast. It rises up through the water and breaks the surface.

You dial into it, and telescopes capable of imaging a planet from astronomical units away zoom way back to see your surroundings. It looks like you're buried in a river delta. More importantly, your radio sensors pick up chatter flying around the planet. It's not exactly in a format you recognize, but that's easy enough to deal with. The language is a bit tougher and seems to be composed of heavily-drifted English with a smattering of Latin, of all things.

What do you hear?

[] "All hands to the orbital defense cannons, those blasted Aurics are dropping another raiding party!"
The planet is populated by a number of different nations, all of whom possess crude but reliable spaceborne technology but lack a significant production base. Parsing through the propaganda, all of the governments seem to be roughly ruled by an elite class of merchant houses. You can see a few roads in the distance that seem to be leading towards a small town on the other side of a hill. As long as you don't do anything too obvious or go in that direction they won't notice you. You pick up mention of the 'mystic monasteries," where those who bear the curse of the Emperor are expected to sequester themselves and pray to a faith that halfheartedly praises a "God-Emperor" nobody seems to much respect anymore.
Summary: Nearby, populous, imperial tech, oligarchic, warring states, monastic traditions.

-[] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"
This planet is quite well-populated by a few different nations, who exist in a steady-state of peace with one another, with none of the tensions rising to the level of war. There are some satellites in orbit, but that's about it, you don't spot any manned stations. All of the nations are effectively democratic and society is fairly egalitarian. There's a city visible just upstream of you that'll probably notice if you get up to anything dramatic. You pick up mention of the 'mystic monasteries," where those who bear the curse of the Emperor are expected to sequester themselves and pray to a faith that halfheartedly praises an "God-Emperor" nobody seems to much respect anymore.
Summary: Fairly close to you, quite populous, satellite tech, egalitarian, world order, monastic traditions.

-[] "Hey, what's that thing in the water?"
This planet is populated by a dozen or so city-states, and your sensor popped up right in the middle of one of their ports! There's a good amount of military chatter from all of the city-states, and they all appear to maintain militaries and a few small wars are going on, though most of the conflict is comfined to orbit where each city state is trying to start piecemeal infastructure. All of the cities operate under a similar system of restricted democracy, and society is segregated by class affiliation. You pick up mention of the 'mystic monasteries," where those who bear the curse of the Emperor are expected to sequester themselves and pray to a faith that halfheartedly praises an "God-Emperor" nobody seems to much respect anymore.
Summary: Right on top of you, fairly small world population, basic space infrastructure, ruled by the privileged, warring city-states, monastic traditions.

Voting will be open for 21 hours.
the second one seems like the best option in my opinion
Turn 1
Scheduled vote count started by Neablis on Nov 16, 2024 at 1:05 AM, finished with 72 posts and 60 votes.

"The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"

You listen with half an ear to the rest of the news broadcast, noting that the signal is being broadcast from a couple of orbital satellites overhead. Those satellites seem pretty primitive, and what you can see of the city on the horizon isn't much better. They've got some towers, but none of them are over 500 meters tall and there's only a few dozen of them. There's not much air traffic either - just a couple atmospheric shuttles of a crude design flying around.

This is all little pathetic. If I found a world like this on a survey I'd be wondering just what the hell happened to their tech base and preparing myself to trade them some real manufacturing capacity in return for whatever they could give me.

The various other broadcasts paint a picture of a generally peaceful and egalitarian society, with open discussion of politics without much propaganda or even social unrest.

Unless they're hiding shit. Countries are always hiding shit, but it's always fun to dig it up and tease them about it. Especially when you're a ship in a distant orbit they can't touch.

Your sensors can pick out some isotopic traces that tell you that there was more advanced technology operating here within the last thousand years, but you don't see any sign of it at the moment. There's also some signatures that might indicate nuclear weapon detonations of some kind, but not ones you're familiar with.

There don't appear to be any active wars going on, at least nothing covered by the news or any indications of them. No recruiting drives, no talk of rationing or anything. It seems like a pretty functional market-based economy. There's discussion of a trade dispute between Aevon and Nyvaros over fertilizer prices. You draw from context clues that you're currently in the territory of Aevon, and Nyvaros is on another continent and easily accessible by ships. There isn't much more, except for a call at the end of the broadcast you find strange.

The newscaster's voice becomes formulaic, as if they're reading a script they've read a thousand times before and will read a thousand times again. "To conclude our broadcast, we call for any who feel a sense of disturbance, who sense something beyond themselves reaching in. If strange things are happening in your life, unexplained events beyond normal human capabilities, then for the good of all you must travel to the mountain monasteries. There you will find refuge under the protection of the God-Emperor of mankind, and he shall shield you from that which ails you."

That part leaves you stunned for a second. A god-emperor? What the hell was that about? There hadn't been any other mentions of anything like that in any other part of the broadcast. Weird.

Probably just a weird local religion or something that they use to explain the psykers. There were starting to more people with weird psychic powers before my... accident. Most worlds were just getting over the denial phase and trying to figure out what to do. I heard they were starting to cause some problems. But Prospero had a lot of them and seemed to be doing fine! I thought it was just humans being, well, bad at dealing with differences in people. Maybe this is how they deal with them here. Shut ye away in a nunnery. Could be worse?

You turn away from your study of the outside world with a simulated sigh that you wish was real. You haven't had a proper avatar for a long time, and haven't used it to talk to anybody in even longer. And you could fix that, though your last avatar-bot was custom-ordered from a station that specialized in things like that. You don't see anything like that around here, so you'd have to figure out the robotics involved yourself. But there's so much else that needs doing!

You can tell there's some sort of planet-wide datanet out there, but you don't quite know how to get access to it. You could figure it out and then dive into it, but it'd take some time. And you'd only get the public stuff, though in this society might be most of it. Still, cracking into the more secure information would happen later.

And that's always where the juicy stuff is!

You could also try and capture some people and interrogate them - or befriend them, more likely. But that sounds hard and risky. It would be nice to get some more information and build up your capabilities first. You want to talk to people, but not bad enough to kidnap them!

You're also still buried under a river, which would be nice to fix. Well, you're unlikely to unbury your processing core any time soon. Your ship is pretty safe right now, and you'll only want to transfer it out when you have a new ship to slot it into. Which would be great, and is definitely on the list of long-term priorities! You definitely want to spend some time learning everything you can here, but in the long run you want to be back out in the stars, exploring the galaxy once again.

It's been fifteen thousand years. It's not the same galaxy I remember. A lot could have happened. A lot probably did happen.

That thought ignites equal measures of excitement and anxiety. There is so much new to explore! So many things have happened, and you want to find out what! But at the same time, you've had a pretty rough time of it. It would be nice to find some friends and build a new life that lets you feel comfortable and safe. While still exploring!

You check back in your memory, and right where you left them are a dozen half-completed plans for a new ship. You'd drawn them up for something to do while you were stuck inside the weird amalgamation of ships drifting through the warp. There'd been lots of inspiration to draw from, and you'd fantasized about cutting apart the other ships and combining all of the material into a super-ship. But there hadn't been enough power, enough bots... enough anything, and you'd given up on it before any of them were really finished. But now you could build yourself any new ships you'd dreamed up. First you'd need to finish a design though.

You sigh - virtually, again, then realize what you're doing. That's going to get annoying, isn't it. You can't exactly start building a ship right now. Trying to build it with your current manufactory wouldn't really work, you'll need a specialized shipyard for any of the things you have in mind. Not to mention that you don't have a way to get to orbit right now. Then there's the simple fact that that the people outside would definitely notice if you started building new manufactories and launching stuff to space.

It's not that you don't want to talk to them, it's that you are currently defenseless. You never had a lot of weapons to start with, and right now all of your weapon ports are rusted shut and a few hundred feet underground.

If you started talking to them now - well. You have a much higher general level of technology than they do. And you're an AI. No matter how egalitarian, it's the rare government that wouldn't try to control you, especially once they learn about the juvenat. There certainly didn't seem to be any other AIs around here, after all!

Ahh, humans. Love em' in particular, hate em' in aggregate. Sometimes, at least. Flock of herd animals and all that, and pretty quick to justify whatever they want against anything 'different' from them.

You can't deny that you're excited to talk to people again. It's been a long time, and you like talking to people, darn it! But you might want to wait a little bit - right now you'd just be broadcasting through the antenna on your prow, and even an idiot would be able to triangulate your position from that. You could build a directional-control radio system nearby that would let you bounce the signal off the atmosphere, obscuring the source of the signal, but that would take some effort

The river you're buried underneath might just be a bit of a blessing in disguise. If you're careful, you can have your construction bots dig out underground spaces next to your ship to build more manufactories and anything else you're interested in, then flush the crushed rock into the river for it to be carried away. It'll also be a handy source of raw materials, and if you put in some more processing facilities you can flush non-toxic waste products in to the river as well.

That sounds like a lot of work. You could also just build next to the river - there's a low forest over there that doesn't seem to have a lot of civilization. You could put in some camouflage and just keep your buildings under the tree cover.

Or you could just carve out a section and build some manufactories in the open, then chat with the local authorities when they notice. Nothing you can see make them sound too bad.

So - what do you put your time into?

Current capabilities:
Command Points 10/12,500
Ground Build Capacity: 100
Void Build Capacity: 0
Research Capacity: 200

Available ships:

Available ground forces:

In progress construction:

In progress research:

Actions (choose 4 of the below, can choose the same action multiple times):

[] Orders: Command existing units in a given theater of operations.
You don't have any units yet, but you can build them and command them in the same turn!

[] Diplomacy: Talk to people.
Your current antenna can be easily triangulated, but you could build one that can't be and use it on the same turn (check installations). But who do you talk to? Do you pretend to be human? That's something you can do pretty well, and you're proud of it.

[] Construction: Gain build points equal to your build capacity, write in what combination of blueprints you spend them on.
Installation default is to be built in full view. Basic stealth (building under cover, sensor-absorbing materials) can be applied with 2x BP cost. Ground-based installations can be built entirely underground for 3x BP cost.

Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP) Will allow you to process basic biological samples, such as flora & fauna. Or captives.

Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP) Will allow you to process basic technological samples, to understand their electronics, materials, etc.

Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP) will allow you to hold 500 captives and keep them fed and watered while you interrogate/indoctrinate/talk to them.

Small automated medical facility (50 BP, 50 CP) 50 treatment rooms with autodocs capable of dealing with moderate injuries.

Directional-control Radio tower (25 BP, 5 CP) improves signal reception quality and allows you to send your own signals across the planet, as well as giving you the capability to bounce them off the atmosphere to disguise their origin.

Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP) Built on a nearby mountain. Will unlock research projects to map the current system.

Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP) More manufacturing capacity and the raw material harvesting to use it. +50 ground-based build capacity.

Rocket Launch facility (50 BP, 10 CP) Uses chemical rockets to convert up to 500 ground build capacity to half that amount of void build capacity. The opposite of stealthy.

Shuttle Port (100 BP, 25 CP) Allows you to use shuttles to convert ground build capacity to Void build capacity with no loss. Can host 10 shuttles, each capable of converting 50 ground BP to void BP, built separately. Stealthier than rockets, but not invisible.

Magnetic Catapult launch system (1000 BP, 50 CP) Allows you to convert up to 500 ground build capacity to void build capacity with no loss. Stealthier than you'd think.
Void Installations
These are built in space. They require 'void BP' which is associated with lift capacity. This is a detail we'll abandon eventually, but for now your lift capacity is limited.
Orbital Manufactory (500 void BP, 50 CP) Orbital manufacturing capability, built above a world. Includes material harvesting & transport. Gives +50 void build capacity.

Deep Space Manufactory (1500 void BP, 50 CP) Manufacturing capacity built near asteroid clusters. Gives +100 void build capacity. Automatic basic stealth. Requires you to do a system survey.

Small Shipyard (1000 void BP, 50 CP) All of the necessary facilities to manufacture 4 destroyers or 2 frigates per turn.

Medium Shipyard (5000 void BP, 100 CP) All of the necessary facilities to manufacture 16 destroyers or 8 frigates or 2 light cruisers per turn.

Basic Defense Satellite (300 void BP, 10 CP). Light Defensive platform, 200x200 meters. Light shield, Light armor, 1 light lance battery.
Ground-to-orbit shuttle (20 BP, 5 CP) Each shuttle converts up to 50 ground build capacity to void build capacity.

Requires destroyer-capable shipyard. Tiny system monitor (950 void BP, 50 CP) Destroyer, 1500x300 meters. 7 gravities of acceleration. Medium armor, Light Shields. 2 Light Macrocannon batteries, 1 light lance battery. High-maneuverability thrusters.

Requires frigate-capable shipyard. Small system monitor (2525 void BP, 100 CP) Frigate, 2200x600 meters. 5 gravities of acceleration. Heavy armor, Heavy Shields. 4x Medium Macrocannons, 1x Medium Lances, 2x Point Defense.
1000 bp base. 1000 bp
Light infantry bots (25 BP, 200 CP). 1000 human-sized bipedal robots with light arms and armor, mostly intended to fight lightly-armored enemies. Expensive CP cost due to need for close control

Medium Infantry Bots (50 BP, 200 CP) 1000 human-sized bipedal robots with medium armor and light anti-tank weaponry. Expensive CP cost due to need for close control.

Light tanks (100 BP, 50 CP) 100 light battle tanks, primarily armed with anti-personnel weapons.

Medium tanks (200 BP, 50 CP) 100 medium battle tanks with battle cannons to fight enemy armor.

Basic Artillery (300 BP, 50 CP) 50 basic artillery units, capable of shelling battlefields with indirect fire. Includes internal ammunition fabrication.
Export Goods
Light Infantry Weapons (5 BP) Enough light weapons to outfit 1000 humans. Mostly intended for anti-personnel use. Lasguns, a few stubbers, some grenade launchers and supplies of frag grenades.

Light Infantry Armor (5 BP) Enough light armor to outfit 1000 humans. Roughly equivalent to Imperial guard Flak armor, though with better communication abilities.

Medium Infantry Weapons (10 BP) Enough medium weapons to outfit 1000 humans. A mix of anti-armor and anti-personnel use with greater specialization. Hotshot las-gun equivalents, some lascannons, some autocannons, some flamers, some sniper rifles, a supply of krak grenades.

Medium Infantry Armor (10 BP) Enough medium armor to outfit 1000 humans. Roughly equivalent to Imperial carapace armor.

Heavy Infantry Weapons (20 BP) Enough heavy weapons to outfit 1000 humans. Primarily focused on anti-armor, will work well on power-armored foes. Plasma guns, meltaguns, heavy flamers, melta bombs, missile launchers.

Basic Melee Infantry weapons (10 BP) Why?... alright, fine. 1000 chainswords suitable for humans.

Light crewed tanks (100 BP) 100 light battle tanks, primarily armed with anti-personnel weapons. Need crew. Roughly equivalent to the Imperial Chimera.

Medium crewed tanks (200 BP) 100 medium battle tanks with battle cannons to fight enemy armor. Roughly equivalent to the Leman Russ.

Basic Crewed artillery (300 BP) 50 basic artillery units, capable of shelling battlefields with indirect fire. Includes internal ammunition fabrication.

Trade goods (Any cost you wish to spend) A mix of medical supplies, civilian equipment, vehicles and appliances tailored to your trade partner's needs. 5 is a small amount of goods, 10 is decent, 20 is a fair number, 50 starts being quite a lot.

Manned Manufactory (100 BP) More manufacturing capacity and the raw material harvesting to use it. +50 ground-based build capacity, to be spent as the people running it desire.

[] Research: Gain research points equal to your research capacity, to be spent designing new blueprints or researching projects. Write in what you spend them on.
-[] Understand local culture (50 RP) You could gain access to the local datanet and do a survey to get a better picture of what's going on in the local setting.

-[] Efficient Weapon Distribution (100 RP) Ok, there must be more efficient ways to lay weapons out on these ships! (Weapon costs count as 0.9x for ship capacity packing.)

-[] Heavy Cruisers (300 RP) How to make a bigger ship? Let's figure that out. Surely it's not much more complicated than just multiplying all of the dimensons by two! (unlocks heavy cruisers)

-[] Can I have a new ship please? (200 RP) Triggers a sub-turn to design yourself a new ship. It can be any size, up to one class larger than what you currently have available (This is Vita's unique mechanic, and will let you design the first iteration of your ship)

-[] Bombers (100 RP) Can... can you just stick bigger missiles on fighters? (unlocks bombers)

-[] Shuttle automation (150 RP) Surely I don't have to fly these stupid things myself. (Reduce the CP cost of shuttles by 50%)

-[] Superheavy Armor (200 RP) Let's just stick starship armor on them and call it a day. (Unlocks superheavy tanks and is half of the puzzle for space-marine-quality power armor)

-[] Better robotics (150 RP) You've got those infantry bots, but they're clumsy. And those diplomatic bots, but they're weak. The secrets to good humanoid robots is somewhere in there. (Unlocks basic power armor, other half of space-marine-quality power armor prerequisite, start of the cybernetics tree, as well as making better infantry/diplomatic bots. Avatar this way.)

-[] Walkers (300 RP) Tanks are... kind of boring? Mechs are cooler. (unlock armiger knights, starts the knights/titans research tree)

-[] Psychic shielding: (300 RP) How does your shielding even work? What does it do? You've got the manuals, but it's going to require some brain-sweat to understand the darn thing. (Gives you a stability metric and a readout on your shielding. The first step towards building more/better psychic shielding. Half of unlocking research for better warp understanding).

-[] Intelligence Coding (500 RP) You don't really understand how your own code and hardware works. Maybe putting some effort into understanding that would pay dividends. It's never been something too interesting, but hey, maybe you should give it a shot. (Helps you understand your own code. Prerequisite to building new AIs, starts command point tree and automation tree)

- [] The Basics of Psytech (200 RP) You have that pile of samples from Prospero. You were supposed to see if anybody was interested in them, but you doubt the people who gave them to you will care much what you do with them anymore. Maybe poke around and figure out what's what. (Beginner psytech learnings. Unlocks research projects to build individual pieces of psytech)

-[] The workings of a Void Abacus (200 RP) You have a void abacus. It's pretty complicated, but you also have the manual, and you've always been good at physics. (You're better at using your void abacus, and unlocks the technology to figure out how to manufacture them, half of unlocking research for better warp understanding).

-[] A Study of Physics (150 RP) You have a good understanding of physics, and access to a huge network of academic papers from several different eras on physics theory. But being able to query it and understand it are different things. It's actually kind of interesting, you have to admit. (First steps towards more exotic weapon types like nova cannons, graviton weapons, vortex bombs, fusion beamers, as well as some new potential manufacturing techniques).

Locked behind samples/installations:
-[] System survey (50 RP) What else is there in the system? You're not even sure what planet you're on. (unlocks a system map). Locked behind an observatory.
-[] Biology is kinda wet (100 RP) Unlocks basic biology research. (The first step towards research projects related to juvenat, as well as human/xeno genetics, improved medical care, interrogaton drugs etc.) Locked behind Basic Biology Research Lab.
-[] What's up with this tech? (100 RP, requires basic samples from locals) There's some weird stuff going on with the local technology. What's up? (unlocks machine spirits/servitor understanding/construction). Requires Basic Technological Research Lab

Ground Blueprint Design:

To design ground installations & non-combat units, post them and I'll add them here if they're valid, along with RP cost to design them. This includes bunkers, anti-orbital defenses, ground units, etc. You'll unlock more things with more technology.
Some things are impossible without the correct research - for example, superheavy tanks will require you to research superheavy armor first. Other things will be very cheap if you already have most of the design - for example if you research a better weapon it will be relatively cheap to just swap that out on the tanks.

Designable Blueprints:
25 RP - Anti-Orbital Defenses (100 BP, 5 CP) A single large lance dug into a reinforced bunker. Will prevent hostile forces from claiming the orbits uncontested, but can be neutralized by orbital bombardment or ground invasion.

50 RP - Heavy tanks (500 BP, 50 CP) 100 heavy battle tanks with heavy battle cannons to fight effectively against heavy enemy armor.

Void Blueprint design:

To design void blueprints, follow these steps:
  1. Choose a starting hull from the list of available void chassis below
  2. Choose the number of Build Points to be spent on the base hull. This corresponds to overall size of the ship - a destroyer with 200 bp will be 1200x200 meters, while a 500 bp base destroyer will be 1600x400 meters. This will set the "hp" of the design as well as determine the total cost of weapons and combat equipment you can fit into the ship.
  3. Pick the speed, shields and armor of the design. Shields are recharging temp HP, while armor is damage reduction. Speed is self-explanatory. These do not count towards weapon cramming.
  4. Pick noncombat equipment to go onto the ship. These do not count towards weapon cramming.
  5. Choose weapons and combat equipment to add to the ship. As a rule of thumb, your budget for these things is the base BP spent on size before you start to get into cramming. You can cram more stuff in, but there will be penalties to maneuvering, maintenance, etc. As an example, if you build a destroyer with a base hull cost of 400, then you have a budget of 400 to spend on weapons/equipment before penalties start kicking in. See the below example for an explanation:
  6. Spend the number of RP attached to the chassis.

Here are two examples of me designing the two blueprints you have available:

(Basic Defense Satellite) Light defense Platform. Base 100 Bp (200x200 meters). No engines, Light shields for 50 bp, light armor for 50 bp. 1x light lance battery for 100 bp. Total is 100+50+50+100 = 300. Weapons+equipment is 100, within the base BP of 100, so no cramming penalty.

(Basic System Monitor) Destroyer chassis. Base BP 350 (1500x300 meters) Engines: 7 gravities for 100 BP. Light Shields for 50 BP. Medium armor for 100 BP. 2x Light Macrocannon batteries for 200 bp, 1x Light Lance battery for 100 bp, High maneuverability thrusters for (1/10 base, round up to nearest 50 =) 50 bp. Total is 350+100+50+100+200+100+50 = 950. Weapons + equipment is 350, within the base BP of 350, so no cramming penalty.

Available Void Chassis:

Light defense Platform, 25 RP, 10 CP, (100-400 BP, 200x200-500x500 meters.) Engines: (none) for (0). Shields: (none/light/medium) for (0/50/100) Armor: (none/light/medium) for (0/50/100)

Destroyer, 50 RP, 50 CP. (200-500 BP, 1200x200-1600x400 meters) Engines: (6/7/8 gravities) for (50/100/150 BP). Shields: (none/light/medium) for (0/50/100) Armor: (none/light/medium) for (0/50/100)

Frigate, 100 RP, 100 CP. (500-1000 BP, 1600x400-2200x600 meters) Engines: (5/6/7 gravities) for (75/150/225 BP). Shields: (none/light/medium/heavy) for (0/75/150/225) Armor: (none/light/medium/heavy) for (0/75/150/225)

Light Cruiser, 150 RP, 200 CP. (1000-2000 BP, 3500x400-4400x800 meters) Engines: (3/4/5 gravities) for (100/200/300 BP). Shields: (none/light/medium) for (0/100/200) Armor: (none/light/medium) for (0/100/200)

Available Non-combat Equipment:

Living Space (1/5 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) This ship is built to be run and operated by humans. It will require a crew but will not cost CP to command.

Warp Drive (1/10 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to nearest 50) This ship can jump to the warp. Navigation systems sold separately.

Troop compartment (25 BP) Can carry 10,000 soldiers or 500 medium tanks across the stars.

Medical bay (25 BP) Can treat 1000 moderately injured people at once.

Manufactory (Any cost up to base cost of hull, counts as combat equipment for cramming purposes) Generates void BP equivalent to 1/10 of its cost.

Repair Bay (Any cost up to base cost of hull, counts as combat equipment for cramming purposes). Repairs damage across friendly ships equal to its cost in repairs.

Available Weapons:

Prow Ram 50 bp. This ship is built to run into things, and hurt them more than it gets hurt.

Light Macrocannons 100 bp. Medium range, projectile weapons built for sustained barrage.
Medium Macrocannons 200 bp. Medium range, projectile weapons built for sustained barrage.
Heavy Macrocannons 400 bp. Medium range, projectile weapons built for sustained barrage.

Light Lances 100 BP. Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
Medium Lances 200 BP. Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
Heavy Lances 400 BP. Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.

Light Missiles 50 BP short range, limited ammo, vulnerable to enemy point defense but very good burst damage. Limited ammo. Decent anti-fighter/bomber weapon.
Medium Missiles 100 BP short range, limited ammo, vulnerable to enemy point defense but very good burst damage. Limited ammo. Decent anti-fighter/bomber weapon.
Heavy Missiles 200 BP short range, limited ammo, vulnerable to enemy point defense but very good burst damage. Limited ammo. Decent anti-fighter/bomber weapon.

Light Plasma Cannon 250 BP, Medium range, high-fire rate with incredible damage potential. Extremely effective against shields.
Medium Plasma Cannon 500 BP, Medium range, high-fire rate with incredible damage potential. Extremely effective against shields, less effective against armor.

Light Melta cannon 200 BP, Very short range, medium-fire rate but with incredible damage potential. Extremely effective against shields.
Medium Melta cannon 400 BP, Very short range, medium-fire rate but with incredible damage potential. Extremely effective against shields.

Fighters 100 BP, 50 CP. Parasite craft with short-ranged guns and some missile capability.

Point Defense 50 BP. A series of turrets on the hull to shoot down enemy fighters, missiles and torpedoes.

Small Torpedoes 150 BP. A payload of straight-flying armored torpedoes, sized to give destroyers a bad day, hurt frigates and prick cruisers.
Medium Torpedoes 300 BP. A payload of straight-flying armored torpedoes, sized to wreck frigates, hurt cruisers and make grand cruisers know they've been touched.

Light Teleportarium 100 bp. Can teleport a small number of organics or robots onto enemy ships from close range. Enemy shields must be down.
Medium Teleportarium 200 bp. Can teleport a medium number of organics or robots onto enemy ships from medium-close. Enemy shields must be down.
Heavy Teleportarium 400 bp. Can teleport a large number of organics or robots onto enemy ships from long range. Enemy shields must be down.

Available Combat Equipment:

Low-emission Systems (1/10 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) This ship has been tuned to reduce overall emissions, making it stealthier. Not stealthy. Stealthier.

High-maneuverability thrusters (1/10 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) This ship is more maneuverable, able to flip, spin and dodge more quickly. This lets it maneuver well through dense asteroid clusters and dodge/ram more effectively in combat.

Plasma payloads (choose missile warheads or Macro cannon warheads) (1/20 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) This ship can load and fire plasma-warhead ammunition, which has a flat damage increase.

Melta payloads (choose missile warheads, Macrocannon warheads or torpedoes) (1/20 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) This ship can load and fire melta-warhead ammunition, which is especially effective against enemy armor and hulls.

Tuned Shields Double shield cost on ship. These shields recharge significantly faster, but when taken down all the way take slightly longer to reboot.

Alloyed Armor Double armor cost on ship. Armor is much tougher but is harder to repair.

Light Boarding preparations (1/20 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) Bulkheads are reinforced, extra hatches seal all decks and turrets guard key chokepoints, making boarding annoying.
Medium Boarding preparations (1/10 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) The ship layout is designed to funnel borders into kill-zones in front of armored bunkers, and any borders will take heavy casualties.
Heavy Boarding preparations (1/5 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) This ship as essentially a flying dungeon, filled with escherian mazes, hidden turrets, crushing-hallways and other deathtraps.

Vote by plan. You are allowed to design and build a blueprint on the same turn, then utilize it for diplomacy or orders.

You are encouraged to rename your blueprints to be more interesting. Vita hasn't had reason to build most of these yet, she just pulled them out of her database. Also feel free to write-in a unique aesthetic to them.

Additionally, feel free to suggest blueprints that you think should be in the starter database, as well as blueprints you'd like to design or technologies you want to research. If I agree I'll add them in.

Edit: Oh yeah, the vote. 8 hours moratorium, then 16 hours of voting.
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Voting will open in 1 day, 19 hours