[ ] Plan: I'm a Space Rock stuck in a cave, Ask Me Anything!
-[] Research x2
--[] Understand local culture (50 RP)
--[] Better robotics (150 RP)
--[] The Basics of Psytech (200 RP)
-[] Construction:
--[] Underground Directional-Control Radio Tower (-75 BP, -5 CP)
--[] Light infantry bots (-25 BP, -200 CP)
-[] Diplomacy: Talk to people.
--[] Once you've managed to get an idea of what the local culture is--any red flags or whatnot to tailor your approach, you should be able to get away with making First Contact! Proper communication solves all kinds of problems after all, use your very cleverly hidden radio tower (Tree? Are you going to build it into a tree? Details to be worked out later), to establish a line of connection in an appropriate fashion. The folks here seem pretty on the ball, and you could do with some more friends so you're not constantly worried about anyone getting the wrong idea. Just make sure you avoid any identified red flags from your initial survey, you're pretty sure you can cut some kind of amicable deal once you're certain that there's no latent taboo you might trip over. (Contact the Local Government unless we've identified any major red flags suggesting this would be a bad idea. If so, adjust to any potential allies we can find)
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I like your plan @Alectai, though I want to point out we only have 200 RP and your plan calls for 400. I say we focus on studying the culture and better robotics before the basics of psytech.
Kinda early for that, but I want our ship to be literally giant swan ship.

Silver-white, with semi-decorative, bird wings at the sides, in them we will put some anti-gravity tech to navigate through planetary atmosphere.

On the front will be semi-decorative swan head and we put in place of eyes, singularity cannons and on the upper part of the ship, we will put diamondoid glass house, in which we will be gathering flora and fauna from across the sector.
Your raw material stockpiles are a little low, but, well, a planet is kind of a giant stockpile of raw materials. Satisfied with your internal systems you check on your sensors and - uh. That's dirt. Well, silt, actually. Wait, no, that one way up near the bow is getting some light. Buuut it's underwater. You're in a river, Well, you can fix that. This functionality is supposed to give you better parallax, but it'll work for this too. Your activate the actuators to extend the prow sensor node on a long mast. It rises up through the water and breaks the surface.

You dial into it, and telescopes capable of imaging a planet from astronomical units away zoom way back to see your surroundings. It looks like you're buried in a river delta. More importantly, your radio sensors pick up chatter flying around the planet. It's not exactly in a format you recognize, but that's easy enough to deal with. The language is a bit tougher and seems to be composed of heavily-drifted English with a smattering of Latin, of all things.
Ah joy, covered into a river... I wonder how big though since if the ship crashed it would have craved out a valley or gorge but depending on how long it was there it could have honestly been covered over a few thousand years of the water bringing and building up slit and sediments and covered it so by the time of the world being settled it would have overlooked and not found. still a River Delta is normally prime area for settlement and building a farming area or just city around, so it has to be a low population count for this world where they haven' needed and found this or have enough time they dont' need to use a delta that helps with crop growth.

Proximity: Close to Far
Population: Low to High
Technology: Bad to Good
Government: Imperial to Democratic
Unity: Anarchic to United
Psykana/faith: None to Decent

Well that explains the roll to Proximity. we're on the same planet and maybe low population. At the very least with Rejuevant and our tech base we can unify the planet. and make a good base overall, I still love how some version of Latin was the main tongue of a lot of worlds for any travelers from 30k or before. I still believe the Emperor wanted to bring Latin back and made it the main language solely because of that. Radio is around so 1900's to modern day tech base.

-[] "All hands to the orbital defense cannons, those blasted Aurics are dropping another raiding party!"
The planet is populated by a number of different nations, all of whom possess crude but reliable spaceborne technology but lack a significant production base. Parsing through the propaganda, all of the governments seem to be roughly ruled by an elite class of merchant houses. You can see a few roads in the distance that seem to be leading towards a small town on the other side of a hill. As long as you don't do anything too obvious or go in that direction they won't notice you. You pick up mention of the 'mystic monasteries," where those who bear the curse of the Emperor are expected to sequester themselves and pray to a faith that halfheartedly praises a "God-Emperor" nobody seems to much respect anymore.
Summary: Nearby, populous, imperial tech, oligarchic, warring states, monastic traditions.
hmmm, so GodEmperor worshippers and that may come with local Mechanicus that will want to destroy us, have access to Imperial Tech so we don't need to worry about uplifting and have a population used to the tech but lose the chance to influence them. We might be able to use our tech to tempt the oligarchs to our side and do stuff for us in exchange for it. uhh I wish we got the Shattered STC for the Grand Crusiers and Nova Cannons at least.

-[] "The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"
This planet is quite well-populated by a few different nations, who exist in a steady-state of peace with one another, with none of the tensions rising to the level of war. There are some satellites in orbit, but that's about it, you don't spot any manned stations. All of the nations are effectively democratic and society is fairly egalitarian. There's a city visible just upstream of you that'll probably notice if you get up to anything dramatic. You pick up mention of the 'mystic monasteries," where those who bear the curse of the Emperor are expected to sequester themselves and pray to a faith that halfheartedly praises an "God-Emperor" nobody seems to much respect anymore.
Summary: Fairly close to you, quite populous, satellite tech, egalitarian, world order, monastic traditions.
Okay not bad, around modern age with good population base and peaceful for a while now, half-hearted worship of Big E? perfect for us, lack of combat history or doctrine they can try translating. Psykers are still kept in line but honestly the best choice for an easy start and more population to use as workforce and do more things at once.

-[] "Hey, what's that thing in the water?"
This planet is populated by a dozen or so city-states, and your sensor popped up right in the middle of one of their ports! There's a good amount of military chatter from all of the city-states, and they all appear to maintain militaries and a few small wars are going on, though most of the conflict is comfined to orbit where each city state is trying to start piecemeal infastructure. All of the cities operate under a similar system of restricted democracy, and society is segregated by class affiliation. You pick up mention of the 'mystic monasteries," where those who bear the curse of the Emperor are expected to sequester themselves and pray to a faith that halfheartedly praises an "God-Emperor" nobody seems to much respect anymore.
Summary: Right on top of you, fairly small world population, basic space infrastructure, ruled by the privileged, warring city-states, monastic traditions.
well, we would go right into things right away and its small population world with basic space infrastructure but we would start at the center of their expansion into space and be able to wrangle together a unity through conquest with advanced tech and forge this world into one government/faction.
I think the best thing to do is to find a way to communicate and offer to trade them tech and perhaps space infrastructure in exchange for a large amount of BP to use to make some production and possibly get some crew. Then we can start exploring. I don't think the Mechanicus has much, if any, presence here, considering their tech level, meaning the taboo against AI might be unknown. spending time on trying to unify them or something doesn't seem worthwhile, just give them some tech and leave.
I got a draft plan where we go out into the open. Get started on building a manufacturing base right away while also getting some soldiers incase diplomatic efforts go less well.

[ ] Plan: Open Communication
-[] Research
--[] Understand local culture (50 RP)
--[] Better robotics (150 RP)
-[] Construction x2
--[] Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP)
--[] Light infantry bots (-25 BP, -200 CP) x2
--[] Medium Infantry Bots (50 BP, 200 CP)
-[] Diplomacy: Talk to people.
After analyzing the local culture and making sure there's nothing obviously sinister going on hit up the local government to explain your accidental crash landing. Your sure they will be understanding, and if they aren't you have your robot army to protect you.

Does that work for a diplomatic stance?
That's kinda part of the point of the plan, its not bothering with stealth. At that point just make a different plan.
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"The weather from the East will bring heavy rain tomorrow, so beware of flooding in the afternoon!"
oh it came out as I was doing my thing. well didn't vote but glad we choose this one.

Probably just a weird local religion or something that they use to explain the psykers. There were starting to more people with weird psychic powers before my... accident. Most worlds were just getting over the denial phase and trying to figure out what to do. I heard they were starting to cause some problems. But Prospero had a lot of them and seemed to be doing fine! I thought it was just humans being, well, bad at dealing with differences in people. Maybe this is how they deal with them here. Shut ye away in a nunnery. Could be worse?
Oh sweet summer child, you know not of how fracked the galaxy is and how humanity has degraded since you were gone.

The river you're buried underneath might just be a bit of a blessing in disguise. If you're careful, you can have your construction bots dig out underground spaces next to your ship to build more manufactories and anything else you're interested in, then flush the crushed rock into the river for it to be carried away. It'll also be a handy source of raw materials, and if you put in some more processing facilities you can flush non-toxic waste products in to the river as well.
Ohhhh so THIS is how we would had done things.... gives a different impression to how the start would be and having no one or even non-iconoclasts would be doable depending on the rolls of course, but still a lot more 'you have time to build up and options to stay hidden and such. For right now I'd do one turn of building before we go public. I'd perfer to have underground spaces cleared out and built manufactories and after those are done we make contact so we have the infrastructure there or just build some on the surface and use the forest as cover. Also shows how we would have acted or planned if we were near a hostile power or just needed to stay hidden.

Good on the AI for thinking of doing processing facilities so they don't need to dump toxic waste into the oceans of the planet.
Hmm... Okay, I'm coming around to the idea of waiting until we know more before we do a diplomacy, let me see what we can do...

EDIT: Ooof, nevermind, yeah, I'm not doing something obvious until we've established contact, and even a basic "Build more Industry" costs 200 CP with even standard camo. I'd rather take our chances with our stealth communications attempt to see if we can get permission before we get started. If it doesn't work out, we can still move forward discreetly because my build does let us hide our comms source, and if we botch or it turns out there's some fuckery going on that makes them not willing to play ball, we'll still be able to pivot to a more discreet approach.

100 CP is steep on it's own, it's monstrous with the markup for invisibility. Let's see if our diplomacy suite + Man of Stone does Work for us first.
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I've got a couple of goals with this plan. 1 - Don't make contact until we know who is who. 2 - Avoid psy-tech until we have better protections. 3 - Keep hidden until we are ready to make contact on our terms. 4 - Gain a basic level of protection

3 research actions will give us a reasonable start on tech. I'm not sure if a Underground Directional-Control Radio Tower works but if it does then it seems like it will be useful. Credit to @Alectai for the basics. My big problem with their plan is making contact before we, the players, have enough information to make a decision. I'd expect to make contact on turn 2 but I would like to be a little more sure first.

I really want to avoid warp corruption as well, so that's why I went with a better understanding of our defences before we start digging into psytech.

[ ] Plan: Looking before Leaping
-[] Research x3
--[] Understand local culture (50 RP)
--[] Better robotics (150 RP)
--[] Psychic shielding (300 RP)
--[] Bombers (100 RP)
-[] Construction:
--[] Underground Directional-Control Radio Tower (-75 BP, -5 CP)
--[] Light infantry bots (-25 BP, -200 CP)
I've got a couple of goals with this plan. 1 - Don't make contact until we know who is who. 2 - Avoid psy-tech until we have better protections. 3 - Keep hidden until we are ready to make contact on our terms. 4 - Gain a basic level of protection

3 research actions will give us a reasonable start on tech. I'm not sure if a Underground Directional-Control Radio Tower works but if it does then it seems like it will be useful. Credit to @Alectai for the basics. My big problem with their plan is making contact before we, the players, have enough information to make a decision. I'd expect to make contact on turn 2 but I would like to be a little more sure first.

I really want to avoid warp corruption as well, so that's why I went with a better understanding of our defences before we start digging into psytech.

[ ] Plan: Looking before Leaping
-[] Research x3
--[] Understand local culture (50 RP)
--[] Better robotics (150 RP)
--[] Psychic shielding (300 RP)
--[] Bombers (100 RP)
-[] Construction:
--[] Underground Directional-Control Radio Tower (-75 BP, -5 CP)
--[] Light infantry bots (-25 BP, -200 CP)

Yeah, that's not bad at all, more conservative than I'd like, but perfectly doable.
Yeah, that's not bad at all, more conservative than I'd like, but perfectly doable.
Thank you. I like being a bit cautious on turn one, until we get a better sense of how things are going to go.

For example we don't have a good sense on if a single unit of bots is enough to provide meaningful defense. Knowing more about the culture would probably give us a better sense on what kind of tactics we take on the talk VS build up and pull a Necron Tomb-world on the people question. :)
@Neablis I don't know much about 40k AIs but should they be this expressive? Especially since this is a Stone Man who should be much more basic than the Iron Men.

Unless they're hiding shit. Countries are always hiding shit, but it's always fun to dig it up and tease them about it. Especially when you're a ship in a distant orbit they can't touch.

This indicates that he's done this before and if I were any kind of government and a human, much less an AI, did this I'd order to dismantle them.

Not to mention that I don't think I'll like the personality of our protagonists if the vibe I'm getting from this chapter is true but I really like Plan Quest so I'll try to persist for a few more turns.
@Neablis I don't know much about 40k AIs but should they be this expressive? Especially since this is a Stone Man who should be much more basic than the Iron Men.


This indicates that he's done this before and if I were any kind of government and a human, much less an AI, did this I'd order to dismantle them.

Not to mention that I don't think I'll like the personality of our protagonists if the vibe I'm getting from this chapter is true but I really like Plan Quest so I'll try to persist for a few more turns.
Okay. First and foremost. You are making a lot of assumptions here.

For example, you are making assumptions, that Men of Stone would be less expressive, just because they came before Men of Iron, when for example, it might have been the case that Men of Iron were more "robotic" because their purpouse was more defined and they didn't need to be particulary "flexible" or "adaptive", while Men of Stone were flexible and diverse as they purpouse was exploration and colonization, so thinking outside the box would have been useful for them.

Ultimately however, we know very little about AI's in Dark Age of Technology, it's not the case about knowing or not knowing 40k background, we just don't know a lot about AI's in the Dark Age and that's it, there's little informations to go for and we basically have only examples of individual AI's.

But what we know, well, here's the quote from short story "Cybernetica" I already posted in this thread.

As Kane began to protest, the Carrion added, 'Which the clave-malagra of the Lexorcist General, the Divisio Probandi and the Prefecture Magisterium were tireless in their efforts to hunt down and persecute.' The Mechanicum overlord nodded his acquiescence.'I had the misfortune to see one such heretek sentenced to stasis containment in perpetuitas.'

'What was his crime?' the Fabricator General asked.

'The study of self-enhancing technologies.'

'Abominable intelligence?'

'Yes, general,'
the Carrion confirmed 'My Artisan Astartes exposed his students to the workings of the fearful Malagra, the Divisio Probandi and the Prefecture Magisterium early on, to instil in them repugnance for such deviations.'
So, yeah, being able to change, evolve and self-modify, seems to be one of universal characteristics of AI's, so even if Vita was just beep boop, robot originally with emotional capability of a calculator, she was able to develope on her own over time. Also, yeah, that's a she, not he, just so you know.

In the same vein, she didn't had to actually do it, the same way you don't have to break into secret government facility, to make assumption or conclude that government has stuff it wants to keep secret from the normal citizens.

Anyway, purely from roleplaying perspective, we should make contact this turn. Normally I would prefer to built over, but come on peope. You voted for ditzy AI's main protagonist that wants to go on a adventure and has no idea how shitty current Galaxy is.

You also voted for the most friendly, Human civilization to be our first contact with modern Galaxy. Either, keep with the stuff most of us chosen, or you should have voted for something else. There's really no reason for Vita to hold back when she can just communicate with local government right now. Again, we had options that would fit laying low and preparing and building over, people didn't vote for it, so at least let us hold to the choices or we might as well ask Neablis to start things over and let another plan win this time around if people suddenly want more standard empire building and laying low at the beginning.
Good on the AI for thinking of doing processing facilities so they don't need to dump toxic waste into the oceans of the planet.
I mean sure, it's more about not having a giant blighted region pointing directly towards your location though.

100 CP is steep on it's own, it's monstrous with the markup for invisibility. Let's see if our diplomacy suite + Man of Stone does Work for us first.
Yup! But think - one manufactory increases your production capability by 50%. Two doubles it. Exponential growth much?

@Neablis I don't know much about 40k AIs but should they be this expressive? Especially since this is a Stone Man who should be much more basic than the Iron Men.
The vote was for a more optimistic, bubbly personality along the lines of Alectai's write-in, which you can find here.

Not to mention that I don't think I'll like the personality of our protagonists if the vibe I'm getting from this chapter is true but I really like Plan Quest so I'll try to persist for a few more turns.
Sorry to hear it. It was more supposed to be a joke about stuff. And in the past the main character was more-or-less a rogue trader, though in a much more peaceful and civilized time. And that's very rogue-trader-y behavior.

You also voted for the most friendly, Human civilization to be our first contact with modern Galaxy. Either, keep with the stuff most of us chosen, or you should have voted for something else. There's really no reason for Vita to hold back when she can just communicate with local government right now. Again, we had options that would fit laying low and preparing and building over, people didn't vote for it, so at least let us hold to the choices or we might as well ask Neablis to start things over and let another plan win this time around if people suddenly want more standard empire building and laying low at the beginning.
Dlan, you're coming on a little strong here again. And people want to lay low because I strongly hinted in the update that it would be pretty risky to make contact with zero precautions.
I really liked the passive aggressive tone to a simple question, but I'll try to be calm when answering.

Okay. First and foremost. You are making a lot of assumptions here.

For example, you are making assumptions, that Men of Stone would be less expressive, just because they came before Men of Iron, when for example, it might have been the case that Men of Iron were more "robotic" because their purpouse was more defined and they didn't need to be particulary "flexible" or "adaptive", while Men of Stone were flexible and diverse as they purpouse was exploration and colonization, so thinking outside the box would have been useful for them.

Ultimately however, we know very little about AI's in Dark Age of Technology, it's not the case about knowing or not knowing 40k background, we just don't know a lot about AI's in the Dark Age and that's it, there's little informations to go for and we basically have only examples of individual AI's.
I'm not making any assumptions, I'm trying to clarify myself because I was once told that the order of soditication and expressiveness went from Stone-Iron-Gold. So I just wanted to know if it was different here.

So, yeah, being able to change, evolve and self-modify, seems to be one of universal characteristics of AI's, so even if Vita was just beep boop, robot originally with emotional capability of a calculator, she was able to develope on her own over time. Also, yeah, that's a she, not he, just so you know.
I never said it couldn't be, but it surprised me because I thought that even though it was the personality that won, I thought it would be a calmer tone than it was. And where did I make a mistake about the gender of the AI? I only talked about it as a machine, with the words "he" because I automatically assume the masculine pronoun for machines without meaning to, but thanks for pointing that out.

(I still don't like your tone, which seemed like I was denying the preferred gender of something when I didn't even know it before to start the conversation)

In the same vein, she didn't had to actually do it, the same way you don't have to break into secret government facility, to make assumption or conclude that government has stuff it wants to keep secret from the normal citizens.
Assuming that the government or authorities have skeletons? Of course, everyone does that. But the sentence I indicated gave the impression, at least to me, that the machine would dig up the secrets and then use them to provoke the government from afar, where they couldn't touch it and I thought "seriously? And you've never been punished for that? When governments kill people for less and the thought of a self-evolving AI doing it must give anyone nightmares and they should certainly have the ability to punish AI that breaks laws?". It's amazing that everything was said in a tone of a fun joke that had no consequences.

Anyway, purely from roleplaying perspective, we should make contact this turn. Normally I would prefer to built over, but come on peope. You voted for ditzy AI's main protagonist that wants to go on a adventure and has no idea how shitty current Galaxy is.

You also voted for the most friendly, Human civilization to be our first contact with modern Galaxy. Either, keep with the stuff most of us chosen, or you should have voted for something else. There's really no reason for Vita to hold back when she can just communicate with local government right now. Again, we had options that would fit laying low and preparing and building over, people didn't vote for it, so at least let us hold to the choices or we might as well ask Neablis to start things over and let another plan win this time around if people suddenly want more standard empire building and laying low at the beginning.
And finally thank you for assuming completely wrong things about me, since I didn't vote for this last turn and instead voted for the historian because I liked his calm personality better and I'm kind of tired of trying to create a super happy society with diplomacy, because it seems that most 40k quests want to use that way to fix the universe. I would much prefer to have incredible Necron and Eldar technological excavations in the style of Indiana Jones.

So thanks for making a useless speech that bordered on insulting me out of nowhere.

[X] Plan: TFW a history degree needs a battleship

The vote was for a more optimistic, bubbly personality along the lines of Alectai's write-in, which you can find here.

Sorry to hear it. It was more supposed to be a joke about stuff. And in the past the main character was more-or-less a rogue trader, though in a much more peaceful and civilized time. And that's very rogue-trader-y behavior.

Thank you for the much kinder way of responding and for the answers.

I hadn't seen this before so thanks for pointing it out to me.

Yeah, I saw it was supposed to be more fun but the tone came across a bit too strong for me who always prepares for 40K quests, so I got a bit of a shock with the contrast in expectations without being prepared. I think I'll just skip the dialogue parts and focus on the incredible infrastructure and research that I love about Plan Quest.

Great work and keep it up!
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Kinda early for that, but I want our ship to be literally giant swan ship.

Silver-white, with semi-decorative, bird wings at the sides, in them we will put some anti-gravity tech to navigate through planetary atmosphere.

On the front will be semi-decorative swan head and we put in place of eyes, singularity cannons and on the upper part of the ship, we will put diamondoid glass house, in which we will be gathering flora and fauna from across the sector.
I was thinking of a cylindirical clown car but that works too I guess