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1005: "He's Just..."
[X] Madoka is NEVER a good liar.

"...Well, it's nice to... Meet you?" You say, unsure if talking to an alternative version of your friend counts as "meeting", "My name's Yumi, but I guess you already knew that, huh?"

"I do." The other Madoka's orb of light seems to mimic nodding, "I've been keeping an eye on your reality for a little while now, and I'm pretty impressed! You should show me how you revert Witches to Magical Girls sometime!"

"I'd like to, don't get me wrong..." You glance at the darkness, "...But we should be quick about your business. We aren't alone here."

"...Ah, right." Madoka/Kami chuckles as if she just got caught in a lie, "His presence here... Is my doing. Sorry, I meant to run it by you, but... Things happened, and..."

"And...?" You motion for her to continue. You spot the stranger's silhouette in the dark, limping around.

"...His world... Was destroyed." Madokami finishes, "When I found him in that desolate wasteland, he was mere moments away from dying then and there. That boy tried so hard to save the ones he cared about, but it all came tumbling down around him..." There's a great deal of sorrow in her voice, "I know most people would consider him a lost cause, but I've seen how bravely he fights! I've seen how deeply he cares...! But now..." A deep sadness invades her tone, "...He thinks he has nothing left. So, I ask you this." Madokami breathes in, "Please take him into your world. Rehabilitate him. There's no doubt he'll resist, he tried to fight me when I came to him, but he's not malicious! He's just..."

[] ??????????????????????????????????????
[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, it's hard to imagine someone worse at communicating than Uncle Raido."
-[X] "Though, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."
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[X] "Worse at communicating than my uncle?"
-[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."

Derived from Herofox's vote, but I prefer my suggestion as an opener/finishing of Madokami's thought.
[X] "Worse at communicating than my uncle?"
-[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."

I feel like this is worded a bit better.
[X] "Worse at communicating than my uncle?"
-[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."
[X] "Worse at communicating than my uncle?"
-[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."
[X] "Worse at communicating than my uncle?"
-[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."
[X] "Worse at communicating than my uncle?"
-[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."
Yumi: "So anyways, I brought home this feral genderbent version of me!"

Homura: "This implies that you aren't a feral version of you... I don't know how to feel about this."

Yumi: "And it was the Divine Madoka's idea!"

Madoka: "Not that I'm not flattered, but.. I'm not divine? And I don't remember doing anything like that..."

Homura: "No, no, lets hear her out."
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Yuki, shouting: Well, have you ever lost the love of your life?!

Yumi, also shouting: No!

Yuki: GOOD! It's not something I'd wish upon anyone!

Yumi, still shouting: I'M SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS!

Yuki: YOUR CONCERN IS NOTED! *Slams the door to his room*

Yumi, casually: That went well!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 12, 2024 at 9:14 PM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "Worse at communicating than my uncle?"
    -[X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."
    [X] "I'll try, but no promises. He wouldn't be the first prickly person I've met and I doubt he'll be the last. Still, it's hard to imagine someone worse at communicating than Uncle Raido."
    -[X] "Though, if he tried to fight you, what makes you think he'll accept me and mine? We just got finished with a whole thing on our side."
    [X] « So he's lashing out huh? »
    -[X] « Don't worry, I should be able to get through his thick head I'm a friend »
1006: Retreat, Retreat...!
[X] "Sucks at talking, got it!"

"Even worse at communicating than my uncle?" You try to joke.

"...That's not really fair..." Madokami sounds a little sad, "...But he's not adept at speaking about his problems, no."

"I mean, I can give it a shot, but no promises." You cross your arms, "He won't be the first prickly person I've met, and he certainly won't be the last. Still, though..." You look at the ground, "...If he tried to attack you when you offered him help, what makes you think he'll accept my help? We just got finished dealing with an entire cult, anyhow."

"...I don't." Madokami admits, "I don't know if he even knows how to accept help, but he needs it. I'm sorry about the timing, but it just... Came up. Thank you for trying, anyway."

"Hey, don't thank me yet. I haven't tried anything!" You nudge the ball of pink light with your elbow...

...But your elbow goes through the orb.

"Ow!" Madokami's orb jolts back, "Yumi, you just- ow- elbowed me in the eye!"

"Oh, uh, sorry!" You sheepishly run your arm, "I, uh, um...!"

"Ow...!" Madokami seems a little distressed, "It's okay, I should've told you that this was important!"

You feel a familiar presence in the air as the Lost Samurai appears from the shadows. "Yumi? What is that?" He asks calmly.

"Oh, um, gotta go, thankyoubye!" Madokami's orb of quickly light fades away.

The Lost Samurai places his hands on his hips, "...Interesting. Would you care to tell me what that was, Yumi? Also, is it related to our guest, wherever he scampered off to?"

[] ??????????????????????????????
[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."

How did we poke a concept in the eye lmao
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[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
-[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And if he willing to help protect my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
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[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
-[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And if he willing to help protect my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
Don't have a better suggestion right now, but I don't like the idea of him being welcome in the world being contingent on him helping protect it.
I mean, he'll probably end up doing that anyway, but I feel we should let him stay as long as he isn't actively a threat.
Don't have a better suggestion right now, but I don't like the idea of him being welcome in the world being contingent on him helping protect it.
I mean, he'll probably end up doing that anyway, but I feel we should let him stay as long as he isn't actively a threat.
How does this edit work for you?
[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
-[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And so long as he doesn't plan to anything bad for my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
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[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
-[X] Speaking up: "I don't mind helping them either, but it sounds like this will need 'The Shonen Treatment' first before they'll accept help!"

Best I've got...
(Also is done - if less often - in Shojo!)
Don't have a better suggestion right now, but I don't like the idea of him being welcome in the world being contingent on him helping protect it.
I mean, he'll probably end up doing that anyway, but I feel we should let him stay as long as he isn't actively a threat.
We're not exactly in a situation to be running a charity.

Sides, it gives him something to distract his mind given his whole situation. It's better than letting him brood I think.
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