The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

Voting is open
[X] Plan: Fuck it democracy time
-[X] The Word Bearers: More than any other Legion, the Word Bearers, Sons of Lorgar Aurelian, creator of the Imperial Creed and the First Heretic, were masters of spreading ideals. Any Chapter born from them is likely to spread the teachings of their home planet far and wide. Beyond this, they were a generalist Legion, practicing all forms of war, though their investment in promoting their own philosophy and ideology makes them skilled at countering those who attempt the same.
-[X] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
--[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
--[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
Voting for this because I think it would be funny if the space marines of the biggest demon worshiper primarch were in charge of the IRS the irony just works on so many levels
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Votes as they stand.
Adhoc vote count started by DXCS on Oct 16, 2024 at 12:37 AM, finished with 206 posts and 63 votes.

  • [X] IRS - Part 2 VA
    - [X] Ultramarines
    - [X] Atherena
    -- [X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
    -- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed
    [X] Plan: Fuck it democracy time
    -[X] The Word Bearers: More than any other Legion, the Word Bearers, Sons of Lorgar Aurelian, creator of the Imperial Creed and the First Heretic, were masters of spreading ideals. Any Chapter born from them is likely to spread the teachings of their home planet far and wide. Beyond this, they were a generalist Legion, practicing all forms of war, though their investment in promoting their own philosophy and ideology makes them skilled at countering those who attempt the same.
    -[X] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
    --[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
    --[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
    [X] Plan: Covert Revolutionary Operations Wing
    -[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
    -[X] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
    --[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
    --[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
    [X] IRS - Part 2 VB
    [X] Plan: He's Right Behind Me, Isn't He?
    -[X] The Alpha Legion: The Gene-Seed derived from the traitorous Alpharius is, despite it's origins, very pure as the physical is concerned, with no noticeable mutations beyond the fact that Alpha Legionaires tend to so closely resemble their father as to be able to impersonate him convincingly. On the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative, resulting in them being masters of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and all other forms of indirect warfare.
    -[X] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.
    [X] Plan Ravens of Rhodes
    -[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
    -[X] Rhodes 77: A planet in the Ultramar region, Rhodes is an important hub world due to it's location along several of the most stable warp routes known to Ultramar. This makes the regions near the world a den of piracy both of the human and xenos variety. (Ultramar Region).
    [X] IRS - Master Bruce Van Helsing Edition
    [X] IRS - Part 2 VB
    - [X] Ultramarines
    - [X] Fleet Based
    - [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed
    [X] Plan Penant Birds
    -[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
    -[X] Penancia II: During the Heresy the planet of Penancia II sent a great many soldiers to aid in the loyalists' cause. However, most of them wound up killed in transit, and the people of Penancia felt it was their fault. Despite the fact no one in the Imperium even slightly blames them for it - it's not like they were the ones flying the blasted ships - the people of Penancia II have taken to flagellation and ritual scarring of themselves en masse, to atone for failing the rest of humanity.
    --[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
    --[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
    [X] Plan Croc Hunters
You trudge forward, your displeasure radiating in a near visible cloud around you. Reports of the Orks growing in number and power at an unprecedented rate, have been streaming forth, and yet many higher ups within the Mechanicum seem intent on simply ignoring the growing threat. As if ignoring the Orks has ever lead to anything but cataclysm!

Hmph, it looks like you'll end up even more busy in the near futu -
Oh boy its around the War of the Beast timing there or close to it and Grimm knowing history well enough not to ignore orks and just wipe them out before the problem appears.

The moment you leave your room, you find yourself confronted with a figure. Normally, anyone interrupting your day would themselves facing your ire unless they had a very good excuse for taking up your impossibly limited time. But no such wrath fills you now, for if any human alive can make you throw aside your own plans, it is this man - or rather, the one he represents.

For when a Custodian of the Emissaries Imperatus stands before you, loyalty and faith alike mean there is but one response you can give.
Oh boy I wonder what CRAZY visitor or incident will happen th- what. WHAT. Custodes here!?

"..... How may I serve the Emperor?"

The Master Of Mankind Commands You - What is His Will?

[ ] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.

[ ] Retrieval: You are to develop a Chapter specialized towards finding and protecting the {EXTRA REDACTED}, due to their personal importance to the Emperor Himself.

[ ] The 4 Gates: You are to place a Chapter on a planet with the ({SUPER FUCKING REDACTED} Gate) keyword.
....yah, that's the only thing one can say with that. and we are doing a request STRAIGHT from the Emperor himself. Holy fucking shit I guess Grimm proved himself in this.

I already know the vote given Golden Suns title but damn I hoped Retrieval would have won and we have a chance to save/help the Sensei.

[ ] Latch Boots: A superior counterpart to the regular mag-boots in Power Armour, these fascinating devices gives the Chapter's armor the ability to 'stick' itself onto any surface at will - letting the Astartes of the chapter fight on vertical surfaces, or even while upside down. 10 Points.
we REALLY should give this design to a chapter soon. I vote for the horse rider chapter for the damn meme and image of Space Marines riding horses in power armor lowering lances and charging Straight up walls to their enemies.

This has been…. a trial and a half to say the least. Of all the Legions, the Thousand Sons had perhaps the most difficulties to deal with outside of the Space Wolves, thanks to the accursed Flesh Change, and according to your orders, the next Chapter needs to be made using their Gene-Seed. He was quite specific on this point, from what the Custodes told you - using a Chimeric mix was doable, but they must be of the Sons of Magnus.

Whatever the Emperor's plans are…. It must require a great deal of psychic power. Still, as difficult as it is to deal with, you'd be willing to take on far worse at the Omnissiah's command - on your word, you'll see this done.
Yah, besides the Spacewolves thing with the geneseed on non-Fenrisian humans, the Thousand Sons Flesh Change is even more bad and annoying as the Blood Angel's issues. so Chimera hybrid is the best chance for this to have some stabilization. Maybe. I do wonder what Emps has planned for this.

[ ] Cancer IV: A planet orbited by the dead remains of a crab-like xeno beast the size of Terra's moon. Despite it's death, the creature still seems to have some sort of regeneration active, leading to massive chunks of flesh and shell bombarding the planet from time to time. Oddly enough the beast, particularly it's shell, seems to repel the warp to some extent, and the forces of Chaos had an extremely difficult time operating on the planet during the Heresy. (Segmentum Solar).
We really should do this planet soon. just too tempting not to do and we've done enough request to take a break and go crazy with one of the chapters to see how the crab would give traits. I'm just worried about of focus on the requests and 'fixing' the Imperium instead of just having some fun and combos for fun instead of hyper focusing to min-max some requests.

Current Traits
-Anathema (Free due to Planet, Task, and Legion Combo): The psyker powers of this Legion are Anathema to the forces of Chaos, and destroy them with contemptuous ease. Few are those so blessed as to manifest such might, the very nature of the Emperor made manifest.
-Golden Scales (Mutation/Salamanders/Grimm Interrupt): Originally, this mutation would have caused a horrific transformation into a carnivorous, lizard like creature, but due to the quick intervention of the attending Genetor it's full impact has thankfully been blunted. Instead, when this mutation manifests the affected Marines gain patches of glittering golden scales on their skin, as well as a very strong resistance to fire and psychic attacks. You have a migraine.
Hold on there, the hell? So because its the Planet choose, being of the Thousand Sons geneseed, and the task they all just became the same as the Emperor was the Anathema to forces of Chaos? okay how many anti-chaos chapters have we made at this point? it just keeps happening, we have the Keepers of Truth, the Steel Champions to a degree, the Seraph Brotherhood, and now this one. It just keeps happening, even if its only a few.

Ohhhhh okay, I see what happened right some of the mutations from the Salamander Successor chapters,, looks like a natural mutation happened and Grimm helped to stabilize it. I have to ask if this is from the Salamanders specifically about becoming Dragons or due to the combo of Thousand Son and Salamander. So it did end up working out and the affected marines gain patches of golden scales and very strong resistance to fire and psychic attacks... damn the traits for some of this Chapter's Space Marines are gonna stack with other ones later down aren't they? cause this two alone already give some good effects, double so if these are on pyskers.... which given we did Thousand Son primary for this hybrid one? there's a very good chance of that.

-Radiance (Mutation/Thousand Sons/Emperor Interrupt): This mutation would give the Marines an aura of unease towards anyone they encounter, similar to a Blank. Instead, due to nothing less than the Emperor's own intervention, Librarians of this chapter radiate with a glorious light reminiscent of the Astronomicon itself - a visible mark of His favour.
-Crucible Thrones: {REDACTED}
-Purging Flame: The Pyromantic assaults from this Chapter's Librarians are exceptionally devastating to all those struck by it, especially Chaos and it's servants.
Anddddddd I was right in it stacking. So another mutation coming from the Thousand Sons this time and needed the Emperor's attention to fix, I guess this is thanks to being a request directly from him that he helped with this. The original effect... wouldn't be horrible per say, uncomfortable and affect things sure but not the chapter ending secret or anything. And since it was fixed it worked out to give the Librarians of the chapter to.... give a glorious light... similar to the Astronomicon......OH, that was the plan. He's trying to make another replacement for the Golden Throne or mini-golden thrones to spread the workload. hence them needing this.

Nothing on the Crucible Thrones but given the name I think I have an idea of what it is doing paired with Radiance.

Purging flame combos well with Golden Scales since they have very high resistance to Fire and Psychic type attacks so them using Flame Psykery doesn't affect them as much and paired with the Anathema trait, really screws over Daemons and Chaos forces. Might as well make them the Golden Dragons at this point.

-Golden Dragons: Giant, golden scaled, winged firebreathing lizards native to Emperor's Landing. The very fact that Grimm allows his juniors to call them 'Dragons' is widely held as proof among the Genetor community that Grimm does not, in fact, hate fun.
-Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-Temperature Resistance: The Marines of this Chapter are highly resistant to extreme temperatures, even by Space Marine standards.
..... I WAS KIDDING! I made a joke and while it wasn't turning into dragon, they HAVE Golden Dragons on Emperor's landing and tamed them enough to use them like the Keepers of Truth did with the WarpEaters, at least I assume. HAH, nice little aside of Grimm letting others call them dragons and letting the juniors have fun with it.

okay so Blademasters, pretty good with blades, so its something but not too much to synergize with besides including more fire as it doesn't affect them as much. And even more with Temperature resistant.... wow Fire REALLY does not do shit to them at this point does it? would Plasma weapons hurt them because of the insane heat of that point? or more from the Radiation ?

-Civilian Empathy: Marines from this Chapter care deeply for the civilian population of their home planet, and all the Imperium's people.
-Powerful Psykers: Marines from this Chapter are particularly powerful psykers, and the ability appears more often among them.
-Fast Learners: Marines from this Chapter are fast learners in all fields of study, leading them to be skilled in a number of fields.
Oh sweet, they got the Civilian Empathy trait and it does in fact come from the Salamanders. nice warm detail.

And we have the trait from the Thousand Sons with being Powerful Pyskers and more of them being Psykers. pairs well with the other traits and makes it worst to fight them as they will have trait that synergize too well.

Oh and they are fast learners, guessing that's Thousand Sons as well. pretty good to know for the training part.

"I am sorry," You begin, frowning at the Tech Priest before you as you battle the immense migraine you are currently suffering after BOTH THE THOUSAND SONS AND SALAMANDERS GENE SEED STARTED TO MUTATE ON YOU AT THE SAME TIME WHY DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA - "But why, pray tell, am I the only one in the entirety of Mars that can repair the Prometheus Plasma Reactor? Plasma is my secondary specialty, and I was only ever the fourth best at it anyway - why not bother Archmagos Retirtomorah instead?"

"He died during the Schism, Lord."
Hahaha, Grimm being drunk when making it would be funny but it does seem odd for Grimm to decide to use the two Geneseeds known for mutations did seem out and caused him a major migraine fixing it.... Oh and he's being told to fix the Prometheus Plasma Reactor. And really? Grimm is Genetor first but has a secondary specialty in plasma? it would explain the plasma pistols being relic/masterworks.....

Ohhhh I think I see what's going on, he WAS the fourth best all those years ago. but with this one passed away.

You raise an eyebrow. "Archmagos Hazafamilee?"

"Died during the Scouring."

"Archmagos Crimson Tunic?"

"He was assassinated by the Alpha Legion a decade ago."
And those two.... he is now the best with plasma Specialty on Mars.... holy shit they are losing knowledge and experience so fast. and this is still decades/centuries from the Horus Hersey. So one died during the Hersey, one during the Scouring, and a decade ago by the Alpha legion Assassination. Damn I think I know what they were trying to do.

WHAT!? No! You actually got along with him!
... Blast. It seems the Mechanicus is down another relatively sane individual. Relatively being an important word - no one who reaches the rank of Archmagos is sane, case in point you - but still.

"So you mean to tell me," you say calmly, "that there is literally no one left other than me able to maintain a Prometheus Reactor?"

"Lord Cawl was mentioned, but... well, the Fabricator General and many other Archmagi said they'd rather see the reactor dismantled than let him touch it."

.... You know what, checks out. You'd actually agree with them, if you weren't UTTERLY LIVID.
Poor Grimm, he lost another Archmagos he could tolerate and get along with. Also another sane individual that knows their specialty like Grimm does is rare and lost a lot of expertise there. And Grimm sees the problem with that. Well Crawl could do it but given how the other techpriests view him.... that's fair and the smart choice. Grimm does not like having his time taken up by the other magos and techpriests messing up again making him do it when its not even his department/area of work.

"Fine." You growl. "But I want every single Tech Priest you can find that would be worthy of the secrets of the reactors sent to me when this is over. I have enough work as it is, and the fact that literally everyone other than me who can perform this sort of maintenance on some of our key infrastructure is dead with no successors having been appointed is a crime against the Omnissiah himself. Am I understood?"

"Y-y-yes, Lord Grimm!"
and now he is going to make sure to train other Tech Priest so they know how to fix this shit and leave him out of it next time, as well as that there will be someone capable of repairing it if he kicks the bucket. And it really is a crime that no one saw this and tried to fix the fact only Grimm could fix it and having no other replacements even being trained on it.

Sweet Emperor the bounty on grimm's head from chaos must be bigger than some primarchs
We just keep doing it and making more Anti-Chaos Chapters that just stomp chaos forces. its only a few chapters but they are good stand in and replacements if you can't get the Grey Knights. I'd say the warp tumors ordering someone to assassinate grimm isn't too far off. especially after this one.

[X] Plan: Fuck it democracy time
[X] Plan: Covert Revolutionary Operations Wing
I know this is a bit early but what do you guys think for this chapter

Chapter name: The Helldivers
Chapter colors: black with neon yellow trim and stripes
Chapter symbol: a black winged skull on a field of yellow
Chapter creed: For Democracy!!!, My Body for the Emperor!!!!,
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[X] IRS - Part 2 VA

I will change my vote, The Ultra's may spread democracy or not, but they are better at making and maintaining a functional system. I don't trust what a word bearer would do here
Votes as they stand.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Oct 16, 2024 at 9:17 AM, finished with 222 posts and 70 votes.

  • [X] IRS - Part 2 VA
    - [X] Ultramarines
    - [X] Atherena
    -- [X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
    -- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed
    [X] Plan: Fuck it democracy time
    -[X] The Word Bearers: More than any other Legion, the Word Bearers, Sons of Lorgar Aurelian, creator of the Imperial Creed and the First Heretic, were masters of spreading ideals. Any Chapter born from them is likely to spread the teachings of their home planet far and wide. Beyond this, they were a generalist Legion, practicing all forms of war, though their investment in promoting their own philosophy and ideology makes them skilled at countering those who attempt the same.
    -[X] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
    --[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
    --[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
    [X] Plan: Covert Revolutionary Operations Wing
    -[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
    -[X] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
    --[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
    --[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
    [X] IRS - Part 2 VB
    [X] Plan: He's Right Behind Me, Isn't He?
    -[X] The Alpha Legion: The Gene-Seed derived from the traitorous Alpharius is, despite it's origins, very pure as the physical is concerned, with no noticeable mutations beyond the fact that Alpha Legionaires tend to so closely resemble their father as to be able to impersonate him convincingly. On the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative, resulting in them being masters of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and all other forms of indirect warfare.
    -[X] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.
    [X] Plan Ravens of Rhodes
    -[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
    -[X] Rhodes 77: A planet in the Ultramar region, Rhodes is an important hub world due to it's location along several of the most stable warp routes known to Ultramar. This makes the regions near the world a den of piracy both of the human and xenos variety. (Ultramar Region).
    [X] IRS - Master Bruce Van Helsing Edition
    [X] IRS - Part 2 VB
    - [X] Ultramarines
    - [X] Fleet Based
    - [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed
    [X] Plan Penant Birds
    -[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
    -[X] Penancia II: During the Heresy the planet of Penancia II sent a great many soldiers to aid in the loyalists' cause. However, most of them wound up killed in transit, and the people of Penancia felt it was their fault. Despite the fact no one in the Imperium even slightly blames them for it - it's not like they were the ones flying the blasted ships - the people of Penancia II have taken to flagellation and ritual scarring of themselves en masse, to atone for failing the rest of humanity.
    --[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
    --[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
    [X] Plan Croc Hunters
Voting is open