Then assign some Terminator armor to the Elite 10th when you think it's needed, and use the loadout I suggested to support them or the rest of the time.
Do you realize we can't make Terminator Armor? We don't have the STC for it.
And I have a sinking feeling that Milan has the Terminator STC while Smilney has the Land Raider one.
Because under your interpretation, then making a normal 1st Company is a trap option and I have more faith in the QM then that. I, for my part, don't understand why you're so enamored of the idea we can make our Veterans be Scouts and still have them be just as good at their traditional roles with no downsides.
You are making it sound as if the scouts are just normal scouts with a fancy coat of paint. I mean veterans aren't 1 trick ponies, while not great they can still do major damage against armored foes. And for the record future Terminator squads spread out to other companies is not bad, if anything it cuts down on micro-management.
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