Fuck it, a bunch of plans based on the leading plan. Variations swapping either the Potent Gene Seed charge or one of the Extra Trainers charges to get Power Chakrams, and then variations on those to use Ultramarines instead of Salamanders for the secondary:
[x] Plan: Draconic Wizards with Frizbee Training
-[X] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.
-[x] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
--[X] Salamanders.
-[x] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option. 2x
-[X] Power Chakram: An odd example of weapon design, the power Chakram is nonetheless a lethal weapon, both in close range and to anyone foolish enough to be hit by its thrown form.
[x] Plan: Draconic Wizards with Frizbee Potency
-[X] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.
-[x] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
-[x] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
--[X] Salamanders.
-[x] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.
-[X] Power Chakram: An odd example of weapon design, the power Chakram is nonetheless a lethal weapon, both in close range and to anyone foolish enough to be hit by its thrown form.
[x] Plan: Blue Wizards with Frizbee Training
-[X] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.
-[x] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
--[X] Ultramarines.
-[x] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option. 2x
-[X] Power Chakram: An odd example of weapon design, the power Chakram is nonetheless a lethal weapon, both in close range and to anyone foolish enough to be hit by its thrown form.
[x] Plan: Blue Wizards with Frizbee Potency
-[X] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.
-[x] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
-[x] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
--[X] Ultramarines.
-[x] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.
-[X] Power Chakram: An odd example of weapon design, the power Chakram is nonetheless a lethal weapon, both in close range and to anyone foolish enough to be hit by its thrown form.
And an approval vote for the only other plan in the tally with power chakrams:
[X] Plan: The Loyal Sons.