The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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I think we could just marked as fulfilled all the anti chaos specific requests. If the ordo malleus is already keeping what is probably several companies of Seraphs over the years worth of marines to do their job. XD
I actually think it would be better to put them on Scottish World on Fenrisian Sector. If we add Bird Hunting I am pretty sure they would get trait which makes especially good at killing Tzeentch daemons and forces.
Basically create Necron situation and that Nids will use more biomass than what they gain?
Yeah! I figure if we use Iron Hands as a base and go hard on techmarines, we can get a chapter that focuses on ships/vehicle combat.

It takes a lot of effort to take down a tank, for comparatively little biomass. If the crew are also half-cybernetic, that's just more ash in the mouths of Tyrannids.

Techmarines are also the ones who build disposable stuff like tarantula turrets, which are a pure loss for a tyrannid.

Plus, feels weird that none of the chapters seem to have solid Mechanicus relations as a primary focus yet.
Yeah! I figure if we use Iron Hands as a base and go hard on techmarines, we can get a chapter that focuses on ships/vehicle combat.

It takes a lot of effort to take down a tank, for comparatively little biomass. If the crew are also half-cybernetic, that's just more ash in the mouths of Tyrannids.

Techmarines are also the ones who build disposable stuff like tarantula turrets, which are a pure loss for a tyrannid.

Plus, feels weird that none of the chapters seem to have solid Mechanicus relations as a primary focus yet.
Well...I think we will push hard into cyborg transformation with those guys only if homeworld and traits line up, which can really depend. To be real, putting Iron Hands with Death Guard as a chimera chapter is possible but costly, and really ironic given what Roboutian Heresy Iron Hands became. But it is not needed.
The 8th Chapter Prologue New
You trudge forward, your displeasure radiating in a near visible cloud around you. Reports of the Orks growing in number and power at an unprecedented rate, have been streaming forth, and yet many higher ups within the Mechanicum seem intent on simply ignoring the growing threat. As if ignoring the Orks has ever lead to anything but cataclysm!

Hmph, it looks like you'll end up even more busy in the near futu -

The moment you leave your room, you find yourself confronted with a figure. Normally, anyone interrupting your day would themselves facing your ire unless they had a very good excuse for taking up your impossibly limited time. But no such wrath fills you now, for if any human alive can make you throw aside your own plans, it is this man - or rather, the one he represents.

For when a Custodian of the Emissaries Imperatus stands before you, loyalty and faith alike mean there is but one response you can give.

"..... How may I serve the Emperor?"

The Master Of Mankind Commands You - What is His Will?

[ ] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.

[ ] Retrieval: You are to develop a Chapter specialized towards finding and protecting the {EXTRA REDACTED}, due to their personal importance to the Emperor Himself.

[ ] The 4 Gates: You are to place a Chapter on a planet with the ({SUPER FUCKING REDACTED} Gate) keyword.

Reputation: 265
Points: 40

[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders of various Patterns, granting them a more capable fast attack force. 10 Points.
[ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average, expanding their capability in hit and run tactics. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Whirlwinds: This chapter has access to more Whirlwind artillery pieces than is average. 5 Points
[ ] Extra Vindicators: This chapter has greater access to the Vindicator piece than most. 5 Points
[ ] More Stalkers: The Chapter has additional platforms of the Stalker anti-aircraft vehicle. 5 Points
[ ] More Hunters: This chapter has additional examples of the Hunter heavy anti-aircraft vehicle. 5 Points
[ ] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks, allowing them to engage in armored warfare with better facility. 5 Points.

1 Time modifiers (Can be purchased multiple times and stored for later.)
[ ] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
[ ] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
[ ] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
[ ] Extra Land Raiders: The Chapter is able to acquire more Land Raiders than normal, allowing them to more freely deploy the mighty IFV against their enemies. 10 Points per charge.
[ ] More Terminators: This chapter has more sets of terminator armor than normal. 10 Points per charge.
[ ] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
[ ] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
[ ] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.

Unique STC's
Sometimes you can use your connections to get a Chapter access to some… harder to acquire pieces of equipment. Unfortunately, the Forge Worlds you managed to get in touch with all made it quite clear they were only willing to do this once - each Chapter gets only one of these specialised tools, and they won't let you give it to a second Chapter afterwards. They simply can't afford the loss of prestige from their secrets becoming so widespread. Blasted politics, encouraging everyone to keep all their knowledge to themselves and making it so you have to rediscover it all from scratch when they inevitably perish...

[ ] Latch Boots: A superior counterpart to the regular mag-boots in Power Armour, these fascinating devices gives the Chapter's armor the ability to 'stick' itself onto any surface at will - letting the Astartes of the chapter fight on vertical surfaces, or even while upside down. 10 Points.
[ ] Cerberus Pattern Dreadnaught: A dreadnought intended to replicate and replace the power of the now unused Leviathan Siege Dreadnought. The design gets around the risk of killing its occupants by spreading the load out among three Astartes instead of one - thereby keeping the strain from overwhelming any one of them. Of course, that does come at the risk of the blasted thing needing three critically injured Space Marines to work together to get it moving, but that's still far superior to them occasionally dropping dead mid battle. 15 Points.
[ ] Power Chakram: An odd example of weapon design, the power Chakram is nonetheless a lethal weapon, both in close range and to anyone foolish enough to be hit by its thrown form. 5 Points
[ ] Cauter Blade: A specialized vibro blade of intense cutting power, which the Techpriest showing it to you theorizes was probably made for usage against regenerating creatures by the Ancients. When the Cauter Blade is active, the middle of the blade becomes superheated to the point that both sides of the wounds it creates are separately cauterized, keeping the wound from healing properly and making it far more difficult to reattach or regenerate lost limbs. It does, of course, come with the price that enemies struck with it face no fear of bleeding out whatsoever. 5 Points
[ ] Crusher Pattern Dreadnought: A strange take on the traditional Dreadnought concept, where the lower half of the body has been replaced with treads. This makes the chassis incapable of fighting in doors (for one thing, it can be defeated by a single set of stairs), but in turn the upper half is even more heavily armored, possess greatly enhanced weapons packages for its limbs, and even has a pair of massive heavy weapons mounted on each shoulder. 10 Points.
[ ] Rover Pattern Dreadnaught: A Dreadnought model on wheels, the Rover Class is far faster than just about any other dreadnaught type, without being much more expensive than the standard Castraferrum Pattern dreadnought chassis. It does suffer in difficult terrain in comparison to the basic or Crusher dreadnaughts, however. 10 Points.
[ ] Excelsior Pattern Dreadnaughts: One of the most advanced dreadnought Patterns you've ever seen, though it is only about as strong as the Contemptor Dreadnought the Excelsior is equipped with powerful jets that allow it to rapidly propel itself forward, and a nerve intertwinement mechanic that actually lets the occupant feel physical touch through the dreadnought itself - something usually impossible, even for you. All without putting any additional strain on the pilot. 15 Points.

OOC: Thanks to da beta. WAAAAAAAGH!
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Edit: Alright, time to think about this one. What level of shiny do we want to go for?
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The Master Of Mankind Commands You - What is His Will?

[ ] ???: Your next Chapter is to be from the lineage of the Thousand Sons, and will be entrusted with the {REDACTED} technology upon their completion.

[ ] Retrieval: You are to develop a Chapter specialized towards finding and protecting the {EXTRA REDACTED}, due to their personal importance to the Emperor Himself.

[ ] The 4 Gates: You are to place a Chapter on a planet with the ({SUPER FUCKING REDACTED} Gate) keyword.
So I'm going to guess that Big E wants Grimm to make Chapters dedicated to building the Imperial Webway, finding and protecting the Sensei and guarding the Molech Warp Gate, respectively.

That's just my guess. Not too sure on the first one though.
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