After all the fucking effort to keep it secret *sigh*
Remember how wizards are nosey as shit?
Y'all better start putting together a plausible explanation for the names we just spilled over the PA to all and sundry.
Tiffany is cursing at a botched summoning.
Given as she has some of the best senses here as well as the most complete rolodex of the legions of Hell? Thats a bad sign.
A very bad sign.
Remember when I said every wizard has the equivalent of a suicide vest?
Witness one of the reasons why I said it was a bad idea to give your enemies warning when we werent there on the scene to prevent them escalating. Because desperate wizards tend to do shit like this, with a blast radius that encompasses everyone around them.
Botched summonings can kill the perpetrator, but even they remain a danger to everyone around.
If there hadnt been overwhelming force in this location, with two Senior Council members and Molly right here, this demon would have happily attacked all these baby wizards and eaten everyone it could find.
And this is a big daddy demon.
Given as Chaunzaggaroth was probably a Tempter? If I had to guess, we're looking at either a Minor Lord, or a Lord of Hell. Maybe even a Duke, though I kinda doubt that.
Sorcerer's Crusade p118 said:
Not even Infernalists agree about the ranks
of Hell's minions. By even the most conservative
Christian estimates, the Darkness shelters over half
a million Fallen angels, ranging from crude fiends
to the arch-enemy of God. For simplicity, assume
that demonic creatures fall into the following rough
• The Absolute (who may be God, Satan, or
greater than either)
• The Primal Emanations (which may include
Gaia, the Wyrm and the Wyld)
• The Deep Lords of Misrule
• The Gods of this World (possibly including
Lucifer and Jehovah?)
• Arch-dukes and Dukes (also Urge-Wyrms)
• Lords (also totem avatars of evil werewolves)
• Minor Lords (also greater Banes and Spectres)
• Tempters (sometimes classified as greater
• Servitors (also elementals, djinn and most
War-demons (also many Spectres)
Infernal Hosts
Human cultists
For specifically medieval demonological ranks
and distinctions, see the Dark Ages Companion,
Chapter Seven. Be aware, though, that these clas-
sifications are by no means universal, even among
scholars of Christian demonology. By the Renais-
sance, many occult scholars have assembled new
hierarchies, or discarded them altogether.
Something like this showing up by surprise would have eaten everyone in the War Room not a Senior Council member.
And its not like this is gated by power; demon summoning is something literally every wizard can do.
Harry did it back in Book 2, and he was a baby wizard getting bullied by street thugs.
Fuck, Victor fucking Sells did it in Storm Front, and he was a goddamn scrub of a sorcerer.
Madge summoned a fucking Walker in Blood Rites, and she wasnt even a wizard, just a lesser sorceress with a blood sacrifice.
The Hidden Halls are a major leyline nexus; you wont even need the blood sacrifice.
Also note that this dude intentionally outed Tiffany here as the daughter of a Fallen Angel.
Because demons are dicks who will hurt you if they can get away with it.
It also does confirm that Hell is very aware of everything thats happened since Molly gave her a body.
I think its safe to assume that a demon that recognizes Molly's origins has a good idea about what she can do. Including the Crown. It might not be allowed to share that information with mortals, though.
It certainly wont give it away for free.
Im guessing the Hollow Man has outstanding debts. Assholes like that usually do, and I think a demon has to have a claim on a soul to have a chance of taking it with them.
Nevertheless, Im very much against doing deals with demons on the fly.
Demons are not your friends, and are invariably portrayed as malevolent. Demons explicitly do deals primarily in order to lure you further into their power, as Dresden will tell you. Even when they are polite and courteous, they are just biding their time.
Smart people do not cut deals with demons unless absolutely necessary. And this isnt necessary.
And IC, Molly is a Catholic girl who still goes to confession, whose father is a Knight of the Cross and has had a sitdown with the Archangel Uriel in her family home. It is very OOC to suggest that she'd do a deal to trade someone else's soul, or whats left of it, for her own advantage. Her every Intimacy pushes against this.
Oh dear. Is that a Duke?
*checks DPE*
Thats a Duke. A Duke of Hell. Maybe even an Arch-Duke.
Thats.....bad. Very bad.
I wonder if we can just politely decline and if he'll go away. Because if he throws down here a lot of people are gonna die and we might be one of them.