Dinosaurs came in many flavors. Like potato chips.
DP literally said otherwise earlier for this instance.
Normally you would be right, but the Hollow Man does not really count in her mind because he has already given so much of it away already and replaced it with aspects of the Outside.
@DragonParadox Errors.
Missing period.Some combination of powers that should by rights and by nature have been left still and sleeping had sniffed out the rot that the council had failed to find for decades
Unneeded space before the last quotation mark.
"Mass fucking enthrallment" seems to be first person here then back to third starting at "Donald's".Mass fucking enthrallment, Donald's stomach seemed to curl around his spine like an angry cat at the implications.
This one should be formated like the below paragraph I believe. Below it starts in first person then goes to third mid-sentence you used lack of italics to show the shift.
She has a bruise along the left side of her face, the inane thought ran though Donald Morgan's mind like water down a rain gutter. She didn't seems to notice.
Boddy Snatchers in cinemas and the immages kept coming back to him.
Question mark.Are you still yourself, he thought looking down at the young warden trapped in stone or is it already eating at your insides.
Atop a Rotting Tower
Missing period at the end.
Her hands are still slick with blood, but when she pulls them away, but the bleeding had stopped along with whatever deeper injury had been there.
Literally. Also need a period at the end.
Through it or though it's.Given that he's not planning to live though it a lot of power.
Shot and Echo
That means the source if high enough up that they can't absent themselves easily,
Foundations Quake
Missing period.
Do you know what's going to happen now that you brought your freak show to own?
For all your elan you do not know where the nearest entrance to the Halls even is, beside closer to the castle on its lonely perch so soon enough it's McCoy and Morgan in the lead again,
Missing period.
Young Blade
even as it picked your pockets and solid you dreams as sweet as cherry liquor and just about as good for you.
the man was a famous for getting out of trouble alive as he was finding trouble to begin with
He could feel her power in that gaze. buzzing against his skin
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