Harwin: I think this is the iffy-ist one relationship-wise. He had an extramarital affair in canon, so it might be presumed he wouldn't care about us having one on him… but Rhaenyra was probably not actually having sex with Laenor that much (maybe at all) over the course of their relationship. Also might lead to relationship drama, since he is a romance option in his own right.
On the other hand, Harwin or Frey or somebody has the potential to turn into a proper polycule where everyone's together instead of just being Rhaenyra's harem. That can't happen with Gwayne unless since that'd be a bit too... targaryen for them, and Laenor is Laenor. So yeah, it has some level of added risk of drama, but it also has the potential to evolve to a more inclusive relationship than the safer Gwayne or Laenor ships do.

[X] Kiss her on the hand, offer to be the Knight to her Lady.

Eh, if we're gonna be a knight may as well go the distance with it.
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[X] Kiss her on the hand, offer to be the Knight to her Lady.

Mmmmh, i am not sure this is the best choice...
[X] Kiss her on the hand, offer to be the Knight to her Lady.

Ehhhh... I agree with the notion that the cheek kiss would be more natural, in a way, but this is just so thematic for us...
On the other hand, Harwin or Frey or somebody has the potential to turn into a proper polycule where everyone's together instead of just being Rhaenyra's harem. That can't happen with Gwayne unless since that'd be a bit too... targaryen for them, and Laenor is Laenor. So yeah, it has some level of added risk of drama, but it also has the potential to evolve to a more inclusive relationship than the safer Gwayne or Laenor ships do.

If Alicent is gay (rather than bi) that'd nix a polycule from the get-go, so that's something to discuss with her.

Personally, I that there's merit in keeping things as simple as a chain of official relationship / affair. E.g. Alicent is dating us who's married to Husband who's dating Mistress or male companion. I don't think it's wise for Alicent (or us) to be in a heterosexual relationship outside of marriage - that just keeps rumors down & ensures there's no doubt about the kids.

It also reduces the potential for people to leak, because any of husband's mistresses or lovers shouldn't be told about Alicent. And it eliminates relationship issues that we don't have influence over.
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Honestly I'm not that worried about Alicent's marriage? It'll probably happen, but honestly it's possible it could be averted, depending on how clear Otto was on the fact that he's effectively getting to be the father of the wife of the Queen On The Iron Throne. :V
Gwayne: He at least knows about Alicent's feelings for us and didn't seem judgemental about it. He might not be willing to be a beard though - maybe he has similar romantic notions. This would go a long way towards making the gf's dad happy. Also, she's the daughter of a second son - it seems at least plausible he'd begrudgingly accept her being a "confirmed bachelorette" if he gets grandkids on the throne.
Hightower Sandwich
Hightower Sandwich
Hightower Sandwich

Oh shit we'd be marrying one for love and one for duty as well.
Now I genuinely really want to marry Gwayne, even though I'm unsure it would be the optimal decision
Honestly I'm not that worried about Alicent's marriage? It'll probably happen, but honestly it's possible it could be averted, depending on how clear Otto was on the fact that he's effectively getting to be the father of the wife of the Queen On The Iron Throne. :V

I'm hoping at some point when he figures it out, Alicent gets some fatherly pride in securing for herself such an advantageous relationship.

I'm really hoping Otto doesn't freak and try to send her back to Oldtown or the Sept & force us to run away with her to dragonstone or something drastic.
While Rhaena was pretty cruel to Androw, can't really lay him being a serial killer at anyone's feet but his own.

Full bore: no she wasn't.

Rhaena was a lesbian who refused to fuck a dude, and also refused to promote him to positions for which he had no qualifications. In response to this terrible cruelty he murdered several people, including a child.

It is absolutely insane that people keep legitimising his rat bastard complaints. They have no standing. None.
[X] Embrace your feelings completely and kiss her back.
[X] Kiss her on the cheek and offer to take things slow.
[X] Kiss her on the cheek and offer to take things slow.
i like the knight option too, but this one appeals to me more