Adhoc vote count started by Living cycle on Sep 14, 2024 at 1:05 PM, finished with 82 posts and 53 votes.
[X] Kiss her on the hand, offer to be the Knight to her Lady.

Alicent: Well, I can't say I never imagined being courted by a knight...
For people who don't want Alicent to marry are forgetting a big part of it. If Alicent doesn't marry she has no security whatsoever. Otto is a second son and has no lands, Gwayny doesn't too. If Rhaenyra kicks the bucket early, who will Alicent turn to? Her distant cousins in Hightower? At least with the widows law and marriage she has some security.
For people who don't want Alicent to marry are forgetting a big part of it. If Alicent doesn't marry she has no security whatsoever. Otto is a second son and has no lands, Gwayny doesn't too. If Rhaenyra kicks the bucket early, who will Alicent turn to? Her distant cousins in Hightower? At least with the widows law and marriage she has some security.

No? This is very obviously not true. There's nothing at all, as far as I can say, no rule that you cannot leave anything to friends or others, @Teen Spirit ?

It'd be baffling if there were laws against leaving friends things in a will, even if the hereditary positions had an exact and specific disposition.
The easiest way to secure Alicents future would be to grant her a small estate for her long years of companionship, advice and aid rendered to us.

Perfectly normal thing to do for a monarch.
Unironically there's a fair few incidents where someone being crowned queen of love and beauty was not done for romantic reasons so in theory you could get away with people not getting it
I am sure that it would have been pretty common for an unmarried knight (or a knight whose wife was not in the tourney) to crown a woman related to him (his sister, niece, cousin, or even mother), and no one would be particularly bothered...

Then the Targaryen came with their "Queer Customs" and you couldn't do it without getting weird looks and whispers behind your back :V...
Plus it helps that unlike a man doing it, I guess, Rhaenyra can't exactly crown a man without it coming off as mocking/emasculating to them; unless the man was like, her husband and everyone knew them to have an easy-going relationship.
Hey, since a good portion of the Valyrian Blooded boys are so lithe and androgynous, there is a decent chance that someone crowned a boy Queen of Love and Beauty because he thought he was his sister :V...
I mean, clearly it would be emasculating to crown our husband the queen of love and beauty. We can't do that. So we'll just have to keep crowning our dear companion.
So, Alicent it's the only option, really. Pinky promise.
Well, if Johanna's genes have something to say, we are going to have quite a few sisters that we may crown without being that weird or problematic...

That would also be weird and problematic, but for totally different and funnier reasons...
Gwayne: He at least knows about Alicent's feelings for us and didn't seem judgemental about it. He might not be willing to be a beard though - maybe he has similar romantic notions. This would go a long way towards making the gf's dad happy. Also, she's the daughter of a second son - it seems at least plausible he'd begrudgingly accept her being a "confirmed bachelorette" if he gets grandkids on the throne.
I want to point out that the gulf between "I know my sister is a lesbian but love her and I don't care as long as she is safe and happy" and "I know my sister is a lesbian, and I am willing to marry her lover to be their beard" is pretty damm massive...
Harwin: I think this is the iffy-ist one relationship-wise. He had an extramarital affair in canon, so it might be presumed he wouldn't care about us having one on him… but Rhaenyra was probably not actually having sex with Laenor that much (maybe at all) over the course of their relationship. Also might lead to relationship drama, since he is a romance option in his own right.
Well, I think that from what series canon shows, we can deduce that there is a good chance that Herwin wouldn't be against sharing Rhaenyra with Alicent, and besides that, I consider that him being a romance option in his own right is a plus...

The other male romance option that I am pretty certain that wouldn't be against a poly relationship is Qoren Martell, since for what we have seen with Dornish nobility, poly relationships are pretty common there, and honestly bringing Dorne into the fold 100 years before canon and without wasting the lives of 60000 men sounds pretty great.
The easiest way to secure Alicents future would be to grant her a small estate for her long years of companionship, advice and aid rendered to us.

Perfectly normal thing to do for a monarch.
And after a civil war, there will be a lot of free small states that we have taken from traitors that we will give to our loyalists, family, and friends...

So we just have to keep one of the nicest ones in reserve for Alicent...
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So we just have to keep one of the nicest ones in reserve for Alicent...
Us with Alicent on Royal Progress: So Alicent which state do you think is the best?
I am sure that it would have been pretty common for an unmarried knight (or a knight whose wife was not in the tourney) to crown a woman related to him (his sister, niece, cousin, or even mother), and no one would be particularly bothered...
Outside of relatives, I think (?) it was also polite to crown the female members of the hosting house, or one a house one is sworn to. If the Royal Family was present, no one would bat an eye if the crowened was either the Princess or the Queen.
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It seems fairly plausible to me that Alicent will still want to get married to a man, in which case we can help set her up with someone understanding (laenor maybe?), but if she doesn't i don't think her future security or anything like that requires a marriage. And it seems a little bit premature to start worrying about it now
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Us with Alicent on Royal Progress: So Alicent which state do you think is the best?
Definitively something in the Reach or the Riverlands, it seems like the most peaceful and picturesque areas (and don't forget the climate)...
Outside of relatives, I think (?) it was also polite to crown the female members of the hosting house, or one a house one is sworn to. If the Royal Family was present, no one would bat an eye if the crowened was either the Princess or the Queen.
Except when the Royal Family is unfortunately filled with crazy fuckups that may take your polite gesture the wrong way :V...
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It seems fairly plausible to me that Alicent will still want to get married to a man, in which case we can help set her up with someone understanding (laenor maybe?), but if she doesn't there are other ways for us to ensure she's taken care of. And it seems a little bit premature to start worrying about it now
I think "want" is doing a lot of heavy lifting, but given her views she will probably weigh her duty to get married some day higher than her own (improper) desires.
I want to point out that the gulf between "I know my sister is a lesbian but love her and I don't care as long as she is safe and happy" and "I know my sister is a lesbian, and I am willing to marry her lover to be their beard" is pretty damm massive...

This is true, but in this context it seems potentially less so. Gwayne himself probably doesn't expect to be able to get married for love, he expects to get married for advantage, quite likely to someone he doesn't know. Maybe he hopes to find love, but he knows he might not. If fatherhood is important to him, he could expect to have children with us. The likely potential downside relative to a normal Westerosi marriage is that he'd know his wife is being unfaithful - but it has the upside that he'd know we're okay with it if he wants to find love with a mistress.

If we are on friendly terms, it's between rolling the dice on a mixed bag and something maybe-better maybe-worse elsewhere. We already got the option to offer marriage so he could look out for Alicent when we talked with him about it, so it's not unthinkable.

Also, Gwayne probably knows that we'd be able to just ask Otto for the match without telling Otto or Gwayne why we were doing it, and Otto would likely accede. That might make Gwayne more favorably inclined toward us, if we bring him in and ask his opinion.
I want to point out that the gulf between "I know my sister is a lesbian but love her and I don't care as long as she is safe and happy" and "I know my sister is a lesbian, and I am willing to marry her lover to be their beard" is pretty damm massive...
I'm not gonna confirm one way or another if Gwayne is even interested in such things but I should point out that the second comes with the important bullet point of "Gets to be King-Consort for the Seven Kingdoms and have their children one day sit the Iron Throne."
The sticking point with Gwayne is that he offers minimal political benefits in marriage. We're already two generations deep with the Hightowers and Rhaenyra is arguably developing a more influential relationship with Alicent than Viserys has with Otto, if they're willing to put prejudice aside for the sake of their families advantage.

In a potential civil war Rhaenyra has more ties to the Reach than Daemon or the Westerlings, we should be looking to make even a romantic marriage from a kingdom that we have less influence with.

From the romance list, Forrest, Harwin, and Amos get us allies in the Riverlands, and Martell obviously gets us Dorne.

Purely politically, Baratheon gets us the Stormlands (I personally have severe doubts about a Baratheon marriage). Laenor gets us the Velaryon dragons and fleet, Jason Lannister gets us the Westerlands and severely dampens any possible Westerling attempt (fuck Jason, he's gotta be one of the worst possible options).

We're not marrying anyone from the Iron Islands, lol. The Vale is pretty solidly with us if we continue lesbian solidarity with our new bestie unless we wanna marry into the rebels to lock them down (fuck the sexist rebels).

And the North…. It'd be pretty cool to lock them down but not a lot of options there and Cregan already has a real love interest.

Basically, I'm saying we marry one of the Riverlands romance options or Laenor for politics, I don't think any other candidate is worth our time.

Martell is the wildcard option, gets us a whole kingdom but probably turns lots of people against us, including huge swaths of the Reach and Stormlands.
Laenor feels like a flawed suggestion because it kinda doubly throws barriers in the way of having kids.

Riverlands would not be a bad bet, though, geographically or so on. And of course the secret wildcard option is interesting.
We're already two generations deep with the Hightowers and Rhaenyra is arguably developing a more influential relationship with Alicent than Viserys has with Otto, if they're willing to put prejudice aside for the sake of their families advantage.

This is kind of my concern. Because his daughter being mistress to the queen is… potentially mixed to negative from Otto's perspective, IMO.

If Rhaenyra were a man, would Otto be okay with us having an affair with Alicent purely for the political access, if we had no intention of marrying her? It is not a marriage upon which there's a dependable alliance. Our children won't have Hightower blood. It's not like Alicent will be Hand or anything. She'd be a mistress - and a scandalous one at that. Her position isn't secure, she could be put aside at anytime - and prejudice would probably expect her to be. In which case it'd ge reasonable to fear that Alicent winds up with nothing to show for it except worse marriage prospects. Additionally if it becomes known, it might make Otto and the Hightowers look weak - he can't even control his own daughter, the crown's heir is confident in ruining the Hand's daughter without any thought to recourse.

If we marry Gwayne, most of those issues change. There'd be an alliance, our kids would be Hightowers. It's not like we could cast aside our husband's sister, so she'd always have a place in KL. We'd be showing that our relationship is important enough to 'spend' our marriage on.

Now, this goes into speculation about the motivations of characters where IMO quite a lot is up for interpretation. If Otto counts an affair as as good as marriage, then I agree it doesn't make much political sense. And if Otto is more prejudiced than ambitious, and is going to turn against us regardless, then it also doesn't make much political sense. If Otto is in the middle ground where he's willing to look past his biases for ambition and political expediency, but isn't going to be happy for it's own sake about this, then it might make a lot of political sense.
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The sticking point with Gwayne is that he offers minimal political benefits in marriage. We're already two generations deep with the Hightowers and Rhaenyra is arguably developing a more influential relationship with Alicent than Viserys has with Otto, if they're willing to put prejudice aside for the sake of their families advantage.

In a potential civil war Rhaenyra has more ties to the Reach than Daemon or the Westerlings, we should be looking to make even a romantic marriage from a kingdom that we have less influence with.

From the romance list, Forrest, Harwin, and Amos get us allies in the Riverlands, and Martell obviously gets us Dorne.

Purely politically, Baratheon gets us the Stormlands (I personally have severe doubts about a Baratheon marriage). Laenor gets us the Velaryon dragons and fleet, Jason Lannister gets us the Westerlands and severely dampens any possible Westerling attempt (fuck Jason, he's gotta be one of the worst possible options).

We're not marrying anyone from the Iron Islands, lol. The Vale is pretty solidly with us if we continue lesbian solidarity with our new bestie unless we wanna marry into the rebels to lock them down (fuck the sexist rebels).

And the North…. It'd be pretty cool to lock them down but not a lot of options there and Cregan already has a real love interest.

Basically, I'm saying we marry one of the Riverlands romance options or Laenor for politics, I don't think any other candidate is worth our time.

Martell is the wildcard option, gets us a whole kingdom but probably turns lots of people against us, including huge swaths of the Reach and Stormlands.
*Waves a flag for Forrest* I like his swaggity swag.