The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Also, I really like Sear. Didn't lose much power, lowered the Anam cost, and it should be nice and easy to add Smoke to it. I was thinking that we do so at our giant burning Snake and if possible make the technique itself a pyroclastic snake.
It dropped a whole grade...
Archer 1 from Archer 2. Which makes it about 43% as powerful as Searing Chariot was.

Gonna go with this as Zhi has been pretty much someone who gets over any grudges and it seems reasonable that he misses having a rivalry.
It is a shame that Zhi can't pull out Fa's Axe and go full nerd trying to show Yazhu what he made.

[X] Jin! (Write In)
-[X] (Wistful, at the loss of the only rival worth a damn in our generation)
The new Searing Chariot lacks even the small sense of grandeur that the previous version held. Before, the Chariot was at the very least a great cloud that soared into the sky and let loose a shower of fire. Its end result was not the most impressive thing in the world, but one could easily see how such a technique could capture the imagination of an onlooker. But this new form? When I first used it, it released but a small tongue of flame that licked at the air before fading, without even the courtesy of leaving smoke in its wake.

It is no longer a Searing Chariot. There is no chariot, no vehicle for the flame to ride before reaching its destination. It simply… sears.

Still, integrating it should be a much easier task this way, and perhaps its simplified nature will lend it towards more intriguing evolutions. Besides, it is not like there is anything wrong with simply throwing fireballs. It may lack the general aesthetic sense of some of my grander techniques, but that is something that can be improved upon.
Yes, Zhi, embrace the potential. With only fire as its base, it is so much easier to expand upon. Consider, for a moment, a potential upgrade.


Burn your foes not just physically, but metaphysically! Erase their existence from the timeline. Ignite their temporal potential into a bonfire!

This Ad is brought to you by the Fire/Time Technique Gang.
[X] "Jin." (Dismissive)

Friendly reminder that the first real thing Jin Yazhu tried to do to us was jump us alongside Geng Tu for practically no reason. There's no need to be Wistful about it.
Yes, Zhi, embrace the potential. With only fire as its base, it is so much easier to expand upon. Consider, for a moment, a potential upgrade.


Burn your foes not just physically, but metaphysically! Erase their existence from the timeline. Ignite their temporal potential into a bonfire!

This Ad is brought to you by the Fire/Time Technique Gang.


[X] "Jin." (Dismissive)

Friendly reminder that the first real thing Jin Yazhu tried to do to us was jump us alongside Geng Tu for practically no reason. There's no need to be Wistful about it.
This. As far as Zhi's experience with Yahzu goes he's been an ass from jump.

First he tries that ambush with Geng, then he tries to sabotage our materials for a charm for no reason beyond not liking Zhi, and finally tries to one up us with the Charm contest he had been preping for ahead of time.

Sure on a meta level we know he's been eating some serious humble pie but Zhi doesn't know that.
[X] "Jin." (Dismissive)

I don't wanna be nice. I wanna be petty as hell. And this guy was willing to jump us way back when, so he dug his own hole, really.
I just want to point out... we won. He lost. And he's been having a rough time. Even if he's hardly a nice person, I think it would be good to be magnanimous.
Friendly reminder that the first real thing Jin Yazhu tried to do to us was jump us alongside Geng Tu for practically no reason. There's no need to be Wistful about it.
This. As far as Zhi's experience with Yahzu goes he's been an ass from jump.

First he tries that ambush with Geng, then he tries to sabotage our materials for a charm for no reason beyond not liking Zhi, and finally tries to one up us with the Charm contest he had been preping for ahead of time.

Sure on a meta level we know he's been eating some serious humble pie but Zhi doesn't know that.
I don't wanna be nice. I wanna be petty as hell. And this guy was willing to jump us way back when, so he dug his own hole, really.

The big problem here is that his cousin, who is presumably also a Jin, has just been extremely nice, helpful, and competent. Even if we don't like him, she doesn't deserve us being dismissive of her family.
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[X] "Jin." (Dismissive)

I don't mind being polite but wistful is utter nonsense and is just players trying to bypass any chance of conflict and shit.
Jin was a jerk who caused us tremendous problems, especially early on when he made Kong Zhi afraid and skitterish. The rivalry between us was born from an ugly antagonism where both Kong Zhi and Jin Yahzu wanted to crush the other.

All that being said, we built more charms because of him than any other person. We constructed the Dance to win the challenge, one of our most steadfast and interesting charms. We constructed Vitriol, which wasn't great but we sold it for a pretty penny. We had Xu commission a piece from us just to help us win the challenge. Even the Weight of Winter was a result of that charm duel.

I look back on that time fondly, even if, at the moment, I didn't like Jin. He, more than anyone else, helped us improve our charmcrafting ability and arsenal. And I miss the whetstone that drove us to improve our charmcrafting ability. I don't need to like Jin Yazhu to look back at our rivalry with some measure of wistful nostalgia.
The big problem here is that his cousin, who is presumably also a Jin, has just been extremely nice, helpful, and competent. Even if we don't like him, she doesn't deserve us being dismissive of her family.
Unfortunately, she already hates us. She hated us the moment she got it in her head that Zhi is somehow responsible for Yazhu exiting the Heart, when he could have swallowed his pride and trudged on.
Sure, Jin was an ass. But compared to Geng Tu? Boy's a goddamn saint.

I believe some of his worst actions were from Gen Tu's corruptive influence, though it does not absolve him of blame. In fact, wasn't Xu Yun worried about the same thing happening to Daiyu in the lead-up to the duel?
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