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Do you guys remember the Non Canon(?) story Early Meetings? I've been meaning to ask...

...How would you guys feel about that story being made canon?
Not a good idea if you ask me. It would be one thing if the Quest had been designed with that as the plan from the start, but as is, it would be contradicting both Homura's backstory and her behavior up to this point for (in my eyes) no gain.

Although I wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of it, as long as it's kept in its own continuity (barring multiverse shenanigans).
How would you guys feel about that story being made canon?
Personally, I wouldn't mind it, be it becoming canon or semi-canon.
Not a good idea if you ask me. It would be one thing if the Quest had been designed with that as the plan from the start, but as is, it would be contradicting both Homura's backstory and her behavior up to this point for (in my eyes) no gain.

Although I wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of it, as long as it's kept in its own continuity (barring multiverse shenanigans).
Would you at least be okay with the event of Yumi saving Homu itself being canon? It's entirely possible for both of them to not remember it.

And can you explain how it would contradict Homura's behavior? Cause while I don't see it, but it could be rewritten to better fit if you explain why it's a problem.
Yeah, gonna have to agree with JAGwin here.

If you're going to use it, neither Homura nor Yumi can remember it until now, and honestly if either were going to remember it they would've by now.

Someone else would have to remark on it, and that would be stretching the limits of credulity. Maybe if they ran into the nurse from back then? Or Homura's father's in town for some reason? I dunno. Of the two, I prefer the nurse idea, maybe she got a chewing-out from Yumi and took it badly, but then got her life turned around anyway? But still resents that little brat redhead?
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...How would you guys feel about that story being made canon?
Honestly, I wouldn't mind either way, though it being canon is an idea I like.

I would justify it as something that happened to the current timeline's Homura since Yumi doesn't exactly exist in many other timelines.

This is of course under the impression that Homura's ability is less turning back the clock and more jumping to a new universe with every reset.

Otherwise I think it could be justified as too long ago to remember. Homura could literally have been around a decade older before meeting Yumi again after all.
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865: Back To Yumes!
OOC: Early Meetings will not be canon. I hear you guys. Maybe in the rewrite, though!

[X] Danger?!?!?!

Before anyone else notices, you quickly transform and stop time. You've done it so often that it's almost instant. You turn around, scanning the roof for any threats that Madoka might have seen that you may not have heard.

...Nothing. She must have simply thought she saw something. Thankfully, their eyes weren't on you, so you can dismiss your transformation and the time stop. As color returns to the world, you see...

...Madoka's cheeks begin to brighten more than usual. It's almost like she's embarrassed about something.

"Wait, you too?!" Miki blinks in surprise, "Madoka, why didn't you tell me?!"

"W-Why didn't you?!" Madoka adorably argues back.

"I didn't even know until right now!" Miki defends herself, "H-How long have you known, anyhow?"

Madoka makes a high-pitched eep, "Um, can we just not talk about this right now?"

"A sound strategy." You nod before Miki shoves her foot any further into her mouth, "We should carry on this conversation when Yumi and Kohaku are present. Clearly, they have the most experience out of all of us." Homura, you clever little devil. Now you get to be with Madoka even more, and you get to mess with Yumi! There is literally no way this could backfire!

"W-Well, I guess getting Yumi's input wouldn't be the worst idea in the world..." Miki sheepishly agrees, "So, uh, sure...?"

"If you're on board with this, then I'll support you, Sayaka!" Madoka nods to her friend before turning to you, "So, we're doing this after school today?"

"Wait, today?!" Miki nearly leaps out of her seat, "But I still need to order my thoughts, and talk to Hitomi about it, and...!"


When you finally manage to open your eyelids, you find Kohaku's head on your shoulder. She must've fallen asleep, too.

You can't really say you blame her. It's been one hell of a day for everyone involved, especially her. Also, where did this blanket come from...?

You sigh, attributing it to one of your grandparents, before looking around the room.

Kyoko has moved from the couch to the chair Grandpa was in. She's staring at her Soul Gem...

(INT ROLL: 14+10)

You barely notice from this angle, but you recognize that something is wrong.

Soul Gems aren't supposed to crack, right?

[] ???????????????????????????????????
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[X] Cleanse Kyoko's Soul Gem now! Doesn't matter if you knock Kohaku over getting there, there's no time!
-[X] Assuming Kyoko does not become a Witch, call Gabriel and ask her if she knows how to fix a cracked Soul Gem

Best I've got.
Soul Gems aren't supposed to crack, right?
Well, last time I read about Cracked Soul Gems, they corrupted very fast.

Hell, the girl could barely stay transformed for a minute before nearly hitting capacity. I'd honestly say we're better off just resurrecting as is. I don't think we can exactly wait for Samerecarm anymore.

Btw QM, does it look like there is any corruption in Kyouko's SG? If we can see cracks in it, we should be able to see that.
OOC: Early Meetings will not be canon. I hear you guys. Maybe in the rewrite, though!
Ah, thinking of P5-Royaling us? I could see it maybe. Once all is said and done, go back and clean up any loose ends we accidentally along the way, fill in the holes with some roight n' proppah dakka subplots... again, pro'lly best to wait til the end, but otherwise I'm tentatively interested in what's going on in the brain meats.

[X] "...Oh shit." Get up. Slowly. Carefully. Ko' deserves to sleep more, and you need a closer look to understand how fucked the situation is.
-[X] "...How bad is it? Do you know?" It's tempting to just panic-drop the strongest healing items you have, but there is such a thing as overkill. Maybe not for something like a damaged soul gem, but just throwing a Balm of Rising or something at the problem and calling it a day feels...
Kyouko. Kyouko what the fuck. Kyouko you need to tell us these things.

[X] Get up, fast, but attempt not to overly disturb Kohaku.
-[X] "Kyouko?" Get her attention, don't startle her.
--[X] "What happened, how do I help."
---[X] Keep prepared to use the cleansing function and/or a Balm of Rising at literally any moment.

Kyouko tends to be mildly stabby when startled, given the life she's lived. Might be more subdued now but we don't want her to startle her regardless.
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[X] Get up, fast, but attempt not to overly disturb Kohaku.
-[X] "Kyouko?" Get her attention, don't startle her.
--[X] "What happened, how do I help."
---[X] Keep prepared to use the cleansing function and/or a Balm of Rising at literally any moment.
Funny enough, I can see some great in universe logic for using the balm of rising specifically. Even beyond it being a full heal, it's the only healing item Yumi has that could be used to fill in the cracks in the Soul Gem.
[X] Plan Amalgamation+Alteration+Aexpansion: An Absolutely Amazing Alliterative Approach!
-[X] "...Oh shit." Get up. Slowly. Carefully. Ko' deserves to sleep more, and you need a closer look to understand how fucked the situation is.
-[X] "...How bad is it? Do you know?" It's tempting to just panic-drop the strongest healing items you have, but... you're not going to ignore her agency because you're freaking out. You're not cop-punching!Yumi anymore.
--[X] "I don't want to risk Stephen's app too much on this... we got away with it once, but I don't know if he took into account damage to the gem itself in how it works. We... do have another option, but I haven't tried it specifically yet?"
---[X] Bring out the Balm of Rising. "This... is basically a bottled Recarm, like I used on the Soul Gems the Witches dropped, except more powerful? Hopefully we can just... use it directly? But if it works like Recarm, you *will* de-Contract."
----[X] Offer it to her. If she starts to protest, "No. If you die, we'll all be fucked up from it. *Yuma* will be *despondent*. Mami will despair, and probably hate me for not doing more to stop it. As far as I can call it, you're family -- this isn't charity, it's the minimum family does for each other." Push it into her hands. "The choice is yours, but whatever you decide to do with it, don't let it go to waste. I have two, anyway."
-----[X] "I still need to get you a cellphone, too -- especially if you decide to use that. The Demon Summoning App can run on a smartphone, I dunno if a feature phone can do it too? I can help you get up and running with it like I did with Sayaka and the others, or if you'd rather work with them instead, that's an option too. I'll show you where the dwarf's forge is, we can get some armor and ask them to replicate your spear, if you want?"

I think this covers everything -- even works in Kyoko's own hatred of disliking wasting food; admittedly, I'm not sure Yumi actually knows about that in-character? Also, gives Kyoko a reason to work with Sayaka a lot, getting all... shiny with exertion, in the process.
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[X] Get up, fast, but attempt not to overly disturb Kohaku.
-[X] "Kyouko?" Get her attention, don't startle her.
--[X] "What happened, how do I help."
---[X] Keep prepared to use the cleansing function and/or a Balm of Rising at literally any moment.
For those of you who are recommending using the Balm of Rising, I would like to remind you that the QM stated that we need both Samarecarm (which the Balm of Rising can presumably substitute for) and the MG to have the Demon Summoning Program in order to not depower them when we uncontract them. Furthermore, Yumi does not know any of that, so I don't see why she would default to the Balm of Rising over Recarm.

As for my thought process on "get there now, knocking over Kohaku is acceptable", I can see two reasons for Kyoko's Soul Gem to be cracked. The first is that it was directly damaged but not broken, but I would think Yumi would've noticed if it was cracked when she cleansed it back at the church, and there has been absolutely no opportunity since then for anything to damage it, so that seems unlikely. The other explanation is that Kyoko is about to become a Witch, therefore we need to cleanse her now, and not just because Ophelia is a pain in the ass to fight.
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and the MG to have the Demon Summoning Program in order to not depower them when we uncontract them
Can you provide a quote on that please?
The first is that it was directly damaged but not broken, but I would think Yumi would've noticed if it was cracked when she cleansed it back at the church, and there has been absolutely no opportunity since then for anything to damage it, so that seems unlikely.
Iirc the Gem was in ring form. Also, if she were about to Witch we would know:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LROvQyy6bsU

It's not exactly subtle
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