OOC: Early Meetings will not be canon. I hear you guys. Maybe in the rewrite, though!
[X] Danger?!?!?!
Before anyone else notices, you quickly transform and stop time. You've done it so often that it's almost instant. You turn around, scanning the roof for any threats that Madoka might have seen that you may not have heard.
...Nothing. She must have simply thought she saw something. Thankfully, their eyes weren't on you, so you can dismiss your transformation and the time stop. As color returns to the world, you see...
...Madoka's cheeks begin to brighten more than usual. It's almost like she's embarrassed about something.
"Wait, you too?!" Miki blinks in surprise, "Madoka, why didn't you tell me?!"
"W-Why didn't you?!" Madoka adorably argues back.
"I didn't even know until right now!" Miki defends herself, "H-How long have you known, anyhow?"
Madoka makes a high-pitched eep, "Um, can we just not talk about this right now?"
"A sound strategy." You nod before Miki shoves her foot any further into her mouth, "We should carry on this conversation when Yumi and Kohaku are present. Clearly, they have the most experience out of all of us." Homura, you clever little devil. Now you get to be with Madoka even more, and you get to mess with Yumi! There is literally no way this could backfire!
"W-Well, I guess getting Yumi's input wouldn't be the worst idea in the world..." Miki sheepishly agrees, "So, uh, sure...?"
"If you're on board with this, then I'll support you, Sayaka!" Madoka nods to her friend before turning to you, "So, we're doing this after school today?"
"Wait, today?!" Miki nearly leaps out of her seat, "But I still need to order my thoughts, and talk to Hitomi about it, and...!"
When you finally manage to open your eyelids, you find Kohaku's head on your shoulder. She must've fallen asleep, too.
You can't really say you blame her. It's been one hell of a day for everyone involved, especially her. Also, where did this blanket come from...?
You sigh, attributing it to one of your grandparents, before looking around the room.
Kyoko has moved from the couch to the chair Grandpa was in. She's staring at her Soul Gem...
(INT ROLL: 14+10)
You barely notice from this angle, but you recognize that something is wrong.
Soul Gems aren't supposed to crack, right?
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