If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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On the Shoji relationship front, it definitely helps Yumi that she's doing this all in one go.

I'm quite interested in seeing Yuki's first meeting with Yumi and he's all "how can you be so naive/optimistic with how many loops you've gone through!?" Because a run this good clearly had to have been the product of careful planning over several loops. Totally not just someone flailing about.
So, from the discussion I read. The winning vote is choosing to get all the landmarks in Mikatihara due to a part of the plan's... general defense?

On the Shoji relationship front, it definitely helps Yumi that she's doing this all in one go.

I'm quite interested in seeing Yuki's first meeting with Yumi and he's all "how can you be so naive/optimistic with how many loops you've gone through!?" Because a run this good clearly had to have been the product of careful planning over several loops. Totally not just someone flailing about.
That, my friend, is the power of the charm stat.

My vote:
[X] Plan Be Cautious, But Not Paranoid
SMT Fandom, with the state of things, as they are, I feel would be near-universally for PMMT. Extra subplots about weird unrelated to Demon? Freaky tragic urban fantasy magical girls?? Bold returns to everyone's crowd favorites??? Interesting Faction leaders that can potentially be swayed from their Endings because the Protagonist Got Rizz!? Shut up and take their money already so they can get the game.
I feel like some of the fans would try to shit on the Persona fanbase for 'having a more interesting protagonist' than the Persona protags. I mean, it's literally because Yumi is a protag who doesn't need to be designed with choices that define her personality which means she can get actual dialog and all that. That doesn't mean the Persona protags are less interesting in any way. Looking at you, Persona 4 Anime. Heck, look at the cutscenes for Persona 5!

DMC... Might be a harder sell. On the one hand, DANTEH and VRGUL. On the other... Not much else. But hey, SMT's done it before and it was p cool. Maybe that'll be much the same! If they stick around to be utterly hooked on the plot n', likely to enjoy it. Otherwise... Meh.
Puella Magi Megami Tensei: Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series *Special Edition*

Edit: Bravo to @Isiri Pudireach for the amazing correction!
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I'm quite interested in seeing Yuki's first meeting with Yumi and he's all "how can you be so naive/optimistic with how many loops you've gone through!?" Because a run this good clearly had to have been the product of careful planning over several loops. Totally not just someone flailing about.

Yumi: "Loops? Like fruit loops? I mean duh- all that sugar helps to keep my spirits up!"
Yuki: "What?! NO Like THE LOOPS- Homura how many has she gone through?"
Homura: "I... She can Loop?"

Yumi being Yumi and no understanding what Yuki is saying would be comedy gold!

[X] Plan Be Cautious, But Not Paranoid

Oh boy I sure did miss bit of the discussion- I do want to ask though since it was on topic- Can Yumi since she's part demon go inside of her gauntlet? That would be pretty fun to try!
Oh boy I sure did miss bit of the discussion- I do want to ask though since it was on topic- Can Yumi since she's part demon go inside of her gauntlet? That would be pretty fun to try!
Stephen looks at you with a mix of deep fascination and familial disappointment, his hands tented over your Gauntlet, "Firstly, how did you do that? Second, never do that again." He hands you your Gauntlet, "Getting you out without "registering" you as a demon was not a simple task, you know."
Stephen looks at you with a mix of deep fascination and familial disappointment, his hands tented over your Gauntlet, "Firstly, how did you do that? Second, never do that again." He hands you your Gauntlet, "Getting you out without "registering" you as a demon was not a simple task, you know."
Now I gotta know, what if we get contracted by Kohaku or Shoji or something?

Do we just... Pop out?
Stephen looks at you with a mix of deep fascination and familial disappointment, his hands tented over your Gauntlet, "Firstly, how did you do that? Second, never do that again." He hands you your Gauntlet, "Getting you out without "registering" you as a demon was not a simple task, you know."

God that would be hilarious- Yumi would have to probably have to go all red to be demon enough to get put inside the gauntlet and have to spam healing items because she can't undo the transformation inside until Stephen saves her-

I need to write up my business proposal plan in advanced for when we next meet Stephen because god I'm gonna push it so hard because STEPHEN NEEDS TO GET PAID- HE'S THE BEST!!!!!!

We here at Realm's insane planning room are gonna be busy for a bit- But believe me it will be worth it! *LAUGHS IN MADNESS :)*
You know what would've been funny for April Fools?

Including alternate costumes. In the quest.

That's text based.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 16, 2024 at 11:20 PM, finished with 19 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Be Cautious, But Not Paranoid
    -[X] Be ready to react but don't do anything yet. You don't know if they're friendly or not, but try to prepare for either outcome.
    --[X] "So, what're you following me for?"
    -[X] If they attack, summon Black Frost, Devil Dog and Nue
    --[X] Black Frost and Nue cast Tarukaja
    --[X] Devil Dog casts Acid Breath
    --[X] Yumi attempts to combine Scorching Slash and Mazionga (if this fails, prioritize Scorching Slash and aim for the ball of flesh)
    ---[X] Remember to use your Sword Trigger
    [X] Be ready to react but don't do anything yet. You don't know if they're friendly or not, but try to prepare for either outcome.
    -[X] "So, what're you following me for?"
[X] Plan Be Cautious, But Not Paranoid

You place your hand on Dawn's hilt, "That remains to be seen. Let's try diplomacy first." You think to her.

"HUmAn..." The meat balloon groans out, "...hUMAN...!"

"What-- Why are you following me?" You ask, not daring to go any closer.

"...Uuuuughgh...!" One of the mouth things begin shambling towards you.

"OUR allIEs..." The demon in the middle explains, "...theY aRE StaRvINg...!"

The other mouth monster begins to stumble closer, "Ghggghgh...!"

"...We asK tHaT yOU..." Its main set of eyes begin to glow with a malign light! "...FEeD TheM!"

(END ROLL: 4+5)

The demon screeches out, sending a chill up your spine. You grab--?

Your eyes widen as your body fails to respond to your command.

You can't move.


You can't even summon any demons.

The enemies shamble closer as you try to get your body to respond.

(END CHECK: 12+5)

The fingers on your right hand curl, but that's the extent of your movement. One of the demons reaches out to you, and--

(???: 15)

Your ears are ringing.

Not because one of the demons struck you, but...

...The closest of the two stumbles back, a hole right between where it's eyes should be.

"Talk about a cheap trick!" You hear a familiar voice from behind you as Dante walks up, twirling a white pistol on his finger, "Let me guess, you've never been in a fair fight before?"

"Psst, hey!" Pixie whispers to you from in your coat pocket, "You said I could summon myself if I wanted to, right?"

"FAIr figHT...?" The meatwad repeats, "HOnor iS USElEsS! PiSaCAs, kILl tHis INterlOPEr!"

"So, no, then. Good." Dante produces a black pistol from somewhere in his coat, "Neither have I."

One of the humanoid demons lunges at Dante!


Dante easily sidesteps, kicking the now glowing demon into his ally--

A deafening boom rattles the streets, and both demons are dead.

"Let me see about that Bind!" Pixie begins trying to dispell whatever is afflicting you. After a moment of her humming, she adds, "I've never actually seen this...! Um, one sec!"

"Got any more for me?" Dante smirks, "I'm falling asleep over here!"

The only remaining demon panics, turning around to--


Dante disappears, then instantly reappears over the demon, bringing his massive sword down upon it.


He splits the demon in two, and it begins dissolving into Magatsuhi.

"Got it!" Pixie cheers, popping out of your coat to--


You can move again! You huff, stumbling back into movement...!

Dante walks up to you, a wry grin on his face, "Just in the nick of time, am I right? Say, what're you doing up so late anyhow? Ain't you got a cult to swing at tomorrow?"

[] ???????????????????????????????
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[X] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
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[] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"

Pixie really is our partner tho- Let's show her some love!
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[X] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
Now I gotta know, what if we get contracted by Kohaku or Shoji or something?

Do we just... Pop out?

In the for-Kohaku case, a better term might be "come out" :D

[X] PetroleumMedium!
-[:V] "Well. Gonna have to learn that bind spell, for reasons."
--[:V] "I'll tell you when you're older by however many minutes it takes for us to be off-camera, Pixie, we've got a rating to keep to and you may well not wanna know."
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