Girls just wanna have pun
- Location
- Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
- Pronouns
- She/Her
[X] Plan Be Cautious, But Not Paranoid
"Oh? You're approaching me?"
"Oh? You're approaching me?"
That, my friend, is the power of the charm stat.On the Shoji relationship front, it definitely helps Yumi that she's doing this all in one go.
I'm quite interested in seeing Yuki's first meeting with Yumi and he's all "how can you be so naive/optimistic with how many loops you've gone through!?" Because a run this good clearly had to have been the product of careful planning over several loops. Totally not just someone flailing about.
I feel like some of the fans would try to shit on the Persona fanbase for 'having a more interesting protagonist' than the Persona protags. I mean, it's literally because Yumi is a protag who doesn't need to be designed with choices that define her personality which means she can get actual dialog and all that. That doesn't mean the Persona protags are less interesting in any way. Looking at you, Persona 4 Anime. Heck, look at the cutscenes for Persona 5!SMT Fandom, with the state of things, as they are, I feel would be near-universally for PMMT. Extra subplots about weird unrelated to Demon? Freaky tragic urban fantasy magical girls?? Bold returns to everyone's crowd favorites??? Interesting Faction leaders that can potentially be swayed from their Endings because the Protagonist Got Rizz!? Shut up and take their money already so they can get the game.
Puella Magi Megami Tensei: Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series *Special Edition*DMC... Might be a harder sell. On the one hand, DANTEH and VRGUL. On the other... Not much else. But hey, SMT's done it before and it was p cool. Maybe that'll be much the same! If they stick around to be utterly hooked on the plot n', likely to enjoy it. Otherwise... Meh.
Nah, it's:Puella Magi Megami Tensei: Featuring Dante And Vergil From The Devil May Cry Series
It helps when we roll multiple event crits for no reason.
I'm quite interested in seeing Yuki's first meeting with Yumi and he's all "how can you be so naive/optimistic with how many loops you've gone through!?" Because a run this good clearly had to have been the product of careful planning over several loops. Totally not just someone flailing about.
Stephen looks at you with a mix of deep fascination and familial disappointment, his hands tented over your Gauntlet, "Firstly, how did you do that? Second, never do that again." He hands you your Gauntlet, "Getting you out without "registering" you as a demon was not a simple task, you know."Oh boy I sure did miss bit of the discussion- I do want to ask though since it was on topic- Can Yumi since she's part demon go inside of her gauntlet? That would be pretty fun to try!
Watch as we put Dante in the gauntlet.Stephen looks at you with a mix of deep fascination and familial disappointment, his hands tented over your Gauntlet, "Firstly, how did you do that? Second, never do that again." He hands you your Gauntlet, "Getting you out without "registering" you as a demon was not a simple task, you know."
Now I gotta know, what if we get contracted by Kohaku or Shoji or something?Stephen looks at you with a mix of deep fascination and familial disappointment, his hands tented over your Gauntlet, "Firstly, how did you do that? Second, never do that again." He hands you your Gauntlet, "Getting you out without "registering" you as a demon was not a simple task, you know."
Stephen looks at you with a mix of deep fascination and familial disappointment, his hands tented over your Gauntlet, "Firstly, how did you do that? Second, never do that again." He hands you your Gauntlet, "Getting you out without "registering" you as a demon was not a simple task, you know."
Still needs a crit.I need to write up my business proposal plan in advanced for when we next meet Stephen because god I'm gonna push it so hard because STEPHEN NEEDS TO GET PAID- HE'S THE BEST!!!!!!
Seriously, Pixie? Just cast Patra!"Let me see about that Bind!" Pixie begins trying to dispell whatever is afflicting you. After a moment of her humming, she adds, "I've never actually seen this...! Um, one sec!"
"Its""...We asK tHaT yOU..." It's main set of eyes begin to glow with a malign light!
"in case"
Fixed. Though at this point the spelling should just be added to the lexicon. It wouldn't be the first misspelling to get that treatment.
Now I gotta know, what if we get contracted by Kohaku or Shoji or something?
Do we just... Pop out?