Well, to be honest, maybe it is for the best. In this war Shirou needs as many allies as he can get and in as much top shape as possible if he wants him and the others to survive not only the 3 enemies he does know of, all of them powerhouses, but Sauron's machinations, which is another can of worms.

Circe has been a boon in everyway, so keeping her around is for the best. Accepting her offer, while it may make further interactions with the rest of the cast somewhat awkward, seems to be needed to prevent Circe from dissapearing after a confrontation, since she runs on limited fuel and can't actually recharge. And even if she does get other ways to get the mana she needs, those methods may not be efficient enough.

Well, that is what I think.
... are we making her a magical girl?

Kyubey: Would you like to make a con-
*vaporized by Circe, Medea and Illya*
.................Homura and Sakura have long hair, have a hefty amount of trauma/baggage, and have the same English VA.

Also I've never seen or read any Kaleid or Prilya or whatever but from the previous story post alone (plus fgo), I feel like Ayako's contractor is far worse due to being probably very unhinged,
[X] [Accept]
Always help those that are in need.
Since I'm late to the vote, all I have to say it is LET'S GO.
Finally, Circe gets what she desevres.
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Please be advised that the next chapter may take an extra day or two instead of coming out Monday. I'm inexperienced with writing lewds, and, on top of that I've damaged my left hand so writing on anything that isn't a phone is very painful.

5.4 - Porky Piglet

View: https://youtu.be/Cw0J0ruIjlg?si=H53Io9o1T1LR4PJe


Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

There was… a lot going on here, racing thoughts, racing heart, racing… emotion you suppose. Circe had come onto you before, as had Medea and… Sakura in that one particular dream you still didn't quite understand. Your life has been one giant mess of confusing women lately and if you ever met the utter bastard who had decided to turn your life into this you would set them upon the mercies of Taiga. Your mind thought of Ayako, briefly, but here was someone who needed your help, and you could, and they had aided you. Repeatedly, and without asking for anything in return. Circe had made you a better magus, and she had been just plain helpful besides.

"If it will help you, yes." You say quietly.

Circe's smile turns devilish. "Only because it will help me?"

You don't deign to give that an answer, simply staring at the woman. She searches your face for a time, looking for a trace of… something, you aren't quite sure. Then she smiles again, a smaller, pleased thing than the smirk she normally wears. Then she leans forward, pressing herself against you, her body molding against you, legs intertwining, fingers wrapping around fingers, chest pressing against chest. A sweet scent envelopes you, drowning out the scene of the room, and a moment later, the very sight of it disappears as she places her hands upon either side of your head. Her hair falls freely around you, making it so that you can see her, and only her, smell her and only her, she was… at the moment, everything there was in this world.

Then she lowered herself, her eyes fluttering closed. Yours do as well shortly after, and then you feel her. Soft lips press against your own, the final barrier breached, she falls against you fully, fully molding herself against you, wiggling, moving, trying to remove any sense of distance between your two bodies. She pulls back a moment later, a thin trail of saliva connecting your two lips she knocks away with her tongue. "I love you." Circe whispers. "Never leave me Shirou, alright?"

"Wasn't planning on it," you reply. "Any of you."

Circe lowers herself once more, her forehead pressing against your own, her eyes boring into yours. "I know, you'll try and save all of us, won't you?"

You open your mouth to respond, only for her to capture your lips again, her tongue dives in soon afterwards, dominating your own as the witch rumbles in satisfaction. She pulls back, but only enough that you can breathe and she can speak.

Her smile was, once again. Impish. "Hold on~"

Then you feel yourself fall through the bed, the mattress sinking under your combined weights for a moment before giving way completely. You see it above you, and the room a moment later, then you are tumbling through a field of stars as Circe laughs, the woman now invisible and out of sight.


You feel the warmth of water and the scent of salt, and a moment later… you are laying upon a large sheet upon… a familiar beach. It was the early morning, at least, in the broadest sense of the word. You weren't sure you could claim it to be 'morning' when it seemed that for all intents and purposes that time had stopped entirely. The water was not moving, the trees were bent as if in a mighty wind, but they were frozen there, leaves hanging in the air mid-fall. The island was less real than it ever had been before, but you had trouble focusing on that at the moment, namely because Circe was standing in front of you, wearing nothing but a smile.

"It does not have much time left to exist," Circe says, noticing your previously wandering eyes. "It was never meant to be here, and it took a good deal of trickery on my part to make it survive as it did."

You are only half paying attention to what she was saying, as, much like when Medea pulled the same trick, you found it rather hard to not stare. You couldn't understand what she was compensating for before, she took your breath away regardless. Peach-colored skin glowed in the frozen morning light as she moved closer to you, every shift of her body, every movement, caused the light to catch her in a different tantalizing way. It was impossible to look away, to focus on anything else. The island, your transportation, your worries and the war. It was all superseded by this, and your thoughts only became more frazzled as she lowered herself down onto the sheet, one hand moving to your face, the other to your chest. It is only as she does so you realize you yourself are also sans clothing.

"It's alright to be nervous," Circe says quietly, gently. "It's okay to be afraid, to not understand. I just need you to trust me Shirou, and follow my guidance. Can you do that?"

"I've always trusted you," you reply immediately.

Circe's smile falters for a moment, a brief look of surprise coming onto her face. Then, to your surprise, she blushes. "Fool."

"Now you sound like Medea."

Her eyes darted back, narrowed and annoyed. "Now is not the time to be mentioning other women Shirou." Then the smile returns, and she closes the distance between you once more, her lips pressing against your head. "But I appreciate the sentiment, now, leave things in the hand of this grand witch." Then she began kissing her way down your chest, and you lost the ability to think about much of anything at all.

You awoke… relaxed, far more than you had now in days upon days. You blinked slowly, taking in the… room. The last thing you recalled was being on the steps of Circe's temple, having passed out there after teleporting across half the island multiple times. She had been in your arms then, still injured, but apparently satisfied. But you were for the moment, alone and back in your own bed feeling… remarkably sore you note. And in a manner you were rather unaccustomed.

Sighing, idly wondering where Circe went, you turned your gaze towards the clock, the red lights in the dark revealing it to be a minute from turning six in the morning. You slept a full hour later than normal, pushing yourself off the bed with a groan, you made your way over to the closet and pulled on a robe to wear to the bath across the hall, then, making your way over to the door you open it-

And are immediately grabbed by your collar. You barely have time to let out a yelp before you are at the opposite end of the mansion. You only just register black armor and red clothing before the door to Sakura's room is violently swung open and you are thrown inside. Your shoulders hit the ground first, and you skid across the carpeting to come to a stop just before the edge of the bed. Behind you the door slams shut.

You groan into the carpet, not quite yet awake enough to begin to process why Sakura's servant thought that would be an okay thing to do, or why. And you slowly bring your head up to see… Sakura herself, sitting on the edge of her bed, looking about as alarmed with the entire situation as you were. You both sat, well, one of you was laying there, staring at one another without a word for what felt like a small eternity before you managed.

"Good morning, Sakura."

Sakura blinked, then slowly reached to the side and flicked on the desk lamp beside the bed. "Shirou? … What are you doing here?"

You push yourself up into a sitting position on the floor, adjusting your bathrobes all the while. "That's a good question," you mumble. "Your servant kidnapped me I think."

"Archer did?" Sakura replies, looking towards the door, "why would he do that?"

"Another good question," you reply. "Something you need, Sakura?"

Sakura freezes for a moment, then shakes her head. "No, not… really, are you doing alright Shirou?"

"I'm fine," you reply. "No aches and pains at least," you stare at her then for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to bring that up. "Are you alright, Sakura? With yesterday?"

Sakura's eyes dart to the floor. "I… don't know," she draws in a breath, one hand moving to clutch her arm like a lifeline. "I really just… don't know Shirou."

"He was hurting people," you reply lamely.

"I don't regret it, Shirou, I don't hold it against you either." Sakura replies quietly. "But he was still my brother."

You look away, no longer quite willing to meet her eyes. "I wished I didn't have to either, but… he was hurting people."

"He had been for a long time," Sakura whispers.

You look back up to her. "Sakura?"

Sakura shakes her head once more. "He needed to die Shirou, I'm sorry that… it was you that had to do it."

"I'd do it again, to anyone, if it meant protecting you and the others." You reply earnestly.

Sakura slips down onto the floor, her feet gingerly landing on the carpet before she sits cross legged across from you. "Why?" she then asks, looking at you earnestly.

"Because I care about you?" you reply, answering the idiotic question.

"Why me Shirou?" Sakura clarifies.

"My answer does not change just from you changing the specifics," you reply. "You're worth it and more."

"Why?" Sakura asks, more force in her words.

"I don't need a reason to help anyone, whether I know them or not," you reply. "I don't need a reason for Caster, for Circe, for Mordred or Fujiimaru. I don't even need a thought to help people I do know and care about beforehand. You're my closest friend Sakura, you've been so for a long time, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you."

Sakura searches your face for several long, pregnant moments, as if expecting to find deceit there. But you meant your words, they were what had defined your life up until this point. You would work until you could truly understand that smile you saw on Kiritsugu's face then. You had a debt to repay the world for your life.

Then her shoulders begin to shake, and without any thought you grab Sakura and pull her against you as she begins to wail. There are no words to it, no meaning, just desperate, louds sobs of grief, pain, and remorse. You hold her there, tight, you would fight for her, and you would be her anchor as well. You did not know Sakura, not deeply, not truly, she never talked about her time at home, and Shinji never spoke about her unless he had to.

But you would protect from the world itself if it came down to that, and from this war especially.

She pulls back sometime later, you didn't bother looking at the clock. One of her arms moves to wipe against her face, it pulls away to reveal red puffy eyes and… a small smile. "Thank you Shirou."

You smile back, moving a hand to wipe away the rest of the moisture. Sakura starts for a moment, then leans into the gesture, nuzzling herself against your hand. Her eyes flutter closed for a few seconds, then open once you pull the hand away once more. "Shirou, Assassin told me to do something if I got the chance?"

"Yeah?" you reply, "and are you feeling better?"

Sakura nods. "I'll be fine Shirou," she then draws in a breath, steeling herself. Then she launches herself forwards, her arms wrapping around your neck, pulling you against her as she slams her lips against yours.

A loud click sounds out as your teeth hit hers, and as her head hits yours a split second after that you feel a bright spark of pain. Sakura squeals, then scrambles over you, skipping out of the room with a fading call of… you believe she said she was heading to the bath. It was rather hard to tell.

You, for your part, laid there on the ground, one hand rubbing your forehead.


At least she was feeling better. Her mood was likely why Archer threw you in here to begin with. But her kissing you was a surprise, even if it was disguised as an apparent murder attempt. With a sigh, you sit yourself up, turning to face the door. You had expected to see Archer there, instead, even as you walk outside, you see nothing but hallway. Looking this way and that to make sure you weren't about to be kidnapped again, you begin making your way back to your own bathroom. Idly thinking over some conversations that needed to happen this morning.

Though, oddly. As you attempted to call Ayako after your bath and check up on her… she didn't answer.


Choose two, this is popularity, not plan.

[] [Fujimaru and Mash]
You wanted to know what their future plans were.

[] [Raiga]
You wanted to make sure he didn't want to murder you.

[] [Archer]
You'd like an explanation for that kidnapping.

[] [Medea]
You wanted to check up on your servant, about quite a few things actually.

[] [Circe]
You wanted to see if she had healed herself.

[] [Mordred]
You wanted to check up on her, in general.

Taiga will be coming up during breakfast for the next series of votes, along with Assassin. Next chapter will be another choose two with the winners of this vote removed. But with Taiga and Assassin added.

Also. Really sorry, but I dislike writing lewds so I tend to avoid it. Not a prude, just don't find the writing part particularly enjoyable for that content. I focus on character bits instead.

In other, other news, I'm currently dealing with a lot of crap, any support is appreciated, though far from mandatory.

Buy Erien a Coffee. ko-fi.com/erien0598

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[X] [Fujimaru and Mash]

We need as many allies in this clusterfuck of a war.
[X] [Mordred]

See if she's still berserkering. Or not catatonic for once

I'm also disappointed that she didn't call us her little pigchamp
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[X] [Fujimaru and Mash]
You wanted to know what their future plans were.
[X] [Mordred]
You wanted to check up on her, in general.
It is good to be early and WOW. This chapter is just WOW. It's great. Finally Shirou had some(?) action(??) and it is with Circe so while no lewd it is great. Archer may just become this quest best wingman for helping us defusing Sakura.
[X] [Archer]

I know why he did what he did, we got a whole mini chapter about that. Just trying to figure him out in general.

[X] [Mordred]

Check the other bomb with no timer, no obvious switch, and a big hole in her.
Also. Really sorry, but I dislike writing lewds so I tend to avoid it. Not a prude, just don't find the writing part particularly enjoyable for that content.
Your choice, and I understand, especially with your injury. Thanks for the chapter, it was still quite good!
[X] [Fujimaru and Mash]
You wanted to know what their future plans were.
[X] [Mordred]
You wanted to check up on her, in general.
It is good to be early and WOW. This chapter is just WOW. It's great. Finally Shirou had some(?) action(??) and it is with Circe so while no lewd it is great. Archer may just become this quest best wingman for helping us defusing Sakura.
Glad you liked it, and yes, Shirou went all the way with Circe.
Then you feel yourself fall through the bed, the mattress sinking under your combined weights for a moment before giving way completely. You see it above you, and the room a moment later, then you are tumbling through a field of stars as Circe laughs, the woman now invisible and out of sight.

This witch, using a reality marble to get laid? Archer and/or Rin would have a stroke if they found out. Alexander would approve though.

"I've always trusted you," you reply immediately.

Circe's smile falters for a moment, a brief look of surprise coming onto her face. Then, to your surprise, she blushes. "Fool."

Critical hit!

And are immediately grabbed by your collar. You barely have time to let out a yelp before you are at the opposite end of the mansion. You only just register black armor and red clothing before the door to Sakura's room is violently swung open and you are thrown inside. Your shoulders hit the ground first, and you skid across the carpeting to come to a stop just before the edge of the bed. Behind you the door slams shut.

Archer has decided to practice the noble art of Shirou-yeeting I see.

"He had been for a long time," Sakura whispers.

You look back up to her. "Sakura?"

Sakura shakes her head once more. "He needed to die Shirou, I'm sorry that… it was you that had to do it."

C'mon Sakura just open up to him about it already! It will help both of you!

Then her shoulders begin to shake, and without any thought you grab Sakura and pull her against you as she begins to wail. There are no words to it, no meaning, just desperate, louds sobs of grief, pain, and remorse. You hold her there, tight, you would fight for her, and you would be her anchor as well. You did not know Sakura, not deeply, not truly, she never talked about her time at home, and Shinji never spoke about her unless he had to.

But you would protect from the world itself if it came down to that, and from this war especially.

She pulls back sometime later, you didn't bother looking at the clock. One of her arms moves to wipe against her face, it pulls away to reveal red puffy eyes and… a small smile. "Thank you Shirou."

Darkura partially averted? Maybe?

[X] [Raiga]
You wanted to make sure he didn't want to murder you.
[X] [Medea]
You wanted to check up on your servant, about quite a few things actually.

Raiga is always a fun character, and we clearly need to check up on our other witch! Let's go!