A Reforged World (NO SV, You are King of Italy, in a Greatly Changed World)

[X]No: History is not kind to idealists. (The Ottomans will declare war, but their objectives are small. And they may not even be able to take their objectives)
Anything else I would be willing to bend the knee on,hell if he asked for help for getting a colony in the new world I would give him that!,but never this, he wants a fight hes getting one.
[X]No: History is not kind to idealists. (The Ottomans will declare war, but their objectives are small. And they may not even be able to take their objectives)

We never compromised with Charles, we won't start with the ottomans... Italy Rules the Water of the Mediterranean!!!
[X]No: History is not kind to idealists. (The Ottomans will declare war, but their objectives are small. And they may not even be able to take their objectives)

Well lets get our homies again, my bro Spain are already with us in this one, how about Russia entering this nice party as Conqueror of Constantinople and Protector of the Orthodoxy Church, this must be a nice title for any Tsar to have
United Kingdom of Italy (More flags)

United Kingdom of Italy

Regno d'Italia

"Glory to Itallia!"

A proposal for a Tricolor flag for the nation of Italy. I decided to do something different from the original Italian flag and gave these new designs their own meanings.

the colours represent Italy itself: white for the snowy Alps and other mountain regions; green for the plains and the hills; and black for the bond forged from steel, Unity and strength of will amongst the people.

There's also this:

Which is just the same but with the Christian cross. To symbolised the roman Catholic Church.

[X]No: History is not kind to idealists. (The Ottomans will declare war, but their objectives are small. And they may not even be able to take their objectives)

Our navy rules the med sea this will cripple the ottomans we can just plow through the marmara sea and the straits of constantinople to get to the black sea.
[X]No: History is not kind to idealists. (The Ottomans will declare war, but their objectives are small. And they may not even be able to take their objectives)
[X]No: History is not kind to idealists. (The Ottomans will declare war, but their objectives are small. And they may not even be able to take their objectives)
[X]No: History is not kind to idealists. (The Ottomans will declare war, but their objectives are small. And they may not even be able to take their objectives)
How many times do we have teach this lesson old man?!
I have absolutely no idea why people want to fight the Ottomans while they have their ultra-competent leadership. While we're fighting a war with France who has historically managed to go toe-to-toe with multiple Great Powers.
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I have absolutely no idea why people want to fight the Ottomans while they have their ultra-competent leadership. While we're fighting a war with France who has historically managed to go toe-to-toe with multiple Great Powers.
So who wants to tell him about the ass blasting they recived last quest from the navy?
They told us of horrific insanity, of a general going mad and seeking to cross the Alps as Hannibal had centuries prior.

But he did not have the will, the training, or the skills to cross the Alps in winter.

We found the army, all ten thousand bodies, with muskets, powder, and steel, frozen in the alpine passes.
The Italy front of the French forces kinda effectively killed themselves via mountain, so they MAY be generally lacking the proper leadership needed to reach their historical capability.
Facing the prospect of a two front war, seeking to outflank the French offensive to cut them off and destroy their armies and knock them out of the war to focus on the eastern front at their leisure? Very nearly invading a neutral country to enable said flanking maneuver? What about this doesn't sound like the Schlieffen Plan?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Feb 10, 2024 at 12:11 AM, finished with 37 posts and 25 votes.
The First Part of the War Of Religion: (Or as it will be known in the future, Restoration of the World, or as it's known in the Eastern Islamic World, The Jihad for Greece):
The First Part of the War Of Religion: (Or as it will be known in the future, Restoration of the World, or as it's known in the Eastern Islamic World, The Jihad for Greece):

The Southern French Front:

The Italian Army of Sicily (The Scum of the Earth):D100 + 10 => 11
The French Army of Aquitane:D100 - 30 => 25

To say it was a near disaster was a mild understatement for the Italian Army.

King Cosmo was no military genius but he was skilled at logistics, and this war was going to be one of logistics and strategy, rather than tactics. Communication and clear lines were needed. But he underestimated the resistance of his foe, very nearly costing him his army.

The French Army was waiting, scorching their countryside to deny him supply, and setting up gruesome displays of violence, erecting forts and other fortifications, forcing hundreds to stand and fight, in well-fortified positions that could not be taken by siege. They were going to be caught in the Winter, and even supplies from the Navy being sent from Italy could not force him forward.

And he had to send men on costly assaults to take them, to keep pushing forward. Because any day not moving forward, was another day that would allow the French to build more fortifications, and prepare their cities for siege.

Hundreds died… nay, thousands.

Many were dying because the French were not surrendering. They did not know what would become of them, in this invasion. Many of them see this as the end times, Revelations bring forth, and the end of the World.

And they would fight like mad bastards… because they thought they were the heroes. They would be remembered

And the King in Sicily had to march forward… because he had no choice… And his army was on the brink of collapse.

But his army was saved, by the timely arrival of the Spanish, connecting their lines with theirs, and a new strategy being created.

The Spanish Invasion of Southern France:D100 => 31

To say that the Spanish Army was better led was like saying lions were led by donkeys. Charles chose many of his great captains, but they were all, timid and afraid.

These men were driven by god, and moving forward with a zeal that was impossible to keep them. But they were not smart

And the Spanish commanders knew their limitations. Their own strategic and logistical failings.

But they could use Cosmo, and Cosmo knew his place.

Combining their forces would be easier… and it would also keep them together.


It is a slow, desperate slog through southern France. Winter is coming soon, and it will be a hard one, possibly the hardest to strike Europe in centuries.

But the Invasion is still alive, clinging to life despite French entrenchments. And the fanaticism of its defenders.

The Combined Spanish-Italio Army is about to begin its gamble.

The Die is Cast.

The Army of Northern Italy (The Arditi):D100 + 10 => 69
The French Army of the Rhine:D100 - 30 => -8

We win or we die. That was what the General said to his men as they prepared to leave the Alps, into the Rhine Valley, and into the Pope King's underbelly. His supply lines, his ammunition…

His reinforcements.

And his Army there, his garrisons, his very troops meant to protect it… Were disorganized, not prepared for this… lazy.

They had defenses and men, but not soldiers, not drilled men. They were boys. Old men… as if the French leadership was robbing the cradle and the grave for his forces. At least from the outset…

They did not last long. The Arditi were not afraid. They were not afraid of death, God, or the French.

They wanted to end the madness.

Reward: The French Main Force is cut off from supplies. Next Trun of this, the main French Army will have an additional -20 to their rolls.

The French Army's Assult on the Austrian Netherlands:D100 - 30 => 68

Austrian Netherlands Defense:D100 => 3

Elsewhere… traitors exist.

The Habsburg Netherlands has fallen without a shot being fired. The Dutch, wishing to rebel and be free, unable to, their weapons and storehouses sized. Powder taken,

Their ships impounded and taken… French crews trying to build an armada to destroy the Spanish and Italian Fleets.

They were conquered… and they would be under occupation…

And a very easy one at that…

They would leave garrisons, and they would be able to move elsewhere.

Reward: The Austrian Netherlands was taken by traitors among the leadership. The French invasion force suffered no casualties and could move elsewhere to strike wherever they were needed.

More forces are brought to bear elsewhere.
The Main French Army of Germany (Pope King Louis Army):D100 - 30 => 42
Gotz the Ironhanded:D100 => 10

The Pope King knew he was in a terrible situation. But also knew that he could force a great victory, and consolidate his gains, and destroy the False Emperor before he could deal with the Austrians.

Yet even he was surprised by Gotz the Ironhanded, the man whom everyone had trusted to save Germany, unable to field a most effective force. His forces were untrained, unruly, and completely terrified.

It would be like Frankfurt, he wondered, and then he attacked.

Gotz and his men were able to repel his skirmishers and keep together. Barely. It was going to be the end of The German people as an independent people. End of the Catholic Rule.

And the Beginning of something greater. A unified Europe, under him.

The False Emperor:D100 => 90+D100 => 23=113
Do the Southern Germans Attack the False Emperor by accident?:D2 => 2 (No)

And then the False Emperor came at his flank… and it was nearly a disaster.

His Army was small, numbering less than 20,000 men. But they were chanting prayers to God so that they were immortal.

They had arms, armor, and weapons, and they were hammering hard on his flank. But Gotz did not know if they were his allies or enemies.

But the Pope King did. He knew that once Gotz realized what was happening, he would be attacking, with everything he had, to surround and destroy his Army.

He could not afford to lose his army. Not now. Not when he had victory assured if he could just manage his forces.

French Orderly Retreat due to confusion among Gotz Forces:D100 - 30 => 70

So he made the call. He retreated.

And his men did so orderly.

His Army was alive, if battered.

But his campaign would not end today.

Reward: The Pope King nearly got trapped in the lull of victory from Gotz disorganized forces, but managed to escape once he realized that the False Emperor was not trying to fight him.

He would return to resupply and rearm his forces and deal with the troublesome flies around his new empire.

For now, Germany, and the former HRE, remain free. But now there are difficult questions that must be answered.

Was the False Emperor legitimate, despite the electors dissolving the empire… and would Austria and Bavaria accept this heretic as Emperor?

The Seeds for more internal conflict are sown.

The Italian Navy:D100 + 20 => 72
The Spanish Navy:D100 => 54

Control over the Mediterranean. That was all they had. And they knew they could take their time crossing the Straits and move into the Atlantic.

The French Northern Fleet:D100 => 95-30=65

But even with the ships of the Netherlands under their disposal…

They were not ready. They would never be ready.

But luck would belong to heaven.

Reward: The Fleets begin to gather, to end the war at Sea.
The Ottoman Fleet:D100 => 1
The Ottoman invasion force:D100 => 5
The Italian Fleet of Rhodes:D100 + 20 => 71
The Italian Army of Greece:D100 + 10 => 96+D100 + 10 => 15

Decimation. Destruction.

Absolute Route. The Invasion of Rhodes was met by only a single Army, only ten thousand strong, mostly of old men and boys, but led by a surprisingly young Colonel Bonaparte, who himself was only a young man of 20.

The invasion was amphibious in a storm, and the Ottoman forces made landfall… but they would not go far.

For the Fleet of Rhodes was there, bolstering the Army, having only 30 ships, against 200.

And they found the Fleet lacking. For the fleet fled, if they were not outright destroyed.

Nearly 50 fell beneath the waters. And the rest fled.

With their only hope for escape lost…

The Ottoman forces surrendered.

Reward: Total victory among the Italian forces in Greece.

Utter humiliation for the Ottoman invasion force.
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Fucking French Bastards...we'll get you yet.


The Ottoman Fleet:D100 => 1
The Ottoman invasion force:D100 => 5
The Italian Fleet of Rhodes:D100 + 20 => 71
The Italian Army of Greece:D100 + 10 => 96+D100 + 10 => 15
Suleiman: *throws his hands up* "Fine, fine, I can take a hint, Allah. No more conquering for me. I'll just focus on reforming the Law Code."
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