Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

So what, are you going to have one genetically-augmented super soldier dual-wielding energy maces as he bellows litanies of hatred against aliens eldritch cultists and other daemonic super soldiers?

That sounds awesome. I´ll allow it.
I mean, every Space Marine who isn't using a bolter or heavy weapon usually dual wields a pistol and their melee, so dual melee at least just makes sense.
[X] Plan Ever Vigilant

Question @ThunderOwl, but can we just repeatedly focus on training up our serfs to Elite level, and then also do that to our regiments as well? And if so, are their any drawbacks to that?
Question @ThunderOwl, but can we just repeatedly focus on training up our serfs to Elite level, and then also do that to our regiments as well? And if so, are their any drawbacks to that?
Well, Oportunity cost for the most part, also take into account that as they progress in training levels they will also require more investment to reach the next, so making both serfs and PDF regiments elite will take a lot of turns.
We need to choose a forgeworld for our fleet building mostly is the issue. We need like 5 strike cruisers at a minimum i think and alot of escorts to be a basic space marine chapter strenght.

Honestly why not promise to them that we will help them the exact same amount force ,so if we want to do admech missions we have to do 2 missions at once - wich wouldnt be ideal but could maybe work if the author allows this solution. This is literally the only solution to not get a almost hostile forgeworld in our sector and even then they would still be rather pissed at us and honestly just choosing one is probably a more viable idea.
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We need to choose a forgeworld for our fleet building mostly is the issue. We need like 5 strike cruisers at a minimum i think and alot of escorts to be a basic space marine chapter strenght.

Honestly why not promise to them that we will help them the exact same amount force ,so if we want to do admech missions we have to do 2 missions at once - wich wouldnt be ideal but could maybe work if the author allows this solution. This is literally the only solution to not get a almost hostile forgeworld in our sector and even then they would still be rather pissed at us and honestly just choosing one is probably a more viable idea.
When they were introduced we were told how that would be a bad idea with an example of how it went bad for someone who tried to do that.
I know its late in the voting but would it be possible for you to change one of these to one of the forge worlds?
I'm concerned about the potential sabotage we might have to deal with if we did right now. I'd like to have some more positive relations and favors from around the sector first, so we're able to leverage against that sort of thing at least partially. I could be convinced to change it though if the general consensus is that we wouldn't (yet) have to deal with such bullshit.
I'm concerned about the potential sabotage we might have to deal with if we did right now. I'd like to have some more positive relations and favors from around the sector first, so we're able to leverage against that sort of thing at least partially. I could be convinced to change it though if the general consensus is that we wouldn't (yet) have to deal with such bullshit.
I just want us to build up a fleet soon. It's pretty clear that we're going to be getting into more fleet battles and not having an escort fleet is going to bite us.
I just want us to build up a fleet soon. It's pretty clear that we're going to be getting into more fleet battles and not having an escort fleet is going to bite us.
To be fair, were already a pretty potent force with just a battle barge and 5 strike cruisers, but agreed. Hopefully we should be able to cap our escorts of a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 per capital class ship we bring in. Especially since still haven't hit that hard limit of 4 battle barges and 22 strike cruisers yet.
In almost every Space Marine Chapter quest, players always seem to want to train up some supplementary force, the PDF of the homeworld or the serfs as some kind of elite formation and their next goal is always to start sending them out into the galaxy to help the Imperium. And I'm like 89% sure it's because that worked in the Crimson Crusaders quests.

It also totally ignores that the elite PDF forces guarding a homeworld are still less valuable/effective than the 100 Space Marines that would otherwise be on permanent garrison duty. There's nothing too bad about having some kind of supplement military force back the Chapter, but that's the job of the Guard and the Navy.

It worked that one time with the Crimson Crusaders because they were set up on a Hive World with a huge population and were capable of supplying their forces with quality equipment by themselves. They were able to send out multiple regiments of Elite troops, compared favorably to the like of the Death Korp, the Catachans, the Mordian Iron Guard, and even the Cadian Shock Troops, driven by a sense of duty instilled in them by their past and following the example set by the CC Chapter.
In almost every Space Marine Chapter quest, players always seem to want to train up some supplementary force, the PDF of the homeworld or the serfs as some kind of elite formation and their next goal is always to start sending them out into the galaxy to help the Imperium. And I'm like 89% sure it's because that worked in the Crimson Crusaders quests.

It also totally ignores that the elite PDF forces guarding a homeworld are still less valuable/effective than the 100 Space Marines that would otherwise be on permanent garrison duty. There's nothing too bad about having some kind of supplement military force back the Chapter, but that's the job of the Guard and the Navy.

It worked that one time with the Crimson Crusaders because they were set up on a Hive World with a huge population and were capable of supplying their forces with quality equipment by themselves. They were able to send out multiple regiments of Elite troops, compared favorably to the like of the Death Korp, the Catachans, the Mordian Iron Guard, and even the Cadian Shock Troops, driven by a sense of duty instilled in them by their past and following the example set by the CC Chapter.
I don't think that's the plan here. Luctus needs all the population it can get, so sending out hundreds of thousands of people at a time to go fight in the Imperial Guard isn't a good idea.

However, a strong local military is still very important in case the homeworld is ever attacked. 100 Space Marines can protect a Fortress Monastery perhaps, but they cannot protect a planet against the sort of enemy that looks at a Space Marine Chapter's homeworld and goes "nah, I'd win". Which isn't unlikely given we are a Traitor Legion descended Chapter. And better Serfs are always good for void operations, especially if you're likely to be boarded.
I don't think that's the plan here. Luctus needs all the population it can get, so sending out hundreds of thousands of people at a time to go fight in the Imperial Guard isn't a good idea.

However, a strong local military is still very important in case the homeworld is ever attacked. 100 Space Marines can protect a Fortress Monastery perhaps, but they cannot protect a planet against the sort of enemy that looks at a Space Marine Chapter's homeworld and goes "nah, I'd win". Which isn't unlikely given we are a Traitor Legion descended Chapter. And better Serfs are always good for void operations, especially if you're likely to be boarded.
Nah, their is actuly a good reason for training up our planetary forces to something like elite level, and its the fact Luctus is a Death World. And since its highly unlikely we're ever going to completely manage to connect and restore every single refugee site and make a series of underground tunnel systems between each refugge, raising the stats for our regiments is the next best thing.

The same thing can apply to our surf's but that's far more limited to just better defenses to the monastery and navy engagement with any ships we have on hand to use. So, training for them is admittedly far more limited for in scope, but possibly far greater in impact depending on what attacks us per turn.
I don't think that's the plan here. Luctus needs all the population it can get, so sending out hundreds of thousands of people at a time to go fight in the Imperial Guard isn't a good idea.

However, a strong local military is still very important in case the homeworld is ever attacked. 100 Space Marines can protect a Fortress Monastery perhaps, but they cannot protect a planet against the sort of enemy that looks at a Space Marine Chapter's homeworld and goes "nah, I'd win". Which isn't unlikely given we are a Traitor Legion descended Chapter. And better Serfs are always good for void operations, especially if you're likely to be boarded.

Sorry, I just saw someone talk about training the Serfs up to an Elite level, and I just assumed it was attempt to have cake and eat it too.