[X] 600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)

Welp, if it weren't for the promise that this perk would be retired until we achieve the capstone list, I would have voted for the 0pt then re-roll. So, are there any interesting powers on the creature list? I don't suppose we could try for another half-dragon template, maybe one a bit less.. disgusting? The Harry Potter animagus is 300 pts, but not sure it would really be worth it...
If we end up getting Final Fantasy we could get Physical Manifestation that would let Zodiark and some other summons act like our normal creatures.
If Pokemon is an option Mega Evolutions would be on the table though I'm also really tempted to grab Porygon that is just a solid Pokemon that also doubles as an AI.
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Dec 28, 2023 at 8:59 AM, finished with 43 posts and 21 votes.
Chapter 194: Sub vote part 2 (One of Each)
I apologize to those who want a specific category like Ben 10, D&D, or Terraria but I want to focus on Bonus Categories and ones that haven't given us any creatures yet. (+ Various) I'm sure you can find some fun things in the following selection, I tried to have some variety. I want to include Sonic but I haven't finished it yet. Please keep in mind what we may need. Creatures to give away, creatures for the Dungeon, and so on.


[] Various: Write-In
[] Fakemon: Write-In
[] Plants vs Zombies: Write-In
[] Monsuno: Write-In
[] Jackie Chan Adventures: Write-In
[] Kid Icarus: Write-In
[] Enter the Gungeon: Write-In
[] Shaman King: Write-In
[] Genshin Impact: Write-In
[] Cassette Beasts: Write-In

Voting will be closed Friday at 3 PM GMT
Hmm this will take me awhile to go through though for Jackie Chan Adventures I am tempted to take the Rabbit Talisman since we were talking about needing something with super speed earlier and that talisman can grant potentially anyone/anything with that power.

Edit: Yeah I'll just slowly fill this out as I go. Sure I'll take the Duplicat it's Ditto but cat-shaped, yeah Cujo sounds pretty great both by himself and with our trait granting powers, yeah I'll just take the enforce-mint get 2 plants for the price of one, for Shaman King going for Mic mostly because I know him the most from the anime, yeah know nothing of Cassete Beast so for now just taking the seal, also know absolutely nothing about Monsuno so I'm just putting Mysticblade here for now because it's special moves sound interesting and there is nothing in comparison on Afterburn's page, Enter the Gungeon I was so tempted to get the Shark Gun but yeah just deleting bullets and shutting down enemy gunfire is just useful for hero work, Kid Icarus I'll just take the Divine Bow for now unless something else pops up, for Genshin I put 2 votes on there one for the Robot Boss since it has neat abilities and also put the Ninja Doge on there just because. Adding Lock for another Monsuno vote mostly because he has an extensive list of what he can do probably because he's the MC's Monsuno. Adding Guoba to my Genshin vote was debating voting for him before but Dolly convinced me.

[X] Various: Cujo (Danny Phantom)
[X] Fakemon: Duplicat
[X] Plants vs Zombies: Enforce-mint
[X] Plants vs Zombies: Rose
[X] Monsuno: Mysticblade
[X] Monsuno: Lock
[X] Jackie Chan Adventures: Rabbit Talisman
[X] Kid Icarus: Divine Bow
[X] Enter the Gungeon: Blank Companion's Ring
[X] Shaman King: Mic the Jaguar
[X] Genshin Impact: Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network
[X] Genshin Impact: Kageroumaru
[X] Genshin Impact: Guoba Attack
[X] Cassette Beasts: Diveal
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[X] Various: Cujo (Danny Phantom)
[X] Fakemon: Duplicat
[X] Plants vs Zombies: Enforce-mint
[X] Monsuno: Afterburn
[X] Jackie Chan Adventures: Rabbit Talisman
[] Kid Icarus: Auspicious Beasts Summon Apparently, I can't read : P I thought it said Jujutsu Kaisen... it clearly says Kid Icarus
[X] Kid Icarus: Divine Bow
[X] Enter the Gungeon: Blank Companion's Ring
[X] Shaman King: Platinum Sword
[X] Genshin Impact: Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network
[X] Cassette Beasts: Diveal


Cujo is a ghost with ghost powers such as the common intangibility, invisibility, and flight combo all Ghosts have. Grant Trait means that now anyone of our Partners or Alex himself can go intangible. Also, he can teleport.

Duplicat can Transform in any creature (non-pokemon are 1/3rd strength) so long as it is less than 20m, though they can Tranform into 20m versions of bigger creatures. The other moves aren't bad either.

Enforce-mint comes with another plant (Kiwibeast) which is a decent shockwave based Blaster/Shaker for its price and it also boosts it for a dozen seconds every 85 seconds, and boosts any other plants in its family that we get later.

Never heard of Monsuno at all, I thought a cybernetic three-headed dragon sounds cool, I'll take a better suggestion if anyone knows of one.

The Rabbit Talisman multiplies the users speed immensely (when used on a space shuttle it went from earth to the moon in seconds) allowing for supersonic flight with the talisman that lets you fly. Give this to Velocity and he'll be faster than Levithan.

Auspicious Beasts Summon is basically 4 summons in one and gives Alex Cursed Energy, a useful and versatile powerset with room to grow as he gets more Techniques. IGNORE THIS, IT'S JUST ME BEING DUMB. : P

Divine Bow that can fire homing arrows that can also nullify enemy fire + Kuja's ability to fuse with weapons giving them Haki imbuement = Lots of fun.

Clears the entire room of bullets when activated (can be activated every 10 seconds), stops them from spawning (read: being fired for a few seconds) and knockbacks + damages any enemies in the vicinity. Very useful indeed.
Platinum Sword turns into a cool energy swords, enough said. (Also have no idea what this series is, so I picked based on coolness)
Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network is a boss level AI Robot with elemental abilities. I like it. My knowledge of Genshin Impact is memes and some character stuff, nothing about the creatures and bosses. : (
Diveal increases swim speed which is useful I suppose. Also, it's a Seal with a Helmet, which I find adorable.
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Agree on the rabbit talisman we need this to get about leviathan or maybe higher speed this alone will solve most of our issue by the way someone made some good points with Danny phantom so that another I'm going vote for.
Edit: we also need to figure at least one or two creature to either give away or to give to the dungeon I'm drawing blank on that so suggestion would be great

[X] Various:Cujo (Danny Phantom)
[X] Jackie Chan Adventures: Rabbit Talisman
[X] Plants vs Zombies: Sunflower
[X] Fakemon: Duplicat
[X] Cassette Beasts: Umbrahella
[X] Enter the Gungeon: Blank Companion's Ring
[X] Genshin Impact: Guoba Attack
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[X] Various: Ddraig (High School DxD)

Ddraig would be super useful because he can be both a powerful summon and he can become the Boosted Gear for a massive power up
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[X] Various: Mül Converter (Valerian)
[X] Fakemon: Duplicat
[X] Plants vs Zombies: Sunflower
[] Monsuno: Write-In
[X] Jackie Chan Adventures: Rabbit Talisman
[X] Kid Icarus: Rose Staff
[] Enter the Gungeon: Jammed? Blank Companion's Ring?
[] Shaman King: Write-In
[] Genshin Impact: Write-In
[X] Cassette Beasts: Umbrahella

  • Mül Converter allows you to multiply items it eats as long as it has energy, so if fused with Rex allows effective limitless of a material or item as long as you have at least one, and could be a good choice for giving away. Any growth Power would make it useful for many Tinkers. I almost switched it for Mokujin, who can copy enemy abilities and adapt them so it can use them, but Duplicat works well enough at copying.
  • Duplicat learns Copycat as an attack, so outside it taking the form of another being it can also imitate attacks from others. Unlike in Pokemon games there is likely no limit to the number of attacks copied, so the knowledge of how to use all these moves can later be transferred to Ms. J.
  • Sunflower creates solid sunlight, which could probably be given with Resource Network to Capoeira since the Sunflowers constantly generate energy while in sunlight. Another option is possibly giving it to Blossom if she could be convinced to accept it since the Sunlight seems to instantly grow seeds so she could work even if she wasn't in an area with plants. I don't remember the game being clear on how you got the plants to suddenly appear, but using sunlight seems like it would be through growth.
  • ?
  • Rabbit Talisman's Super Speed does seem quite useful
  • Rose Staff would be an alternate option for Blossom, since it fires brambles, which she could likely grow some before they reach the target.
  • Debating Jammed right now since it boosts a creature that can become or fire projectiles, and Blank Companion's Ring since it activates a Blank effect when you use an active item, which would clear all enemy projectiles in a certain radius
  • ?
  • ?
  • Umbrehella has a skill that temporarily turns all its attacks into multi-target attacks, so it's good for giving away with GIft Attack. The poison that makes it so the enemy basically can't dodge also helps.
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I apologize to those who want a specific category like Ben 10, D&D, or Terraria but I want to focus on Bonus Categories and ones that haven't given us any creatures yet. (+ Various) I'm sure you can find some fun things in the following selection, I tried to have some variety. I want to include Sonic but I haven't finished it yet. Please keep in mind what we may need. Creatures to give away, creatures for the Dungeon, and so on.

Voting will be closed Friday at 3 PM GMT

[x] Various: the Birrn, and the serina project, both can be rolled into the prehistoric/subnautica/future is wild

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRgw1fY7s5U

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDtpEiMyGT4

[x] Jackie Chan Adventures: shadow ninjas, generic but effective
[x] Enter the Gungeon: the bullets with guns that are incredibly opinionated on guns
[x] Shaman King: the Legos for maximum synergy with the already existing SCP legos
[x] Various: the Birrn, and the serina project, both can be rolled into the prehistoric/subnautica/future is wild
That's not a valid vote, I think there's a misunderstanding. You need to choose a creature that is present in the category called Various in the doc.
If you give me link to a wiki for Birrn and/or Serina project, I'm willing to look into it to make a bonus category.

[x] Jackie Chan Adventures: shadow ninjas, generic but effective
[x] Enter the Gungeon: the bullets with guns that are incredibly opinionated on guns
[x] Shaman King: the Legos for maximum synergy with the already existing SCP legos
I need the specific name and link that are in the doc. And the Shaman's king's Lego are worth 400 points so they're not available anyway.
So, I am not particularly familiar with many of these categories, so I'm only going to look into and vote on the ones I am familiar with:

[X] Plants vs Zombies: Enforce-mint
[X] Enter the Gungeon: Blank Companion's Ring
[X] Genshin Impact: Guoba Attack
[X] Genshin Impact: Kageroumaru
[X] Cassette Beasts: Diveal
[X] Various: Cujo (Danny Phantom)
[X] Jackie Chan Adventures: Rabbit Talisman

Enforce-mint is just good cost efficiency. A pretty solid effect(10 random enemies nearby will be shrunk to a far more manageable size), and it's technically a modifier so we get a bonus creature to use it on(in this case the Kiwibeast)

Blank Companion's Ring is probably the best thing we can get from this category for only 300 points. It'll be up to Zagan to determine what constitutes an 'active item', but every time we use such a thing, the Blank Companion will nullify all enemy projectiles, and prevent more from being fired, for a few seconds. Very good way to create an opening in something like a gunfight.

Now about Guoba. Guoba may not seem particularly impressive, he's really not. But the thing is, he used to be a God. Though it isn't going to be easy, we can potentially bring Guoba back to the level of power he once held. It's a storyline possibility even Zagan suggested for people who rolled him.

Kageroumaru is a very good boy so I'm putting him as an option too.

Take it from me, ASIMON may look neat, but it's really not that impressive for the cost. Below average for the 300 tier.

Diveal is good because it provides a permanent passive secondary buff. Domminoth and Jumpkin do too for the same cost but theirs just aren't as useful. Umbrahella would also be good, but more for the things we could take off of it than its own abilities.
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[X] Various: Miko
[X] Fakemon: Hazma

For the memes.

[X] Plants vs Zombies: Sunflower
[X] Monsuno: Squarx
[X] Jackie Chan Adventures: Bat-Khan

[X] Kid Icarus: Space Pirate Commando
[X] Kid Icarus: Forces of Nature Guard

[X] Enter the Gungeon: Bullet Kin
[X] Shaman King: Shikigami Kooni

[X] Genshin Impact: Consecrated Beast
[X] Genshin Impact: Kageroumaru

[X] Cassette Beasts: Clocksley

Here's part of my vote. Still scouring wikis.

For fakemon, I went Hazma because it's a Nuclear Type, and because it reminds me of a certain Sus Guy. An Imposter if you will. I went squarx because I liked his look more than many other monsuno. Even if he's artificial, I believe he's worthwhile as surprise reinforcements. I got bat khan as I wanted one of the Shadow kin tribes more than an artifact. For Kid Icarus, I'm split between Treeman Reinforcements, and more Aliens to join Scalpa; especially aliens whom are pirates (Aarrrgh!). Bullet Kin because we need more Little Guys (though I was tempted by the Variant Power Jammed. )

Shikigami because we can get 50 at once to form a tiny tower. I wanted another modifier which consecrated gives, but I'm not opposed to having another dog. As Alex said: "Is the multiverse full of Cats or something?"

Finally, clocksley for its remaster form is a massive fan of HEROIC JUSTICE! ALSO clockblocker.

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This will take me some time to go through all the categories, especially those I am unfamiliar with. I will try to explain my reasoning for each.

[X] Various: Sphere (ID)

This is an extraterrestrial AI containing the collected knowledge of an advanced alien species. Despite being far beyond humanity's knowledge base, it should not be black-boxed like Tinker Tech. It effectively guaranties FTL travel and spacecraft.

[X] Fakemon: Hazma

As useful as Duplicat would be, this is quite possibly our only chance to acquire a Nuclear Type. Considering Alex will almost inevitably fight Behemoth, having a creature with Radiation resistance (besides Zilla) is helpful.

[X] Plants vs Zombies: Enforce-mint

I was convinced by sonicyoshi's argument above.

[] Monsuno: Write-In
[X] Jackie Chan Adventures: Horse Talisman

This Talisman can easily heal others, and with Grant Summoning it can be given to others.

[X] Kid Icarus: Divine Bow

Having long range attacks is important for Compendium. The majority of his companions are limited to his summon range, so an option to fire powerful homing blasts should not be discounted.

[X] Enter the Gungeon: Blank Companion's Ring

This item can nullify all enemy projectiles under the right conditions. Very useful for a Hero.

[X] Shaman King: Blue Net

A spider spirit that can weave invisible webs for transportation and capture. A good non-lethal option in my opinion.

[X] Genshin Impact: Guoba Attack

From what I can gather, many of the creatures in the Genshin Impact category exist predominately to provide Ascension Materials Alex cannot use. And based on how important Elemental Reactions seem to be to the combat system, I suspect maximum efficiency would necessitate at least two creatures. Ergo I opted to vote for Guoba, weak though he is he is still technically a god. Perhaps he can regain his former power.

[X] Cassette Beasts: Diveal

I know almost nothing about Cassette Beasts but the passive boosts from Diveal seem most useful.
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That's not a valid vote, I think there's a misunderstanding. You need to choose a creature that is present in the category called Various in the doc.
If you give me link to a wiki for Birrn and/or Serina project, I'm willing to look into it to make a bonus category.

I need the specific name and link that are in the doc. And the Shaman's king's Lego are worth 400 points so they're not available anyway.



Chriirah is a habitable planet orbiting around orange dwarf k-type star (presumably based on the color of the Chriirah plants), and homeworld of the Birrin species. Similar to size and density of Earth, Chriirah is by comparison a hothouse world presently dominated by eroding continents and...



Edit Note: Make pages of all notable fauna and flora from Serina, including pages for some species of a certain clade Serina[1] is a speculative evolution project by Dylan Badja (Sheather888). On a faraway terraformed moon of a gas giant planet, Earth organisms are introduced by unknown forces...

it's probably better than you watch the videos on it tho, as the wikis tend to be less effective