Special vote: Gugalanna's Horn
Wow, I didn't expect so many responses or that it would start such a debate. Thank you all.
It seems to me that the main proposal is to use the horn as a catalyst for a Servant summoning. It's an obvious idea after all.
On that point, I need to clarify something. If it was used as a catalyst by Alex it wouldn't summon Ishtar, Gil, or Enkidu. Instead, it would summon a lesser, much weaker, version of Gugalanna. you all know my distaste for human-like creatures.

As I said I will hold a vote on how Alex will use the Horn. In all cases, once the Horn has been used for one of those options all the others become permanently unavailable. Don't go thinking that you create a weapon and then still use it as a catalyst for a servant.

[] Create/Improve a weapon with the Horn.
Note: Alex wouldn't be the one who end up using the weapon. He got too many already and the Horn couldn't be applied to them. It may be a partner or another hero to be determined.

[] Create a magical focus (wand, staff, or other) with the Horn.
Note: This could be used to enhance any of Alex's magical powers when used (Blue Magic, Djinn, Invocation, Beastmaster powers, Cards, etc...), and the effect would be even more pronounced with power related to Gugalanna's "domains".

[] Create a defensive item with the Horn.
Note: It would protect against things related to Gugalanna's "domains".

[] Feed the Horn to Devil Bringer to give it a powerful ability/power.
Note: You don't know what the ability/power would end up being, except that it would relate to Gugalanna's "domains".

[] Transform one of our partners into a Demi/Pseudo Servant of Gugalanna.
Note: This necessitates a compatible partner so a Bull or Bull-like creature. The only one that qualifies is Minos but I don't think he would be the best one for it.

[] Transform a human into a Demi/Pseudo Servant of Gugalanna.
Note: This may induce a transformation (permanent or not, controllable or not) into a Minotaur-like shape or even a straight-up Bull-like shape. This may be applied to a Parahuman but with unknown consequences. Cannot be used on Alex.

[] Can be given to our Dungeon Core to grant it an unknown benefit.
Note: Mystery box I won't tell you anything about this one, I may not even know myself.

Voting will be closed Tuesday at 3 PM GMT
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Chapter 194: Sub vote
[X] I should check on that animal shelter that accepted the dogs from the dog fighting rings.
[X] The meeting with the Adepts has been approved. Let's see what they want.
[X] Power
Power Roll: (1000 points)
Entry Roll D37=35
0 Bonus Theme + Reroll, 600 One of Each, 200 Random Gain

Here we go again. A lot of details and notes this time please read them.

-Bonus Theme: You gain a new theme of your choice.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
You can immediately reroll.
Note 1: I'll only reroll if this wins the first vote, that way you don't know what you could gain with it.
-One of Each: Each time you gain this power, roll for a creature. You gain it, no matter its cost.
In addition, if you would gain a creature costing 100 points or less this way you can roll again until you gain a second creature costing 100 points or less. Do not stack with Double Dice and Enlarged Dice.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
Note 2: Like last time I will give you to possibility to gain 42 creatures worth 100 points each, or 20 creatures worth 200 points, or 10 creatures worth 300 points. At the risk of diluting the vote I'll give you the choice straight away.)
Note 3: If this wins the vote, this power will be removed from the power
list until we gain access to the capstone list of power.
-Random Gain: Each time you gain this power, roll for a creature. You gain it, no matter its cost.
In addition, if you would gain a creature costing 100 points or less this way you can roll again until you gain a second creature costing 100 points or less. Do not stack with Double Dice and Enlarged Dice.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.

Note 4: For both One of Each and Random gain, in that situation "creature" means any entry from the creature section of the Menagerie, which includes Modifiers and miscellaneous setting-specific powers.


[] 0 Bonus Theme + Reroll
[] 600 One of Each (42 x 100 or less points creatures)
[] 600 One of Each (20 x 200 or less points creatures)
[] 600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)
[] 200 Random Gain

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Thursday at 3 PM GMT
Chapter 194: Sub vote part 2 (One of Each)
I apologize to those who want a specific category like Ben 10, D&D, or Terraria but I want to focus on Bonus Categories and ones that haven't given us any creatures yet. (+ Various) I'm sure you can find some fun things in the following selection, I tried to have some variety. I want to include Sonic but I haven't finished it yet. Please keep in mind what we may need. Creatures to give away, creatures for the Dungeon, and so on.


[] Various: Write-In
[] Fakemon: Write-In
[] Plants vs Zombies: Write-In
[] Monsuno: Write-In
[] Jackie Chan Adventures: Write-In
[] Kid Icarus: Write-In
[] Enter the Gungeon: Write-In
[] Shaman King: Write-In
[] Genshin Impact: Write-In
[] Cassette Beasts: Write-In

Voting will be closed Friday at 3 PM GMT
Chapter 194: Sub vote part 3 (Diveal evolution)
Vote closed (well nearly closed): Winning Vote:

[] Various: Cujo (Danny Phantom)
[] Fakemon: Duplicat
[] Plants vs Zombies: Enforce-mint + Bonus Kiwibeast
[] Monsuno: Mysticblade
[] Jackie Chan Adventures: Rabbit Talisman
[] Kid Icarus: Divine Bow
[] Enter the Gungeon: Blank Companion's Ring
[] Shaman King: Matamune + Bonus Ability to access and use Furyoku
[] Genshin Impact: Kageroumaru
[] Cassette Beasts: Diveal + Bonus Diveal Swim Ability

So in total, we have a phantom dog, not my choice for Various but nice enough. I expect a pseudo-legendary from the Fakemon category but Duplicat is a good idea even if they'll need some training before they can transform but even just Copycat has a lot of potential. I need to check with an expert (@Dolly Fail Fail) how the Mint and the Kiwibeast work exactly but they look interesting. A big flying serpent from Monsuno, we'll see what we can do with it. On the other hand, I fully expect the rabbit talisman to win after seeing the comment about needing more speed. I also expect a weapon from Kid Icarus, I'm not sure I would have gone for this one but it work. The Blank Ring looks to be fun, I'm inclined to give it away, it might make for a good standalone hero. I just need to make a ruling on how it activates in the story. Another Cat with Matamune, I'm not sure how to handle its spirit-destroying power, perhaps for projection. Then we have a ninja dog, it's nice. And we finish with a seal sporting a diving helmet, not my favorite from CB but nice.

And speaking of Diveal, I have one last vote for you about this one. It can evolve in two different directions. Which one do you prefer?

[] Diveberg
[] Scubalrus

it's probably better than you watch the videos on it tho, as the wikis tend to be less effective
Oh, I will watch the video. But to make a Category I need a wiki.

Thank you really appreciate it, I'll fulfill my part of deal
I just want to say that I really like seeing this deal, it's fun to see.

True, one of my concerns was if it can be used to heal Case 53's. I would say yes, but their Shards would try to turn them back afterwards, unless @zagan were to rule the Talismans description of "If activated, the Noble Horse expels all alien forces within." as acceptable reason to prevent that at the cost of their powers.
Okay, now I can elaborate. After rereading the wiki page about the Horse Talisman I decided that it wouldn't undo transformation effects such as Valmont Young curse. It might close the miniature portal inside the Corona Gemma but they may do more harm than good if the Shard handles some physic alteration effect to keep the Case 53 alive.
Maybe a few Case-53 with specific mutations that aren't too far from their basic human shape could benefit from it but it wouldn't be the majority.
Chapter 195: Sub vote
[X] I'm willing to try to teach them but only if they join the Protectorate. And with no guarantee of success.
[X] Power
Power Roll: (880 points)
Entry Roll D36=9
200 Strength Boost, 300 Exchange Position, 100 Explosive Finish

Nothing exciting but some solid powers nonetheless.

-Strength Boost: At any time you can choose to double the strength and endurance of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Exchange Position: You can exchange your position with one of your creatures.
Or you can exchange the position of two of your creatures.
-Explosive Finish: You can grant explosive energy to one of your creatures. Upon dying or on command the creature will violently explode. The strength of the explosion depends on the size of the creature, an insect would explode like a firecracker, a pig like a grenade, and so on. If the creature already explodes upon death, the strength of the explosion is doubled.


[] 200 Strength Boost
[] 300 Exchange Position
[] 100 Explosive Finish

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Monday at 3 PM GMT
Chapter 196: Sub vote
[X] Class System (Secondary Civilian classes)
[X] Dauntless wants to use a charge on his Totem, he wants me to be there just in case.
[X] Power
Power Roll: (1040 points)
Entry Roll D35=1
0 Removal, 100 Survivalist, 500 Summon x 3

Nothing to say this time.

-Removal: You can choose one category and permanently remove it from the Celestial Menagerie. You can immediately reroll.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
-Survivalist: You become an extremely skilled survivalist, you can survive in the wild while naked, you are able to light a fire, create a shelter, and find water and food in the most unlikely place.
-Summon x 3: When you summon a creature less than 20m in length or height you can summon three of them instead of one. They only count as one creature for the purpose of your summoning limit. You can only have one creature affected at a time.


[] 0 Removal
[] 100 Survivalist
[] 500 Summon x 3

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Saturday at 3 PM GMT

This is from my experience playing Fell Seal, but what do you think @zagan?
Your arguments made sense. but I don't have the same perspective. I don't consider Parahuman to have a "Parahuman class", I consider it more like a racial ability (even if those don't really exist in Fell Seal). So Beastmaster couldn't be gained as a second class to benefit from an existing Mana Pool. And while I'm sure Shards would be delighted to gain data about those strange powers the rules they operate under would prevent them from sending energy to their host for them to use.
Concerning the pet-sharing thing. I never tried to have two Beastmasters at the same time so I didn't know that this was possible to have the same pet multiple times with different characters. But even with that information, I consider that to be more a gameplay mechanic than anything else. Simply because in the game you can't use your Beastmaster ability at all if you don't have a Wrangler to tame the beasts beforehand which makes little sense.
So no, this avenue of magic is closed for the Adept.

As for the reveal of Dragon, what really caught me by surprise was learning that the Personal AI has the exact same settings and restrictions as Dragon. I expected it was based on her but the entry didn't seem to imply it was to this extent. It is a bit of a stretch but not an unreasonable one. The real question is how should Alex handle her situation.
Well yes the Personal AI does suffer from the same penalty as Dragon, I even considered having a version of Ascalon for it but that would have been too much. In practice, those restrictions are far less problematic for Virtual Alex than for Dragon. The no reproduction one is already covered by the CM who has the same rule. The authority one was mentioned. Putting human lives above his own is far less constraining when you know that you can be resummoned. There's no Iron Maiden for the personal AI (and it could still perceive the Iron Maiden of another AI). No modification to his own code isn't something that would even occur to Alex. And limited thinking speed isn't a hindrance when you're accustomed to a normal human thinking speed.

So will Civilian classes be limited to a more medieval setting, like Blacksmith, Leather Worker, and Seamstress? Or will be able to give out things with a more modern context like Mechanic, Plumber, or Photographer?
For now, the plan is to go with generic classes, like Crafter, Entertainer, or Gatherer. And when you gain it you choose a specialty. So Crafter (Blacksmith), Crafter (Glassblower), or Crafter (Computer).

It's a travesty that you didn't add a T to name her Replicat!

I want the first but my inner drug dealer values the second.
What does revival cost again?
Anything that Nimue would find valuable. She's mainly looking for samples of material that she has no example of yet, animals that she can absorb to gain new minion types, unique items like Tinkertech or Parahuman create objects, or if you don't have anything else you can offer a big quantity of precious metals or gems that she can convert into mana.

And will there be unique civilian classes for certain individuals?
No, not even Alex will have access to unique Civilian classes.

What happens if they tie a titanium chain to Compendium and have the Flerken eat him? Does the Flerken disappear? Does he survive and gets another Flerken to puke him up?
You mean if Compendium find himself trapped inside his own Flerken stomach, he can't for some reason teleport out and then the Flerken is forcefully unsummoned? Well in that case he would need to summon the Flerken again to get out.

Would Miss J be able to instruct people on Formalcraft? That requires no circuits as far as I remember, and it is magic.
Miss J can only teach mundane subjects that existed at the moment of her creation on SCP earth.
Chapter 197: Sub vote
[X] A ray of rainbow light is emitted by the Totem.
[X] I accumulated a fair number of Enchanted books, and it's time to put them to use..
[X] I have enough parts to build my own Mech, let's do that.
[X] Power
Power Roll: (900 points)
Entry Roll D34=30
0 Bonus points (100), 0 Debt (Already one in stock), 0 Exchange
Reroll if Exchange Reject
Entry Roll D34=15
1000 Dimensional Travel (Too Expensive), 300 Multi-Boost, 300 Self Transformation

Damn, it not enough points. Another time.

-Bonus points (100): You gain 100 bonus points
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
-Exchange: You can choose one entry (creature, modifier, ability…) from any Creature Category you possess and exchange it for another entry of the same cost.
If you choose to not use this effect you can reroll.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
-Multi-Boost: You can apply any Boost power you possess to two additional creatures for a total of three.
This includes Defense, Energy, Magic, Strength, and Speed Boost, plus Armored Creatures, Copy Summoner, Explosive Finish, Grant Movements, Grant Traits, Gigantification, Miniaturisation, Size Augmentation, and Size Reduction. This also applies to the following summoning power: Anchored, Contingent, Invisible, Maintain, Mindless, Pint-Sized Gigantification, Relay, Armor, Vehicle, and Weapon.
If you do not possess any such power you can reroll.
You can gain this power up to three times for a maximum of seven creatures affected by the same boost.
-Self Transformation: Instead of summoning a creature you can choose to transform yourself into the shape of that creature, it lasts one hour. You gain all the power and ability of that creature. This counts as summoning that creature for the day.
Once transformed you count as one of your creatures for all purposes, except for your Summoning Limit.
Lastly, when you apply to the transformation you can apply any viable Summoning Power to the target as if you were summoning the creature normally.


[] 0 Bonus points (100)
[] 0 Exchange

[] Reject Exchange > 300 Multi-Boost
[] Reject Exchange > 300 Self Transformation

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Sunday at 3 PM GMT
Chapter 198: Sub vote
[X] Power
Power Roll: (1200 points)
Entry Roll D33=15
1000 Dimensional Travel, 300 Multi-Boost, 700 Sustained Immortality

I'm not even sure why I'm bothering with this subvote. Tradition I guess?
Well, let's get to it.

-Dimensional Travel: Once per month, you can teleport into the original dimension of one of your creatures. You appear close to a member of the same species as the chosen creature. You can also teleport back to your original dimension with the same once-per-month limit.
-Multi-Boost: You can apply any Boost power you possess to two additional creatures for a total of three.
This includes Defense, Energy, Magic, Strength, and Speed Boost, plus Armored Creatures, Copy Summoner, Explosive Finish, Grant Movements, Grant Traits, Gigantification, Miniaturisation, Size Augmentation, and Size Reduction. This also applies to the following summoning powers: Anchored, Contingent, Invisible, Maintain, Mindless, Pint-Sized Gigantification, Relay, Armor, Vehicle, and Weapon.
If you do not possess any such power you can reroll.
You can gain this power up to three times for a maximum of seven creatures affected by the same boost.
-Sustained Immortality: As long as at least one summoned creature is present in the same dimension as you, you cannot die. However, this does not prevent you from receiving wounds or from pain, it simply prevents your death.
Should your body completely disintegrate, your soul destroyed, your mind obliterated, or any similar drastic damage, a random creature is dismissed and you reappear in its place.


[] 1000 Dimensional Travel
[] 300 Multi-Boost
[] 700 Sustained Immortality

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Monday at 3 PM GMT
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Chapter 199: Sub vote
[X] all of the above.
[X] Creature
Creature Roll: (440 points)
Category Roll D50=13 Star Wars/Mass Effect; Entry Roll D185=182
100 Space cow, 50 Spitbug, 100 Taurg
Category Roll D50=9 Super Mario/Zelda/Metroid; Entry Roll D410=79
100 Twirlip, 50 Twister, 100 Uproot

Not our greatest rolls.


Nothing at all for once.


[] 100 Space cow + MicroBonus
[] 50 Spitbug + MicroBonus
[] 100 Taurg + MicroBonus

[] 100 Twirlip + MicroBonus
[] 50 Twister + MicroBonus
[] 100 Uproot + MicroBonus

[] 100 Space cow + 100 Twirlip + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Space cow + 50 Twister + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Space cow + 100 Uproot + Micro Bonus*2

[] 50 Spitbug + 100 Twirlip + Micro Bonus*2
[] 50 Spitbug + 50 Twister + Micro Bonus*2
[] 50 Spitbug + 100 Uproot + Micro Bonus*2

[] 100 Taurg + 100 Twirlip + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Taurg + 50 Twister + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Taurg + 100 Uproot + Micro Bonus*2

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Friday at 3 PM GMT

@zagan It's been a bit, please remind me, we can't use Miniaturization to make something qualify for Swarm, right? And we can only use one Modifier? But I actually looked back at things, and now I have an idea I haven't seen anyone bring it up... If we use Fusion Summoning to combine Defensive Microbots and something else, does each of our other 39 summons comes along with a copy of whatever we fused it with?
In order:
-Yes, Miniaturization cannot be used to qualify a creature for Swarm.
-We can't use more than one (or two in some cases) Modifiers from the same Category. But we can have multiple Modifiers from different Categories.
-Fusion can be use we Defensive Microbot but only the original would be fused. The copy would be normal microbots.

So, like: 3x Summoning, Boost Synergy, Size Augmentation, Musical Instrument Theme, Half Dragon, Grant Trait (AT Field), Fused Protective Microbots/Koraidon. Since we can't use Miniaturization to get Swarm on something actually strong and we can only choose one Modifier instead of stacking Clockwork, Half Dragon, and Champion. But this gives three highly boosted Koraidons to each of our summons. Does it work?
No, it doesn't work. See above. But with a few tweaks, we could have a trio of boosted Legendaries, so that's nothing to scoff at.
Chapter 200: Sub vote
[X] Creature
Creature Roll: (680 points)
Category Roll D50=21 Modded Minecraft/Don't Starve; Entry Roll D228=212
100 Cave Spider, 100 Nurse Spider, 100 Sea Strider
Category Roll D50=8 Devil May Cry/Bayonetta; Entry Roll D96=73
200 Hideous, 400 Hydra, 500 Insidious

It's the first time we encounter the new rules about creatures with multiple variant. The resulting list of vote options is a bit long but I want to try. (Though if there were more than three variants I would have done a subvote.)

-Hideous: When you gain this creature you must choose which version, A, B, or C.
You can gain this entry multiple times, once per version, but if you would gain it an additional time you can instead choose to reroll.
In addition, if you have enough points you can gain any number of available variants by paying the cost of this entry multiple times.


[] 100 Cave Spider + Micro Bonus
[] 100 Nurse Spider + Micro Bonus
[] 100 Sea Strider + Micro Bonus

[] 200 Hideous A + Micro Bonus
[] 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus
[] 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus
[] 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus*2
[] 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*2
[] 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*2
[] 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*3
[] 400 Hydra
[] 500 Insidious

[] 100 Cave Spider + 200 Hideous A + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Cave Spider + 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Cave Spider + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Cave Spider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Cave Spider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Cave Spider + 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Cave Spider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*4 (Use Debt)
[] 100 Cave Spider + 400 Hydra + Micro Bonus
[] 100 Cave Spider + 500 Insidious + Micro Bonus

[] 100 Nurse Spider + 200 Hideous A + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*4 (Use Debt)
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 400 Hydra + Micro Bonus
[] 100 Nurse Spider + 500 Insidious + Micro Bonus

[] 100 Sea Strider + 200 Hideous A + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Sea Strider + 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Sea Strider + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*2
[] 100 Sea Strider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Sea Strider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Sea Strider + 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*3
[] 100 Sea Strider + 200 Hideous A + 200 Hideous B + 200 Hideous C + Micro Bonus*4 (Use Debt)
[] 100 Sea Strider + 400 Hydra + Micro Bonus
[] 100 Sea Strider + 500 Insidious + Micro Bonus

Voting will be closed Sunday at 3 PM GMT
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