Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

[X] grant the sects request but also appoint them as strewed of the lands around them. (Gain the five sects as a vassal faction. Improve the "lack of administers" problem but lower economic power)
[X] "teacher to student, there is a heavy bond in this relationship, a bond that passes through generations for what is a teacher student's but students to that teacher, teacher? Gain a connection to all of your students and their students and their students and so forth to the ninth generation, this connection allows you to ascertain their status at time (general level of health and general location) and may allow more with further experimentation.
[X] grant the sect's request. (gain the five sects as a vassal faction)
[X] "teaching is nothing but the conveying of concept to another person the pinnacle of teaching is to convey the most with the least amount of word's" your students are better able to comprehending your teachings, gaining a small bonus to their learning and allowing the teaching of advanced concept's without certain requirements.
[X] grant the sects request but also appoint them as strewed of the lands around them. (Gain the five sects as a vassal faction. Improve the "lack of administers" problem but lower economic power)
[X] "teacher to student, there is a heavy bond in this relationship, a bond that passes through generations for what is a teacher student's but students to that teacher, teacher? Gain a connection to all of your students and their students and their students and so forth to the ninth generation, this connection allows you to ascertain their status at time (general level of health and general location) and may allow more with further experimentation.
All right in the purpose of moving things along and keeping momentum I'm going to close the vote, the end of the turn is like 60% written but in the meantime I'm curious what do people think about the insights? And the effects they give.

Both those you had to chose form and those that were already in your character sheet.
Scheduled vote count started by uri on Apr 26, 2023 at 3:12 PM, finished with 18 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Primarily pay for it however allow for sponsorships, to help mitigate costs.
    [X] allow the teaching the local culture, reducing unrest.
    [X] "teaching is nothing but the conveying of concept to another person the pinnacle of teaching is to convey the most with the least amount of word's" your students are better able to comprehending your teachings, gaining a small bonus to their learning and allowing the teaching of advanced concept's without certain requirements.
    [X] grant the sect's request. (gain the five sects as a vassal faction)
    [X] grant the sects request but also appoint them as strewed of the lands around them. (Gain the five sects as a vassal faction. Improve the "lack of administers" problem but lower economic power)
    [X] "teacher to student, there is a heavy bond in this relationship, a bond that passes through generations for what is a teacher student's but students to that teacher, teacher? Gain a connection to all of your students and their students and their students and so forth to the ninth generation, this connection allows you to ascertain their status at time (general level of health and general location) and may allow more with further experimentation.
    [X] disallow the teaching of local culture making progress toward resolving the "cultural tensions" problem and slowly reduce the chance of it firing.
turn 2: end.
AN: As it has been some time you can check this threadmark for the description of the action done this turn. Now this end turn doesn't have any votes so the actual turn post should only take a day or two I do hope you'll enjoy and feel free to offer criticism or advice if you have any or just ask question's as I'm always open to them.

With that out of the way I've just got to say that your tribulation rolls were just fucked this turn. Oh also it'll take me a little bit of time to actually edit and update all of the informational (honestly I might just do it tomorrow) so they'll be a bit outdated but tall the information (or most of it) about the changes is already in this update so I don't think it'll matter much.

Another decade has passed and with it the apocalypse is ever closer.

With the help of your divination you estimate that the apocalypse will start anywhere between 11-26 decades (turns) from now.

As your information about the crises is almost nonexistent you cannot estimate how prepared you are for the coming crisis. But the being you saw in your visions does not spell good fortune.

You can only hope that the actions in the past decade have pushed you closer to survival.

The ongoing law reforms have finally reached its end, with both the people of the empire and (perhaps more importantly) the judges and rulers now aware of both their right duties and the things they are prohibited from. Lose modifier ongoing law reform and gain the book of law (excellent) modifier.

It also seems that your part in managing and heading this reform (more like creation) of law has increased your skill at managing large organizations (that and ruling an empire for the last two decades). your management skill has increased to high.

-[X] education for the masses.

Over the past decade's you have both constructed and requited teacher's for more than a dozen school's (by the end of the decade the number of schools opened stood at 47) where hundreds of young Keku learn many foundational subjects from writing and reading to multiplication to philosophy -although to a far lesser extent than the other subject's.

With the right for local culture to be included in the teaching – put in the book of law as part of the basic rights of all Keku- the school's have all been welcomed by the communities they were opened in -surprisingly most of the noble's also welcomed them- in fact your popularity with the common Keku (and your very public endorsement of the school's) seems to have created a great interest in many a parent to have their child's attend such schools.

So much interest that many so-called "private" schools were created to meet the demand adding another thousand or so to the number of young Keku attending a school.

Your biggest problem in the creation of the schools was actually in sourcing enough teachers to manage a 1:60 teacher to student ratio (and there are even some places that have fallen short of that) the situation is so bad that a significant portion of the teachers hired in the last year are Keku who been taught in similar schools who have since then graduated for your university (or the few other that exist).

In total around twenty-five thousand young keku are enrolled in a school with around seven thousand graduating from its three-year curriculum every year.

Many -but not all- of those who graduate then attend university normally with the empire sponsorship.

-the minor universal education system has been added to institutions slowly making progress toward the literate populace modifier and increasing the number of "educated" keku in the empire. It currently has no other bonuses and costs 9 (previously 10 but sponsorships defray some of the cost's) Effective economic power.

-[X] expanding the academy (diversity).

The creation of an education system, even as small as it currently is, has massively increased the number of Keku who could apply to the academy.

And with the massive funding the academy received the majority were accepted.

A large part has gone to learn the skills needed for an administrator.

But the vast majority has gone to study the many other subject's the university has now offered.

Over the last decade many a subject were picked to become a part of the classes the university offered. With the academy now offering classes for anything between medicine to poetry.

Over a scant few years many niche field's had their number of experts multiplied several times over.

The benefit of a place where the brightest minds can gather to learn and teach has been proven readily when only a scent few years into the opening of the medicine wing of the university it has published new and more effective medical practices to the treating of serious illnesses, some even unknown to you.

-the imperial university has been added to the notable institution section, it costs 1 effective economic power to mention and adds an advancement dice… which then promptly rolled a minor advancement.

- the problem "lack of administrators" has had its trajectory changed to stable and an estimate of 13 turns until it is solved.

-[X] Rebel hunting.

Following efforts from the last decade and your surging popularity with the masses many a rebel was brought to justice.

It's difficult to know how much rebels are still in operation as they can quite easily sink in the population around them -although many were reported to your agents- but you can quite safely say that progress has been made.

Unfortunately, enough strength remains to have made certain projects difficult. As much of the past decade has been spent by the rebels to burn fields and attempt to choke economic growth. Perhaps the only silver line is that such actions have sapped their support base and occupied them from trying to assassinate too many of your clerks and administrators -that and getting more bodyguards for important positions.

-rebels support reduced to medium-none and trending to very low. Rebel strength is now ???.

- rebels' actions have slowed down economic growth by as much as 40% as many new fields filled with both food and cash crops were burnt to the ground.

-[X] taming the land.

The process of taming new lands for cultivation (the normal kind) is a long and difficult project made all the worse by the constant interference of the rebels.

And it all started so well. But at last.

From the hundreds of new farms that should have been constructed this decade only a few dozen have been completed, not martialing the economic growth that was hoped for.

Thankfully, much of the work hasn't gone totally to waste and with the treasuries covering the losses of many of the new farmers who lost their crops the work was only delayed and with further effort not only should all the farms planned for this stage be open but even more would bring land under cultivation.

-thanks to rebel actions your base economic power has only grown by 6 (this includes natural growth not included in this action).

-fourtenalyy -and with spending the found from your nest egg- the effort has not gone to waste and it would only take minimal investment to make the progress the rebel has disrupted.

-[X] research bounties.

With the active help of the bureaucracy (and your personal attention) many charlatans were caught before claiming a bounty and wasting your money's worth.

Asid from the large number of snake oil sellmans that tried to claim a bounty, many of the bounties posted were claimed. Although there doesn't seem to be anything eye-catching, everything is useful in at least a small way.

-gain an advancement point.

-[X] An egg nest.

Much of the free coin in the treasury has been spent to cover the losses of new farmers to ensure they don't give up on their new land.

And from the reports you received, it seems to have achieved its purpose.

-see taming the land for results.

-[X] Competent ruling.

The last decade has been fairly quiet aside from rebel actions. The bureaucracy is running as smoothly as it can with its current clawpower shortage and there have been very little problems that have arisen.

Most of the focus has been on directing the various funds to the farmer and determining who actually meets the requirements and how much they need.

A lesser focus has been given to overseeing the research grant which has reduced the number of charlatans who managed to claim one.

-no problem in the last decade. Temporary administrative efficiency used this turn.

-[X] cultivators' actions.
--[X] Documenting places of power

The last decade has seen you students range far and wide in search of places of power.

In the process of this search, you re-established contact with some previous students of yours and have granted them their request. Gaining them as vassals.

The search itself has gone well about sixty-seven such centers have been identified and documented. Your agents now have places they can use to further advance their cultivation while they are out on a mission.

Unfortunately, little has been found about the place of power of a whole, your agents mostly focusing on finding them then surveying them thoroughly. But some patterns have emerged nonetheless.

Out of the sixty-seven centers of power sixty-five have been found next to large Keku habitation. It is not yet clear if the center of power was the reason for the inhibition or if the inhabitation is the reason for the center of power.

-sixty-seven centers of power have been identified and may now allow for agents in the field to continue their cultivation at their regular pace.

-contact with the five sects' faction has been established.

-[X] personal actions.
--[X] Push higher
---[X] A sixth pillar (1/2 AP to complete)

With the last piece in place your puller is erected in all of its glory. Supplying you with both strength and Qi.

You feel as if your words are better understood and explaining complicated concepts has become somewhat easier. You feel as if your words can now carry something more.

You do not know what but it bears looking into.

You feel as if your soul could support even more pillar's even, though you can already feel the bonds of this realm pushing you to ascend further.

-gain 6th pillar, the pillar of teaching and its insight.

--[X] Glimpse the future
---[X] Pin down the date

Throughout your long life and all the mysterious and wondrous things you have seen, none you've wondered about more than your ability to cast your vision to the future.

This gift is one you only found a minor use for in your life. It could at best predict something but a day away and even then, with very little details.

That is of course until it showed you the apocalypse to come, the point to which all roads lead, an event so grand so terrible that it sends shockwaves throughout time.

It is this vision that made you take up the crown.

And it is this vision that is insufficient if you wish to survive the coming end.

So here you are, months spent in isolation getting to the right mindset and setting the atmosphere for you to ride the waves of time and slowly find out when the end will come.

Slowly over the decade you've eliminated the roads that come and lead nowhere, timelines lost to the ceaseless march of time.

You have gained a better understanding of the future but you feel that without attaining greater mastery over your gift your only option to further narrow the precise time of the coming end would be to wait for more roads to be lost.

Even managing this much is a worthy achievement.

Were this any other event you wouldn't have been able to even attempt this -in fact it seems that the event casts all others in its shadows- wait…


Since when did the sea of time have shadows?

You look up.

And your heart freezes in absolute terror.

You cannot move, you cannot speak, you cannot think.

You can only look at the being whose mere size and weight is enough to warp the sea of time around itself and obscure the visions of the future.

And you can see it starting to wake.

Thankfully, before it can wake and squash you like the bug that you are an old friend intervenes.

The wind howls in your chamber, extinguishing the multitude of candles that you have lit and scatters dozens of parchments and scroll throughout

The sudden chaos breaking the hold the creature has on you and throwing your soul back to your body.

An hour passed before your heart returned to its regular beating.

Wh-what have you seen?

-your efforts to narrow down the timeline have given limited results but results nonetheless. (see the top of this post for said results).

-through your divination you have spotted ??? and only through the timely intervention of the wind (you know how one of the insights in your character sheet says the wind will aid your actions from time to time? that wasn't metaphorical the wind will
literally come to your aid, and this was probably the best place it could have triggered) did its alert level wasn't raised.

--[X] The burdens of an emperor
---[X] To rule well

The mechanisms of the empire are as time consuming as always but it seems that your personal attention wasn't needed this decade.

At least the experience seemed to have polished your skill at managing the empire.

-No issue which needed your personal attention has arisen this turn but the practice has contributed to your skill increasing.


Late in the decade the imperial university published several papers and new methods of medical practices. With their effectiveness confirmed and their safety deemed better, the current practices were soon adopted by the medical world (small as it is).

-gain minor notable advance "improved medical practices" which gives a 5% extra economic growth (in the form of population growth and prevention of death), reduces combat casualties and lowers the impact of disease outbreaks and their spread slightly. And an advancement point.

Unfortunately it seems that no other notable advancement has been made in the last decade but time marches ever forward.

- Gain an advancement point (you got 3 total this turn).

Cultivator reports.

Without concentrated effort only one hundred and sixty five new first step cultivators have been awakened -which was below expectations- . Training is undergoing and is promising even though no outstanding talents have been found.

In more concerning news, out of the one hundred and three first step cultivator's who've attempted tribulation only two succeeded.

And the one second step -an old student of yours- who's attempted to ascend has died in the attempt.

-a net of 62 new 1st step cultivators.

-a net of 1 new 2nd step cultivator.

Faction actions.

The five sects:
much of the past decade has been used by the five sects to both recruit new members and to determine their place in your empire. From report's they seem to have taught sixty new first step cultivators.
God damn. So, everyone on board with training our future sight skill on lower stakes, short term events so we're less likely to monumentally beef it like that? I am also somewhat torn about cultivation. On the one hand, it's common knowledge that a deeper foundation is not only beneficial to future strength but often a component of maximum potential, and getting a mystically significant number of pillars like 7 or 9 would be very cool. On the other, there's an apocalyptic threat coming and powerleveling might be required.
On the one hand, it's common knowledge that a deeper foundation is not only beneficial to future strength but often a component of maximum potential, and getting a mystically significant number of pillars like 7 or 9 would be very cool. On the other, there's an apocalyptic threat coming and powerleveling might be required.
You could also try to get a few more insights for the pillars you already have. As can be seen they are very useful to have and have lot of different effect that are very powerful in their own right.

As an upside they only cost a single action which is two actions less then the seventh pillar would cost.
You could also try to get a few more insights for the pillars you already have. As can be seen they are very useful to have and have lot of different effect that are very powerful in their own right.

As an upside they only cost a single action which is two actions less then the seventh pillar would cost.
Definitely something that could be useful. I think I definitely do want to get a Seventh Pillar though. While I think Teaching was the right move for our Sixth, I think codifying prophecy as one of the foundations of our cultivation will be important.

As an aside, I'm too sleepy to quote individual instances but you used 's for plurals several times, when that's mostly just for contractions and possessives.
but you used 's for plurals several times, when that's mostly just for contractions and possessives.
Probably, English is my second language and I mostly learned it through reading, speaking and hearing so sometimes the more precise rules escape my notice.

Ill give it another look tomorrow with fresh eye's as I'm too tired for more editing.

And while were on the topic of editing all the informationals have been updated.
If we're talking of further pillars, it may be beneficial to raise one of Earth so as to complete the classical elemental compass. If we're really going extra and shooting for 9 pillars, Life and Death might be beneficial as the last two to round out the broad 'we encompass the nature of the world' type stuff.
If we're talking of further pillars, it may be beneficial to raise one of Earth so as to complete the classical elemental compass. If we're really going extra and shooting for 9 pillars, Life and Death might be beneficial as the last two to round out the broad 'we encompass the nature of the world' type stuff.
We already have Life, so to get 9 we would need another one. Maybe something related to Ruling? Or a more martial focus? Though, I really doubt we will have enough time to reach 9 pillars anyways
If we're talking of further pillars, it may be beneficial to raise one of Earth so as to complete the classical elemental compass. If we're really going extra and shooting for 9 pillars, Life and Death might be beneficial as the last two to round out the broad 'we encompass the nature of the world' type stuff.
We already have Life, and I'm still advocating for Prophecy. Keep in mind that, assuming each pillar past the fifth costs one more AP than the previous, getting to nine would require 12 AP which really cuts into our estimated time of apocalypse.
If we're talking of further pillars, it may be beneficial to raise one of Earth so as to complete the classical elemental compass. If we're really going extra and shooting for 9 pillars, Life and Death might be beneficial as the last two to round out the broad 'we encompass the nature of the world' type stuff.

I hope we get flying cars. Also what's up dude! I didn't know you'd be here.
Turn 3.
Here we are, turn 3. Hope you've enjoyed and don't be afraid to ask questions as I welcome all of them.

"You've got to admit it is quite clever"

"Clever or not we must do something" Netik your -steward- proclaimed.

"Do? There isn't much we can do, offering more incentives to people and sending dedicated recruiters is the extent of it I suppose." You reply.

"That isn't enough, we're already barely managing the problem and they're making it all the worse, something must be done".

"Oh? And what would you have me do? They broke no law and the very protections I put on the common Keku bar me from commending them in this matter"

There is a slight pause before Netik -in a low voice- go's to speak once more "I think that the both of us know that you suffer the law at your pleasure, none would stop you should you issue an edict that requires a new administrator in serving the empire."

The small chambers where you are having this discussion fall into silence at Netik's quiet declaration, as you take the time to look at your steward once more.

By the standard of a non-cultivator he is old -just shy of seven decades- his feathers gleam and shine has already long faded. Oe was old before the rise of your empire and he is even older now.

But you can not help but think about how young he is. He has seen much in his life but he lacks a certain perspective. A perspective that can only be born from seeing the rise and fall of a new generation more than once, of seeing babes become old men and go to the great beyond only to see the same with their grandkids.

Of leaving so long that you've broken form the cycle of birth and death that afflicts the rest of the population, of knowing that a century from now you still be alive while everyone else would be dead.

A perspective only a cultivator can achieve.

But one that could be shared.

"True, were I to proclaim such none would dare defy me but in the process of doing so I would damage something that cannot be fixed. Throughout my long life I have seen many kingdoms and empire's fall, the one constant between them all? It was always preceded by Someone or someone's deciding they were above the law, that it didn't apply to them. I would only contemplate doing so if the alternative is existential, is it?" you ask, looking Netik in the eye.

"No, but it will hurt us" you're stewed returned your gaze briefly before deflecting "verywell, I'll take the necessary actions, with us knowing and countering their moves we can limited the damage they do considerably"

"Thank you" you say to the keku that is perheps the clossest to you after your daughter.

"Every time".

Noble "plot" revealed.

Competitive hiring-
the noble faction has decided to hire many of the newly graduated, clerks and administrators spending a good deal of wealth to compete with imperial offers. With you now knowing (not that there was a way to hide this) and taking the appropriate actions their effects are minimal. +3% economic growth +2 turns for "the lack of administrators" problem to fix itself.

(OCC: As a reminder maximum investment refers to putting the action the highest in the plan and minimal investment mean putting git the lowest. All of the folwing action will be taken your just prioritizing them.)

[] education for the masses.

The effort the past decade has been a good start but a start is al it is.

Direct more funding and clawpower towered building even more schools.

Expending into the countryside at this point is a fantasy but you might manage to have all the kids in the major cities to enroll in a school and have at least one if not two schools in all the other cities.

A maximum investment is probably ill advised as their just aren't enough teachers to push things at that speed and would most likely lead to some sort of incident from overworked teachers.

A minimal investment is likewise ill advised if you wish to actually make meaningful progress.

The prudent course of actions lie in between the two extreme, it dos lean to higher investment though.

[] more universities.

The imperial university is a wonder of science and learning, there is nay a subject that it doesn't teach. With thousands of students and hundreds of professors it's the leading institution in developing your technological capabilities.

but while a wonder it is it is but a single entity and there are limits to what it can achieve.

Correct this, divert funds to for the creation and expansion of new universities (and the few that already existed), those new universities would be far smaller each specializing in a few overlapping subjects, so that their attention could be focused.

A maximal investment would see many small universities created, dedicated to many different subjects. Although not all of them are perhaps necessary.

A minimal investment would still see a few universities built and staffed but only for the more important subjects (medicine, military theory, economics and the like).

[] research bounties.

In this world there are very few motivators stronger than money and wealth. And of those few none are as easy to direct as it.

And if there is anything the empire isn't lacking it is money.

So, use it.

The creation of bunties for useful inventions would spur people to create them at the chance of getting the prize.

Although the more you pay, the more charlatans would try to deceive you.

Investing as much as you can, would see you make great strides in technological advancements, how much exactly is difficult to estimate and you can be sure that at this level many would try to deceive your testers to get the prize.

Reduced investment would of course see less progress, with the minimum investment even having the chance of showing none.

But whatever money you spend will likely be spent more efficiently as the number of charlatans would lower.

[] Rebel hunting.

Whether by your claw or theirs the rebels have lost the support of the populace.

Week by week more reports of rebel cells and their hiding places have reached you're agent's given by the people that once might have hidden them.

Now is the time to finish it off. Destroy them once and for all.

A maximum investment would see many resources invested into rooting rebel cells branch and stem, with the support of the populace you will be able to dash them to irrelevance.

A minimal investment would still see many rebel cells brought down but give them time and room to change the situation hopeless as it is for them.

[] the arteries of trade.

The lifeblood of trade, roads.

The situation is at once dire at once perfectly fine if a bit worn down.

The truth is that every kingdom -petty or grand- that was absorbed into the empire had its own road system, stretching to their larger villages and in-between their towns. Sometimes they were connected with the systems of other kingdoms and sometimes not.

This leads to the fact that provincially most road systems are perfectly fine for their regular day to day use. Perhaps only needing some slight repair or updating but otherwise good enough.

An yet on the empire level the rad system is absolutely atrocious with very little roads actually connecting the different provinces together.

Considering that only the very old or very young cant fly reliably and so the roads are only used for the transportation of bulk goods and heavy items fixing this has been low on the priority list. Especially as much of the bureaucracy has been too occupied keeping the empire semi stable to carry out the large surveying work that would be needed to correct this.

But now that the empire is far more stable the time has come to let the river of trade flow.

No matter how much you invest much of this decade would be spent surveying and actually planning the work a difficult task which will involve many thousands of clawhours. You might still see some limited construction but you and you r advisors are in a agreement that you won't see much progress on the actual building part this decade. And that you should accept that its likely that will be the case in the next decade too.

But when finished you could expect a major trading boom (which you tax of course) initial numbers point to an expression of revenue of anywhere between a third to two thirdsof it's current state.

[] taming the land.

If you wish to truly succeed in staving off the end, you will need resources and a lot of them.

The easiest to acquire and -arguably- the most useful is food.

In your empire there are vast stretches of wilderness, it would take time and resources to tame them but the land is valuable for farming and extra food isn't the only thing you'll get as cotton and other money crops would do well to drive up your tax income.

And the only thing you need to do is pay and ensure enough Keku have the tools and expertise to settle and tend the land.

And with the progress made in the last decade you job will be far easier.

A maximum investment would see a vast amount of land coming under cultivation which would see a corresponding growth in tax income but isn't recommended for the toll it would take on your empire as thousands of working Keku leave the cities for the attractive opportunity you offer.

thankfully with the progress made the last decade even a minimal investment would see you make great strids but why not push for more?.

And as such you must strike a balance between investing so much that you may hurt the overall economy while trying to bolster it to investing so little that you make no real progress.

[] An egg nests.

A decade is a long time and many unexpected costs could rack up.

From simple delays and obstacles for projects to exciting opportunities to sudden crises.

Having an egg nest to draw resources from so you won't need to compromise in other more costly way's is a good idea.

And if it isn't used it's quite easy (if fairly inefficient) to assign it to struggling projects.

Maximum investment is unnecessary and would even be harmful as too much funds and influence are saved rather than spent to further your goals.

A minimal investment while not ideal isn't the worst thing (especially with all the other pressing concerns) but it would mean that should delays occur or opportunities arise your ability to capitalize or resolve them without compromising other concerns is minimal.

[] Sharpening the claw.

The end comes.

But you do not need to face it alone.

A grand army can be recruited form the population trained to hold the line and defend their homes to the last breath.

This is just thee seed that might one day grow into such might.

This is important work as the larger the initial army is the more efforts can be invested to improve it. and the longer its core will have to gather experience.

But considering how long before it is truly needed it might be better to invest in other things in order to grow and stabilize the situation.

At a maximum investment enough Keku will be recruited to not only organize large scale war games and experiment with but raise enough regiment's that represent a decent increase in overall strength. Which would help should anything happen.

At minimal investment the raised Keku will be nothing but a seed from which a larger army one day might grow.

The last decade saw both the fast expansion of the number of cultivators and also the expansion of their reasonability's (1 AP).

it is expected that around 231 new 1st step cultivators would be recruited and trained this decade (at current pace your expected to get another AP in 2 turns).

[] Recruiting-
if you wish to have a hope of survival the current number of disciples is pitiful, your disciples would focus on going out and training potential cultivators in order to find new talents and increase their number. With a crude but passable way to determine talent you can now weed out the untalented. Increasing the power and quality of your new disciples.

[] the connecting thread- out of the sixty-seven centers of power found, sixty-five are next to major habitations. Send out agents to scour all sixty-five centers of power thoroughly and find the thread connecting them all. After all knowledge is the first step towered control.

[] Hunting- the rebels who oppose you and nip at your talons are hidden in one of two ways. They are either hidden within the population or set up in places which are hard to reach and remote which make it hard to find them. your disciples are no better at finding the first then mortals but places that are inconvenient and remote for mortals are rarely that for cultivators. Sending a few to hunt and dispose of the rebels would greatly reduce their strength allowing your government to focus on other things.

[] Research (mutually exclusive with sharing wisdom)- those who sought you out and became your disciples were of a certain type of Keku, those who had curiosity in their hearts and a thirst for knowledge. They are now old Keku and have in their time acquired much experience and knowledge, put them to use with advancing the knowledge base of your empire either teaching their wisdom to others or creating some useful innovation. (OOC: this basically gives you an additional advancement dice)

[] Looking for enlightenment cultivation as a concept is relatively unknown, with all of your knowledge coming from either your or your older disciples' experiments. But your knowledge is lacking and there are many unknowns. Have your disciples try to invite new concepts that either help or push your knowledge of cultivation further. (OOC: you get a cultivation advancement dice which can give you many tasteful things)

[] Push forward- your disciples have their own cultivation to pursue and they will do so regardless but giving them more time to do so would allow them to make more progress)

[] Sharing wisdom (mutually exclusive with research)- those who sought you out and became your disciples were of a certain type of Keku, those who had curiosity in their hearts and a thirst for knowledge. They are now old Keku and have in their time acquired much experience and knowledge, having them share their wisdom and help with the burdens of administration would go a long way to help the empire run more smoothly for a time.

[] Wandering sages- in the good times, before you foresaw the apocalypse that is to come, the students who sought you out, were scholars at heart and although each had a different purpose for doing so almost all of them had a great thirst for knowledge. It was this knowledge that they passed down to their new students and it was this knowledge that could be used to speed up some of your plans. Sending your cultivators to roam the countryside and teach the populace would at the very least ensure a minimal level of education would be passed down outside major population centers and make the eventual excision of the proposed education system to the countryside easier.

[] The sharp edge of knowledge- after much deliberation and meditation, your older disciples have come to the conclusion that the relative lack of combat techniques is the largest factor in holding back their combat potential. Giving them leave to focus on developing an arsenal of techniques would ensure that they are ready to face whatever may come. Unfortunately, in this case your innate understanding is working against you as you skip whole parts when casting your own techniques making them unsuitable for your general students.

A long decade is awaiting you, there is much to do and not enough time to do it all (3 personal AP).

[] Push higher-
your power alone would not save you or your kind, but more power would certainly be useful, so push ahead on this path that you've created oh so long ago.

-[] Ascend- you can feel it, you've reached a point where you can once more reach higher. Push ahead, face the wrath of heaven once more and pray you're ready.

-[] Mediation on the self (may be taken more than once)- the wrath of heaven is powerful and cunning, it will strike at any weakness you show, take a time to know your falling and put your mind at peace to help with the tribulation you will face. (This action will give a big bonus if you take it on the turn, you attempt the tribulation otherwise it would give a small but stackable bonus).

-[] A seventh pillar (0/3 AP to complete)- your instincts tell you that you may still push further in your current step, so take the time to gather the Qi needed to construct a new pillar in your soul. Giving you a new and powerful tool.

-[] study (artifice)- a new path opens itself before you, travels down its length and attempts to pry whatever secrets it holds.

-[] comprehension- you can feel it, anytime you speak with another, anytime you teach, your new pillar reacts. it's attempting to tell you something, there is more to your insight then seems, follow your pillar whispers and who knows what you might find.

-[] Seek insight from the world (choose pillar)(may be taken more than once)- five pillars you've erected in your soul, but they are not just constructs of Qi in each of them there is a Truth of the world. Meditation can draw those truths out but to look within you must look without and seek the inspiration that would advance your understanding and give a new insight for one of your pillars.

[] Glimpse the future- you have a gift, a gift that no other has. It has set you on this path and you must both hone and use it, to see the end of this path. Cast your eyes into the future and the apocalypse to come and attempt to draw any piece of information that might give you an advantage.

-[] Pin down the date- currently you know that the apocalypse will start anywhere between a century to three from now, attempt to pin down when it would actually start so you may better prepare. Not available. Unlocks at turn 8.

-[] The nature of the beast-
you know almost nothing about what's to come besides an unending tide of beasts, attempt to understand the coming apocalypse.

-[] The tide- in your vision you saw many types of beast's, small and big, deformed and consisting of perfect form. Attempt to more correctly ascertain what it is that you'll be fighting.

-[] the maelstrom [extremely dangerous]- in your journey through the sea of time you have encountered a being that defies understanding. One way or the other this being is connected to the coming apocalypse, already without even knowing you desist it shrouds your sight of the future, your sight now returning with less and less details. So cast your gaze once more to the future and attempt to ascertain its nature and perhaps you'll find ways to avoid it. But beware as should you be caught death is the only mercy you can expect.

[] The burdens of an emperor- a farmer son of a farmer turned into a sage, you never thought, nor wanted the burden of rule but here you are with a crown upon your head.

-[] To rule well- taking the time to listen to your subordinates and subjects as well as taking care of the small problems that arise would free your subordinates from the need to do it.

(OOC: with the competent ruling action being removed from the empire action list -having achieved a good enough administrative efficiency that it doesn't need to be focused on- this action still helps with the rule of the empire and solving any problem that might crop up)

[] The burdens of a teacher- you have come to enjoy teaching, but the very act gives you a certain obligation to those you teach.

-[] To teach the next generations- you're going to need many more cultivators to face the end that comes, and you have taught many, do so again and help train the defenders of the future. Your new pillar making you even more suited to this task.

-[] The next step- you have many students pushing for the next step in their journey, take the time to share your wisdom and guide them in surviving the tribulation.

vote in plan format. the vote will be closed in two day's.

Plan format example:

[] plan name.
-[] empire action with highest priority.
-[] empire action with lower priority.
-[] empire action with lowest priority.
-[] cultivators actions.
-[] personal actions.
[X] Plan: Wind Insight and New pillar
-[x] taming the land.
-[x] the arteries of trade.
-[x] education for the masses.
-[x] Sharpening the claw.
-[x] more universities.
-[x] An egg nests.
-[x] Rebel hunting.
-[x] research bounties.
-[x] Looking for enlightenment
-[x] comprehension
-[x] Seek insight from the world (wind)
-[x] A seventh pillar (0/3 AP to complete)

Since noone voted yet here is a plan.
[X] Plan: Weeding and Cultivating
-[x] Empire
--[x] taming the land.
--[x] Rebel hunting.
--[x] education for the masses.
--[x] Sharpening the claw.
--[x] more universities.
--[x] An egg nests.
--[x] the arteries of trade.
--[x] research bounties.
-[x] Teachers
--[x] Looking for enlightenment
-[x] Personal
--[x] Push higher
---[x] comprehension
---[x] A seventh pillar (0/3 AP to complete)
--[x] The burdens of a teacher
---[x] The next step

This should have our food and rebel problems solved, and Arteries of Trade are time locked enough that lower investment shouldn't be too bad. I'd also like to help our students Tribulate.
Sorry I didn't participate before, I was in suspension when it came back.

[X] Plan: Weeding and Cultivating

I think this plan is best since it helps us help others the best, our ability to teach is our strongest ability in the long-term, this ability could make the difference between meeting the threat with five or a hundred core formations at our back, and unlike our other pillars, it works better the more time it has to act, currently we have prep time, this should help.

I somewhat doubt we can ascend to nascent soul in time, if we do, we will seriously be pushing it, probably just before, or maybe even after the threat started, but still I also agree with all the plans tendency to go for seven pillars, that's seem like the minimal level for not screwing up, and even if we get ourselves shoddy foundation by stopping at seven instead of going for nine or even ten (too big investment with what's to come around the corner, maybe he can eventually break our cultivation and go back to raising more if it becomes a problem, and just use students as our force in the meanwhile).

The advantages of both waiting and pushing early can not be overstated, pushing early mean potentially getting to nascent soul earlier, which could make the difference, waiting too long means wasting time which we could be using to push core forward and larger wait before nascent soul.
maybe he can eventually break our cultivation and go back to raising more if it becomes a problem
That is defiantly something that might be done, not goanna be easy or quick and I don't guarantee the effort would be worth the expanse but it can be done.

In general, when it comes to cultivation the answer to the question "can this be done" is almost always yes, the genius trait makes things that should otherwise be impossible merely extremely difficult, time consuming and costly.
Thinking about it, our best potential ways forward are ways to speed up cultivation, this means alchemy, dual cultivation, hopefully not demonic cultivation.

I am hopeful looking for enlightenment will result in the first two.

Looking at our skill, we got very high medicine and cooking, a fire pillar and a life pillar, all of those seem like they would be incredibly beneficial for alchemy.

I imagine core formation will take longer than pillar establishment, even if we go with the almost minimal requirement before ascension to nascent soul, so a way to speed it up is cultivation resources.
That is defiantly something that might be done, not goanna be easy or quick and I don't guarantee the effort would be worth the expanse but it can be done.

In general, when it comes to cultivation the answer to the question "can this be done" is almost always yes, the genius trait makes things that should otherwise be impossible merely extremely difficult, time consuming and costly.
Don't know if it will be worth it, but it might, considering we may need to make shoddy core too before ascending to nascent soul.
Thinking about it, our best potential ways forward are ways to speed up cultivation, this means alchemy, dual cultivation, hopefully not demonic cultivation.

I am hopeful looking for enlightenment will result in the first two.

Looking at our skill, we got very high medicine and cooking, a fire pillar and a life pillar, all of those seem like they would be incredibly beneficial for alchemy.

I imagine core formation will take longer than pillar establishment, even if we go with the almost minimal requirement before ascension to nascent soul, so a way to speed it up is cultivation resources.

Don't know if it will be worth it, but it might, considering we may need to make shoddy core too before ascending to nascent soul.
I don't know if two more stages then the requirement is shoddy.