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Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 14, 2023 at 8:26 PM, finished with 23 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] "...I know, Dawn. Thank you. ...if you do happen to find some ability to destroy curses without harming the thing or person cursed, tho, let me know."
    -[X] See how many bounces you can get a stone or such to bounce off the water's surface.
    [X] "No worries Dawn, you help me enough as is. I shouldn't have to ask you to do more. Besides, if anything, it sounds like I'm going to need a lot of your help for the coming days..."
    -[X] Practice Rock skipping. Something to let your mind wander.
    --[X] 'Is Dawn her own being, or part of myself? Did I have a child on my own?'
    --[X] 'Wish I had time to practice Magatsuhi somehow. It's a trump card I can't even use.'
642: Talking At The Pond
[X] Pat the Dawn.

"...It's okay, Dawn." You tell her calmly, "But thank you anyways." You pick up a small rock, looking it over, "...But if you do somehow get some ability to destroy curses without hurting anyone, you'd tell me, right?"

"I swear that you will be the first to know, Master Yumi Konishi." Dawn answers, "Why did you take interest in that stone?"

"I'm gonna throw it into the pond." You reveal, readying a throw.

"...Why?" Dawn asks, her hesitation in asking revealing her confusion.

"Dunno." You toss the rock.

(DEX ROLL: 5+4)

...No skips, dang. But at least it made a nice Kerplunk sound!

"Perhaps if you spin it in your hands, it will go further?" Dawn suggests.

"I... Don't think that's physically possible, but..." You pick up another rock...

(DEX ROLL: 16+4)

You toss it with a little bit more focus, and...

...Five skips! Just over half way! You smile slightly, the gravity of your current predicament temporarily lifted. You sigh as the weight of the world falls back into place in your mind.

"Master Yumi Konishi?" Dawn begins, clearly beating around the bush, "May I ask you a question?"

"Shoot." You look ahead, staring at nothing.

"When we battled the Red One, I noticed something odd. Why was he holding back?" Dawn finally asks, "Even his breathing was "reigned in". And his sword..."

[] ?????????????????????????????
Knowing Dawn, she'll probably take it personally if she can't at this point.

At which point we have Yumi console her that few enter situations completely prepared for what life throws at them, or even with the resources to become able to handle it -- that's what delegation and cooperation are for. :)

[X] "That was a friendly duel. Training, in a sense, and I guess social bonding kinda?"
-[X] Ask about Dante's sword, and how Dawn feels regarding it. Inspired? Concerned? Disturbed? Envious? Something else? It's okay to not know, of course.
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...I don't get the reference, but now I'm imagining Dawn and her scabbard dressed up in white with blue ribbons telling use to use Rapid Spin, and us responding, "Yu, Mi, Yumi miYU!" and hitting an enemy five-rounds-rapid.
[X] "…Because we would lose. We simply haven't grown enough yet to match Dante nor Vergil. Not with their powers and probably years of experience. I'm not new to fighting, but fighting with magic is still new to the both of us. Potential doesn't matter in the heat of the moment like that. We have a lot of growing to do before we can really match opponents like that."
-[X] "The world may be darkest before the Dawn, but the Sun will always rise eventually."

I'm sorry, I just really want to drop that 2nd line.
...I don't get the reference

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2vT0xYDdyoo

It's a reference to part 7 of Jojo. Steel Ball Run involves the main character, Johny Joestar, learning to use the mystical power of Spin while participating in a cross country race and fighting the president over pieces of a sacred corpse* spread across the country.

*heavily implied to be Jesus. Also the Joestar bloodline is implied to be decendants of Jesus



The Spin (回転, Kaiten, literally "rotation") is a supernatural phenomenon wielded by multiple key characters in Steel Ball Run and JoJolion . It is a state of perfect or near-perfect rotation which produces a unique form of energy that can be applied for a multitude of uses. The Spin may be...

Edit. Correct part
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[X] "That was a friendly duel. Training, in a sense, and I guess social bonding kinda?"
-[X] Ask about Dante's sword, and how Dawn feels regarding it. Inspired? Concerned? Disturbed? Envious? Something else? It's okay to not know, of course.
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[X] "That was a friendly duel. Training, in a sense, and I guess social bonding kinda?"
-[X] Ask about Dante's sword, and how Dawn feels regarding it. Inspired? Concerned? Disturbed? Envious? Something else? It's okay to not know, of course.
I'm Here: Redux
This entire city is trashed.

Seriously, you've gotta give credit where it's due! Egghead almost never comes close to this kind of chaos!

...While still meaning to, at least. After the Dark Gaia incident, you've made it pretty difficult for him to snag any of the Emeralds. Speaking of the Emeralds...

There's only one left. All the way up there, on that upsidedown clown.

That's flying.

And throwing buildings around without any effort.

Truly, just another day in the life of Sonic the Hedgehog.

You're pretty lucky you managed to convince Knuckles to take over search and rescue. If you're gonna do this, you're gonna need to focus fully on getting there. You uncross your arms, and start charting your course.

Then, you jump.



They sent children to fight this thing.

You've dug out three so far, and had to carry all of them to that empty hospital you and Sonic agreed to meet at. Now, you aren't as fast as that blue blur, but you can still double time people to safety. Plus, Sonic can't dig through the rubble like you can!

All of your time treasure hunting has left you with a keen eye, too. You can spot someone trapped under wreckage from--

Speaking of, right there! Another kid, dressed in purple, crawling along the road. Time to make an entrance!


You tried.

You failed.

You tried again.

You failed again.



Madoka is still alive, hopefully at the emergency shelter. But the more cynical part of you knows that she couldn't sit idly by as you and the others fought Walpurgisnacht.

It always comes to this. And you always come up short. But you can't afford to stop.

Even though you've disconnected your body from your Soul Gem, it somehow still aches. You're running out of options very quickly, but you barely have the strength to pull yourself away from that building that was tossed your way.

Everyone else is dead. You have to carry on...?

Your vision is blurry. You must've hit your head hard, but you don't believe your eyes.

"Ky...?" You try to call out to her, only for the red smudge to approach.

"You look like you're in rough shape, kid." A man's voice says, catching you off guard, "Here, let me--?"

"No!" You feebly attempt to shove him, "I need to...! Madoka...!!"

"Hey, if this "Madoka" person is in there..." You assume he gestures to Walpurgisnacht, "...Then I'll find 'em. But I need to get you out of the danger zone, okay?"

"...If she dies..." You huff, "...Then I'll...!"

"Save your energy! C'mon, let's get outta here." The red smudge picks you up, and rushes off.

You reach out your hand towards... Something.



You leap to another building, running up the side. Then, just before it collides with another, you hop to a flying piece of rubble.

You're almost touching this thing! Just a little more, and that Emerald is as good as yours!

Three jumps, and you've somehow clambered onto the giant... Whatever this is. The Emerald is in sight! You dash through the rain, and...

"Got it!" You can't help but grin. Now, it's time for a little payback!

All of the Chaos Emeralds circle you before Super Sonic is unleashed!


You stand on the edge of the battlefield, looking around for... Anyone.

But, as you stand in the cold rain, you don't see any signs of combat. That can only mean...

"Unfortunate." Kyubey states, "But such is the price for energy."

"They... They're all gone...!" Tears well up in your eyes, indistinguishable from the rain.

"And Mitakihara will follow, unless you make a Con--?"

There's a bright flash of light from above Walpurgisnacht. You have to shield your eyes, but you swear you can see a figure in the middle of the blinding glow.

Walpurgisnacht immediately turns all of its attention onto the figure shrouded in light.

You get the feeling things are going to get even more messy...
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Honestly, I kinda dislike having training being linked to holding back, even if it's right.

Dante was fucking around with us while we were trying to kill him lmao

Edit: I know, it's Dante so he's fine, but we did stab him where his heart should be.
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And now...!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 15, 2023 at 11:27 PM, finished with 16 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] "That was a friendly duel. Training, in a sense, and I guess social bonding kinda?"
    -[X] Ask about Dante's sword, and how Dawn feels regarding it. Inspired? Concerned? Disturbed? Envious? Something else? It's okay to not know, of course.
    [X] "…Because we would lose. We simply haven't grown enough yet to match Dante nor Vergil. Not with their powers and probably years of experience. I'm not new to fighting, but fighting with magic is still new to the both of us. Potential doesn't matter in the heat of the moment like that. We have a lot of growing to do before we can really match opponents like that."
    -[X] "The world may be darkest before the Dawn, but the Sun will always rise eventually."
643: About Dante...
[X] "He's not trying to kill us."

"He wasn't trying to hurt us, I think." You tell Dawn, crossing your legs, "It was just a friendly duel. In a sense, he was trying to train us. With a little social bonding mixed in...?" You aren't too sure of the last bit, but...

"...I see." Dawn verbally nods, "Judging by how heavily he was restricting himself, he must be quite a worthy opponent."

"Yeah." You take a deep breath, trying to focus, "Speaking of Dante, how do you feel about his sword?"

"In what way?"

"I dunno..." You click your tongue, "...Any kind of way, I guess. Inspired, maybe? Or concerned? Disturbed? Envious? Anything at all? If you can't put it into words, that's fine. You don't have to--"

"His blade felt like a natural extension of his body." Dawn accidentally interrupts, "Like an arm, or a leg. Like it was a part of him. Yet he adamantly refused to harm us. We have a long way to go if we hope to duel him at his fullest."

"That must be the demon or whatever in his sword." You comment, staring out over the pond, "I wonder how he got it in the--?"

"I did not sense a demon."

You stop for a moment. "What? But he said that he--?"

"And yet, I did not feel the presence of any demon when I clashed with his blade." Dawn tells you, "Perhaps he... Nevermind."

[] ???????????????????????????

Somewhere else, Dante sneezes.
[X] Finally get around to practicing with Magatsuhi...somehow.

We have free time, might as well.
Wait, do we have to maintain Dawn like with a normal sword?
We both know Dante was barely trying in that fight, considering his battles.

We were going nearly full blast, which we didn't cause Magatsuhi refuses to get trained.
He wasn't trying very hard yes. But he was trying to hit us with a deadly weapon. He probably fully expected Yumi to be able to regen from any hit he would land, leaving him to be free to hit harder than he would against a human.

Basically, he was treating it like a spar with someone more like Nero than a human.

Wait, do we have to maintain Dawn like with a normal sword?
Maybe not, but she may appreciate it.
Or he expected us to get out of the way. Like any sane person in front of a deadly weapon.
o_O He was trying to hit us. He may not have been trying hard, but he fully expected to land a hit. Just like Kazyua did. Just like Raido did.
Im pretty sure even Nero can twist us into a pretzel.
Thats where the more like and than a human come in! It's a sliding scale with those two as the extreems!
[X] Finally get around to practicing with Magatsuhi, but get Kazuya to "spot" for us and use the chance to finally talk to him about how he was bothered earlier.
-[X] Keep the usage brief, five seconds at a time and then release.
-[X] If Kazuya expresses concern that we're going down a path of seeking power for its own sake, admit that we've worried about that too... and the person we talked to about it is currently unconscious from a curse applied by HER OWN FATHER.
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