Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Personally I feel this vote is "Go risky in order to save more people" vs "Play it safe and but save less people" and I know which Renren I want
I say stand tall, stand bright.

I don't know if it's right, but I'm more just thinking about the aesthetic. This is the chance, before the entire Duchy and observers from pretty much the rest of the empire for CRX to rise and show herself as heiress.

She's shown that she can administer with leading the entire rest of the summit, now she shows she can lead in a fight. This is a marital society, currently fighting a war on two fronts. Much as I would wish it otherwise, showing form in this area is an absolute must.

Also, CRX won't be standing alone. She's going backed by the White Plumes, and she has Liming (full power 5th realm equivalent) if absolutely necessary. There is no risk of her dying or being grievously wounded here, I don't think. Her position offers her too many protections.

Also note that by drawing fire on herself she'll be able to limit the collateral damage suffered by everything else involved in the summit. Preemptively stopping attacks on the workers, infrastructure, and the Polars. This will become more and more relevant as this get worse. So far we've only seen the bleed through from the opening fight between the General and SWD. As they really get into it, as SWD gets cornered and more desperate, truly releasing hordes of nightmares, this is going to get a lot worse. Then there's the death throes, but there's no predicting what happens then. This threatens to overrun literally everything we've (physically) built which isn't directly and actively being protected; unless of course a great bright shiny light is drawing them all away.
Wait is that the issue here?
Is the website not meant to be used for the phone as much it is the computer?
Lol that makes so much sense.
Posting on phone right now and it's complicated. The forum has a feature where if you highlight text it "sees" what you have highlighted and gives you the option to add it to a list of quotes or reply directly to it. So if you highlight just the text you want to respond to (however that works for your phone) and select either option at the end of the highlight you don't have to worry about quoting the entire chapter.
Really glad to see all the counts working together and standing united. That has always been the weakness of the ES, so this is a great step forward. In the same vein, great work from Renxiang and GG on stopping the blame towards the Meng from growing too much.

I didn't expect we would get a choice on CRX's course of action. I wonder what options we would have gotten for Meng Dan, and what he is going to do now that he is in auto-mode.
What would have been CRX's default action if we had chosen Meng Dan?

Regarding the vote, I'm very torn right now.
I don't think it's something as simple as a high risk/high reward vs low risk/low reward vote. Both can have plenty of arguements as to why they are most sound tactical decision.
I think this vote will affect how she acts as a leader. Is she someone that stands above the rest, shining brillianty by herself and taking all the punishment onto herself to save others? Or is she someone that works with others to achieve the best result by collaborating together with her subordinates?

Again, I can see advantages and disadvantages for both sides.
But I think I'm leaning towards the earth option.

The theme of the entire update has been "The Emerald Seas finally stands together". So I think that basing her response in coordination represents best the kind of ruler she aims to be; rather that pulling away from others and acting on her own from high above.
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[X] …And Cai Renxiang rose into the sky, and let loose with her Mothers Light, her light. In this nightmares of stagnancy she could feel her opposite. They would come to snuff her out, in exclusion of all else, relieving the other parties involved at cost to herself.

now is not the time to cower or be conventional, its time to shine
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Her eyes scanned Ling Qi's still, somewhat scrawling handwriting, and she felt as if the world went still.

Her retainer was a madwoman.

"Lady Cai?" Gan Guangli questioned, not quite leaning over her in concern

"Gan Guangli, go, retrieve Sir Jia, I have messages to send to the other counts."

"What has distressed you so?" He asked.

"That girl is trying to die again," Cai Renxiang replied gruffly.

Let this not be the time that she succeeded.

One thing to take in consideration is that Ling Qi and her Shixiang are amongst those that option one will take pressure away from. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the MAIN beneficiaries, dramaticly reducing chances of injuries or death for our protagonist and her muse...
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It was impolitic to call a gathering of the counts at the home of one of them rather than neutral ground, but of the compounds which were not compromised, the Luo had the finest defenses against mental contamination.

Is it conspicuous that the Bao and Diao are not represented here among the counts?
Does this mean that they were also contaminated by Meng Delun?

[ ] …And Cai Renxiang rose into the sky, and let loose with her Mothers Light, her light. In this nightmares of stagnancy she could feel her opposite. They would come to snuff her out, in exclusion of all else, relieving the other parties involved at cost to herself.

[ ] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.

And now, a relatable tribulation!
Risk becoming your mother?

Or reject your mother's ways so thoroughly that you may never understand her the way you need to in order to overthrow her?

CRX is all of us.

The Jia were ever on edge about opportunities for contributions since their Patriarch had gone into seclusion. However it would be impolitic to say so.

Minor note: the "relying on defenses" choice could give the Jia a chance for the glory they crave?
There is a certain appeal to RenRen being the ticking hands of progress. I'm not an incrementalist but she isn't her mom, RenRen is a march not a charge
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Definitely leaning option 2. She's still going to be fighting, but we can't afford CRX getting fucked up as well as Ling Qi.
One thing to take in consideration is that Ling Qi and her Shixiang are amongst those that option one will take pressure away from. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the MAIN beneficiaries, dramaticly reducing chances of injuries or death for our protagonist and her muse...
Ling Qi and Sixiang are in the middle of the actual fight itself. Renxiang actions here will be irrelevant to how fucked up Qi is.
One thing to take in consideration is that Ling Qi and her Shixiang are amongst those that option one will take pressure away from. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the MAIN beneficiaries, dramaticly reducing chances of injuries or death for our protagonist and her muse...
All of the threats they are fighting are already outside of the Liminal. They aren't threatening Ling Qi and Six at this point.
The interlude is literally called Clockwork. Let Renxiang be the slow, cautious clock she is. She's not REVOLUTION, but the slow ticking hand of thoughtful, incremental Progress.

[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
Definitely leaning option 2. She's still going to be fighting, but we can't afford CRX getting fucked up as well as Ling Qi.

Ling Qi and Sixiang are in the middle of the actual fight itself. Renxiang actions here will be irrelevant to how fucked up Qi is.

All of the threats they are fighting are already outside of the Liminal. They aren't threatening Ling Qi and Six at this point.

I'd think that both fights in the liminal and existance are linked. As in, if the threat is deal with in the liminal is "dealt with" the threat in the real world will be greatly lessened and vice-versa. But I'll admit that's just my assumption.
I'm not sure I'm understanding the options right. Are we choosing between High Risk High Reward or Bold but uncoordinated and Cautious but well coordinated?

If CRX believes option 1 is the most efficacious and she continues to coordinate her forces well doing it, then I'd prefer option one even if the risk is higher. But if we're choosing between CRX goes it alone or CRX leads well then I'd choose option two.
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[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
[X] …And Cai Renxiang rose into the sky, and let loose with her Mothers Light, her light. In this nightmares of stagnancy she could feel her opposite. They would come to snuff her out, in exclusion of all else, relieving the other parties involved at cost to herself.
I'm not sure I'm understanding the options right. Are we choosing between High Risk High Reward or Bold but uncoordinated and Cautious but well coordinated?

If CRX believes option 1 is the most efficacious and she continues to coordinate her forces well doing it, then I'd prefer option one even if the risk is higher. But if we're choosing between CRX goes it alone or CRX leads well then I'd choose option two.

This was Yrs's reply earlier on the thread.

This is roughly it. Its voting whether Renxiang and her force goes full aggro draw to free up other players from nightmare clean up or retreats into the defenses and tries to keep things even with more conventional tactics

It should be noted that, according to Yrs, the evacuations are also mostly done so there's no short deadline that encourages aggro to save lives.

btw yrs, the evacuation of the workers is still ongoing right?

YrsillarToday at 00:14

Its mostly complete, just a handful of stragglers at this point
[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
Renxiang shouldn't be outshone by her retainer. As long as she has the skills to back it up, and she does, this is the perfect place for her to show up and secure herself as the heir to Shenhua. Remember there is a second child on the way and playing up her martial prowess will help Crx secure more legitimacy. The second option only makes sense if we think that CRX will get shot down too quickly and make a fool of herself.

[X] …And Cai Renxiang rose into the sky, and let loose with her Mothers Light, her light. In this nightmares of stagnancy she could feel her opposite. They would come to snuff her out, in exclusion of all else, relieving the other parties involved at cost to herself.
[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.