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OOC: Oh shit, what day is it in quest?
Looking back, WoQM, you established that the quest started on Tuesday, March 22nd with Homura transferring in three days early so that everything lined up with the initial meeting. It's been 8 days, so it's now Wednesday afternoon, March 30th, 2011, Yumi starts college in 17 days on the 16th. And huh, there was hope of Dad/Yumi visiting one or the other this weekend because of statements about him not having free time until the end of the month.

[X] "Uhh, is something going on? I thought Yumi would've picked you guys up herself?"
-[X] Why can't you ever read your book in your peace?
[Jk] Suddenly desire to buy an M1-Abrams to increase your feminine charm. You don't know why, but you're blaming Yumi.

[X] "Uhh, is something going on? I thought Yumi would've picked you guys up herself?"
-[X] Why can't you ever read your book in your peace?
I just realized I typo'd the fuck out of the Sub-vote.

It's supposed to be 'Why can't you just read your book in peace?' Lol

I hope Kohaku and Yuma don't have that kind of relationship lmao

Wkjgjsjfjdjfjdjd IN MY DEFENCE I have mixed up those two names(and every name in this fic there was a period recently where I was like 'who tf is Kazuya') an UNCOUNTABLE number of times binging this story
[X] "Uhh, is something going on? I thought Yumi would've picked you guys up herself?"
-[X] Why can't you ever read your book in peace?

I corrected the typo in the subvote, if that's okay...
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[X] "Uhh, is something going on? I thought Yumi would've picked you guys up herself?"
-[X] Why can't you ever read your book in peace?
[X] "Uhh, is something going on? I thought Yumi would've picked you guys up herself?"
-[X] Why can't you ever read your book in your peace?
If Kohaku had a permanent residence, it would be filled with plushies.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 25, 2023 at 11:06 PM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.
622: Kohaku Time
[X] "Where Yumi?"

You silently look at the two children who have been thrusted upon you. "Uh, is something going on?" You ask, unintentionally starting off slow, "I thought that Yumi would've picked you two up herself."

"Yuma thought so, too..." Yuma admits, slowly walking over to the TV. "...Can Yuma and Nagisa play Mario?"

"Huh?" You blink, "Yeah, just do it on an empty file, alright?"

Yuma nods, sitting down in front of the television. Nagisa hurriedly joins her. "I call Mario!" Nagisa cheers.

You sigh, shaking your head. You just have the most rotten luck when it comes to reading, don't you? Oh well, that's the price you pay. You put away The Heart Thief, and get up to...?

Yumi's demon, Virtue, enters the apartment, face unreadable. "Mistress Kohaku, I have noticed some stray demons in the area. I fear that they may be hunting for vulnerable humans to feed on. Would you like me to dispatch them?"

"I... What?" You approach, "Yumi's your master though! Shouldn't this kind of decision be her's to make?"

"She is currently asleep, I'm afraid." Virtue informs you, "I dare not wake her, lest she go into battle tired. I'm afraid that the decision falls to you."


[] What will Kohaku do...?
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[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."
[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."
-[X] And what would Yumi cause me fewer heartattacks if she did? "Inform Yumi of the situation, update her on where they are and that you're going to talk to them when that comes up. Don't provoke them, if they're not hunting or hurting anyone. If they prove hostile and you're overmatched, tactical retreat, call for backup, hide your trail."
--[X] And what would keep Yumi from having a heartattack over me? "...try not to get too far away from here during all that, I guess? The kids can protect themselves some, but..."
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[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."
-[X] And what would Yumi cause me fewer heartattacks if she did? "Inform Yumi of the situation, update her on where they are and that you're going to talk to them when that comes up. Don't provoke them, if they're not hunting or hurting anyone. If they prove hostile and you're overmatched, tactical retreat, call for backup, hide your trail."
--[X] And what would keep Yumi from having a heartattack over me? "...try not to get too far away from here during all that, I guess? The kids can protect themselves some, but..."
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[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."

I'm kinda iffy on letting this happen at all tbh cause I'm worried about Disciple scouts, but hopefully that's just my paranoia.
[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."
-[X] And what would Yumi cause me fewer heartattacks if she did? "Inform Yumi of the situation, update her on where they are and that you're going to talk to them when that comes up. Don't provoke them, if they're not hunting or hurting anyone. If they prove hostile and you're overmatched, tactical retreat, call for backup, hide your trail."
--[X] And what would keep Yumi from having a heartattack over me? "...try not to get too far away from here during all that, I guess? The kids can protect themselves some, but..."

Trying to not tread on toes on what Kohaku's actual combat capabilities are with that last line of implication, since we still have no idea. :p
[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."
-[X] And what would Yumi cause me fewer heartattacks if she did? "Inform Yumi of the situation, update her on where they are and that you're going to talk to them when that comes up. Don't provoke them, if they're not hunting or hurting anyone. If they prove hostile and you're overmatched, tactical retreat, call for backup, hide your trail."
--[X] And what would keep Yumi from having a heartattack over me? "...try not to get too far away from here during all that, I guess? The kids can protect themselves some, but..."
I thought the whole point was trying to resolve this without waking Yumi up.

Also, are we having the kids fight or not? They're getting stronger on their own, but outside of forced scenarios they are getting absolutely zero practical experience. Not to mention they probably easily outclass Kohaku in an actual fight cause magic.

Trying to not tread on toes on what Kohaku's actual combat capabilities are with that last line of implication, since we still have no idea.
Probably nothing worth writing home about anything above 'humanly average'.

She doesn't have magic, or she would have used it when she was getting chased around by a single guy with a knife, and Yumi was the one who did all of the fighting.
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[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."
-[X] And what would Yumi cause me fewer heartattacks if she did? "Inform Yumi of the situation, update her on where they are and that you're going to talk to them when that comes up. Don't provoke them, if they're not hunting or hurting anyone. If they prove hostile and you're overmatched, tactical retreat, call for backup, hide your trail."
--[X] And what would keep Yumi from having a heartattack over me? "...try not to get too far away from here during all that, I guess? The kids can protect themselves some, but..."
[X] What would Yumi do? "I guess, first talk to them and verify their intentions? I think Yumi's said something about some friendly demons in the area."
-[X] And what would Yumi cause me fewer heartattacks if she did? "Inform Yumi of the situation, update her on where they are and that you're going to talk to them when that comes up. Don't provoke them, if they're not hunting or hurting anyone. If they prove hostile and you're overmatched, tactical retreat, call for backup, hide your trail."
--[X] And what would keep Yumi from having a heartattack over me? "...try not to get too far away from here during all that, I guess? The kids can protect themselves some, but..."
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