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[X] [Dragon Rail] A Good Rail

CyberFemme realy great plan as usual,but if i can could i suggest som stuff added ?
-[] High Speed Rail Car Design: Cyber's

  • presenceof acomodation such as toilets (including a sink and a diaper changing table),a small water fountain,maybe a food distibuting machine every few cars,trashcans in every cars
  • the dragon arts of the wagons are democratically selected with a basic design of a red dragon on one side and a black on on the other if nothing else is selected,same go for the dragon art and the name of the locomotive
  • addition of various amenities intended to make life easier for people with reduced mobility/perception, deployable access ramp, textured/tactile path paving on the floors, handles, call for help button, Braille writing, corridors/ toilets/other wide, adapted and accessible, dedicated/adapted/retractable seats (to make room for the wheelchair) near the entrances
  • having works of art in the wagons where in capitalist countries there would be advertising
  • handholds both above head, attached to seating, and at the ends of the carriage for those who are standing or moving through the carriage while it is in motion. Maps of the rail route are in easy to see places in the carriage, with the average time between each stop on display
  • a car or half a car dedicated to carry al the users bikes(maybe the other half for dogs/pets that are not safe with people around?)
  • a cowcather in front of the locomotive
  • the seats, all arranged in the same direction or placed opposite each other with a table in the middle like in europe ?
    the second is much more pleasant.
  • maybe shock absorber in the seats ?
  • folding armrests.
--[] Urban Metro Car Design: Cyber's

  • the dragon (wyven?) arts of the wagons are democratically selected with a basic design of a green dragon (wyvern?) on one side and a white on on the other if nothing else is selecte,same go for the dragon (wyverns?) art and the name of the locomotive
  • addition of various amenities intended to make life easier for people with reduced mobility/perception, deployable access ramp, textured/tactile path paving on the floors, handles, call for help button, Braille writing, corridors/ toilets/other wide, adapted and accessible, dedicated/adapted/retractable seats (to make room for the wheelchair) near the entrances
  • having works of art in the wagons where in capitalist countries there would be advertising
  • handholds both above head, attached to seating, and at the ends of the carriage for those who are standing or moving through the carriage while it is in motion. Maps of the rail route are in easy to see places in the carriage, with the average time between each stop on display
  • a car or half a car dedicated to carry al the users bikes(maybe the other half for dogs/pets that are not safe with people around?)
-[] Utility Car Design: Cyber's

  • creation of a rail conversion system which adds flanged steel wheels for running on rails, thus allowing the creation of Road-rail vehicle

-[] HSR Railway Station Architecture: Cyber's

  • addition of various amenities intended to make life easier for people with reduced mobility/perception, Schmidt Peoplemover, access ramp, braille electronic display panels, textured path/tactile paving on the floors, elevator, handles, call button help, corridors/toilets/other wide, adapted and accessible,lots of seats dedicated parking space close to the entrances,etc
  • having waters fountains for humans and pets
  • undergrounds parkings
-[] Metro Station Architecture: Cyber's

  • addition of various amenities intended to make life easier for people with reduced mobility/perception, Schmidt Peoplemover, access ramp, braille electronic display panels, textured path/tactile paving on the floors, elevator, handles, call button help, corridors/toilets/other wide, adapted and accessible,lots of seats dedicated parking space close to the entrances,etc
  • having water fountains for humans and pets
  • underground parking

-[] Railway Station Artworks: Democratically Selected On Local Basis
  • there is a dragon statue in front of the main entrance to each station, the name, the size, the artistic style, the type of dragon, the material, the possible secondary use (the statue breath water it is a fountain, the statue is hollow and can be climbed it is a kid playground, the extended wing of the dragon casts a shadow it is a terrace, etc), etc are left to the vote of the local community
  • mayhbe having the same thing for metro station but with wyvern ?and drake for bus station, a blue drake on one side of the bus and a yelow on the other?

-[X] Misc Railway Stuff: Cyber's

thanks for your time
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Ok, major change to the urban transit part:

-[X] Urban Environment-Metro Integration: Cyber's
--[X] [Additional Action] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
---[X] LSEEH 2.0
--[X] [Additional Action] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-2 Reputation)
---[X] Urban Transport Vehicle Family*

*Based on Modular Skateboard Chassis: Bus, Cargo Lorry/Delivery Van, Taxi, etc.

Ok, let me explain.
Urban rail transport infrastructure is so intrinsically tied to the urban concept itself that if you do them separately you leave a LOT of optimization on the table.
In this case we could try to make a 15 minute city using 800m radius catchment areas centred on metro stations, but that would end up with a LOT of redundancy which means the system is costlier.
We could add roads for buses which will be more flexible and provide more frequent stops that can feed into a metro station, but that means having to deal with pedestrians and cars sharing the grade.
We could lift the trains up on viaducts or put theumnderground via cut and cover, but those are both, while the cheapest way of doing it, still very expensive compared to just running them at grade.

After thinking about this a bunch and talking with people, the best answer I've found is to put the roads and rails on the ground level, and then put the pedestrian streets above them on a podium that encircles the base of each city block. Podium construction is nothing new, we already use it for our LSEEHs I think - it;s a concrete foundation on top of which we put wood framed buildings. This just expends it out. In fact, the concept has been percolating in South East Asia for a very long time.
They're just difficult to do because they require a combination of willingness to put in expensive design and standardization work, making people follow said standards, and lacking backwards compatibility.
In our case we don't care about backwards compatibility since previous housing is pretty shit and we're tearing it all down, and we're willing to put in the effort to do the design work, and we have buy-in from both the populace and the Ouvry.

Here are some illustration of what I mean:

You can see the base plate that pedestrian areas are built on. Through in this case the density is much higher than what I'm envisioning.
We'd probably not go beyond 8 floors high in total.

Again, much higher density than what I'm proposing, but you get the idea.

(sigh) This is the problem with your source being a Singaporean. Urban planning always turns into high density cyberpunk with him.

Ours will be much closer to a Barcelonian Superblock:

Anyways, rail metro + electric buses with collocated terminals, and raised pedestrian streets with bike lanes. With utilities and logistics on the first floor (AC, heating, laundry, loading and unloading docks, storage), then the actual residential/commercial spaces on top of that utility plate.

edit: Sorry Carcer, I haven't had time today to integrate your suggestions yet. It's on my to-do list.
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1: do we provide details on the bus system at the same time as the metro and train system? (layout/decoration of buses and bus stations for example ?,i dont remember it was donne before)

2: are there animals on Guangchou that would justify the addition of a cowcatcher at the front of the trains?
1: do we provide details on the bus system at the same time as the metro and train system? (layout/decoration of buses and bus stations for example ?,i dont remember it was donne before)

2: are there animals on Guangchou that would justify the addition of a cowcatcher at the front of the trains?
1. You can, but I won't be throwing penalties at you if you do, and neither will I do rewards. This is train time, not bus time.
2. Six-Legged Floppa.
There are still a certain number of Asian animals that could justify a cowcatcher on our trains, there are some big cats, the tapyr, wild water buffalo, great apes, elephant, rhino, bears, gaur, Caprinae , deer, wild pig, etc.
Without mentioning possible species unique to Guangchou
QM, will the telephone/network infrastructure need to be extended like the electrical infrastructure?
What is its current condition?, public telephone box, telephones in bars and cafes, government building only, one telephone per building?
QM, will the telephone/network infrastructure need to be extended like the electrical infrastructure?
What is its current condition?, public telephone box, telephones in bars and cafes, government building only, one telephone per building?
In order:
Yes, lacking, one phone per LEESH and in individual government offices that require a connection (not every paperpusher, but someone in charge would).
  • Top and bottom levels only have an emergency ladder to go from one to the other - stairs are omitted to crew more space for passangers
I'm not sure it's a very good idea?, I mean the gain in space is small compared to the loss in ergonomics, maybe instead have a staircase every few cars and ladders for the rest?, or else the station platforms have a second floor and passengers go directly to the second floor of the train with their luggage via doors on the side of the second floor of the train, or am I misunderstanding?
I'm not sure it's a very good idea?, I mean the gain in space is small compared to the loss in ergonomics, maybe instead have a staircase every few cars and ladders for the rest?, or else the station platforms have a second floor and passengers go directly to the second floor of the train with their luggage via doors on the side of the second floor of the train, or am I misunderstanding?

Yes, were doing level boarding on each level via a two floor station.
Sorry for the confusion.
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Yes, were doing level boarding on each level vi a two fleer station.
Sorry for the confusion.
make more sense, we must just explicitly state that we do not recommend people with reduced mobility to use the second floor in the event of a crash (guys in a wheelchair/cast and emergency ladder are not a good mix), may be an inflatable/deployable slide on the second floor doors to facilitate evacuation too, like on planes?
don't worry about the confusion,it happen to everyone and in such a long post it's normal to have a few
thanks for your answer
[] [National Zoning] Welcome to the Grid


Land Appropriation
  • Land appropriation done by working backwards from a theoretical maximally inhabited Guangchou.
  • Construction on arable land restricted to the minimum necessary in order to ensure a sustainable food supply.
  • Gradations of agricultural and quality from prime high intensity agriculture zones, to agroforestry, silvopasture, industrial goods, etc.
  • Littoral ocean also partitioned according to transport requirements and potential for aquaculture development.
  • City growth accounted for in sizing transit corridors and utilities - focus on long term cost minimization.
  • Large transport corridors laid out to allow for future expansion of transport, energy grid, telecommunication, and pipeline links across the nation.
  • Housing planned to be gradually relocated to non-arable land, and preferably on lower risk areas less prone to natural disasters where possible.

City Planning

Rail Infrastructure
  • At the centre of a city is the HSR station, whose rail corridor bisects the city in half.
  • Along each side of the HSR corridor are freight tracks that feed the clean industry strip.
  • On one end of the city, in one of the heavy industry zones is the freight yard that manages freight train traffic in and out of the city.
  • Smallest unit of urban organization.
  • 100m by 100m my default, but can be wider and/or taller (up to 400m), or even oddly shaped depending on the wishes of the residents.
  • Local roads are for pedestrians and bicyclists, though there's enough space for a delivery truck or emergency vehicle to drive in and park.
  • Basic services like laundry, a corner store, etc.
  • The smallest indivisible unit of the city grid. It is a 400m by 400m square.
  • The roads that encircle it all have tram lines running down the , with a shop every 400m and passing loops at each corner of the superblock.
  • Bike shares of various sizes collocated with every tram stop.
  • More comprehensive services like a medical clinic, general store, etc.
  • A group of 16 superblocks.
  • At the centre of the megablock is a metro station.
  • The centre four superblocks are zoned for higher density mixed use, with more emphasis on commercial and light industrial spaces.
  • The outer 12 superblocks are zoned for lower (though still fairly high) density mixed use, with an emphasis on residential.
  • More expansive services like specialty stores, a general hospital, civic centre, etc.
Clean Industrial Strip
  • The least polluting industries (in terms of emissions of noise, pollution, etc.) can be located on either side of the HSR corridor the bisects the city, with connections to the freight yard.
  • This keeps commutes short because there's less distance to travel - especially with both a general reduction in number of hours worked that we're seeing due to automation, as well as the inclusion of expressed metro runs timed to synch up with shift changes.
  • Cheap to operate because logistics are all in a strip so you can use one or two rail lines to sec ice the length of the strip.
  • Overpasses connect the two halves of the city together, spanning the rail corridor.
  • Reduces the general seediness of the industrial zone by sprinkling commercial and residential space along the city-facing side and making it a pass through zone for the transit service.
  • Separated from residential by a thin greenbelt of recreational parks.
Heavy Industry Zone
  • More polluting industries are located on the edge of the city, radiating outward so they can expand as the city does.
  • Still on the same transit corridor as the clean industry strip, so it takes advantage of the name low cost logistics, through you need branch lines into the heart of the zone.
  • Longer distance means a worse commute for the people working there, so express transit service is important.
  • They get kind of seedy because everyone's inside, working.
  • Modular design makes them easier to expand and create specialized zones.
  • Lots of space for ease of integrating logistics (ie: can do dry ports).
  • Separated from residential by a thicker greenbelt of industrially useful greenery like bamboo, hemp, and rubber trees.
Rural Transit
  • Optimized for on demand point-to-point service, because it doesn't have the same peak hour concerns or density that an urban system does.
  • Dense town centres that put services close to one another, typically a superblock or two around a train station.
  • Because cars travel over rural roads at higher speeds, on one side of the road a curb separates the pedestrian/bike lane from the car lanes.
  • Bike paths with rights of way that cut through any large swatch of land that would otherwise require a long detour on the part of the cyclists.
  • Linear sprawl where sprawl is unavoidable, so it can be serviced by a single transit corridor.
  • For inter-town/village transit where no train station is available, clock-face pulse scheduled bus routes are implemented because they're better suited to for fixed low frequency service.
  • Rather than trams and metros, lower density rural towns standardize on electric buses with overhead centenaries (that way trams can be refitted in later as the town grows without much pain) to achieve economies of scale and keep operating costs low. These buses can also swap out the pantograph for a micro turbine and generator to turn into a hybrid electric bus for inter-city travel, to keep the transit fleet homogeneous.
  • To give you an idea: one megablock can fit ~50 000 people. So these towns are not going to be taking up much space.
[X] Plan I guess
-[X] [Dragon Rail] Train Car Design (Write-In)
Streamlined with oriental coloring
-[X] [Dragon Rail] Railway Station Architecture (Write-In)
Vaulted roofs, tiled floors with brick walls
-[X] [Dragon Rail] Railway Station Artworks (Write-In)
Sections of the stations walls are left clear for use by local artists on both the outside and inside, but other than that artwork consists of stuff like mosaics and ceiling artwork
-[X] [Dragon Rail] Unified Locomotives (Write-In One-Fits-All Design)
An electric engine connected to the grid by an overhead wire would allow the locomotive to make use of external power sources, allowing more room to be allocated for engines and amenities for the locomotive crew
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